FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

horizontal stress from the vertical columns were transferred via the floor trusses to the outer wall.

Show horizontal structure adequate for that. Then show that direct forces causing sway were resisted by needed diagonals.

The official plans, images from ground zero or 9-11 are the only sources good for this.
Hi Mr. Fizz:

you are another fucking moron that thinks everyone with any logic is a government agent. there was no "secret mass murder".

Logic? This is what Mr. Fizz here calls 'logic' (My Flight 93 Topic):


Mr. Fizz calls this 'empty hole' a crashed 100-ton Jetliner!


We 'can' see a little bit of garbage dumped into the little hole that was set on fire, but there is nothing here even remotely resembling the components of a real crashed 100-ton Jetliner! Period.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-IyB24UPss"]This Little Video Clip 'Debunks' Mr. Fizz's Official Cover Story "Logic" ...[/ame]

This is what Mr. Fizz calls "logic" (my Pentagon Topic) ...


Here again we see another 'empty hole' containing no signs of any crashed 100-ton Jetliner, just like Jamie McIntyre said while standing in front of the Pentagon on 9/11:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dm_cnFoMHjA"]This News Report 'Debunks' Mr. Fizz's Official Cover Story 'Logic' ...[/ame]

BTW, the idiots bumping this Topic senselessly have 'no clue' about what they are even talking about (I do = #3). FEMA has to do with Emergency Management, as in mishandling the Katrina Debacle (story). The notion that FEMA can 'deceive' anybody about the WTC Controlled Demolitions (AE911Truth.org) is absolute STUPIDITY (my WTC-7 Topic).

Here is one clue ...

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73qK4j32iuo"]This Is A 'Definite' Controlled Demolition Implosion[/ame]

Mr. Chris :)cool:) 'and' Mr. Fizz :)cool:) are two DoD Disinformation Ops (How To Spot + Disinfo Ops Exposed) working 'both' sides of this debate 'and' leading you down endless rabbit holes like there is no tomorrow. However, the typical American is so STUPID (#1-10) that you might be digging around in this DoD Disinformation dodo (pic) forever ...


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Hi Mr. Fizz:

you are another fucking moron that thinks everyone with any logic is a government agent. there was no "secret mass murder".

Logic? This is what Mr. Fizz here calls 'logic' (My Flight 93 Topic):


Mr. Fizz calls this 'empty hole' a crashed 100-ton Jetliner!


We 'can' see a little bit of garbage dumped into the little hole that was set on fire, but there is nothing here even remotely resembling the components of a real crashed 100-ton Jetliner! Period.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-IyB24UPss"]This Little Video Clip 'Debunks' Mr. Fizz's Official Cover Story "Logic" ...[/ame]

This is what Mr. Fizz calls "logic" (my Pentagon Topic) ...


Here again we see another 'empty hole' containing no signs of any crashed 100-ton Jetliner, just like Jamie McIntyre said while standing in front of the Pentagon on 9/11:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dm_cnFoMHjA"]This News Report 'Debunks' Mr. Fizz's Official Cover Story 'Logic' ...[/ame]

BTW, the idiots bumping this Topic senselessly have 'no clue' about what they are even talking about (I do = #3). FEMA has to do with Emergency Management, as in mishandling the Katrina Debacle (story). The notion that FEMA can 'deceive' anybody about the WTC Controlled Demolitions (AE911Truth.org) is absolute STUPIDITY (my WTC-7 Topic).

Here is one clue ...

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73qK4j32iuo"]This Is A 'Definite' Controlled Demolition Implosion[/ame]

Mr. Chris :)cool:) 'and' Mr. Fizz :)cool:) are two DoD Disinformation Ops (How To Spot + Disinfo Ops Exposed) working 'both' sides of this debate 'and' leading you down endless rabbit holes like there is no tomorrow. However, the typical American is so STUPID (#1-10) that you might be digging around in this DoD Disinformation dodo (pic) forever ...



well thanks for being completely fucking off topic in this thread, you moron, but it has been shown before that what you claim is an "empty hole" is full of airplane parts.:cuckoo:
horizontal stress from the vertical columns were transferred via the floor trusses to the outer wall.

Show horizontal structure adequate for that. Then show that direct forces causing sway were resisted by needed diagonals.

The official plans, images from ground zero or 9-11 are the only sources good for this.

read for yourself.

NOVA | Transcripts | Why the Towers Fell | PBS

then pay the $30,000 you are behind in child support.
true enough.agent Fizz has made it perfectly clear in his hundreds of posts of his, that he clearly supports secret methods of mass murder by the government on their own citizens.

you are another fucking moron that thinks everyone with any logic is a government agent. there was no "secret mass murder".
If you think this is gypsum, you are not logical.


So how many witnesses can you assemble that saw the muslims killing the 3,000 victims?

The NIST deprival of the plans by FEMA enabled by guiliani and the NYS courts makes it secret.

You enforce it with your refusal to recognize the violations of law and illogical insistence in naming a 400 foot tall structure gypsum fastened to steel core columns, that do not protrude in that photo and are never seen on 9-11.

whats hysterical about disinformation agent specialist Fizz is his moronic logic he has that it doesnt matter that hundreds of architects and engineers dont accept the offical version of the towers collapse or demolition experts either as well,nor first responders or firemen or policemen or witnesses that worked in the towers,what ONLY matters to agent Fizz is what the corporate controlled interest media and the government agencys say? and he says HE has logic? :lol::lol::cuckoo::lol: He needs to look in the mirror when calling someone a fucking moron.dont know why you even bother with this moron agent.i dont.
If you think this is gypsum, you are not logical.

and you tell people its concrete, which is an outright LIE!!!

its smoke. you cant see what its made out of because ITS FUCKING SMOKE!! i'm sure the steel core with the gypsum is on the other side of the smoke creating that shadow but you cant make it out from this picture clearly.

anyone that says they can see concrete in that photo is a fucking liar.

in new york and new jersey live as it happened? probably several hundred thousand.
if you include watching it live on TV probably over 100 million.

The NIST deprival of the plans by FEMA enabled by guiliani and the NYS courts makes it secret.

You enforce it with your refusal to recognize the violations of law and illogical insistence in naming a 400 foot tall structure gypsum fastened to steel core columns, that do not protrude in that photo and are never seen on 9-11.

another one of your delusional rants that make no sense at all. remember when you were ranting for months... maybe years... that the cause of death on the death certificates was not valid? you never bothered to fucking check what the death certificates actually said. the cause of death was "murder" and it doesnt matter who did it, you fucking deadbeat moron.

now you are going on another delusional rant about FEMA, the NIST and guiliani about some stupid fucking plans or some shit.

who fucking cares? the plans flew into the buildings. they came down. lots of people died. your fucking guiliani tirade is fuckiing moronic. it doesnt change the outcome of what happened. Robertson, the structural engineer, cooperated with both FEMA and the NIST and he had the plans to the buildings. in fact, he had the only set of plans to the buildings that were not located inside the world trade center when it collapsed.

take your anti-psychotics, get a job, pay the $30,000 in child support you owe and try to stay out of jail, ok? :cuckoo:

this is your brain

and this is your brain on drugs

All your subterfuge proves is you have no evidence of steel core columns in the core area and that you are working to support the secret methods of mass murder by ad hominum attack.

thats definetly the brain of agents Fizz and Gam on drugs.:lol::lol:
Hi Mr. Fizz:

you are another fucking moron that thinks everyone with any logic is a government agent. there was no "secret mass murder".

Logic? This is what Mr. Fizz here calls 'logic' (My Flight 93 Topic):


Mr. Fizz calls this 'empty hole' a crashed 100-ton Jetliner!


We 'can' see a little bit of garbage dumped into the little hole that was set on fire, but there is nothing here even remotely resembling the components of a real crashed 100-ton Jetliner! Period.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-IyB24UPss"]This Little Video Clip 'Debunks' Mr. Fizz's Official Cover Story "Logic" ...[/ame]

This is what Mr. Fizz calls "logic" (my Pentagon Topic) ...


Here again we see another 'empty hole' containing no signs of any crashed 100-ton Jetliner, just like Jamie McIntyre said while standing in front of the Pentagon on 9/11:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dm_cnFoMHjA"]This News Report 'Debunks' Mr. Fizz's Official Cover Story 'Logic' ...[/ame]

BTW, the idiots bumping this Topic senselessly have 'no clue' about what they are even talking about (I do = #3). FEMA has to do with Emergency Management, as in mishandling the Katrina Debacle (story). The notion that FEMA can 'deceive' anybody about the WTC Controlled Demolitions (AE911Truth.org) is absolute STUPIDITY (my WTC-7 Topic).

Here is one clue ...

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73qK4j32iuo"]This Is A 'Definite' Controlled Demolition Implosion[/ame]

Mr. Chris :)cool:) 'and' Mr. Fizz :)cool:) are two DoD Disinformation Ops (How To Spot + Disinfo Ops Exposed) working 'both' sides of this debate 'and' leading you down endless rabbit holes like there is no tomorrow. However, the typical American is so STUPID (#1-10) that you might be digging around in this DoD Disinformation dodo (pic) forever ...



Dont know about Chris, but agents Fizz and Gam have routinely exposed themselves as the DOD agents they are with not only their constant moronic ramblings that demolitions did not bring the towers down, but yeah in also their hysterical logic they always have when claiming an airliner crashed at that site.lol.

Their explanations for THAT one make me roll on the floor with laughter every time even more so than their moronic ramblings defending the coverup commission that the planes and the fire alone caused the towers collapse.:lol:

This post with that link you provided on how to spot a disinformation op agent, totally pinpoints them and describes them to the tee.They hate it that we have seen through their phony cover.:lol: great post.
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you are another fucking moron that thinks everyone with any logic is a government agent. there was no "secret mass murder".

whats hysterical about disinformation agent specialist Fizz is his moronic logic he has that it doesnt matter that hundreds of architects and engineers dont accept the offical version of the towers collapse or demolition experts either as well,nor first responders or firemen or policemen or witnesses that worked in the towers,what ONLY matters to agent Fizz is what the corporate controlled interest media and the government agencys say? and he says HE has logic? :lol::lol::cuckoo::lol: He needs to look in the mirror when calling someone a fucking moron.dont know why you even bother with this moron agent.i dont.

look terrel, its your chearleader!! doesnt he look cute in his pom-poms and miniskirt.

hundreds of architects and engineers dont accept the official version. the reason it doesnt matter is because there are 1,750,000 architects and engineers and the 950 that signed the petition are insignificant.

do you understand what that means? thats 1,749,050 to 950.
its less than half a tenth of one percent.
its insignificant.
Hi Mr. Fizz:

you are another fucking moron that thinks everyone with any logic is a government agent. there was no "secret mass murder".

Logic? This is what Mr. Fizz here calls 'logic' (My Flight 93 Topic):


Mr. Fizz calls this 'empty hole' a crashed 100-ton Jetliner!


We 'can' see a little bit of garbage dumped into the little hole that was set on fire, but there is nothing here even remotely resembling the components of a real crashed 100-ton Jetliner! Period.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-IyB24UPss"]This Little Video Clip 'Debunks' Mr. Fizz's Official Cover Story "Logic" ...[/ame]

This is what Mr. Fizz calls "logic" (my Pentagon Topic) ...


Here again we see another 'empty hole' containing no signs of any crashed 100-ton Jetliner, just like Jamie McIntyre said while standing in front of the Pentagon on 9/11:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dm_cnFoMHjA"]This News Report 'Debunks' Mr. Fizz's Official Cover Story 'Logic' ...[/ame]

BTW, the idiots bumping this Topic senselessly have 'no clue' about what they are even talking about (I do = #3). FEMA has to do with Emergency Management, as in mishandling the Katrina Debacle (story). The notion that FEMA can 'deceive' anybody about the WTC Controlled Demolitions (AE911Truth.org) is absolute STUPIDITY (my WTC-7 Topic).

Here is one clue ...

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73qK4j32iuo"]This Is A 'Definite' Controlled Demolition Implosion[/ame]

Mr. Chris :)cool:) 'and' Mr. Fizz :)cool:) are two DoD Disinformation Ops (How To Spot + Disinfo Ops Exposed) working 'both' sides of this debate 'and' leading you down endless rabbit holes like there is no tomorrow. However, the typical American is so STUPID (#1-10) that you might be digging around in this DoD Disinformation dodo (pic) forever ...



Dont know about Chris, but agents Fizz and Gam have routinely exposed themselves as the DOD agents they are with not only their constant moronic ramblings that demolitions did not bring the towers down, but yeah in also their hysterical logic they always have when claiming an airliner crashed at that site.lol.

Their explanations for THAT one make me roll on the floor with laughter every time even more so than their moronic ramblings defending the coverup commission that the planes and the fire alone caused the towers collapse.:lol:

This post with that link you provided on how to spot a disinformation op agent, totally pinpoints them and describes them to the tee.They hate it that we have seen through their phony cover.:lol: great post.

fizz is a rabid misrepresenter. He tries to represent that I say, "secret mass murder". I do not. I say, secret methods of mass murder

Of course , fo rthis reason they fight hard against the concrete core information because only concrete can be instantly fractured to fall freely, and, that can happen with a relatively small amount of explosives if it is properly placed. They deny so unreasonably that their posts extend well beyond moronic, again probably because that same concrete, can be fractured so totally by a maximized "breaching pressure shockwave" accelerating wildly all the concrete that it is reduced to near particulate origins.

When the concrete does that it is a wave of projectiles that is about 70% solid including hard stone aggregates traveling at about 10,000 foot per second for maybe 40 feet. Imagine what that amount of material traveling at about 3 times the speed of a high powered rifle slug does to the contents of the building. Now the agents reasons for dissing concrete so hard is easily seen. It is a way to feasibly explain the things that happened.

That, ............. is the last f'nnnnnnn thing the perps want. So agents dviot and fizz MUST oppose no matter how stupid they appear.

Agents must oppose any information useful for gaining more truth and justice, particuarly if it explains things too. The fact of the FEMA deception invalidates the cause of death on 3,000 death certificates, meaning an inquiry into the deception and its impact on the analysis of collapse is due to all of us, post haste!

Terral has absolutely presented an image of a hole in the ground. No way can that fact can be disputed. What it means, or how the information is used, I cannot comprehend, ....... and he seems to have no posted any ways the information might be used. Perhaps he's simply hoping someone will want to discuss it with him. Curiously, the perpetrators would much rather people talk about a hole in the ground than any info that might explain things.:eusa_whistle:
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Hi Mr. Fizz:

Logic? This is what Mr. Fizz here calls 'logic' (My Flight 93 Topic):


Mr. Fizz calls this 'empty hole' a crashed 100-ton Jetliner!


We 'can' see a little bit of garbage dumped into the little hole that was set on fire, but there is nothing here even remotely resembling the components of a real crashed 100-ton Jetliner! Period.

This Little Video Clip 'Debunks' Mr. Fizz's Official Cover Story "Logic" ...

This is what Mr. Fizz calls "logic" (my Pentagon Topic) ...


Here again we see another 'empty hole' containing no signs of any crashed 100-ton Jetliner, just like Jamie McIntyre said while standing in front of the Pentagon on 9/11:

This News Report 'Debunks' Mr. Fizz's Official Cover Story 'Logic' ...

BTW, the idiots bumping this Topic senselessly have 'no clue' about what they are even talking about (I do = #3). FEMA has to do with Emergency Management, as in mishandling the Katrina Debacle (story). The notion that FEMA can 'deceive' anybody about the WTC Controlled Demolitions (AE911Truth.org) is absolute STUPIDITY (my WTC-7 Topic).

Here is one clue ...

This Is A 'Definite' Controlled Demolition Implosion

Mr. Chris :)cool:) 'and' Mr. Fizz :)cool:) are two DoD Disinformation Ops (How To Spot + Disinfo Ops Exposed) working 'both' sides of this debate 'and' leading you down endless rabbit holes like there is no tomorrow. However, the typical American is so STUPID (#1-10) that you might be digging around in this DoD Disinformation dodo (pic) forever ...



Dont know about Chris, but agents Fizz and Gam have routinely exposed themselves as the DOD agents they are with not only their constant moronic ramblings that demolitions did not bring the towers down, but yeah in also their hysterical logic they always have when claiming an airliner crashed at that site.lol.

Their explanations for THAT one make me roll on the floor with laughter every time even more so than their moronic ramblings defending the coverup commission that the planes and the fire alone caused the towers collapse.:lol:

This post with that link you provided on how to spot a disinformation op agent, totally pinpoints them and describes them to the tee.They hate it that we have seen through their phony cover.:lol: great post.

fizz is a rabid misrepresenter. He tries to represent that I say, "secret mass murder". I do not. I say, secret methods of mass murder

Of course , fo rthis reason they fight hard against the concrete core information because only concrete can be instantly fractured to fall freely, and, that can happen with a relatively small amount of explosives if it is properly placed. They deny so unreasonably that their posts extend well beyond moronic, again probably because that same concrete, can be fractured so totally by a maximized "breaching pressure shockwave" accelerating wildly all the concrete that it is reduced to near particulate origins.

When the concrete does that it is a wave of projectiles that is about 70% solid including hard stone aggregates traveling at about 10,000 foot per second for maybe 40 feet. Imagine what that amount of material traveling at about 3 times the speed of a high powered rifle slug does to the contents of the building. Now the agents reasons for dissing concrete so hard is easily seen. It is a way to feasibly explain the things that happened.

That, ............. is the last f'nnnnnnn thing the perps want. So agents dviot and fizz MUST oppose no matter how stupid they appear.

Agents must oppose any information useful for gaining more truth and justice, particuarly if it explains things too. The fact of the FEMA deception invalidates the cause of death on 3,000 death certificates, meaning an inquiry into the deception and its impact on the analysis of collapse is due to all of us, post haste!

Terral has absolutely presented an image of a hole in the ground. No way can that fact can be disputed. What it means, or how the information is used, I cannot comprehend, ....... and he seems to have no posted any ways the information might be used. Perhaps he's simply hoping someone will want to discuss it with him. Curiously, the perpetrators would much rather people talk about a hole in the ground than any info that might explain things.:eusa_whistle:

you fucking deadbeat moron. the reason i claim that there was no concrete core is because THERE WAS NO CONCRETE CORE.

i'm not an agent. i dont support secret this or secret that. i dont work for any government. in fact, like you, i dont work at all. unlike you i didnt abandon my children though.

saying i am an agent just exposes you as the lunatic you really are. :cuckoo:

i've looked into whether there was a concrete core and the evidence is overwhelming that the core was made of steel and not concrete. you are simply a jackass trying to sell books about your concrete core hoax. there was no concrete core. there was no explosives. the buildings collapsed because muslim hijackers flew planes into them. any normal person can see that.

but you're not normal.:cuckoo:
fizz is a rabid misrepresenter. He tries to represent that I say, "secret mass murder". I do not. I say, secret methods of mass murder

Of course , for this reason they fight hard against the concrete core information because only concrete can be instantly fractured to fall freely, and, that can happen with a relatively small amount of explosives if it is properly placed. They deny so unreasonably that their posts extend well beyond moronic, again probably because that same concrete, can be fractured so totally by a maximized "breaching pressure shockwave" accelerating wildly all the concrete that it is reduced to near particulate origins.

When the concrete does that it is a wave of projectiles that is about 70% solid including hard stone aggregates traveling at about 10,000 foot per second for maybe 40 feet. Imagine what that amount of material traveling at about 3 times the speed of a high powered rifle slug does to the contents of the building. Now the agents reasons for dissing concrete so hard is easily seen. It is a way to feasibly explain the things that happened.

That, ............. is the last f'nnnnnnn thing the perps want. So agents dviot and fizz MUST oppose no matter how stupid they appear.

Agents must oppose any information useful for gaining more truth and justice, particuarly if it explains things too. The fact of the FEMA deception invalidates the cause of death on 3,000 death certificates, meaning an inquiry into the deception and its impact on the analysis of collapse is due to all of us, post haste!

Terral has absolutely presented an image of a hole in the ground. No way can that fact can be disputed. What it means, or how the information is used, I cannot comprehend, ....... and he seems to have no posted any ways the information might be used. Perhaps he's simply hoping someone will want to discuss it with him. Curiously, the perpetrators would much rather people talk about a hole in the ground than any info that might explain things.:eusa_whistle:

you fucking deadbeat moron. the reason i claim that there was no concrete core is because THERE WAS NO CONCRETE CORE.

Since I can provide independently verified evidence for the concrete core, and you can provide none of that for the steel core columns, you are wrong.

My children have not been abandoned, I've been targeted for severe legal abuse by a municipality seeking to evade compliance with state laws of record keeping and mental health by collusion between them and family law courts. This is a structure that is destroying the American family or on the tail end of it after media manipulation takes its effect.

The fact is I've done a huge favor by exposing the fact that the supreme court wrote district court rules for the 9th circuit that basically remove all Consitutional rights of "access to courts" by pro se plaintiffs via a branching designed to be taken advantage of through "abrogation" by the judicial council. But you don't care about the Constitution or families.





Last edited:
Since I can provide independently verified evidence for the concrete core, and you can provide none of that for the steel core columns, you are wrong.

My children have not been abandoned, I've been targeted for severe legal abuse by a municipality seeking to evade compliance with state laws of record keeping and mental health by collusion between them and family law courts. This is a structure that is destroying the American family or on the tail end of it after media manipulation takes its effect.

The fact is I've done a huge favor by exposing the fact that the supreme court wrote district court rules for the 9th circuit that basically remove all Consitutional rights of "access to courts" by pro se plaintiffs via a branching designed to be taken advantage of through "abrogation" by the judicial council. But you don't care about the Constitution or families.






you cant provide independently verified proof. you link to your own website!!

you have no pictures of a concrete core.

you have no plans for a concrete core.

you have no statements from workers that built the towers there was a concrete core.

the architects say it wasnt a concrete core.

newspapers say it wasnt a concrete core.

news magazines say it wasnt a concrete core.

documentaries say it wasnt a concrete core.

you failed to pay child support for 15 years. you should do this WITHOUT a court order but since you are such a deadbeat the courts even needed to order you to pay and you still refused.

the stop payment has nothing to do with you not paying child support for 15 years!! YOU FAILED TO SUPPORT YOUR OWN CHILDREN!!! you are full of excuses....

child support is not welfare. you should support your children even if there was no law to do so. the fact that deadbeats like you NEED a law to tell you to support your kids is disgusting. the fact that you still ignore the law is despicable.


the motion to squash was denied. the fact is YOU FAILED TO SUPPORT YOUR OWN CHILDREN!!!

shut the fuck up you poor excuse for a human and pay the $30,000 in child support you never paid.
is absolute STUPIDITY (my WTC-7 Topic).

You mean the same topic in which you claim that there was tons of thermite signatures and evidence of thermite cuts on the beams and columns for, yet in the SAME photo claim that there is "NO SIGNS OF BURNS FROM FIRES" on any of the columns?



Have you really given any of us reason to believe ANYTHING you say? I mean, you haven't even gotten one of your predictions right in addition to debunking yourself. What a moron you are.

Since I can provide independently verified evidence for the concrete core, and you can provide none of that for the steel core columns, you are wrong.

My children have not been abandoned, I've been targeted for severe legal abuse by a municipality seeking to evade compliance with state laws of record keeping and mental health by collusion between them and family law courts. This is a structure that is destroying the American family or on the tail end of it after media manipulation takes its effect.

The fact is I've done a huge favor by exposing the fact that the supreme court wrote district court rules for the 9th circuit that basically remove all Consitutional rights of "access to courts" by pro se plaintiffs via a branching designed to be taken advantage of through "abrogation" by the judicial council. But you don't care about the Constitution or families.






you cant provide independently verified proof. you link to your own website!!

That is where the independently verified evidence is. It goes out with links from there.

Of course you have none at all and the perps would want you to try an diminish the veracity of anythign that showed the truth.
since you apparently have no idea what evidence is..... i will show you what evidence really looke like.

it looks like THIS:













"For a combination of historical, cultural and economic reasons, tall, concrete-core buildings dedicated to office use are unusual in New York, where builders prefer the wallboard-enclosed cores with steel frames that Mr. Robertson pioneered in the trade center."
New York Timeshere

"Engineers are still debating whether the Twin Towers' unique structure should be credited for surviving the initial crashes, or blamed for collapsing in the subsequent fires, or both. But the point is that it was unique, utilizing closely spaced columns connected to a steel core by relatively lightweight floor trusses. "
Newsweek. Newsweek.com

"Each of the towers, more than 200 ft. wide on each side, contained a central steel core surrounded by open office space. Eighteen-inch steel tubes ran vertically along the outside, providing much of the support for the building"
Time Magazine.TIME.com

"The twin towers were the first supertall buildings designed without any masonry. Worried that the intense air pressure created by the building's high speed elevators might buckle conventional shafts, engineers designed a solution using a drywall system fixed to the reinforced steel core. "

"Like many high-rises built in the 1960s, the Twin Towers were constructed with their weight distributed between a hollow steel core (containing services like elevators) and steel columns around the perimeter, maximizing open floor space. Many believe the older high-rise design, in which steel columns are often encased in concrete, is more fire resistant.

“A lot of people have told me, ‘You should have used more concrete in the structure,’” said Robertson. However, his chart plotting the strength of steel vs. concrete at various temperatures showed that at the incendiary levels that raged in the towers, the two materials become similarly weak."
Berkeley 04.17.2002 - World Trade Center remembered

"Yamasaki has switched from concrete, his favorite medium, to steel because of the sheer height of the towers, and instead of having the weight of the structure carried by the frame and the elevator core, the great steel columns of the exterior walls will support it."
Time Magazine article from 1964!! Art: Onward & Upward - TIME
nice job, but dipshits like Christopher A Brown will not get it
he will insists you are an "agent" and that those like you somehow errased the concrete from those photos
nice job, but dipshits like Christopher A Brown will not get it
he will insists you are an "agent" and that those like you somehow errased the concrete from those photos
since you apparently have no idea what evidence is..... i will show you what evidence really looke like.

"Yamasaki has switched from concrete, his favorite medium, to steel because of the sheer height of the towers, and instead of having the weight of the structure carried by the frame and the elevator core, the great steel columns of the exterior walls will support it. The stainless-steel outer ribs are only 22 inches apart, "
Time Magazine article from 1964!! Art: Onward & Upward - TIME

I checked your source and it is not late enough to be knowledgable of true tower design as is shown in the next sentence after what you quoted.

There were no "stainless steel outer ribs".

That article was written on Robertsons hopeful approval by Yamasaki of his preliminary design which was vetoed by Yamasaki because it flexed too much to be safe in the high winds.
since you apparently have no idea what evidence is..... i will show you what evidence really looke like.

"Like many high-rises built in the 1960s, the Twin Towers were constructed with their weight distributed between a hollow steel core,

How FEMA depicts the core. How does the below diagram fit the above description.


Is it credible that Robertson actually said the below in correct context when the same article is completely erroneous about the core structure.

“A lot of people have told me, ‘You should have used more concrete in the structure,’” said Robertson. However, his chart plotting the strength of steel vs. concrete at various temperatures showed that at the incendiary levels that raged in the towers, the two materials become similarly weak."
Berkeley 04.17.2002 - World Trade Center remembered

fizz has no evidence so must use whatever crap is lying around that seems close.

Here is testimony, information to Newsweek from 2 days after 9-11,

September 13, 2001

Here is consistency with the information published by Newsweek. The west concrete core shear wall of WTC 1 on 9-11.


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