Feds clear IRS, Lois Lerner of criminal behavior in tea party scandal


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
And you can be sure the GOP establishment supports this since they hate the Tea Party too.

Lois Lerner will not face charges in Department of Justice investigation - Washington Times

oct 23 2015 The IRS did mishandle tea party and conservative groups’ nonprofit applications, but their behavior didn’t break any laws, the Justice Department said in a letter to Congress Friday that cleared the tax agency and former senior executive Lois G. Lerner of any crimes.

“Ineffective management is not a crime,” Assistant Attorney General Peter J. Kadzik said in a letter to the House Ways and Means Committee. “The Department of Justice’s exhaustive probe revealed no evidence that would support a criminal prosecution. What occurred is disquieting and may necessitate corrective action — but it does not warrant criminal prosecution.”
And you can be sure the GOP establishment supports this since they hate the Tea Party too.

with good reason.

You guys destroyed her reputation and career over bullshit, not sure what else you all want.

The pond scum of the left REALLY are this stupid!

And you can be sure the GOP establishment supports this since they hate the Tea Party too.

with good reason.

You guys destroyed her reputation and career over bullshit, not sure what else you all want.

The pond scum of the left REALLY are this stupid!

But of course they don't care if they don't answer to we the people who pays their freaking salaries. they cheer them obstructing, lying, withholding information and just about every crooked thing they can get away with. and why? well this time it had something to do with their fellow countrymen and women from the Tea Party calling out and taking on this government agency about their abuse of power over us. and they cheered when the Tea Party lost and this government walked all over us AGAIN. That's some sad people, I don't care what political party you are.
this woman was an unelected bureaucrat and she was still allowed to not have to answer to us "we the people". and then because Obama didn't hold her responsible which should be the "color us shocked" she was cheered over it and got away with abusing the power of this government. now you see why this country is doomed

And you can be sure the GOP establishment supports this since they hate the Tea Party too.

Lois Lerner will not face charges in Department of Justice investigation - Washington Times

oct 23 2015 The IRS did mishandle tea party and conservative groups’ nonprofit applications, but their behavior didn’t break any laws, the Justice Department said in a letter to Congress Friday that cleared the tax agency and former senior executive Lois G. Lerner of any crimes.

“Ineffective management is not a crime,” Assistant Attorney General Peter J. Kadzik said in a letter to the House Ways and Means Committee. “The Department of Justice’s exhaustive probe revealed no evidence that would support a criminal prosecution. What occurred is disquieting and may necessitate corrective action — but it does noit warrant criminal prosecution.”
Since lie Lerner hasn't been charged, can the TEA Party sue her?
this woman was an unelected bureaucrat and she was still allowed to not have to answer to us "we the people". and then because Obama didn't hold her responsible which should be the "color us shocked" she was cheered over it and got away with abusing the power of this government. now you see why this country is doomed

Staph, the country was doomed when your side stole the 2000 election and then got us into a war based on a lie, and no one was held responsible.

That some Teabaggers didn't get a fraudulent tax exemption isn't a scandal.
Since lie Lerner hasn't been charged, can the TEA Party sue her?

Uh. NO. THere's no "right" to a tax exemption, and the IRS had complete discretion on whether they can be issued.

This is the mess Citizen's United Created, and now you are whining about it.
But of course they don't care if they don't answer to we the people who pays their freaking salaries. they cheer them obstructing, lying, withholding information and just about every crooked thing they can get away with. and why? well this time it had something to do with their fellow countrymen and women from the Tea Party calling out and taking on this government agency about their abuse of power over us. and they cheered when the Tea Party lost and this government walked all over us AGAIN. That's some sad people, I don't care what political party you are.

No, Staph, what's sad is that Citizen's United wiped away 40 years of sensible campaign finance reform that was supposed to keep guys like the Koch Brothers from buying undo influence by funneling dark money into elections with no accountability.

Not Lerner's people pointing it out.
this woman was an unelected bureaucrat and she was still allowed to not have to answer to us "we the people". and then because Obama didn't hold her responsible which should be the "color us shocked" she was cheered over it and got away with abusing the power of this government. now you see why this country is doomed

And the Liberals celebrate because they think they got one over on us. The day will come when there'll be a time for payback.
Since lie Lerner hasn't been charged, can the TEA Party sue her?

Uh. NO. THere's no "right" to a tax exemption, and the IRS had complete discretion on whether they can be issued.

This is the mess Citizen's United Created, and now you are whining about it.
CU has nothing to do with this. What Learner did was illegal. I hope somebody sues that ****.
this woman was an unelected bureaucrat and she was still allowed to not have to answer to us "we the people". and then because Obama didn't hold her responsible which should be the "color us shocked" she was cheered over it and got away with abusing the power of this government. now you see why this country is doomed

And the Liberals celebrate because they think they got one over on us. The day will come when there'll be a time for payback.

I know it. I'm like are you kidding. they are cheering a Government agency that can wipe any of us out with the stroke of a pen. by claiming we owe back taxes, etc. and they are sitting here cheering them. I said lets hope one day it's not them the IRS comes after. those are the type of people a Tyrant Government relies on.
And the Liberals celebrate because they think they got one over on us. The day will come when there'll be a time for payback.

Not really. Your party is dying a horrible death. Only a matter of time before you split up into a couple smaller parties the rest of us can safely ignore.

CU has nothing to do with this. What Learner did was illegal. I hope somebody sues that ****.

Well, no, you see, it wasn't illegal, that's the point. She was left with the responsibility of determining who was doing political activity (able to get a tax exemption, but had to disclose donors) and who was a social welfare agency (Able to get a tax exemption and not have to disclose donors.)

And she had to deal with thousands of fake astro-turf groups started by the Koch Brothers and other rich sugar daddies trying to game the system.

The real scandal is how we have guys like the Koch Brothers and George Soros (see, equal time) who can buy our politics.
this woman was an unelected bureaucrat and she was still allowed to not have to answer to us "we the people". and then because Obama didn't hold her responsible which should be the "color us shocked" she was cheered over it and got away with abusing the power of this government. now you see why this country is doomed

And the Liberals celebrate because they think they got one over on us. The day will come when there'll be a time for payback.

I know it. I'm like are you kidding. they are cheering a Government agency that can wipe any of us out with the stroke of a pen. by claiming we owe back taxes, etc. and they are sitting here cheering them. I said lets hope one day it's not them the IRS comes after. those are the type of people a Tyrant Government relies on.

That may because they are not effected because they pay no income taxes anyways.
And you can be sure the GOP establishment supports this since they hate the Tea Party too.

with good reason.

You guys destroyed her reputation and career over bullshit, not sure what else you all want.

The pond scum of the left REALLY are this stupid!

But of course they don't care if they don't answer to we the people who pays their freaking salaries. they cheer them obstructing, lying, withholding information and just about every crooked thing they can get away with. and why? well this time it had something to do with their fellow countrymen and women from the Tea Party calling out and taking on this government agency about their abuse of power over us. and they cheered when the Tea Party lost and this government walked all over us AGAIN. That's some sad people, I don't care what political party you are.

Just keep in mind that one day there will be a Republican President who will be able to use his pen, his telephone, executive orders, the EPA, the Justice Department, and even the IRS to strike back at what Obama and the Democrats have brought onto themselves. It will be payback time. Obama and the Democrats opened the door on a tyrannical government with no regard for the rule of law and the Constitution. They will reap what they have sown. Tenfold.
And you can be sure the GOP establishment supports this since they hate the Tea Party too.

Lois Lerner will not face charges in Department of Justice investigation - Washington Times

oct 23 2015 The IRS did mishandle tea party and conservative groups’ nonprofit applications, but their behavior didn’t break any laws, the Justice Department said in a letter to Congress Friday that cleared the tax agency and former senior executive Lois G. Lerner of any crimes.

“Ineffective management is not a crime,” Assistant Attorney General Peter J. Kadzik said in a letter to the House Ways and Means Committee. “The Department of Justice’s exhaustive probe revealed no evidence that would support a criminal prosecution. What occurred is disquieting and may necessitate corrective action — but it does not warrant criminal prosecution.”

Of course... as such is the nature of Relativism... which, as I've pointed out TIME and again... that due to it's rejection of objective truth, lacks the means to serve Justice.

But thank you for the validation, nonetheless.
Just keep in mind that one day there will be a Republican President who will be able to use his pen, his telephone, executive orders, the EPA, the Justice Department, and even the IRS to strike back at what Obama and the Democrats have brought onto themselves. It will be payback time. Obama and the Democrats opened the door on a tyrannical government with no regard for the rule of law and the Constitution. They will reap what they have sown. Tenfold.

Captain McDumbfuck, Bush opened that door when determined the government had the right to torture prisoners, eavesdrop on citizens, use signing statements to ignore Congress, etc.

Not giving some teabaggers a fraudulent tax exemption.. not so much.

"I had to actually FILL OUT REQUIRED PAPERWORK!!!! Tyranny! Tyranny!!!!"
Of course... as such is the nature of Relativism... which, as I've pointed out TIME and again... that due to it's rejection of objective truth, lacks the means to serve Justice.

But thank you for the validation, nonetheless.

Cheny and Bush KILLED people.

No Teabagger died because he couldn't get his fraudulent tax exemption.

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