Feds in Portland Brutalize Navy Vet.

It is really very simple. There are government regimes that respect the freedoms outlined in the Bill of Rights, and those that do not. The rights that Trump is trampling right now include probable cause, freedom of assembly, and free speech.
Freedom of assembly requires peaceable assembly. Did you see my citation of the First Amendment?
Or are you just hoping no one noticed those details?
the gov'nor, nor the mayor invited them & they are using chemical irritants, which is in direct violation of oregon law. they have no permission to do that on state / local property that is not federal.

they are provoking & instigating & ramping up the heat beyond their 'jurisdiction'.

THAT is not constitutional. that is in violation of the 10th amendment.
Bullshit on so many levels. The idiot governor of Oregon and the slimy duplicitous mayor are the problem
and Trump doesn't have to be invited to protect federal property.

Point two, Portland cops use pepper spray all the time on the rare occasions they dispatch Antifa a-holes
which are the base of this mob trying to burn down the federal building.

The people protecting the federal building are there only to repel the mob trying to tear down the
federal court house. You can invert the English language if you like and call that "instigating"
and "provoking" but that's all leftist horseshit! It's classic Marxist tactics.
They are only there because Ted Wheeler is a duplicitous shit who backs the mob.
And who made him go to the riots....NOT PROTESTS.............he should have stayed home and he will be just fine........

Shore Patrol would smack you down while in the Navy...........OH WELL.............Portland escalated this........this is what they wanted......

Damn right! Who gave this vet the idea that the could exercise his constitutional right of free speech Trump's America?

Free speech in Portland.................the moron walked into a damned WAR ZONE...........He was probably a BM...........chipped paint in the Navy.........probably unbalanced his noggin..............

BLM rioters caused this............he went in there and approached RIOT CONTROL OFFICERS........He's a big as dummy and got his hand smacked............They were not coming there to play around.......


They were "riot control officers"? So, I guess they were wearing badges? Or did they tell him, "Badges? Badges? we don't need no stinkin" badges!"

But you are right. The Gestapo doesn't play around.

Did you just wet yourself?

Try to focus, BillieBob. The thread isn't about me.

It was a yes, wasn't it?

Your trolling license has just expired.

STFU mister nobody.
I say don't send federal law enforcement to any of these cities if the state and local leaders want to let mobs burn there city to the ground so be it. This also means no federal bailout money those who sat back and let it happen can pay for it themselves.

How about waiting until the state ASKS for federal intervention?

Federal property. If the State can't protect it then it falls to the Feds.

Go ahead and squirm

people are being grabbed, beaten & gassed OFF FEDERAL PROPERTY.

what's your excuse for that?

I doubt that is happening -
But if it is - GOOD.
the gov'nor, nor the mayor invited them & they are using chemical irritants, which is in direct violation of oregon law. they have no permission to do that on state / local property that is not federal.

they are provoking & instigating & ramping up the heat beyond their 'jurisdiction'.

THAT is not constitutional. that is in violation of the 10th amendment.
Bullshit on so many levels. The idiot governor of Oregon and the slimy duplicitous mayor are the problem
and Trump doesn't have to be invited to protect federal property.

Point two, Portland cops use pepper spray all the time on the rare occasions they dispatch Antifa a-holes
which are the base of this mob trying to burn down the federal building.

The people protecting the federal building are there only to repel the mob trying to tear down the
federal court house. You can invert the English language if you like and call that "instigating"
and "provoking" but that's all leftist horseshit! It's classic Marxist tactics.
They are only there because Ted Wheeler is a duplicitous shit who backs the mob.

there was a temporary ban on pepper spray use by the police - i thought it was law. anyhoo,

the rest of yer diatribe is drivel. people are being beaten & gassed not anywhere near that federal building in far too many instances.

feds have no authority off federal property unless given permission by the gov'nor per the 10th amendment.
I say don't send federal law enforcement to any of these cities if the state and local leaders want to let mobs burn there city to the ground so be it. This also means no federal bailout money those who sat back and let it happen can pay for it themselves.

How about waiting until the state ASKS for federal intervention?

Federal property. If the State can't protect it then it falls to the Feds.

Go ahead and squirm

people are being grabbed, beaten & gassed OFF FEDERAL PROPERTY.

what's your excuse for that?

I doubt that is happening -
But if it is - GOOD.

no doubt you do oh little fascist deplorable you.
there was a temporary ban on pepper spray u eby the police - i thought it was law.

the rest of yer diatribe is drivel. people are being beaten & gassed not anywhere federal building in far too may instances.

feds have no authority off federal property uness given permission by the gov'nor per the 10th amendment.
Just document all, or any, of those times feds have jumped people blocks away from the federal courthouse
and beat them up. You can do that, right?
there was a temporary ban on pepper spray u eby the police - i thought it was law.

the rest of yer diatribe is drivel. people are being beaten & gassed not anywhere federal building in far too may instances.

feds have no authority off federal property unless given permission by the gov'nor per the 10th amendment.
Just document all, or any, of those times feds have jumped people blocks away from the federal courthouse
and beat them up. You can do that, right?

the navy vet was on the street. the street is not federal property.

the kid with the boombox was ACROSS the street, again - not on federal property.

& the dude in the video that went viral where the little green men got outa their van - walked up to him, grabbed him & took him away - was on a sidewalk, next to a boarded up building with no protesting' crowds anywhere. NOT on federal property.

you didn't see any of them thar videos?
I say don't send federal law enforcement to any of these cities if the state and local leaders want to let mobs burn there city to the ground so be it. This also means no federal bailout money those who sat back and let it happen can pay for it themselves.

How about waiting until the state ASKS for federal intervention?

Federal property. If the State can't protect it then it falls to the Feds.

Go ahead and squirm

people are being grabbed, beaten & gassed OFF FEDERAL PROPERTY.

what's your excuse for that?

I doubt that is happening -
But if it is - GOOD.

no doubt you do oh little fascist deplorable you.
Commies have a rough go of it lately eh!
the navy vet was on the street. the street is not federal property.

the kid with the boombox was ACROSS the stree, again - not on federal property.

& the dude in the video that went viral where the little green men got outa van - walked up to him, grabbed him & took him away was on a sidewalk, next to a boarded up building with no protesting' crowds anywhere.

you didn't see any of them thar videos?
I simply disagree about the Navy vet. He plainly stated he was ordered to move along from the front of the
federal courthouse and wouldn't move an inch.
As for the kid with the boombox it seems like an error on the part of the feds and needs further study.
Having said that, I have no sympathy for anyone who goes downtown with the express purpose of destroying the Portland federal courthouse and comes away injured.
You reap what you sew.

As for your other claim, never seen it, never heard about it. Anything I say about it would be speculation.
the navy vet was on the street. the street is not federal property.

the kid with the boombox was ACROSS the stree, again - not on federal property.

& the dude in the video that went viral where the little green men got outa van - walked up to him, grabbed him & took him away was on a sidewalk, next to a boarded up building with no protesting' crowds anywhere.

you didn't see any of them thar videos?
I simply disagree about the Navy vet. He plainly stated he was ordered to move along from the front of the
federal courthouse and wouldn't move an inch.
As for the kid with the boombox it seems like an error on the part of the feds and needs further study.
Having said that, I have no sympathy for anyone who goes downtown with the express purpose of destroying the Portland federal courthouse and comes away injured.
You reap what you sew.

As for your other claim, never seen it, never heard about it. Anything I say about it would be speculation.

If you show up at a riot don't expect your flea market Navy sweatshirt to protect your stupid ass......when a law enforcement officer asks you to move back then move the fuck back.....

standing there, on public property, not stepping a foot onto federal property, not being provocative - was a local police matter to 'move along'. not the feds.
And who made him go to the riots....NOT PROTESTS.............he should have stayed home and he will be just fine........

Shore Patrol would smack you down while in the Navy...........OH WELL.............Portland escalated this........this is what they wanted......
What a bulshit avatar you have, you just condoned a Navy Vet, who was not aggressive or threatening, getting repeatedly clubbed and pepper sprayed by Trump’s Gestapo.
You are a absolutely pathetic subhuman being.
Navy vet ??
That means anything ?
That allows him to break state and federal laws ??
And who made him go to the riots....NOT PROTESTS.............he should have stayed home and he will be just fine........

Shore Patrol would smack you down while in the Navy...........OH WELL.............Portland escalated this........this is what they wanted......
What a bulshit avatar you have, you just condoned a Navy Vet, who was not aggressive or threatening, getting repeatedly clubbed and pepper sprayed by Trump’s Gestapo.
You are a absolutely pathetic subhuman being.
Navy vet ??
That means anything ?
That allows him to break state and federal laws ??

When that happens you be sure to let us know.
And who made him go to the riots....NOT PROTESTS.............he should have stayed home and he will be just fine........

Shore Patrol would smack you down while in the Navy...........OH WELL.............Portland escalated this........this is what they wanted......
What a bulshit avatar you have, you just condoned a Navy Vet, who was not aggressive or threatening, getting repeatedly clubbed and pepper sprayed by Trump’s Gestapo.
You are a absolutely pathetic subhuman being.
Navy vet ??
That means anything ?
That allows him to break state and federal laws ??
Hitler was a vet.

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