Feinstein Employed a Chicom Spy for Two Decades

She is not the only one. Folks should take a serious look at the Clinton Dynasty and the Bush Dynasty and their dirty dealings.

Both parties and our corporations have been selling our tech and secrets, and the very soul of this nation to China since the 60's.

The Baby Boomers are retiring off of selling out this nation.

Gen X, the Millennials, and every generation after were screwed by the Boomers and the older generations selfishness and shortsightedness.

That whole Lewinsky scandal was just a corporate smokescreen for China-gate, as both parties were in that shit deep. It started with the first Bush administration.
She is not the only one. Folks should take a serious look at the Clinton Dynasty and the Bush Dynasty and their dirty dealings.

Both parties and our corporations have been selling our tech and secrets, and the very soul of this nation to China since the 60's.

The Baby Boomers are retiring off of selling out this nation.

Gen X, the Millennials, and every generation after were screwed by the Boomers and the older generations selfishness and shortsightedness.

That whole Lewinsky scandal was just a corporate smokescreen for China-gate, as both parties were in that shit deep. It started with the first Bush administration.

Right as rain....couldn't have said it better myself.
She is not the only one. Folks should take a serious look at the Clinton Dynasty and the Bush Dynasty and their dirty dealings.

Both parties and our corporations have been selling our tech and secrets, and the very soul of this nation to China since the 60's.

The Baby Boomers are retiring off of selling out this nation.

Gen X, the Millennials, and every generation after were screwed by the Boomers and the older generations selfishness and shortsightedness.

That whole Lewinsky scandal was just a corporate smokescreen for China-gate, as both parties were in that shit deep. It started with the first Bush administration.

Please show us your site and link proving your allegation that China-gate began with former President Bush (41).
She is not the only one. Folks should take a serious look at the Clinton Dynasty and the Bush Dynasty and their dirty dealings.

Both parties and our corporations have been selling our tech and secrets, and the very soul of this nation to China since the 60's.

The Baby Boomers are retiring off of selling out this nation.

Gen X, the Millennials, and every generation after were screwed by the Boomers and the older generations selfishness and shortsightedness.

That whole Lewinsky scandal was just a corporate smokescreen for China-gate, as both parties were in that shit deep. It started with the first Bush administration.

Please show us your site and link proving your allegation that China-gate began with former President Bush (41).

You don't think the Chinese got all their nifty reliable space tech all on their own do you? :abgg2q.jpg:

"But how much do we really know?

It's a fact Loral Space and Communications hired the Chinese to launch one of their satellites two years ago because Chinese rocket launches are relatively cheap. Technically, that is an export of a U.S. satellite to China.

But Loral says the Chinese never got their hands on the satellite itself. And Pentagon officials confirm sensitive technology was encased in a metal "black box" and watched over from factory to launch pad by Department of Defense employees.

There has been bipartisan support for such launches. President Ronald Reagan first initiated the policy 10 years ago. And President George Bush approved nine while Clinton has approved 11, according to the Congressional Research Service.

But concerns have heated up. To launch satellites, China used "Long March" boosters, the same ones they use for intercontinental nuclear missiles, some said to be aimed at U.S. cities.

They weren't very good. The one carrying Loral's satellite blew up 30 seconds after launch on Feb. 15, 1996, costing Loral's insurance companies about $200 million.

Afterward Loral admits it gave the Chinese a written report about the cause of the rocket failure, without official clearance. A Pentagon office concluded in a still-secret report that "United States national security has been harmed," according to government officials. And Loral confirms it is now under investigation by a federal grand jury as a result.

And one House International Relations Committee source, speaking to CNN on background, said the committee plans to focus its investigation on this cooperation.. . ."

Clinton Defends China Satellite Waiver - May 22, 1998
She is not the only one. Folks should take a serious look at the Clinton Dynasty and the Bush Dynasty and their dirty dealings.

Both parties and our corporations have been selling our tech and secrets, and the very soul of this nation to China since the 60's.

The Baby Boomers are retiring off of selling out this nation.

Gen X, the Millennials, and every generation after were screwed by the Boomers and the older generations selfishness and shortsightedness.

That whole Lewinsky scandal was just a corporate smokescreen for China-gate, as both parties were in that shit deep. It started with the first Bush administration.

Please show us your site and link proving your allegation that China-gate began with former President Bush (41).

You don't think the Chinese got all their nifty reliable space tech all on their own do you? :abgg2q.jpg:

"But how much do we really know?

It's a fact Loral Space and Communications hired the Chinese to launch one of their satellites two years ago because Chinese rocket launches are relatively cheap. Technically, that is an export of a U.S. satellite to China.

But Loral says the Chinese never got their hands on the satellite itself. And Pentagon officials confirm sensitive technology was encased in a metal "black box" and watched over from factory to launch pad by Department of Defense employees.

There has been bipartisan support for such launches. President Ronald Reagan first initiated the policy 10 years ago. And President George Bush approved nine while Clinton has approved 11, according to the Congressional Research Service.

But concerns have heated up. To launch satellites, China used "Long March" boosters, the same ones they use for intercontinental nuclear missiles, some said to be aimed at U.S. cities.

They weren't very good. The one carrying Loral's satellite blew up 30 seconds after launch on Feb. 15, 1996, costing Loral's insurance companies about $200 million.

Afterward Loral admits it gave the Chinese a written report about the cause of the rocket failure, without official clearance. A Pentagon office concluded in a still-secret report that "United States national security has been harmed," according to government officials. And Loral confirms it is now under investigation by a federal grand jury as a result.

And one House International Relations Committee source, speaking to CNN on background, said the committee plans to focus its investigation on this cooperation.. . ."

Clinton Defends China Satellite Waiver - May 22, 1998

As your source says, China could not hit the Pacific Ocean with their rockets and guidance systems when President Clinton was in office and accepting illegal money from the Chinese.

Former President Bill Clinton, through his machinations, made it legal and convenient for China to buy our rocket guidance and rocket motors. They have now used our technology to kill dead satellites in space.
She is not the only one. Folks should take a serious look at the Clinton Dynasty and the Bush Dynasty and their dirty dealings.

Both parties and our corporations have been selling our tech and secrets, and the very soul of this nation to China since the 60's.

The Baby Boomers are retiring off of selling out this nation.

Gen X, the Millennials, and every generation after were screwed by the Boomers and the older generations selfishness and shortsightedness.

That whole Lewinsky scandal was just a corporate smokescreen for China-gate, as both parties were in that shit deep. It started with the first Bush administration.

Please show us your site and link proving your allegation that China-gate began with former President Bush (41).

You don't think the Chinese got all their nifty reliable space tech all on their own do you? :abgg2q.jpg:

"But how much do we really know?

It's a fact Loral Space and Communications hired the Chinese to launch one of their satellites two years ago because Chinese rocket launches are relatively cheap. Technically, that is an export of a U.S. satellite to China.

But Loral says the Chinese never got their hands on the satellite itself. And Pentagon officials confirm sensitive technology was encased in a metal "black box" and watched over from factory to launch pad by Department of Defense employees.

There has been bipartisan support for such launches. President Ronald Reagan first initiated the policy 10 years ago. And President George Bush approved nine while Clinton has approved 11, according to the Congressional Research Service.

But concerns have heated up. To launch satellites, China used "Long March" boosters, the same ones they use for intercontinental nuclear missiles, some said to be aimed at U.S. cities.

They weren't very good. The one carrying Loral's satellite blew up 30 seconds after launch on Feb. 15, 1996, costing Loral's insurance companies about $200 million.

Afterward Loral admits it gave the Chinese a written report about the cause of the rocket failure, without official clearance. A Pentagon office concluded in a still-secret report that "United States national security has been harmed," according to government officials. And Loral confirms it is now under investigation by a federal grand jury as a result.

And one House International Relations Committee source, speaking to CNN on background, said the committee plans to focus its investigation on this cooperation.. . ."

Clinton Defends China Satellite Waiver - May 22, 1998

As your source says, China could not hit the Pacific Ocean with their rockets and guidance systems when President Clinton was in office and accepting illegal money from the Chinese.

Former President Bill Clinton, through his machinations, made it legal and convenient for China to buy our rocket guidance and rocket motors. They have now used our technology to kill dead satellites in space.

My source said it was already a TEN YEAR OLD POLICY.

"There was absolutely nothing done to transfer any technology inappropriately to the Chinese as a result of this decision," Clinton said. "I believe it was in the national interest and I can assure you it was handled in the routine course of business, consistent with the 10-year-old policy."
She and her hubby were best buds with the ChiComm President. She used her position to award Chinese companies US contracts, making millions. Harboring the spy, espionage do 20, also, makes her a traitor as well.

Democrats just lookded for 2 years for evidence of illegal collusion, espionage, & treason?

They have Feinstein dead-to-rights & refuse to investigate / indict....
The Clintons committed treason by selling China missile secrets. I have read lobbyists saying they are not surprised that the politicians would sell out America, the surprise is they do it so cheap.

Clinton Approves Technology Transfer to China

The Clinton Administration notified Congress today that it had approved the export of technology to China to permit the launching of a communications satellite aboard a Chinese rocket next month.

President Clinton said in a letter to Congress that the transfer would not harm national security or significantly improve China's military capability in space. The President was required under a 1998 law to certify that all such technology exports are in the national interest.

The certification was the first such notice to Congress under the law, which was passed in the aftermath of a Congressional uproar last year over the transfer of sensitive missile technology to China.

Mr. Clinton's notification also follows by less than a week the release of a report by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, which concluded that lax monitoring of the launching of American-made satellites aboard Chinese rockets had enhanced the accuracy of China's ballistic missile arsenal.

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