FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

lets see.... you have a picture of SMOKE and you have a statement from a reporter rushing to get story published immediately after 9/11 that got one detail wrong.

YOU GOT NOTHING!!! :cuckoo:













"For a combination of historical, cultural and economic reasons, tall, concrete-core buildings dedicated to office use are unusual in New York, where builders prefer the wallboard-enclosed cores with steel frames that Mr. Robertson pioneered in the trade center."
New York Timeshere

"Engineers are still debating whether the Twin Towers' unique structure should be credited for surviving the initial crashes, or blamed for collapsing in the subsequent fires, or both. But the point is that it was unique, utilizing closely spaced columns connected to a steel core by relatively lightweight floor trusses. "
Newsweek. Newsweek.com

"Each of the towers, more than 200 ft. wide on each side, contained a central steel core surrounded by open office space. Eighteen-inch steel tubes ran vertically along the outside, providing much of the support for the building"
Time Magazine.TIME.com

"The twin towers were the first supertall buildings designed without any masonry. Worried that the intense air pressure created by the building's high speed elevators might buckle conventional shafts, engineers designed a solution using a drywall system fixed to the reinforced steel core. "

"Like many high-rises built in the 1960s, the Twin Towers were constructed with their weight distributed between a hollow steel core (containing services like elevators) and steel columns around the perimeter, maximizing open floor space. Many believe the older high-rise design, in which steel columns are often encased in concrete, is more fire resistant.

“A lot of people have told me, ‘You should have used more concrete in the structure,’” said Robertson. However, his chart plotting the strength of steel vs. concrete at various temperatures showed that at the incendiary levels that raged in the towers, the two materials become similarly weak."
Berkeley 04.17.2002 - World Trade Center remembered

"Yamasaki has switched from concrete, his favorite medium, to steel because of the sheer height of the towers, and instead of having the weight of the structure carried by the frame and the elevator core, the great steel columns of the exterior walls will support it."
Time Magazine article from 1964!! Art: Onward & Upward - TIME
That article was written on Robertsons hopeful approval by Yamasaki of his preliminary design which was vetoed by Yamasaki because it flexed too much to be safe in the high winds.

and you can prove that, right? :cuckoo:

Clearly, Robertson is verified by Oxford, verifying Domel verified by the image of WTC 2 core, verifying the top of WTC 2 core falling onto WTC 3, the WTC 1 rebar, just after the WTC 1 west core wall is seen in an end view, then, the WTC 1 east shear wall toppling, consistent with interior box columns silhouetted on WTC 1 north core wall, consistent with ground zero showing the WTC 1 north concrete core base wall, 12 foot thick, all supported as clarification of the many confused statements that do mention concrete in the core including the latest revised NIST contracted analysis of free fall by Bazant et. al 6/21/2007, which actually provides an equivalent amount of high explosives needed to create the rate of fall they are attempting to justify with physics. It doesn't work, but at least they won;t go down in history as totally supporting the deceptions.

Stop supporting the secret methods of mass murder agent.

YOU GOT NOTHING!!! :cuckoo:

Yes, you are crazy if you think anyone is going for your unsupported erroneous nonsense.




SPAM 4-Posting unknown structure calling it WTC Twin

You are so owned.
you are the crazy one
the reason you need to go to web.archive.org to view your article is because the original article was WRONG and they removed it, jackass.

is verified by Oxford,
you fucking moron, we have been over this before. your article does NOT say the world trade center has a concrete core. its says "skyscrapers such as the World Trade Center in new york have steel and concrete hull and core structures." the article is correct. the world trade center in new york has a steel core. other structures have concrete cores. the article is NOT saying the core of the world trade center was steel and concrete. it was using the world trade center as an example of what a skyscraper is, fucking idiot.

your article states "This document was written as a resource for the preparation of an emergency response plan for mobilizing structural engineers for a search and rescue operation under extreme emergency conditions. More specifically, it was developed for preparing a response plan that uses structural engineers after a major collapse or failure."
obviously the document was rushed and little or no research was done into what the core was made out of. perhaps they read your newsweek magazine article with the reporter's error in it.

verified by the image of WTC 2 core,
a picture of a smoke during a building collapse. if you see concrete in that you are completely delusional. why is it that you never show the same structure by using this much more clear image??

thats not the core, jackass.

thats not rebar, jackass. you cant see something 3 inches wide from over a mile away.

theres no concrete in your picture. only smoke and dust.

i thought you said the core was pulverized by explosives? so how could this large chunk of a concrete core fall through the steel core clearly still standing behind it? you said the steel surrounds the concrete. so either your story is impossible or this photo is impossible. you choose.

pics of the steel core columns on 9/11

no concrete in your picture of 12 foot think concrete walls!! :lol:
its gypsum and steel as clearly seen in this picture of the same structure.

all supported as clarification of the many confused statements that do mention concrete in the core including the latest revised NIST contracted analysis of free fall by Bazant et. al 6/21/2007,
at no point do they talk about any concrete in the core. they talk about concrete floors, you moron!! :lol: :cuckoo:

which actually provides an equivalent amount of high explosives needed to create the rate of fall they are attempting to justify with physics. It doesn't work, but at least they won;t go down in history as totally supporting the deceptions.

Stop supporting the secret methods of mass murder agent.
there is no "secret method of mass murder".
the mass murder was committed by 19 muslim hijackers that flew planes into buildings. :cuckoo:

however, you wish to blame americans for this atrocious act instead of those that actually committed it.
Hey Chris I circled your "utility hallway" in red in the following photo?

Are you STILL saying that it is a utility hallway formed in your concrete core even after seeing this clear picture that it indeed is NOT a hallway?


Looks like that side wall on the right of your "hallway" goes from the top of the one beam below it to the bottom of the beam above it. Are you saying that that beams/floors were only 7' apart?

And look at the SMOOTH concrete wall ends below that area. So SMOOTH even after being exploded apart from C4 coated rebar. And look! There are pipes/conduit running against the ends of your walls. They survived the explosion also!!! In your own words "that's illogical".
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you are another fucking moron that thinks everyone with any logic is a government agent. there was no "secret mass murder".

whats hysterical about disinformation agent specialist Fizz is his moronic logic he has that it doesnt matter that hundreds of architects and engineers dont accept the offical version of the towers collapse or demolition experts either as well,nor first responders or firemen or policemen or witnesses that worked in the towers,what ONLY matters to agent Fizz is what the corporate controlled interest media and the government agencys say? and he says HE has logic? :lol::lol::cuckoo::lol: He needs to look in the mirror when calling someone a fucking moron.dont know why you even bother with this moron agent.i dont.

Hey Chris,doesnt the logic of DOD disinformation agents FIZZ,GAM AND DITZCON crack you up? Like i said,Isnt it hysterical that none of these EXPERTS views on 9/11 mean diddly squat to them,that their only logic is the only thing that matters to them is what the corporate controlled media and government agencys tell them and experts in their fields means NOTHING to them?

It kills me everytime and makes me roll on the floor with laughter that logic they have.:lol::lol::lol: doesnt it with you? they should start their own comedy club saying THEY have logic.:lol:seriously,agreed?
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Hey Chris,doesnt the logic of DOD disinformation agents FIZZ,GAM AND DITZCON crack you up? Like i said,Isnt it hysterical that none of these EXPERTS views on 9/11 mean diddly squat to them,that their only logic is the only thing that matters to them is what the corporate controlled media and government agencys tell them and experts in their fields means NOTHING to them?

It kills me everytime and makes me roll on the floor with laughter that logic they have.:lol::lol::lol: doesnt it with you? they should start their own comedy club saying THEY have logic.:lol:seriously,agreed?
yeah, dipshit, everyone that doesnt believe the bullshit you 4.7%'rs spew is a government agent:cuckoo:

that makes 95% of the population government agents
You cannot credibly circle anything. You are a proven agent/photoshopper colluding with forum administrators in cointelpro type operations.

Breakfornews.com, Fintan Dunne

you really want to go with the credibility thing again?

YOU have been proven to photoshop your pictures. your pictures have the same lines when blown up that his picture does!! :cuckoo:

has he been sentenced to jail time like you have?

has he not paid his child support for 15 years?

Hey Chris,doesnt the logic of DOD disinformation agents FIZZ,GAM AND DITZCON crack you up? Like i said,Isnt it hysterical that none of these EXPERTS views on 9/11 mean diddly squat to them,that their only logic is the only thing that matters to them is what the corporate controlled media and government agencys tell them and experts in their fields means NOTHING to them?

It kills me everytime and makes me roll on the floor with laughter that logic they have.:lol::lol::lol: doesnt it with you? they should start their own comedy club saying THEY have logic.:lol:seriously,agreed?

because your "architects and engineers" list is insignificant. there are 950 signatures worldwide.. there are 1,750,000 architects and engineers in the USA alone currently working. the list if less than one tenth of one percent.

then, when checking the list, you get people like THIS GUY User Profile who is neither an architect or an engineer. he builds swimming pools. :lol:

the petition is a joke and so are you!! :cuckoo:
Hey Chris,doesnt the logic of DOD disinformation agents FIZZ,GAM AND DITZCON crack you up? Like i said,Isnt it hysterical that none of these EXPERTS views on 9/11 mean diddly squat to them,that their only logic is the only thing that matters to them is what the corporate controlled media and government agencys tell them and experts in their fields means NOTHING to them?

It kills me everytime and makes me roll on the floor with laughter that logic they have.:lol::lol::lol: doesnt it with you? they should start their own comedy club saying THEY have logic.:lol:seriously,agreed?

so chris arent you going to address this post so I can have another laugh for the day knowing that I embarrased agent Fizz at his expense again? :lol::lol:
so chris arent you going to address this post so I can have another laugh for the day knowing that I embarrased agent Fizz at his expense again? :lol::lol:

you dumbfuck!! i just proved your list of a measely 950 of the 1,750,000 architects and engineers arent even experts. they consist of people that do things like build swimming pools and have neither an architect or an engineering degree!! :cuckoo:
you dumbfuck!! i just proved your list of a measely 950 of the 1,750,000 architects and engineers arent even experts. they consist of people that do things like build swimming pools and have neither an architect or an engineering degree!! :cuckoo:
hes too fucking stupid to understand that 95% of the people that read the bullshit he posts are laughing at him
and he is such a fucking COWARD he put me on his ignore list

and he fucks up the quotes all the damn time too
Hey Chris,doesnt the logic of DOD disinformation agents FIZZ,GAM AND DITZCON crack you up? Like i said,Isnt it hysterical that none of these EXPERTS views on 9/11 mean diddly squat to them,that their only logic is the only thing that matters to them is what the corporate controlled media and government agencys tell them and experts in their fields means NOTHING to them?

It kills me everytime and makes me roll on the floor with laughter that logic they have. doesnt it with you? they should start their own comedy club saying THEY have logic.seriously,agreed?

so chris arent you going to address this post so I can have another laugh for the day knowing that I embarrased agent Fizz at his expense again? :lol::lol:

fitzditz comedy hour?

Can you take rolling on the floor for that length of time?

Have you seen fitz's SPAM spasms's? He's on at least #5.

First case of written, mutual "reverse speak" in a comedy act I've seen. At least they don' have to resort to the "Laurel and Hardy" routine doing the "ping pong" with useless information to get us laughing like so many agents are stuck with.

We are well entertained with each claim of their "logic".
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Hey Chris,doesnt the logic of DOD disinformation agents FIZZ,GAM AND DITZCON crack you up? Like i said,Isnt it hysterical that none of these EXPERTS views on 9/11 mean diddly squat to them,that their only logic is the only thing that matters to them is what the corporate controlled media and government agencys tell them and experts in their fields means NOTHING to them?

It kills me everytime and makes me roll on the floor with laughter that logic they have. doesnt it with you? they should start their own comedy club saying THEY have logic.seriously,agreed?

so chris arent you going to address this post so I can have another laugh for the day knowing that I embarrased agent Fizz at his expense again? :lol::lol:

fitzditz comedy hour?

Can you take rolling on the floor for that length of time?

Have you seen fitz's SPAM spasms's? He's on at least #5.

First case of written, mutual "reverse speak" in a comedy act I've seen. At least they don' have to resort to the "Laurel and Hardy" routine doing the "ping pong" with useless information to get us laughing like so many agents are stuck with.

We are well entertained with each claim of their "logic".

found any pictures of the concrete core yet?:cuckoo:

how's the book sales?!! :lol:
Hey Chris,doesnt the logic of DOD disinformation agents FIZZ,GAM AND DITZCON crack you up? Like i said,Isnt it hysterical that none of these EXPERTS views on 9/11 mean diddly squat to them,that their only logic is the only thing that matters to them is what the corporate controlled media and government agencys tell them and experts in their fields means NOTHING to them?

It kills me everytime and makes me roll on the floor with laughter that logic they have. doesnt it with you? they should start their own comedy club saying THEY have logic.seriously,agreed?

so chris arent you going to address this post so I can have another laugh for the day knowing that I embarrased agent Fizz at his expense again? :lol::lol:

fitzditz comedy hour?

Can you take rolling on the floor for that length of time?

Have you seen fitz's SPAM spasms's? He's on at least #5.

First case of written, mutual "reverse speak" in a comedy act I've seen. At least they don' have to resort to the "Laurel and Hardy" routine doing the "ping pong" with useless information to get us laughing like so many agents are stuck with.

We are well entertained with each claim of their "logic".
this is just more proof of how fucking delusional you are

you are the fucking spamer here
pushing your delusional bullshit book and website
Wow, 2 empty rhetorical null posts. Lots of hand waving by agent spaz, but no evidence posted whatsoever.

C'm guys, that's boring. Lets have some of your logic!!!!!!!!! We need a good laugh:clap2:

Here's the concrete core of WTC 2 on 9-11.

Wow, 2 empty rhetorical null posts. Lots of hand waving by agent spaz, but no evidence posted whatsoever.

C'm guys, that's boring. Lets have some of your logic!!!!!!!!! We need a good laugh:clap2:

Here's the concrete core of WTC 2 on 9-11.

except there is no concrete in your photo
agent dipshit

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