Federal workers want everyone on Obamacare except… federal workers


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
posted at 5:31 pm on September 14, 2013 by Jazz Shaw @ Federal workers want everyone on Obamacare except? federal workers « Hot Air

From Merrill Matthews at Forbes:

Who knew that when President Obama promised, “If you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan. Period,” he was only referring to federal employees … and himself?

A new survey of 2,500 federal employees and retirees found that 92.3 percent believe federal workers should keep their current health insurance and not be forced into ObamaCare. Only 2.9 percent say they should become part of the new health insurance exchanges.

This Obumblercare stuff gets worse by the day. Will White House staffers be forced onto it? Congress is already getting out of it. Federal unions have managed to keep their members off it. Where does it stop?
posted at 5:31 pm on September 14, 2013 by Jazz Shaw @ Federal workers want everyone on Obamacare except? federal workers « Hot Air

From Merrill Matthews at Forbes:

Who knew that when President Obama promised, “If you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan. Period,” he was only referring to federal employees … and himself?

A new survey of 2,500 federal employees and retirees found that 92.3 percent believe federal workers should keep their current health insurance and not be forced into ObamaCare. Only 2.9 percent say they should become part of the new health insurance exchanges.

This Obumblercare stuff gets worse by the day. Will White House staffers be forced onto it? Congress is already getting out of it. Federal unions have managed to keep their members off it. Where does it stop?

so they don't seem to be any different then anyone else.....everyone i have talked to that HAS Ins doesn't seem to be to keen on this shit either....
so they don't seem to be any different then anyone else.....everyone i have talked to that HAS Ins doesn't seem to be to keen on this shit either....

Have you talked with anyone who doesn't have insurance about PPACA? What do they think about it?
Every other American is allowed to keep their healthcare.........why shouldn't Federal Workers?
Not many people want this...
The administration should have focused on the ones who needed help with insurance.
Instead they shoved it down all our throats.
Not many people want this...
The administration should have focused on the ones who needed help with insurance.
Instead they shoved it down all our throats.

Nothing is shoved down your throat....you can keep your existing healthcare
Yup, some of the government workers are as selfish as many on the far right.

Everybody is in, guys.
Yup, some of the government workers are as selfish as many on the far right.

Everybody is in, guys.

What a far left progressive reactionary comment you made, again... Jake.. Still can't deal with losing despite getting both McCain and Mitt back to back I guess.
Not many people want this...
The administration should have focused on the ones who needed help with insurance.
Instead they shoved it down all our throats.

Nothing is shoved down your throat....you can keep your existing healthcare

That's a lie.

People who have individual policies for catastrophic coverage can't keep them...they are being forced to buy much more expensive plans for services they neither need nor want.

People whose employers drop coverage can't keep them.

People who lose their jobs and can't afford enormous COBRA payments can't keep them.

ObamaCare is a Trojan Horse for Nationalized Single Payer health insurance. IT IS NOT HEALTH CARE. It does nothing to actually increase supply...but instead relies on severe price controls which will actually reduce supply. And even after spending DOUBLE THE ORIGINAL ESTIMATES, 31 Million people will remain uninsured, according to the CBO
so they don't seem to be any different then anyone else.....everyone i have talked to that HAS Ins doesn't seem to be to keen on this shit either....

Have you talked with anyone who doesn't have insurance about PPACA? What do they think about it?

im sure if someone doesnt have it and needs it.....they will welcome it....and those who cant get ins because of an existing condition im sure love that new law....were you cant be turned down....i feel that new law was a long time coming myself....
Not many people want this...
The administration should have focused on the ones who needed help with insurance.
Instead they shoved it down all our throats.

thats what i thought too.....and i dont think they would have had no where near the opposition they have now.....and it would be easier to implement .....
Everyone in he nation had a chance to join the Federal Employees health plan?....they turned it down

Now Republicans are saying Federal Employees can't have it either
I can keep my coverage
Got my letter on Thursday
Just wait.. this will suck(obviously is already failing)then comes the Single Payer
And you bed-wetting fascists will cheer!
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpAyan1fXCE]Obama on single payer health insurance - YouTube[/ame]
Maybe this fail that is the ACA was all part of the plan?
I'm all for single-payer. I'd be very happy if that were to happen.

The thing is, no one has been able to explain to me exactly how the ACA will lead to single-payer. The ACA is pretty much the opposite of single-payer.

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