FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

Traitors can prove nothing. I can prove that I've made no profit from my site.


The site costs me $200+ a year.

Wait a minute, let me get this straight.

You are only maintaining your fictional delusions because of a website that you are attempting to earn money from? A website that you created to further your truther bullshit?

You are attempting to profiteer on the pain, loneliness, and heartbreak of all the families of the 3000 victims of 9/11. The people you post pictures of while trying to defend your fantasy concrete cores.

That's really low, Chris. That's the lowest I've ever seen someone go in the chase for the almighty dollar. Most criminals have a higher moral standard than that.

As far as my opinion of how low you can go, you're lower than whale shit. You're so low, you can walk under a snake while wearing stilts.

How can you live with yourself?

You disgust me.
Here's Chri$$y going back into his hole in the ground .. :lol: .. from his myspace account BTW ..


Here's a song just for you Chri$$y Poop .. the cave man !!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sz6IpmmYSXA]YouTube - ALLEY OOP - THE HOLLYWOOD ARGYLES[/ame]

Stann :cuckoo: :lol:
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FEMA presents this as the core,

the ONLY depiction of the towers core in existence from official sources. And it is a TOTAL misrepresentation. The misrepresentation is detailed here in these images submitted to the US district court.

The American people need the truth. Your act clearly aligns you with the infiltration and concealment of the the Twin Towers structure used in felony and treason.

FEMA presents this as the core,

the ONLY depiction of the towers core in existence from official sources. And it is a TOTAL misrepresentation. The misrepresentation is detailed here in these images submitted to the US district court.

The American people need the truth. Your act clearly aligns you with the infiltration and concealment of the the Twin Towers structure used in felony and treason.
you might as well give it up, dipshit
you have been exposed as a fraud
FEMA presents this as the core,

the ONLY depiction of the towers core in existence from official sources. And it is a TOTAL misrepresentation. The misrepresentation is detailed here in these images submitted to the US district court.

The American people need the truth. Your act clearly aligns you with the infiltration and concealment of the the Twin Towers structure used in felony and treason.
you might as well give it up, dipshit
you have been exposed as a fraud

And a profiteer on the sorrow of others.
Hey Chris.

If your core was 12' from the right side of the interior core columns like you claim, that leaves about 6' of space from your interior concrete wall face to what you claim is the elevator guide rail support steel.

You said the elevator guide rail support steel was fastened to the inside face of the core wall????

Now what?
FEMA presents this as the core,

the ONLY depiction of the towers core in existence from official sources. And it is a TOTAL misrepresentation. The misrepresentation is detailed here in these images submitted to the US district court.

Which experts in the fields of engineering and construction do you have the support of that agree with you that the photos you present show what you claim they show?

Or is it just your analysis only?
More proof that Chris is making this shit up as he goes along. Here is another post from the Break for News site that is completely incorrect.
The Next Level :: View topic - 9/11 Audio: Twin Towers Built for Demo

Christophera said:
After WTC 1 had started it was determined that renting space in WTC 1 was quite difficult because of the poor access across core with on hallway in one direction per floor on lower floors. That determination compelled a major redesign of the concrete core which was based on field measurements by engineers of the deflections of the steel structure as the cranes were loading it which was the only threat to the towers as they were being built.

Let's look at this shall we and see Chris' thinking process. A while ago, Chris argued that there was no elevator access on the lobby level in either tower and that his SOLID concrete core surrounded all the elevators, stairwells, etc. I had found pictures which proved that the express elevators were indeed accessed from outside the core. This simple fact destroys Chris' theory because if it were true, it would mean tha the 23 express elevators were right inside the outer ring of perimeter columns. Right where his core should be. After showing him these photos of elevator access, he then made up the story that WTC1 was designed that with the core surrounding the elevators, but WTC2 was completely redesigned to provide access to the elevators from outside the core based on renting issues. This gave him an out as he then claimed that all photos showing this elevator access at the lobby level was of WTC2. That's why he so vehemently states this redesign bullshit.

Let's look at the facts. They started designing the towers in 1962 and didn't start construction until 1968. That's about 6 years worth of design and calculation work. 6 years.

Chris states in his bullshit that AFTER the start of WTC1 (which was August of 1968), they discovered that there was renting issues with WTC1and they needed to redeisgn the core for WTC2 in order to make better access to the elevators. This is a MAJOR redesign. The construction of WTC2 began in January of 1969. That's 4 months. That's 4 months to totally redesign the supposed concrete core. We're talking a complete set of new blueprints which includes architectural, structural steel and concrete, new foundations had to be designed, elevators had to be relocated, piping, electrical, etc.

That which took them about 6 years, now had to be done in less than 4 months? Are you kidding me?! Total bullshit.

And to top it off, he has presented no proof whatsoever that this redesign is true. NONE.

Christophera said:
ete to resist flex of the steel and lateral loading by combined lifting of the kangaroo cranes was understood and used to optimize and speed the construction of WTC 2 which was finished ahead of WTC 1.

Another blatant fuck up becuase he can' keep track of his lies. WTC2 was NOT finished ahead of WTC1. WTC1 was "topped out" on December 23rd, 1970. WTC2 was "topped out" on July 19th, 1971.

What a damn idiot.
gumjob has posted no evidence for steel core columns. The only evidence that is acceptable is images from 9-11 that show the supposed steel core column in the core area.

This is because FEMA misrepresented elevator guide rail support steel as the core structure. Here is how it was done.


This is why gumjob asks these questions.
How come there is a 6 foot gap between your concrete core inside face and the elevator guide rail support steel when you claimed the support steel was FASTENED to the core wall???

You just keep screwing things up!!

Why is there now a 6' space between the elevator guide rail support steel and the inside face of your core wall when you have claimed the guide rail support steel was fastened to the concrete core wall?
You are the one obstructing justice with a fraudulent diagram. It's doubtful you even know the source of it.

I know it agrees with the other fraud of FEMA and the diagram showing the core conceptually. Ironically that diagram is the ONLY depiction of the core of any kind from official sources.

I use photographs that do not lie. This shows very well a portion of a massive concrete wall toppling intot he empty core area.

FEMA deception

The column in the background is the spire which is outside the core. To the left of the structural steel below is a thick concrete wall.

You are the one obstructing justice with a fraudulent diagram. It's doubtful you even know the source of it.

I know it agrees with the other fraud of FEMA and the diagram showing the core conceptually. Ironically that diagram is the ONLY depiction of the core of any kind from official sources.

I use photographs that do not lie. This shows very well a portion of a massive concrete wall toppling intot he empty core area.

FEMA deception

The column in the background is the spire which is outside the core. To the left of the structural steel below is a thick concrete wall.


you use photographs that show a STEEL CORE you fucking moron. the source of the diagram is the NIST.

so why dont you fucking lie some more? you got caught lying once again by saying there was only one depiction of the towers core from an official source.


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