FedEx,, Target, Wal-Mart, Kohl's, UPS, Amazon...

Companies are trying to run without labor or with very cheap labor.

And that includes the government.
Or they promised more than they could deliver. The difference is that you aren't forced to shop anywhere. And since when are government workers underpaid?

Forced? No one is being forced to use, try walking into your insurance agent's/broker's office, ta da, or if you're really, really turned on by using a website, I'm told is up and working.
Nor is anyone being forced to buy insurance. What do you paranoid rightwingers think will happen if you just simply choose to not to sign up for health insurance - black helicopters will land on your lawn and you'll be perp walked in front your children then thrown into a cold damp dungeon and tortured until you agree to buy Obamacare? Nope not even close...

1. Americans will be forced to buy health insurance.


The Internal Revenue Service is responsible for collecting this penalty from individuals who indicate on their annual tax filings that they have not purchased coverage. The agency can take the penalty out of a filer’s refund, but beyond that, its ability to recoup those dollars is extremely limited. The IRS cannot, for example, send agents to people’s homes or put liens on their houses. In the health-care law, Congress specifically curtailed the ability to enforce this penalty, giving the IRS fewer ways to collect it than there are for other tax fines.
The agency can take the penalty out of a filer’s refund, but beyond that, its ability to recoup those dollars is extremely limited. The IRS cannot, for example, send agents to people’s homes or put liens on their houses. In the health-care law, Congress specifically curtailed the ability to enforce this penalty
If you have assets they will figure out a way to get at them. Just because it isn't implimented yet doesn't mean they have no plns to. And the "law" becomes what they want, when they want. How many more examples do you need?
I think you are an absolute fool.

Everything worked fine for Amazon, Target, Walmart, and all others who deal with online sales. The problem was with FedEx and UPS, they were ill prepared for the last minute influx of shipments.

Your effort to prop-up the laughable healthcare website falls short, very short.

Think apples to cow patties...

Each of the companies I listed (I could have listed more/others) apologized to their customers for different/various reasons. Some of the screw-ups were related to UPS and FedEx delivery problems but-----but you're saying Target's electronic security problem was caused by UPS and FedEx, how so? and-----and please explain how Amazon, et al, could promise-----promise/guarantee a delivery date without first ensuring the delivery infrastructure was up to snuff?

I wasn't referring to Target's hacking issue, I read your post and came away the shipping problems that are currently in the news while at the same time somehow trying to link that debacle to the debacle.

The companies you mentioned will of course apologize to their customers, that's what you do. They will also be refunding money and making special offers. As for promising delivery dates, that's easy... FedEx and UPS tell them what they can promise. They tell the companies if they get the package to them by X they will deliver it by Y. FedEx and UPS were simply overwhelmed by a last minute surge as well as inclement weather. A surge, I might add, that was unexpected by both the shipping companies and the businesses, at least according to some news reports.

Now, to try to compare Target's hacking issue with the roll out of doesn't fly either. To the best of my knowledge, their website worked fine at launch and this security breach was a crime. Imagine, I would guess Target has very good security for their website and they were still hacked... From what I hear, the security for the government's healthcare site is questionable at best...

"To the best of my knowledge" -hahaha- "imagine", "guess", "hear" -poofuckinleeze- talk about rightwing delusion, that says it all huh?

Just within the last couple of months I saw/heard clip after clip after... of Hannity, O'Reilly, Limbaugh et al raking's security over the coals for something that is normal-----normal in the USofA that is. Unlike the rest of the world American retailers could give a rat's ass about their customers credit card and/or financial security.

How stupid do rightwingers have to be to "would guess" (guess? - rofl) that "Target has very good security for their website" and-----and that they "hear" that security "is questionable at best". Let me help you uneducated rightwingers out -- the internet is NOT secure. There ya go, you no longer have to "imagine", "best of my knowledge", "from what I hear", or "guess". Let me say it again so you can wrap your education hatin' minds around it -- the internet is NOT secure and-----and in America neither are your credit cards. Before posting a loosey goosey message that simply apes Faux News and other rightwing talking points, try educating yourself... start here Target credit card breach: Weak card security made store a good target |
Don't be ridiculous, none of these screw-ups are "just like" the others screw-up but-----but a common thread for these websites is, they weren't created by government workers?

I'm thinking these folks shouldn't have promised what they knew they couldn't deliver...? What do you think?

I think you are an absolute fool.

Everything worked fine for Amazon, Target, Walmart, and all others who deal with online sales. The problem was with FedEx and UPS, they were ill prepared for the last minute influx of shipments.

Your effort to prop-up the laughable healthcare website falls short, very short.

Think apples to cow patties...

It also didn't help that GLOBAL WARMING has caused half of the country to be buried in ICE AND SNOW, thus slowing down transportation.

Just sayin'.

We better wail for the Guberment to help...ONLY those elected idiots can fix these sort of things

Here we go
Blumenthal Calls on UPS to Issue Refunds For Delayed Packages
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Each of the companies I listed (I could have listed more/others) apologized to their customers for different/various reasons. Some of the screw-ups were related to UPS and FedEx delivery problems but-----but you're saying Target's electronic security problem was caused by UPS and FedEx, how so? and-----and please explain how Amazon, et al, could promise-----promise/guarantee a delivery date without first ensuring the delivery infrastructure was up to snuff?

I wasn't referring to Target's hacking issue, I read your post and came away the shipping problems that are currently in the news while at the same time somehow trying to link that debacle to the debacle.

The companies you mentioned will of course apologize to their customers, that's what you do. They will also be refunding money and making special offers. As for promising delivery dates, that's easy... FedEx and UPS tell them what they can promise. They tell the companies if they get the package to them by X they will deliver it by Y. FedEx and UPS were simply overwhelmed by a last minute surge as well as inclement weather. A surge, I might add, that was unexpected by both the shipping companies and the businesses, at least according to some news reports.

Now, to try to compare Target's hacking issue with the roll out of doesn't fly either. To the best of my knowledge, their website worked fine at launch and this security breach was a crime. Imagine, I would guess Target has very good security for their website and they were still hacked... From what I hear, the security for the government's healthcare site is questionable at best...

"To the best of my knowledge" -hahaha- "imagine", "guess", "hear" -poofuckinleeze- talk about rightwing delusion, that says it all huh?

Just within the last couple of months I saw/heard clip after clip after... of Hannity, O'Reilly, Limbaugh et al raking's security over the coals for something that is normal-----normal in the USofA that is. Unlike the rest of the world American retailers could give a rat's ass about their customers credit card and/or financial security.

How stupid do rightwingers have to be to "would guess" (guess? - rofl) that "Target has very good security for their website" and-----and that they "hear" that security "is questionable at best". Let me help you uneducated rightwingers out -- the internet is NOT secure. There ya go, you no longer have to "imagine", "best of my knowledge", "from what I hear", or "guess". Let me say it again so you can wrap your education hatin' minds around it -- the internet is NOT secure and-----and in America neither are your credit cards. Before posting a loosey goosey message that simply apes Faux News and other rightwing talking points, try educating yourself... start here Target credit card breach: Weak card security made store a good target |

for the love of all that is holy, STOP USING THE FONT CHANGES ALL OVER YOUR FUCKING POSTS. it makes it hard to read and impossible to figure out what to reference to when quoting.

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