Feinstein Cited Her Long Friendship With Biden As a Reason Not to Believe His Allegedly Sexually Assaulted Aide Tara Reade

Alexandre Fedorovski

Gold Member
Dec 9, 2017
Tarra Reade has accused the former vice president of sexually assaulting her in 1993 while Biden was a U.S. senator representing Delaware and filed a report to the Washington police on the incident. has said Biden kissed, groped and digitally penetrated her during an unwanted sexual advance.

Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California stated:
“I’ve known Biden, he was the one that put me on the Judiciary Committee as the first woman back in, well 26 years ago and worked with him ever since on assault weapons and a lot of things,” she said, according to The Hill.

“Why didn’t she say something — you know when he was chairman of the Judiciary Committee or after that?” Feinstein said. "He was vice president,” Feinstein added.

And the question of why Tarra Read did not report the incident is generally the height of the democrats' moral baseness since she appealed to her leadership several times, for which she was dismissed ...

It seems that the Democrats have no more arguments left but "faith".

Questions to Mrs. Feinstein:
- Did she witnessed Biden’s inappropriate behavior at that time only "by consent" of the victim, whom he blackmailed???
worked with him ever since on assault weapons ;
- Were Biden’s genitals and fingers not considered an “assault weapon” at the time?

And I don’t believe that Biden was not a moral bastard at that time, but became a sexual rapist later.

And you???

“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
― John Adams


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Tarra Reade has accused the former vice president of sexually assaulting her in 1993 while Biden was a U.S. senator representing Delaware and filed a report to the Washington police on the incident. has said Biden kissed, groped and digitally penetrated her during an unwanted sexual advance.

Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California stated:
“I’ve known Biden, he was the one that put me on the Judiciary Committee as the first woman back in, well 26 years ago and worked with him ever since on assault weapons and a lot of things,” she said, according to The Hill.
View attachment 334111

“Why didn’t she say something — you know when he was chairman of the Judiciary Committee or after that?” Feinstein said. "He was vice president,” Feinstein added.

And the question of why Tarra Read did not report the incident is generally the height of the democrats' moral baseness since she appealed to her leadership several times, for which she was dismissed ...

It seems that the Democrats have no more arguments left but "faith".

Questions to Mrs. Feinstein:
- Did she witnessed Biden’s inappropriate behavior at that time only "by consent" of the victim, whom he blackmailed???
worked with him ever since on assault weapons ;
- Were Biden’s genitals and fingers not considered an “assault weapon” at the time?

And I don’t believe that Biden was not a moral bastard at that time, but became a sexual rapist later.

And you???

“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
― John Adams

Translation: She let him touch her
wasnt it fiensteen that handed that infamous note during the Kavanaugh hearings? hmm? u know, she could of handed it over one day one!
Tarra Reade has accused the former vice president of sexually assaulting her in 1993 while Biden was a U.S. senator representing Delaware and filed a report to the Washington police on the incident. has said Biden kissed, groped and digitally penetrated her during an unwanted sexual advance.

Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California stated:
“I’ve known Biden, he was the one that put me on the Judiciary Committee as the first woman back in, well 26 years ago and worked with him ever since on assault weapons and a lot of things,” she said, according to The Hill.
View attachment 334111

“Why didn’t she say something — you know when he was chairman of the Judiciary Committee or after that?” Feinstein said. "He was vice president,” Feinstein added.

And the question of why Tarra Read did not report the incident is generally the height of the democrats' moral baseness since she appealed to her leadership several times, for which she was dismissed ...

It seems that the Democrats have no more arguments left but "faith".

Questions to Mrs. Feinstein:
- Did she witnessed Biden’s inappropriate behavior at that time only "by consent" of the victim, whom he blackmailed???
worked with him ever since on assault weapons ;
- Were Biden’s genitals and fingers not considered an “assault weapon” at the time?

And I don’t believe that Biden was not a moral bastard at that time, but became a sexual rapist later.

And you???

“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
― John Adams
She didn't cite it as a reason.
Thumbs down for lying.
Tarra Reade has accused the former vice president of sexually assaulting her in 1993 while Biden was a U.S. senator representing Delaware and filed a report to the Washington police on the incident. has said Biden kissed, groped and digitally penetrated her during an unwanted sexual advance.

Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California stated:
“I’ve known Biden, he was the one that put me on the Judiciary Committee as the first woman back in, well 26 years ago and worked with him ever since on assault weapons and a lot of things,” she said, according to The Hill.
View attachment 334111

“Why didn’t she say something — you know when he was chairman of the Judiciary Committee or after that?” Feinstein said. "He was vice president,” Feinstein added.

And the question of why Tarra Read did not report the incident is generally the height of the democrats' moral baseness since she appealed to her leadership several times, for which she was dismissed ...

It seems that the Democrats have no more arguments left but "faith".

Questions to Mrs. Feinstein:
- Did she witnessed Biden’s inappropriate behavior at that time only "by consent" of the victim, whom he blackmailed???
worked with him ever since on assault weapons ;
- Were Biden’s genitals and fingers not considered an “assault weapon” at the time?

And I don’t believe that Biden was not a moral bastard at that time, but became a sexual rapist later.

And you???

“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
― John Adams

Translation: She let him touch her

But it was purely out of party solidarity, or her gratitude to Biden has no time limits.
wasnt it fiensteen that handed that infamous note during the Kavanaugh hearings? hmm? u know, she could of handed it over one day one!

Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California, who was one of the harshest critics of then-Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh when he was accused of improper sexual conduct in 2018, said Tara Reade’s accusations against presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden are entirely different, according to The Hill
She has a right to make the claim if she believe it but she needs to say more and address the inconsistencies found in her story. IF more woman were to come forward with such allegation that he tried to force himself on them, would be bad for him. Being touchy in public well maybe that is the way that he is with people. Still I would agree that he should reign it in as he is a public official

The things that go against her is her statement that he penetrated her with his fingers in the hallway.
Well was she wearing panties and I assume she wasn't wearing a short shirt in the early 90's. Still that is bizarre behavior in an open hallway where anybody can come along. It would make more sense to call her to his office or something.

There is also a story that she admits that she was abused as a child. This could mean that she has some emotional problem with men and trust issues.

Still he was around 50 at that time and she was probably in her 20's.

Here ex husband had to get a restraining order against her during their divorce. Which is highly unusual for men to do in a divorce proceedings, indicating that he was afraid of something. Probably not unheard of but it does make you wonder what is going on there.

there probably is a story there somewhere but there needs to be more proof that it happen as she remembers or maybe something less than that had happen.

Still being abuse as a child would scar anybody and depending on how they handle it as y;ears go by is tough.

She says that she filed a complaint but no complaint has been found. Still why did she not say anything with Biden was running for VP.

these are just inconsistencies that need to be address. Still the article just states that she believed Biden. Just like all the republican that voted for Trump, Kavanaugh , and Clarence Thomas believe him. At least she has a history of knowing him.

Well bottom line is if Kavanaugh and Clarence can become chief justice, and Trump who has had at least 22 woman accuse him and he became president. There needs to be more.
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two thoughts strike my befuddled mind
1) "digitally penetrated..." ok---in what part of
her did he stick his finger?
2) He did not do anything untoward to Dianne---
ok---does she think that she was SOO CUTE as to
render her IRRESISTABLE to all?
"I know he didn't kill Mr. X; I've known him for his entire life and he never killed ME!"

Leftist logic.
Did Irosie91 really ask that question?

He stuck his finger up her P*ssy...

He should have just grabbed it. I understand that if you are rich and famous women will let you do that.
She has a right to make the claim if she believe it but she needs to say more and address the inconsistencies found in her story. IF more woman were to come forward with such allegation that he tried to force himself on them, would be bad for him. Being touchy in public well maybe that is the way that he is with people. Still I would agree that he should reign it in as he is a public official

The things that go against her is her statement that he penetrated her with his fingers in the hallway.
Well was she wearing panties and I assume she wasn't wearing a short shirt in the early 90's. Still that is bizarre behavior in an open hallway where anybody can come along. It would make more sense to call her to his office or something.

There is also a story that she admits that she was abused as a child. This could mean that she has some emotional problem with men and trust issues.

Still he was around 50 at that time and she was probably in her 20's.

Here ex husband had to get a restraining order against her during their divorce. Which is highly unusual for men to do in a divorce proceedings, indicating that he was afraid of something. Probably not unheard of but it does make you wonder what is going on there.

there probably is a story there somewhere but there needs to be more proof that it happen as she remembers or maybe something less than that had happen.

Still being abuse as a child would scar anybody and depending on how they handle it as y;ears go by is tough.

She says that she filed a complaint but no complaint has been found. Still why did she not say anything with Biden was running for VP.

these are just inconsistencies that need to be address. Still the article just states that she believed Biden. Just like all the republican that voted for Trump, Kavanaugh , and Clarence Thomas believe him. At least she has a history of knowing him.

Well bottom line is if Kavanaugh and Clarence can become chief justice, and Trump who has had at least 22 woman accuse him and he became president. There needs to be more.

Thank you for such a detailed comment. Finally, someone read my call not to be limited to one line and not to label people!

I also support the author’s thought about the need for a thorough investigation of all circumstances, which should include a lie detector of BOTH sides.

I have no doubt about Biden's perversity. This is manifested both in his person and in his deeds in China and Ukraine. Moreover, the fact of corruption was confirmed by Biden by himself when he removed his son from the Board of Directors of the campaigns of the foreign countries.

Officials in Kiev are ready to testify against Biden, as I learned from my reliable sources in Kiev, IF they are guaranteed personal security.

But the fact is that even if there is not enough direct evidence, the verdict is always adopted on the basis of a combination of indirect ones. We have enough photographic materials that expose Biden in PUBLIC disrespect for the inviolability of the body as such, whether of a woman, a man, a girl or a boy. Biden's polysexual and multi-age preferences are not an excuse for deviating from the stated norms of public morality.


And there is the very "smoking gun" ... All Biden’s public behavior bears the undisguised depravity and a leaning to depraved actions, whether in the field of eroticism or state execution of affairs.

Biden Left Dumbfounded for 15 Disastrously Awkward Seconds, Unable To Answer Tara Reade Question



Well, participation in a conspiracy to create legal grounds for an attack on Iraq does not even require an investigation. Everything is documented in the video.


Has America fallen so low that it’s ready to elect at least the state criminal who sent thousands to Arlington and tens of thousands of our fellow citizens to wheelchairs ???
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