FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

I can't actually figure out what you are trying to say. As an agent trying to conceal the methods of mass murder, you don't have to make sense, just pretending you do is enough to confuse things for those too fearful to stand directly for defense of the Constitution by recognizing the violations of laws made under it. Those violations of law happen to serve your side of this bs discussion so of course you won't acknowledge it. You have no evidence.

The concrete core has independently verified evidence.

Robertson is verified by Oxford, verifying Domel who describes a concrete core verified by the image of WTC 2 core, verifying the top of WTC 2 core falling onto WTC 3, the WTC 1 rebar, just after the WTC 1 west core wall is seen in an end view, then, the WTC 1 east shear wall toppling, consistent with interior box columns silhouetted on WTC 1 north core wall, consistent with ground zero showing the WTC 1 north concrete core base wall, 12 foot thick, all supported as clarification of the many confused statements that do mention concrete in the core including the latest revised NIST contracted analysis of free fall by Bazant et. al 6/21/2007, which actually provides an equivalent amount of high explosives needed to create the rate of fall they are attempting to justify with physics. It doesn't work, but at least they won't go down in history as totally supporting the deceptions.

Oh going to play dumb now huh.... Okay go ahead and do that... But understand this Mr. Wannabe huckster, every time you pull this BS its like a big neon finger with the word Idiot written over it pointing straight at you....

You sat there and said one thing, then denied saying that, and when it was shown here in your own words, you pretend I am not making sense.... Seriously, if you wanted to paint yourself a bigger fool I can't imagine how you could do it after that....

Why not debate your own words some more? Show us your brilliance Mr. Wizard.....:lol:
I can't actually figure out what you are trying to say. As an agent trying to conceal the methods of mass murder, you don't have to make sense, just pretending you do is enough to confuse things for those too fearful to stand directly for defense of the Constitution by recognizing the violations of laws made under it. Those violations of law happen to serve your side of this bs discussion so of course you won't acknowledge it. You have no evidence.

The concrete core has independently verified evidence.

Oh going to play dumb now huh.... Okay go ahead and do that... But understand this Mr. Wannabe huckster, every time you pull this BS its like a big neon finger with the word Idiot written over it pointing straight at you....

You sat there and said one thing, then denied saying that, and when it was shown here in your own words, you pretend I am not making sense.... Seriously, if you wanted to paint yourself a bigger fool I can't imagine how you could do it after that....

Why not debate your own words some more? Show us your brilliance Mr. Wizard.....:lol:
no, he isnt playing

he really IS dumb
I can't actually figure out what you are trying to say. As an agent trying to conceal the methods of mass murder, you don't have to make sense, just pretending you do is enough to confuse things for those too fearful to stand directly for defense of the Constitution by recognizing the violations of laws made under it. Those violations of law happen to serve your side of this bs discussion so of course you won't acknowledge it. You have no evidence.

The concrete core has independently verified evidence.

Oh going to play dumb now huh.... Okay go ahead and do that... But understand this Mr. Wannabe huckster, every time you pull this BS its like a big neon finger with the word Idiot written over it pointing straight at you....

You sat there and said one thing, then denied saying that, and when it was shown here in your own words, you pretend I am not making sense.... Seriously, if you wanted to paint yourself a bigger fool I can't imagine how you could do it after that....

Why not debate your own words some more? Show us your brilliance Mr. Wizard.....:lol:
no, he isnt playing

he really IS dumb

If it weren't such a source of entertainment for so many I would recommend shunning this asshole till he gives up......
If it weren't such a source of entertainment for so many I would recommend shunning this asshole till he gives up......

as far as i can tell he isnt going to give up. he's got no life other than this. interestingly enough he has known about the explosives embedded in the invisecrete core since the 80s yet waited until several years AFTER 9/11 to say anything about it.

so lets pretend for a second that his info was accurate and the WTC was built like he said....


i dont know about you but i would be out there screaming to everyone in the world about explosives embedded in the towers by about 11am on 9/11/2001.
If it weren't such a source of entertainment for so many I would recommend shunning this asshole till he gives up......

as far as i can tell he isnt going to give up. he's got no life other than this. interestingly enough he has known about the explosives embedded in the invisecrete core since the 80s yet waited until several years AFTER 9/11 to say anything about it.

so lets pretend for a second that his info was accurate and the WTC was built like he said....


i dont know about you but i would be out there screaming to everyone in the world about explosives embedded in the towers by about 11am on 9/11/2001.
um, i would have been screaming about ANY building having explosives "built-in" as soon as i found out about it
the buildings would have been EMPTY on 9/11/2001
If it weren't such a source of entertainment for so many I would recommend shunning this asshole till he gives up......

as far as i can tell he isnt going to give up. he's got no life other than this. interestingly enough he has known about the explosives embedded in the invisecrete core since the 80s yet waited until several years AFTER 9/11 to say anything about it.

so lets pretend for a second that his info was accurate and the WTC was built like he said....


i dont know about you but i would be out there screaming to everyone in the world about explosives embedded in the towers by about 11am on 9/11/2001.

Yeah no shit...... LOL

I don't think this guy is a genius or even particularly bright (just read what he posts), but I do think he is fully aware he is full of shit. Watch his reactions when busted... A true believer would become incensed and run off in a huff... he doesn't, he stays calm and tries to bullshit his way through it or ignores it altogether....

oh he knows what hes doing full and well. He has decided if David Ike can spout lizard people nonsense, he can spew his own brand of bullshit and get paid too. he doesn't see it as any different in his approach and ike's. The reality is ike is entertaining, and his BS is so ridiculous the most of it is viewed as most people watch pro-wrestling, with a bit of tongue in cheek. He lacks that charisma and showmanship, so he tries to make up for it trying to sound impossibly knowledgeable on it. if he could get away with it he would claim he was there and survived the fall, but he has some limit. And this shows he is not a fool, nor a believer to the extent of losing all for his cause....

I know the type, I have to deal with similar kinds at work all the time unfortunately....
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I know the type, I have to deal with similar kinds at work all the time unfortunately....

well god bless you. i never had to deal with stupid people on a regular basis in real life and perhaps that is why i find them so entertaining here.

well, i guess the DMV people are the only stupid ones i had to deal with.
I know the type, I have to deal with similar kinds at work all the time unfortunately....

well god bless you. i never had to deal with stupid people on a regular basis in real life and perhaps that is why i find them so entertaining here.

well, i guess the DMV people are the only stupid ones i had to deal with.

LOL, my ignorant people work for the government HAHAHAHAHHAHA!
On 9-11 we see this for the core of WTC 2.

Which bears no resemblence to this.

All we can conclude is that the engineer of record accurately described the core to Newsweek and they accurately published his description of a concrete core.

Still, Robertson, whose firm is responsible for three of the six tallest buildings in the world, feels a sense of pride that the massive towers, supported by a steel-tube exoskeleton and a reinforced concrete core, held up as well as they did—managing to stand for over an hour despite direct hits from two massive commercial jetliners.
On 9-11 we see this for the core of WTC 2.

Which bears no resemblence to this.

All we can conclude is that the engineer of record accurately described the core to Newsweek and they accurately published his description of a concrete core.

except that was NOT what he said
you lying piece of deadbeat shit
On 9-11 we see this for the core of WTC 2.

Which bears no resemblence to this.

All we can conclude is that the engineer of record accurately described the core to Newsweek and they accurately published his description of a concrete core.

Still, Robertson, whose firm is responsible for three of the six tallest buildings in the world, feels a sense of pride that the massive towers, supported by a steel-tube exoskeleton and a reinforced concrete core, held up as well as they did—managing to stand for over an hour despite direct hits from two massive commercial jetliners.

Why do you lie so blatantly? you know dam good and well Robinson did not say that. the reporter said that, and all data shows this was a mistake. So why are you so desperate to prove something that is so easily proven wrong?
On 9-11 we see this for the core of WTC 2.

Which bears no resemblence to this.

Huh? The two images of absolutely nothing look EXACTLY alike, dipshit.

That reminds me. The other day, CriscoFEARa was shown the standard alphabet and asked to just read it.

CriscoFEARa: A.B.C.D.E.K.H.I. . . .

Liability: Wait wait wait, asshole. Try that again.

CriscoFEARa: A.B.C.D.E.K.H. . . .

Liability: NO! You messed it up again, ya blithering moron. Try reading it correctly this time, idiot.

CriscoFEARa: A.B.C.D.E.K. . . .

Liability: Jeez, CriscoFEARa, you are SO very retarded. I don't get it. How come every time I see "F" you see "K" you scumbag?
On 9-11 we see this for the core of WTC 2.


Which bears no resemblence to this.


All we can conclude is that the engineer of record accurately described the core to Newsweek
and they accurately published his description of a concrete core.

Still, Robertson, whose firm is responsible for three of the six tallest buildings in the world, feels a sense of pride that the massive towers, supported by a steel-tube exoskeleton and a reinforced concrete core, held up as well as they did—managing to stand for over an hour despite direct hits from two massive commercial jetliners.
On 9-11 we see this for the core of WTC 2.

Which bears no resemblence to this.

All we can conclude is that the engineer of record accurately described the core to Newsweek
and they accurately published his description of a concrete core.

still showing what a fucking dipshit you are
Christopharter said:
On 9-11 we see this for the core of WTC 2.

Wrong.. !

You have seen something which has caused you an addiction to telling lies .. ! You have been hypnotized Chi$$y Poop

You have been blinded by the light of your demon .. CHRIS !!


Naah don't do that .. :lol:

On 9-11 we see this for the core of WTC 2.


Which bears no resemblence to this.


All we can conclude is that the engineer of record accurately described the core to Newsweek
and they accurately published his description of a concrete core.

Still, Robertson, whose firm is responsible for three of the six tallest buildings in the world, feels a sense of pride that the massive towers, supported by a steel-tube exoskeleton and a reinforced concrete core, held up as well as they did—managing to stand for over an hour despite direct hits from two massive commercial jetliners.

it doesnt look the same according to who? YOU?!!

find one expert that sees concrete in that picture. :cuckoo:

all we can conclude is that you are a lying jackass that still claims robertson said something he didnt say.
fiz said:
you have NOTHING that backs up you claims that the steel core columns were "elevator guide rail support steel"

This completely discounts the possibility of the vertical steel in the core being "core columns".

Which completely explains WHY there are no steel core columns in the coer area.

The elevator guide rail support steel with butt plates and single pass welds was NOT strong enough to stand on its own.

I thought you said that the elevator guide rails were fastened to the inside face of your supposed core wall? Now you claim there is a about a 6' gap between the wall and the guide rail support steel.

What gives Chris? Why the contradiction?
The same exact stain of concrete is on the interior box column and the first elevator guide rail support to about the 3rd floor where the interior box columns were completely encased in concrete, The stain also shows on the top piece which would be inside the concrete pour.


The same stain is on the lower part of the interior box column left of the 12 foot thick concrete core base wall that has the 3x7 hallway running the length of it. Daylight shines through the short wall segment.

These are the antics agents without evidence must use to try and reinforce the "big lie" from FEMA.

Now I KNOW you're making shit up as you go along. In another forum you claimed that the columns were encased up the first three floors of the basement. In another forum you claim that it was up to the first 4 floors. In another forum you claimed that the columns MAY have been encased.

Now it's the first 3 floors?

What the fuck are you doing Chris? You aren't on the side of truth at all. How can someone supposedly on the side of truth make up four different scenarios? That's just horseshit.
Look at the "buttplates" in this photo at the top of all the columns!!!!!

No "buttplates" whatsoever. They are lugs on the SIDES of the columns.


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