FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

Not the same object, and that fact is obvious.

No agent has ever posted an image of steel core columns in the core area in the 8 years I'
ve been spreading the truth.

I've already totally informed the authorities,

9-11-misprision of treason, Title 18, part I, chapter 115, §2382

and they may be monitoring my internet activism which means they've got your ip address. Your activities may be monitored on the ground to connect you to the infiltration and perpetrators.

They will be laughing their arses off Chris .. Plain and simple .. simple being the operative word here.

Do you actually think that anybody cares what is said in the back woods of a forum allocated to dorks like you because you need a place which you can't create for yourself.

In 8 years all you have shown is that you are a liar, and all you do is present mis/dis information repeatedly.

I have to say again that I haven't had such a good laugh in ages watching you being torn apart. Even the Newsweek retraction Chris .. I guess that is a hoax too.

3 inch rebar at a mile is visible ?? .. bullshit .. never in a month of Sundays would a 3 inch object be visible through the photographers telescopic analog lens at that distance. (And 3 inch rebar allegedly made at a DOD (Defense) facility that only you know about. You must really be in the know mate !)

You know nothing about optics obviously. Resolution is directly proportional to aperture.

You would need an aperture of about a mile to get a resolution of 3 inches at that distance.

Not even Hubble at that distance would resolve something 3 inches in width.

Do you even know what aperture is .. let alone resolution !! Or the relationship. Ever heard of Airy rings .. not Hairy rings .. do a Wiki on Airy rings and you will learn something.

Guess the next round starts here with another load of Chris's blurry photos to again demonstrate what a dickwad he is.

No agent has ever posted an image of steel core columns in the core area in the 8 years I'
ve been spreading the truth.

I've already totally informed the authorities,

9-11-misprision of treason, Title 18, part I, chapter 115, §2382

and they may be monitoring my internet activism which means they've got your ip address. Your activities may be monitored on the ground to connect you to the infiltration and perpetrators.

They will be laughing their arses off Chris .. Plain and simple .. simple being the operative word here.

Do you actually think that anybody cares what is said in the back woods of a forum allocated to dorks like you because you need a place which you can't create for yourself.

In 8 years all you have shown is that you are a liar, and all you do is present mis/dis information repeatedly.

I have to say again that I haven't had such a good laugh in ages watching you being torn apart. Even the Newsweek retraction Chris .. I guess that is a hoax too.

3 inch rebar at a mile is visible ?? .. bullshit .. never in a month of Sundays would a 3 inch object be visible through the photographers telescopic analog lens at that distance. (And 3 inch rebar allegedly made at a DOD (Defense) facility that only you know about. You must really be in the know mate !)

You know nothing about optics obviously. Resolution is directly proportional to aperture.

You would need an aperture of about a mile to get a resolution of 3 inches at that distance.

Not even Hubble at that distance would resolve something 3 inches in width.

Do you even know what aperture is .. let alone resolution !! Or the relationship. Ever heard of Airy rings .. not Hairy rings .. do a Wiki on Airy rings and you will learn something.

Guess the next round starts here with another load of Chris's blurry photos to again demonstrate what a dickwad he is.

i have never even seen a 3" rebar
have you?
No I have not seen a 3" rebar. The missing documentary spent a good bit of time describing that rebar tho. Viewers should listen to this .mp3 of Dr. Ron Larsen providing an,

The documentary describe how ONLY welders with a security clearance could execute the butt welds in the high tensile steel reinforcing rod kept in a locked container with a security gaurd on it during work hours.
No I have not seen a 3" rebar. The missing documentary spent a good bit of time describing that rebar tho. Viewers should listen to this .mp3 of Dr. Ron Larsen providing an,

The documentary describe how ONLY welders with a security clearance could execute the butt welds in the high tensile steel reinforcing rod kept in a locked container with a security gaurd on it during work hours.
hey dipshit, my dad used to haul rebar
and he never saw 3" rebar
No I have not seen a 3" rebar. The missing documentary spent a good bit of time describing that rebar tho. Viewers should listen to this .mp3 of Dr. Ron Larsen providing an,

The documentary describe how ONLY welders with a security clearance could execute the butt welds in the high tensile steel reinforcing rod kept in a locked container with a security gaurd on it during work hours.

how the fuck are we supposed to know what is in that documentary??!!

we arent going to take your word for it. you lie. you cheat. (remember filing for disability while still working under the table?). you steal. (you stole $30,000 in child support money from your children!!!!!)

even if this mystery documentary is found i'm positive it doesnt have anything to do with what you say it does. after all, you post pictures of the steel core and claim nobody can ever show steel core columns!!:lol:

its funny. you are the only person in the world that remembers a documentary that was shown to millions of people on national television that showed one of the largest office buildings in the world was built with explosives in it. this doesnt sound the least bit fucked up to you? let me say it again. YOU ARE THE ONLY PERSON IN THE ENTIRE WORLD THAT REMEMBERS THIS.:cuckoo:
Delusional disorder is a psychiatric diagnosis denoting a psychotic mental disorder that is characterized by holding one or more non-bizarre delusions[1] in the absence of any other significant psychopathology. Non-bizarre delusions are fixed beliefs that are certainly and definitely false, but that could possibly be plausible, for example, someone who thinks he or she is under police surveillance. In order for the diagnosis to be made auditory and visual hallucinations cannot be prominent, although olfactory or tactile hallucinations related to the content of the delusion may be present.[2] To be diagnosed with delusional disorder, the delusion or delusions cannot be due to the effects of a drug, medication, or general medical condition, and delusional disorder cannot be diagnosed in an individual previously diagnosed with schizophrenia. A person with delusional disorder may be high functioning in daily life and may not exhibit odd or bizarre behavior aside from these delusions. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) defines six subtypes of the disorder characterized as erotomanic, grandiose, jealous, persecutory, somatic, and mixed, i.e., having features of more than one subtypes.[2] Delusions also occur as symptoms of many other mental disorders, especially the other psychotic disorders.

Delusional disorder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A delusion is a belief that is clearly false and that indicates an abnormality in the affected person's content of thought. The false belief is not accounted for by the person's cultural or religious background or his or her level of intelligence. The key feature of a delusion is the degree to which the person is convinced that the belief is true. A person with a delusion will hold firmly to the belief regardless of evidence to the contrary. Delusions can be difficult to distinguish from overvalued ideas, which are unreasonable ideas that a person holds, but the affected person has at least some level of doubt as to its truthfulness. A person with a delusion is absolutely convinced that the delusion is real.

Read more: Delusions - functioning, withdrawal, examples, person, people, brain, mood, Description, Types Delusions - functioning, withdrawal, examples, person, people, brain, mood, Description, Types
Delusional disorder, previously called paranoid disorder, is a type of serious mental illness called a "psychosis" in which a person cannot tell what is real from what is imagined. The main feature of this disorder is the presence of delusions, which are unshakable beliefs in something untrue. People with delusional disorder experience non-bizarre delusions, which involve situations that could occur in real life, such as being followed, poisoned, deceived, conspired against, or loved from a distance. These delusions usually involve the misinterpretation of perceptions or experiences. In reality, however, the situations are either not true at all or highly exaggerated.

Mental Health and Delusional Disorder
No Concrete Core - From the Horses Mouth
Having been back and forth with Christophera over the following article, I decided to get proactive.

In this Newsweek Article is the following paragraph:

Still, Robertson, whose firm is responsible for three of the six tallest buildings in the world, feels a sense of pride that the massive towers, supported by a steel-tube exoskeleton and a reinforced concrete core, held up as well as they did—managing to stand for over an hour despite direct hits from two massive commercial jetliners.
Chris has constantly claimed that this is proof of a concrete core, from the man who designed it. I always maintained that it was the journalists words, not Robertsons. Well, I emailed him this week...


I wonder if you can help me. I was after some information about the
construction of the WTC TwinTowers. I was under the impression that the Trade Center had a Steel Tube design at its core, yet this article in Newsweek (see link below), seems to suggest that the Towers had a concrete core.


Any information with regards to the WTC Core structure would be most
Well, today I got a reply from Leslie Robertson himself -

Dear Mr. Ware:
There were no concrete cores in the twin towers of WTC.
There are many reasons why the article could have stated to the contrary...but none of them could be based on the facts in the matter.

Leslie Earl Robertson
So, I'm satisfied that we can now put the Concrete Core theory to bed.

No Concrete Core - From the Horses Mouth - David Icke's Official Forums
Obama issues executive order to start ‘truther’ round-up!
S.J.Ackjawed, wishful press ltd.

Photo: Federal internment camp in Wyoming, (US Govt. file photo)

President Obama issued executive order 665.999 early this morning with no signing statement. His only comment was “It’s time the American people put these loons where they belong, in FEMA internment camps”. There was no indication given for the president’s unprecedented actions, but unnamed sources close to the white house say the action was spurred by a court case filed in a California Federal District Court. The court action, filed by two private citizens on behalf of the ‘truther movement’, accused the government itself of “Misprision of Justice” under Title 18, part I, chapter 115, §2382.
Court documents recently acquired by WP show the filing occurred on February 18, 2010, just days before this unprecedented action taken by the president.
The petitioners could not be reached for comment, as they may already be on their way to a death camp, but a statement was found on US Messageboard.com, reportedly a “hotbed of truther activity”, according to the unnamed White House spokesperson. The following statement was placed on the internet message board early Thursday morning in response to an official U.S. Disinformation Agent, many of whom also frequent the internet message board in order to monitor the mentally ill truthers. The message, quoted below, was in response to the official agent accusing the original poster of “being a loon”, which, while correct, spurred the truther to post the following:
“It contains proof. Recognition of it is required to end treason.
Unlikely you are interested in that because you seek to further it with your post.
BTW, null post moron. No evidence countering what is presented as proof.
BTW moron, did you notice the violation of law enabling the misrepresentation of the core structure?
BTW, if you don't notice that . . . it puts you on the wrong side of the law and party to treason.”
The entire message board thread can be read here; http://www.usmessageboard.com/consp...ision-of-treason-filed-in-district-court.html
The spokesman, who is reportedly close to the president, said President Obama was reading the message board during his touted ‘health care summit’ at the Blair House in Washington D.C. at the time the post was made. “Mr. Obama was visibly upset” says the unnamed source, “The American people who were watching, and thought the president was agitated due to the content of the meeting. The fact is however, he was so upset by the truther’s outlandish claim he could simply not conceal his anger”.

Photo: Obama upset at truthers during health Care Summit, WP

While president Obama did not issue a signing statement, sources close to the President tell WP “his anger is formidable”.
The unprecedented ‘round-up’ of truthers may have consequences for the truther movement. WP speculates that the first wave of the ‘round-up’ will target the truthers, also known as “twofers”, on the US message Board. Users of the popular message board known only as “Terral, “eots”, “911insidejob”, “Creativedreams”, “Curvelight”, and the poster who allegedly filed the court brief,” Christopher”, will reportedly be among the first to be ‘rounded-up’ by United States Department of Disinformation Services forces, also know as “shocktroops” DOD officers are equipped with all manner of weapons, including strait jackets that reportedly use a non-reversible fastening system. The non-reversible fastening system was first used for convicted criminals condemned to death in the electric chair. The fact that they could never be removed meant that the condemned must then be buried in the strait jacket. This was intended to insult the condemned throughout eternity. The same tactic will apparently be applied to the truthers, sources say. “Imagine arriving before your maker to face your final judgment in a non-removable strait jacket”, the unnamed spokesman said to WP reporter S.J.Ackjawed, “Just think what a message that will send to the supreme creator about the judgment already placed on you by your fellow man! Pardon my ‘pun’, but Lord that will simply speak volumes! ”
There has been speculation in the recent past that the president was contemplating this action. On numerous days during his posting sessions on USMB, president Obama has complained bitterly about security leaks by the truthers on USMB. Mr. Obama reportedly blurted out the following while posting on USMB on February 16, 2010; “I don’t understand where the leak is. Just how does this asshat Terral get his information. He must have sources inside the White House! Hillary,Janet, find me the mole, now! Put your best people on it!” he was referring, of course, to the Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, and Secretary of Homeland Security , Janet Napolitano.
Unofficial reports claim that Mrs. Clinton has headed up the ‘round-up’ due to the fact that Ms. Napolitano is reportedly not any smarter than the truthers. Other sources close to the president confirm this assessment.
S.L.Ackjawed, on behalf of WP, has filed filed a freedom of information request with the US Dept. of Homeland Security to obtain a list of names of those captured in the round-up’. “That list will be released”, says a spokesman from DHS, “as soon as the on-going operation is complete.”
Agents reportedly are using different tactics to capture the truthers, say sources. “One trap was set simply by placing a twelve-pack of beer and a quarter ounce of medicinal marijuana under a tree.” Say sources. “Another trap was set by simply placing a slinky on the doorstep of a suspected truther and ringing the doorbell. Meanwhile DOD two agents simply wait for the ensuing paranoia and certain breakdown caused by the mental overload of the truther.
While the spokesman assured WP that this operation is on-going, the spokesman also stated that “There has been progress. The American people will see a difference. USMB will be ‘cleaned-up” for the people. There is no reason that the American people must put up with these treasonous truthers taking over an otherwise fantastic message board. The time has come to clean up this ‘hornet’s nest ‘of truther activity!”
The Administrator of USMB, an honest and upright man known simply as “Gunny”, could not be reached for comment at press time. It has been observed though, that “Gunny” has admonished the truthers on the board as “lunatics” in the past.
This is a breaking story, and this article will be amended as more news comes in to WP.
The court brief is shown here:
NSA Spying

The U.S. government, with assistance from major telecommunications carriers including AT&T, has engaged in a massive program of illegal dragnet surveillance of domestic communications and communications records of millions of ordinary Americans since at least 2001.

News reports in December 2005 first revealed that the National Security Agency (NSA) has been intercepting Americans’ phone calls and Internet communications. Those news reports, plus a USA Today story in May 2006 and the statements of several members of Congress, revealed that the NSA is also receiving wholesale copies of their telephone and other communications records. All of these surveillance activities are in violation of the privacy safeguards established by Congress and the

NSA Spying | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Net Widening: Big Brother Is Watching You - College Essays - Linusndigital

"Ever since the creation of the Internet, more specifically the World Wide Web, the government has utilized Orwellian tactics of surveillance. “Many parts of the Internet are still kind of like the raw frontier and the Government wants to stake its claim” (TechnoCulture). For instance, in December of 1995, news was released concerning the Government’s intention to fund another ten thousand closed circuit surveillance systems. Even though civil libertarians were assured this action had no sinister motive, responses from most were leery to say the least (“Big Brother…”).
This technology is very similar to that which Steven Mann, MIT computer specialist, uses. His “wearable wireless webcam” provides anyone logged onto his Internet home address live views of his daily routine.
“The Internet is sprouting eyes. And ears. And vending machines, hot tubs, coffeepots, robot gardeners, and model railroads. The armada of devices plugged into the Internet, in fact, is transforming the network into a bizarre place that falls somewhere between George Orwell’s 1984 and Candid Camera run amok” (TechnoCulture).
Intel currently uses the same technology for the cameras they sell for consumers to put on top of their monitors in order to be seen by others. This technology is inside your very computer monitor (“Eyes On The Net”). How do you know it’s not being utilized to oversee you? Is Big Brother watching you?"
Cattle Branding Basics
July 29, 200910:10 am cattlebrands No comments
Cattle Branding is a very important part of cattle ranching in the United States and it is a very important tool in proving ownership of cattle. It has a complex and interesting history as well as a deep language all its own.
Brands were used as early as anicent times. Greeks and Romans used hot irons to mark ownership of their livestock and there are hieroglyphics found in several Egyptian ruins depicting the use of branding to mark oxen. Branding was introuced to North America with the arrival of the Europeans, specifically the Spanish.
There are two basic types of cattle brands employed today. The first, and best known, is the hot iron brand. Another type of brand is called the freeze brand, although not all states will recognize it as valid. That’s an important point: branding rules and regulations are complex and vary considerably from state to state. Every cattle rancher should thoroughly investigate local and state ordinances on cattle branding, as all brands must be registered with the state. You and your cattle will be much happier if you get things right the first time.
Branding remains a critical component of proof of ownership, as there are no other uniform legal ways to do so. Unfortunately, lost and stolen cattle remain a fact of life for ranch owners everywhere, and a solid and consistent branding practice helps avoid problems down the line.
When selecting a brand, there are a few important considerations. First, try to choose something that is as simple as possible. Given the widespread registration of existing brands, it may be necessary to go with three or more letters in your brand. Applying the brand properly is also crucial. Most states have very specific requirements on size and placement of the brand, so it’s a good idea to double-check before beginning.

Cattle Branding is a very important part of cattle ranching in the United States and it is a very important tool in proving ownership of cattle. It has a complex and interesting history as well as a deep language all its own.

Brands were used as early as anicent times. Greeks and Romans used hot irons to mark ownership of their livestock and there are hieroglyphics found in several Egyptian ruins depicting the use of branding to mark oxen. Branding was introuced to North America with the arrival of the Europeans, specifically the Spanish.

There are two basic types of cattle brands employed today. The first, and best known, is the hot iron brand. Another type of brand is called the freeze brand, although not all states will recognize it as valid. That’s an important point: branding rules and regulations are complex and vary considerably from state to state. Every cattle rancher should thoroughly investigate local and state ordinances on cattle branding, as all brands must be registered with the state. You and your cattle will be much happier if you get things right the first time.

Branding remains a critical component of proof of ownership, as there are no other uniform legal ways to do so. Unfortunately, lost and stolen cattle remain a fact of life for ranch owners everywhere, and a solid and consistent branding practice helps avoid problems down the line.

Cattle Brands
Before All Else Fails, Run! Strategies from a Flight-First Perspective

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What is the primary skill needed to survive a zombie invasion? An individual may practice superior marksmanship, wear the most fantastic home-built armor, and possess the best maps and equipment. However, if one can't run at least six miles without stopping, one is in a brief, flesh-rending world of hurt. This article will expose some of the disadvantages of dependency on armor, armaments, mechanical transport, and excess gear in general, while illustrating the advantages of using one's ability to assess danger, combined with natural speed and agility to evacuate before the full onslaught of zombies.

This article uses The Key Emergency Principle and applies it to a zombie attack.

Before All Else Fails, Run! Strategies from a Flight-First Perspective | Zombie Preparedness Initiative

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