Federal police grants and funding

Damaged Eagle

Behind blue eyes
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 28, 2015
I have hours, only lonely

You want to defund the police?


President Trump should cancel all police grants and funding from the federal government for all states and cities that have allowed this menagerie to continue.

While we're at it since the justice departments in these states and cities like to go after law abiding citizens as the "peaceful protesters" wreak devastation on them and their private property let's take away any federal funding that goes to the justice departments in those states and cities.

Want the federal funding and grants but then not do the things required for that money then what makes you think the money is going to be available?

I'm sure there's other federal funds that can be withheld also if some of ya' all want to help me out here.



While we're at it let's take all federal funding out of the educational systems of these states and cities that want to defund the police also.



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