Feds clear IRS, Lois Lerner of criminal behavior in tea party scandal

Just keep in mind that one day there will be a Republican President who will be able to use his pen, his telephone, executive orders, the EPA, the Justice Department, and even the IRS to strike back at what Obama and the Democrats have brought onto themselves. It will be payback time.

That's arguable. There are so many illegals now voting in america that democrats may control the WH for the next 500 years.
Just keep in mind that one day there will be a Republican President who will be able to use his pen, his telephone, executive orders, the EPA, the Justice Department, and even the IRS to strike back at what Obama and the Democrats have brought onto themselves. It will be payback time. Obama and the Democrats opened the door on a tyrannical government with no regard for the rule of law and the Constitution. They will reap what they have sown. Tenfold.

Captain McDumbfuck, Bush opened that door when determined the government had the right to torture prisoners, eavesdrop on citizens, use signing statements to ignore Congress, etc.

Not giving some teabaggers a fraudulent tax exemption.. not so much.

"I had to actually FILL OUT REQUIRED PAPERWORK!!!! Tyranny! Tyranny!!!!"

Scared? You should be. Payback's gonna be oh so sweet.

I am surprised that you were able to make it to H&R Block to have your taxes done though. Way to go.
Just keep in mind that one day there will be a Republican President who will be able to use his pen, his telephone, executive orders, the EPA, the Justice Department, and even the IRS to strike back at what Obama and the Democrats have brought onto themselves. It will be payback time.

That's arguable. There are so many illegals now voting in america that democrats may control the WH for the next 500 years.

The country will not survive for nearly that long with the Democrats running things. Some foreign government will simply walk in and take over. That may be happening now with these illegal aliens and Middle East refugees that cannot be vetted.
Scared? You should be. Payback's gonna be oh so sweet.

I am surprised that you were able to make it to H&R Block to have your taxes done though. Way to go.

guy, the country is never going to trust your side with the presidency again. Take a nice long look at Bush, he was the last GOP President we are ever going to see.

The country will not survive for nearly that long with the Democrats running things. Some foreign government will simply walk in and take over. That may be happening now with these illegal aliens and Middle East refugees that cannot be vetted.

I'm always amazed you guys hope the country burns when it doesn't listen to your brand of religous crazy.
And you can be sure the GOP establishment supports this since they hate the Tea Party too.

with good reason.

You guys destroyed her reputation and career over bullshit, not sure what else you all want.

The pond scum of the left REALLY are this stupid!

But of course they don't care if they don't answer to we the people who pays their freaking salaries. they cheer them obstructing, lying, withholding information and just about every crooked thing they can get away with. and why? well this time it had something to do with their fellow countrymen and women from the Tea Party calling out and taking on this government agency about their abuse of power over us. and they cheered when the Tea Party lost and this government walked all over us AGAIN. That's some sad people, I don't care what political party you are.

Just keep in mind that one day there will be a Republican President who will be able to use his pen, his telephone, executive orders, the EPA, the Justice Department, and even the IRS to strike back at what Obama and the Democrats have brought onto themselves. It will be payback time. Obama and the Democrats opened the door on a tyrannical government with no regard for the rule of law and the Constitution. They will reap what they have sown. Tenfold.
The problem is, a Republican president won't.
Scared? You should be. Payback's gonna be oh so sweet.

I am surprised that you were able to make it to H&R Block to have your taxes done though. Way to go.

guy, the country is never going to trust your side with the presidency again. Take a nice long look at Bush, he was the last GOP President we are ever going to see.

The country will not survive for nearly that long with the Democrats running things. Some foreign government will simply walk in and take over. That may be happening now with these illegal aliens and Middle East refugees that cannot be vetted.

I'm always amazed you guys hope the country burns when it doesn't listen to your brand of religous crazy.

Ever is an awfully long time. I hope you brought a lunch.
And you can be sure the GOP establishment supports this since they hate the Tea Party too.

with good reason.

You guys destroyed her reputation and career over bullshit, not sure what else you all want.

The pond scum of the left REALLY are this stupid!

But of course they don't care if they don't answer to we the people who pays their freaking salaries. they cheer them obstructing, lying, withholding information and just about every crooked thing they can get away with. and why? well this time it had something to do with their fellow countrymen and women from the Tea Party calling out and taking on this government agency about their abuse of power over us. and they cheered when the Tea Party lost and this government walked all over us AGAIN. That's some sad people, I don't care what political party you are.

Just keep in mind that one day there will be a Republican President who will be able to use his pen, his telephone, executive orders, the EPA, the Justice Department, and even the IRS to strike back at what Obama and the Democrats have brought onto themselves. It will be payback time. Obama and the Democrats opened the door on a tyrannical government with no regard for the rule of law and the Constitution. They will reap what they have sown. Tenfold.
The problem is, a Republican president won't.

It is a fact that Republicans possess more scruples, more respect for the rule of law and the Constitution than do Democrats. That is true.
This is what happens when you elect Relativists... you end up with a Banana Republic... or something more closely akin to Sharia Law.
Ever is an awfully long time. I hope you brought a lunch.

don't need one. The thing is, you nuts have offended women and minorities and gays appealing to the 30% of the population that are straight, White Christians, and you don't even have their vote locked up.

This is what happens when you elect Relativists... you end up with a Banana Republic... or something more closely akin to Sharia Law.

And if you elect absolutists, you get something like Hitler's Germany or Stalin's Russia.

I'll take relativists any day of the week. Because when you get right down to it... everything is relative.
Just keep in mind that one day there will be a Republican President who will be able to use his pen, his telephone, executive orders, the EPA, the Justice Department, and even the IRS to strike back at what Obama and the Democrats have brought onto themselves. It will be payback time. Obama and the Democrats opened the door on a tyrannical government with no regard for the rule of law and the Constitution. They will reap what they have sown. Tenfold.

Captain McDumbfuck, Bush opened that door when determined the government had the right to torture prisoners, eavesdrop on citizens, use signing statements to ignore Congress, etc.

Not giving some teabaggers a fraudulent tax exemption.. not so much.

"I had to actually FILL OUT REQUIRED PAPERWORK!!!! Tyranny! Tyranny!!!!"
NAACP and PP will be losing tax exempt status. Payback.
Ever is an awfully long time. I hope you brought a lunch.

don't need one. The thing is, you nuts have offended women and minorities and gays appealing to the 30% of the population that are straight, White Christians, and you don't even have their vote locked up.

This is what happens when you elect Relativists... you end up with a Banana Republic... or something more closely akin to Sharia Law.

And if you elect absolutists, you get something like Hitler's Germany or Stalin's Russia.

I'll take relativists any day of the week. Because when you get right down to it... everything is relative.
We hate women? Where do you suppose baby republicans come from?
NAACP and PP will be losing tax exempt status. Payback.

Well, not really, since they are established, and their tax exemptions are not the kind the Teabagger groups were trying to fraudulently get.

But nice try. Shows you are almost attempting a thought process.
NAACP and PP will be losing tax exempt status. Payback.

Well, not really, since they are established, and their tax exemptions are not the kind the Teabagger groups were trying to fraudulently get.

But nice try. Shows you are almost attempting a thought process.
It won't be difficult to prove NAACP and pp are arms the the Democrat Party and thus ineligible for tax exemption.
Feds clear IRS, Lois Lerner of criminal behavior in tea party scandal

WOW!! i am so surprised.....

This is absolutely nothing more than cementing government's right to muffle dissent!

This should be page 1 news on every periodical and leading bit on every News hour.

Big Brother is here in the form of Obama's DOJ.
this woman was an unelected bureaucrat and she was still allowed to not have to answer to us "we the people". and then because Obama didn't hold her responsible which should be the "color us shocked" she was cheered over it and got away with abusing the power of this government. now you see why this country is doomed

The Republicans before her hearing where she was to testify, came out on national news accusing her of a crime or crimes....

Before they even questioned her, so her lawyer, for this very reason, and for the very reason the fifth amendment was created, told her, to take the 5 th.

If republicans had not stuck their foot in their mouths with their loose lips, sink ships rhetoric, they could have had her testimony.
It won't be difficult to prove NAACP and pp are arms the the Democrat Party and thus ineligible for tax exemption.

Uh, actually, that isn't a disqualifier.

The issue was not whether political organizations could get tax exempt status. Of course they can and they do.

The issue was were groups with names like "Tea Party Patriots for Freedom on 9/12" were political groups (having to disclose their donors) or Social Welfare Agencies (can keep their lists confidential). The Teabaggers lied about what they were trying to do, which is what exposed them to scrutiny.

It's not a good idea to put "I'm going to commit Tax Fraud" in the title of your organization.
Feds clear IRS, Lois Lerner of criminal behavior in tea party scandal

WOW!! i am so surprised.....


The obvious problem with the assertion that Lois Lerner did something criminal.....is that using the standards conservatives are married to, the concept is unfalsifiable.

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