FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

Gypsum is a covering only. It does not bear loads at all.

Gypsum Construction Handbook

its drywall basically. Gypsum was the wall covering on the inside and in some areas most likely on the outside walls of the elevator shafts and or stairwell walls. I have gypsum nearly the same specs in my office. They do not bear loads. The loads are carried by the frame work and inner wall supports.

In the case of the WTC towers, they were a inner wall covering as well. Whether it was in an elevator shaft or an office wall, they served the same purpose. The steel underneath and behind those gypsum coverings were what carried the load.

I never said they carried loads. The gypsum planking was placed between the concrete slabs of the floors and between cross members using channels that they fit into on the top and bottom, just like you see in this photo:

That is gypsum planking BETWEEN the horizontal channels. They also used the gypsum planking to surround the columns in addition to sometimes using fireproofing.

LOL, well then what the hell are you arguing with me about? :lol::lol::lol:

I think we got a wrong idea about what one another was saying somewhere along the line...

For my end I am sorry if something I said gave you the wrong impression. I was just responding to your post to me. My bad, I just assumed from your response you were implying the gypsum made the shafts....


Nah. I was just making a comment on the fact that from what I have seen, there was no concrete other than the floors in the towers and that the shafts and walls were comprised of gypsum planks placed between the concrete floors and horizontal steel members.

No worries.

9-11-misprision of treason, Title 18, part I, chapter 115, §2382

This is how the FEMA deception was conducted. By misrepresenting the weak elevator guide rail support steel as "core columns".

you have NOTHING that backs up you claims that the steel core columns were "elevator guide rail support steel"

its something you completely made up. linking to your own stupid fucking legal shit that is completely laughable isnt proof of anything except your insanity. :cuckoo:
I never said they carried loads. The gypsum planking was placed between the concrete slabs of the floors and between cross members using channels that they fit into on the top and bottom, just like you see in this photo:

That is gypsum planking BETWEEN the horizontal channels. They also used the gypsum planking to surround the columns in addition to sometimes using fireproofing.

LOL, well then what the hell are you arguing with me about? :lol::lol::lol:

I think we got a wrong idea about what one another was saying somewhere along the line...

For my end I am sorry if something I said gave you the wrong impression. I was just responding to your post to me. My bad, I just assumed from your response you were implying the gypsum made the shafts....


Nah. I was just making a comment on the fact that from what I have seen, there was no concrete other than the floors in the towers and that the shafts and walls were comprised of gypsum planks placed between the concrete floors and horizontal steel members.

No worries.



cool no probs, I agree with that 100%. if there was any other concrete it was for decoration or a cover and only in very small quantity.
9-11-misprision of treason, Title 18, part I, chapter 115, §2382

This is how the FEMA deception was conducted. By misrepresenting the weak elevator guide rail support steel as "core columns".

you have NOTHING that backs up you claims that the steel core columns were "elevator guide rail support steel"

its something you completely made up. linking to your own stupid fucking legal shit that is completely laughable isnt proof of anything except your insanity. :cuckoo:

Not to mention the fact that he has now completely contradicted his prior claim that the elevator guide rail support steel was fastened to the inner core wall facing. Now there is that 6' spacing between his inner core wall face and the guide steel.

What a moron. Telling too many lies over all these years has finally caught up to him.
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fiz said:
you have NOTHING that backs up you claims that the steel core columns were "elevator guide rail support steel"

This completely discounts the possibility of the vertical steel in the core being "core columns".

Which completely explains WHY there are no steel core columns in the coer area.

The elevator guide rail support steel with butt plates and single pass welds was NOT strong enough to stand on its own.
fiz said:
you have NOTHING that backs up you claims that the steel core columns were "elevator guide rail support steel"

This completely discounts the possibility of the vertical steel in the core being "core columns".

Which completely explains WHY there are no steel core columns in the coer area.

The elevator guide rail support steel with butt plates and single pass welds was NOT strong enough to stand on its own.

I will try once more than I will dismiss you as being a deliberate bullshit artist looking to sell his theory no matter who it hurts...

Central core steel frame structure, housed within itself the elevator shafts and stairwells. I went over this with you before and you stuck your fingers in your ears.... You try and run on the pretense the core sections were these insanely large single structures that should be immensely larger than all other steel around it. When the reality is there was no such thing. The structures were a steel space frame construction, the largest sections carrying the most load were nearest the bottom, gradually getting smaller as the rose to the top.

If you refuse to listen to this again I am done with you...
The same exact stain of concrete is on the interior box column and the first elevator guide rail support to about the 3rd floor where the interior box columns were completely encased in concrete, The stain also shows on the top piece which would be inside the concrete pour.


The same stain is on the lower part of the interior box column left of the 12 foot thick concrete core base wall that has the 3x7 hallway running the length of it. Daylight shines through the short wall segment.

These are the antics agents without evidence must use to try and reinforce the "big lie" from FEMA.
The same exact stain of concrete is on the interior box column and the first elevator guide rail support to about the 3rd floor where the interior box columns were completely encased in concrete, The stain also shows on the top piece which would be inside the concrete pour.


The same stain is on the lower part of the interior box column left of the 12 foot thick concrete core base wall that has the 3x7 hallway running the length of it. Daylight shines through the short wall segment.

These are the antics agents without evidence must use to try and reinforce the "big lie" from FEMA.

So I am an "Agent" now? LOL...

Okay dipshit, I'm an agent.... But your picture doesn't show any such thing that you claim... THats no a giant concrete core at all... looks kind of small to do what you claimed it did....

See that? I didnt even have to get out my secret agent decoder ring....:lol::lol:
That photo does not show concrete and I did not claim I did. The infiltrating perpetrators of mass murder woul like you to pretend I said that.

This is the west end of the WTC 1 concrete core. It is an end view of the concrete wall. To the right of it is an interior box column OUTSIDE the core.


Anybody that argues without evidence for the obstruction of justice relating to mass murder is an agent.
That photo does not show concrete and I did not claim I did. The infiltrating perpetrators of mass murder woul like you to pretend I said that.

This is the west end of the WTC 1 concrete core. It is an end view of the concrete wall. To the right of it is an interior box column OUTSIDE the core.


Anybody that argues without evidence for the obstruction of justice relating to mass murder is an agent.

OMG! I totally see that now.... YOU didn't actually say this.....


The same exact stain of concrete is on the interior box column and the first elevator guide rail support to about the 3rd floor where the interior box columns were completely encased in concrete, The stain also shows on the top piece which would be inside the concrete pour.
The same stain is on the lower part of the interior box column left of the 12 foot thick concrete core base wall that has the 3x7 hallway running the length of it. Daylight shines through the short wall segment.

What you actually said was ....

That photo does not show concrete and I did not claim I did.


Dude not only are you a huckster trying to sell garbage to people, you aren't very good at it either.......:lol:
That photo does not show concrete and I did not claim I did. The infiltrating perpetrators of mass murder woul like you to pretend I said that.

This is the west end of the WTC 1 concrete core. It is an end view of the concrete wall. To the right of it is an interior box column OUTSIDE the core.


Anybody that argues without evidence for the obstruction of justice relating to mass murder is an agent.

OMG! I totally see that now.... YOU didn't actually say this.....


The same exact stain of concrete is on the interior box column and the first elevator guide rail support to about the 3rd floor where the interior box columns were completely encased in concrete, The stain also shows on the top piece which would be inside the concrete pour.
The same stain is on the lower part of the interior box column left of the 12 foot thick concrete core base wall that has the 3x7 hallway running the length of it. Daylight shines through the short wall segment.

What you actually said was ....

That photo does not show concrete and I did not claim I did.


Dude not only are you a huckster trying to sell garbage to people, you aren't very good at it either.......:lol:
which is why his site has only made $6
I can't actually figure out what you are trying to say. As an agent trying to conceal the methods of mass murder, you don't have to make sense, just pretending you do is enough to confuse things for those too fearful to stand directly for defense of the Constitution by recognizing the violations of laws made under it. Those violations of law happen to serve your side of this bs discussion so of course you won't acknowledge it. You have no evidence.

The concrete core has independently verified evidence.

Robertson is verified by Oxford, verifying Domel who describes a concrete core verified by the image of WTC 2 core, verifying the top of WTC 2 core falling onto WTC 3, the WTC 1 rebar, just after the WTC 1 west core wall is seen in an end view, then, the WTC 1 east shear wall toppling, consistent with interior box columns silhouetted on WTC 1 north core wall, consistent with ground zero showing the WTC 1 north concrete core base wall, 12 foot thick, all supported as clarification of the many confused statements that do mention concrete in the core including the latest revised NIST contracted analysis of free fall by Bazant et. al 6/21/2007, which actually provides an equivalent amount of high explosives needed to create the rate of fall they are attempting to justify with physics. It doesn't work, but at least they won't go down in history as totally supporting the deceptions.
I can't actually figure out what you are trying to say. As an agent trying to conceal the methods of mass murder, you don't have to make sense, just pretending you do is enough to confuse things for those too fearful to stand directly for defense of the Constitution by recognizing the violations of laws made under it. Those violations of law happen to serve your side of this bs discussion so of course you won't acknowledge it. You have no evidence.

The concrete core has independently verified evidence.

Robertson is verified by Oxford, verifying Domel who describes a concrete core verified by the image of WTC 2 core, verifying the top of WTC 2 core falling onto WTC 3, the WTC 1 rebar, just after the WTC 1 west core wall is seen in an end view, then, the WTC 1 east shear wall toppling, consistent with interior box columns silhouetted on WTC 1 north core wall, consistent with ground zero showing the WTC 1 north concrete core base wall, 12 foot thick, all supported as clarification of the many confused statements that do mention concrete in the core including the latest revised NIST contracted analysis of free fall by Bazant et. al 6/21/2007, which actually provides an equivalent amount of high explosives needed to create the rate of fall they are attempting to justify with physics. It doesn't work, but at least they won't go down in history as totally supporting the deceptions.
fiz said:
you have NOTHING that backs up you claims that the steel core columns were "elevator guide rail support steel"

This completely discounts the possibility of the vertical steel in the core being "core columns".

Which completely explains WHY there are no steel core columns in the coer area.

The elevator guide rail support steel with butt plates and single pass welds was NOT strong enough to stand on its own.

so you admit you have NOTHING to back up your claim that the steel core columns were "elevator guide rail support steel"

you completely made it up.

last chance to show your evidence of anyone calling the steel core "elevator guide rail support steel" other than your own stupid ramblings.
I can't actually figure out what you are trying to say. As an agent trying to conceal the methods of mass murder, you don't have to make sense, just pretending you do is enough to confuse things for those too fearful to stand directly for defense of the Constitution by recognizing the violations of laws made under it. Those violations of law happen to serve your side of this bs discussion so of course you won't acknowledge it. You have no evidence.

The concrete core has independently verified evidence.
sorry, THAT bullshit is not evidence
its delusional thinking by YOU
That is exactly what the infiltrating perpetrators of mass murder would want you to say.

This is the concrete tubular core of WTC 2.


And it looks exactly as would be expected in consistency with Oxford Illustrated Encyclopedia of Invention and Technology, 1992

Do you realize that production documents and photos regarding the WTC have been in the public domain since 1970?
shhhh, that delusional dipshit thinks that somehow they were able to go back in time and cover up or remove all evidence of concrete in the core
Hmmm, liars lying to liars so the liars can agree on the lie, with no link to anything supposedly in the "public domain".

By law it could be and should be but IS NOT.

9-11-misprision of treason, Title 18, part I, chapter 115, §2382

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) volunteered to analyze collapse but did not have the actual structural plans of the Towers. Seven years of research fails to show that NIST had such plans and there are numerous signs that this was a problem years after the plans should have been available to the public.


“10/05/01 The American Institute of Architects reports that a number of firms have been receiving requests for building plans that have raised some concern. . . .” WTCTragedy
and EXHIBITS “A through E” with PANELS 1 through 6 as indicated in the following.

The deception appears to be misprision of treason. Many Americans may be endangered in their daily lives if justice is not provided and treason exposed.

We get the altered obsolete plans from silverstein. The revision tables were added to the scanned blueprints. Graphic anomalie associated/gained, accidently with the act of falsifying the contents associated with the initials column.


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