FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

For an agent that doesn't know it is an idiot who always states the reverse of the truth that is a compliment.

If it will help, I'll try to find a Kryptonian to English translation program for you. You seem to be having a problem with sentence structure.

Come to think of it, you have problems with any kinds of structures.
When you didn't, you showed you are an agent of the infiltrators of the US government and working to protect the perpetrators secret methods of mass murder on 9-11.

By the way, in the other thread I admitted I was a DOD agent working on collapsing concrete cores. I do it when I'm not checking mattress tags.

But here's some exciting news for you. The DOD department in charge of re-bar has just developed a new prototype. It is 27 inch thick high tensile strength titanium re-bar. Our crash tests have discovered it totally disintigrates upon impact of a Piper Seneca V loaded with parafin soaked balsa wood.

The next time a building falls, you can blame it on our new re-bar, without having to trouble yourself with inventing Invisicrete (accept no substitutes) cores.
I was sent here by christophera a few days ago when he was in my thread. He kept saying evidence of concrete cores and kept linking to this thread, so over the last couple days I came here and looked it over when I had free time. I am glad I did, because now I believe christophera is one of those "agents" of disinformation we keep hearing about....

MY god man, I gave you a fully and legitimately referenced and sound series of posts explaining how this myth got started, how it was propagated and why it is so incredibly ignorant and wrong it is beyond all sense. And all you did was repeat I should go hear and look at your evidence....

Well buddy I looked at your evidence and from it I gather a few things.

1. You are willingly spreading BS to an emotional and naive public... I think its intentional and I think its deliberate because you deny factual and irrefutable evidence showing this to be bogus, and without even blinking you post more of the same garbage as if the refutation of it never happened.

2. You are preying on the fears and concerns of a group of people who out of personal or social concern are legitimately seeking real answers on this. When you post this kind of garbage it discredits legitimate research and those seeking knowledge or with something viable and real to say.

3. You are more concerned with appearing right, or smart, or whatever than you are about people, society, or anything so simple and pure as seeking or sharing knowledge or truth. Notice the bolded word? "Appearance", thats what its all about for you here. This evidenced by your denial and disregarding of all explanations which show your theory to be nonsense, without so much as an excuse, apology or even a compromise. No matter the evidence, no matter the undeniable proof to the contrary, you continue on like a true machine.

Those 3 points alone are enough to make some pretty accurate assumptions about you on this. Assumptions regarding your character (or lack there of), your ethics, and morality. The fact you can carry on this crap regardless of how damaging it is to others is beyond me.....

Dude I am not religious by any measure, but in this case all I can say is God help you man....
I was sent here by christophera a few days ago when he was in my thread. He kept saying evidence of concrete cores and kept linking to this thread, so over the last couple days I came here and looked it over when I had free time. I am glad I did, because now I believe christophera is one of those "agents" of disinformation we keep hearing about....

MY god man, I gave you a fully and legitimately referenced and sound series of posts explaining how this myth got started, how it was propagated and why it is so incredibly ignorant and wrong it is beyond all sense. And all you did was repeat I should go hear and look at your evidence....

Well buddy I looked at your evidence and from it I gather a few things.

1. You are willingly spreading BS to an emotional and naive public... I think its intentional and I think its deliberate because you deny factual and irrefutable evidence showing this to be bogus, and without even blinking you post more of the same garbage as if the refutation of it never happened.

2. You are preying on the fears and concerns of a group of people who out of personal or social concern are legitimately seeking real answers on this. When you post this kind of garbage it discredits legitimate research and those seeking knowledge or with something viable and real to say.

3. You are more concerned with appearing right, or smart, or whatever than you are about people, society, or anything so simple and pure as seeking or sharing knowledge or truth. Notice the bolded word? "Appearance", thats what its all about for you here. This evidenced by your denial and disregarding of all explanations which show your theory to be nonsense, without so much as an excuse, apology or even a compromise. No matter the evidence, no matter the undeniable proof to the contrary, you continue on like a true machine.

Those 3 points alone are enough to make some pretty accurate assumptions about you on this. Assumptions regarding your character (or lack there of), your ethics, and morality. The fact you can carry on this crap regardless of how damaging it is to others is beyond me.....

Dude I am not religious by any measure, but in this case all I can say is God help you man....

I doubt the Big Guy in the sky would have any time for such a deceitful, lying scumbag and I use those words with reverence ..

slaker, you have no more evidence than any of the other agents. Your fake social grouping in the psyops is not credible. This disclosure was because there was something to disclose. Substance.

Respect for the Constitution and laws made under it is exemplified. The ability to recognize when they are violated, something you have not done. The ex mayor took the WTC documents.

9-11-misprision of treason, Title 18, part I, chapter 115, §2382

The support for secret methods of murder, misprision, felony and treason is sickening.

When I realize you do it knowing thousands of people miss their loved ones as the rest of America slips into economic ruin from the traiterous uses of the military conducting wars I'm sickened.

slaker, you have no more evidence than any of the other agents. Your fake social grouping in the psyops is not credible. This disclosure was because there was something to disclose. Substance.

Respect for the Constitution and laws made under it is exemplified. The ability to recognize when they are violated, something you have not done. The ex mayor took the WTC documents.

9-11-misprision of treason, Title 18, part I, chapter 115, §2382

The support for secret methods of murder, misprision, felony and treason is sickening.

When I realize you do it knowing thousands of people miss their loved ones as the rest of America slips into economic ruin from the traiterous uses of the military conducting wars I'm sickened.

you're fucking insane.:cuckoo:
slaker, you have no more evidence than any of the other agents. Your fake social grouping in the psyops is not credible. This disclosure was because there was something to disclose. Substance.

Respect for the Constitution and laws made under it is exemplified. The ability to recognize when they are violated, something you have not done. The ex mayor took the WTC documents.

9-11-misprision of treason, Title 18, part I, chapter 115, §2382

The support for secret methods of murder, misprision, felony and treason is sickening.

When I realize you do it knowing thousands of people miss their loved ones as the rest of America slips into economic ruin from the traiterous uses of the military conducting wars I'm sickened.


I agree with the bold part and find it shocking and disgraceful that agent chri$$y, you filthy traitor, continues to spread the lies of our enemy for profit.

Traitors can prove nothing. I can prove that I've made no profit from my site.


The site costs me $200+ a year.

Your support of secret methods of mass murder and treason is proven.

The Twin Towers has a concrete core just like Robertsons info to Newsweek said.

This corroborates it.

slaker, you have no more evidence than any of the other agents. Your fake social grouping in the psyops is not credible. This disclosure was because there was something to disclose. Substance.

Respect for the Constitution and laws made under it is exemplified. The ability to recognize when they are violated, something you have not done. The ex mayor took the WTC documents.

9-11-misprision of treason, Title 18, part I, chapter 115, §2382

The support for secret methods of murder, misprision, felony and treason is sickening.

When I realize you do it knowing thousands of people miss their loved ones as the rest of America slips into economic ruin from the traiterous uses of the military conducting wars I'm sickened.


LOL, what am I an agent of? Who do I work for? I do not cite or subscribe an extreme theory or any such nonsense. And moreover I do not agree with the official story nor do I ask others to believe in it.

If I am an agent for some group or theory, I am the worst agent imaginable... I spew no radical theory or concept, and I do not ask people to accept the official story or to take what they tell them as gospel.

The only person doing that is you.... Once more in the interest of truth...

1. the so-called core columns were a framework of steel girders and beams. All interconnected to form what is known as the "core". They are not one solid piece, nor are they "tubes", in the retarded and literal sense you seem to claim.

2. The "tube" theory or claim comes from inaccurate depictions and descriptions given by the media in a rush. The media hurriedly made depictions of long steel cores, and or the lack thereof in the rubble. They based this on the limited and very rushed bits of information they had on the buildings construction. They had people telling them things like "tubular steel framework" and "concrete and steel cores" which although not completely wrong were not entirely accurate either. Concrete and steel from the bedrock to the first basement level would have been accurate. And tubular steel framework in the sense the framework was designed to have the elevator shafts and stairwells work with it and beside/within its structure to help fill the role, would be the more accurate depiction.

3. The "cores" were a framework of inter-connected steel girders and beams. That had the elevator shafts and stairwells built alongside them and within their structures to help with the load bearing duties and free up as much floorspace as possible. The open floor plan the layout was working for would not have been possible without this design.

Here is a mock up I made of a similar type structured core....


The picture is a very simplified conceptual drawing of what the "cores" or core columns are in reality. They are hollow in the sense they are not solid in the core of each squared center section. Some of these similar structures (although perhaps larger ones) would house the elevators, and or stairwells in their center running the length of the buildings as well as perhaps housing tech and maintenance offices, access and maintenance hatches and substations.

These came in a mass of several in the middle portion of the towers. They too were all interconnected at various points and to varying degrees. Each separately would not be able to hold the weight of those above, but taken as a whole they were more than a match for any loads of the floors above. The steel used was largest at the bottom and got smaller as it rose to the top. The reason was the bottom carried the most load, and the load decreased as it rose to the top.

The term "tubular" was accurate in the sense it was not a solid one-piece structure and the center was indeed hollow in a sense (disregarding the elevator shafts and stairwells). However it was factually inaccurate because there was no "tube" each hollowed section served another purpose as a shaft for elevators or various other maintenance related systems, substations and or offices/control centers.

The "tubular steel", "hollow cores", and all other such inaccurate depictions have allowed nonsensical crap like this to fester. Its a steel framework which inside its structure housed the systems and maintenance subsystems within its greater core structure. This took away the classic design problems with floor plan and layout in classic construction and designs. Problems like where to put the elevators and their shafts taking up so much floor space, and stairwells with the same problems were all but eliminated with this design, in regards to floor plan and maximizing available and equal space.

With the shafts in the center amongst the core structure framework, there was no obstruction on the floor layout. Which meant there was no tenant being slighted on available space, or getting a better or worse positioning to elevator or stairwell access. All were equal and would make the value of them the same. Simply there was no "cheap" floor space or area on a floor, all were equal in regards to access and position.

Now please stop this retarded and ignorant posting of this nonsense....
Traitors can prove nothing. I can prove that I've made no profit from my site.


The site costs me $200+ a year.

Your support of secret methods of mass murder and treason is proven.

The Twin Towers has a concrete core just like Robertsons info to Newsweek said.

This corroborates it.


Making money and attempting to make money are rarely the same thing. Your failure to turn a profit from this nonsense shows nothing but either your own inability to SEO or sell your site, or the ignorance of the material you try and push.
Traitors can prove nothing. I can prove that I've made no profit from my site.


The site costs me $200+ a year.

Your support of secret methods of mass murder and treason is proven.

The Twin Towers has a concrete core just like Robertsons info to Newsweek said.

This corroborates it.


Scumbag Troofer Department of Disinformation Agent CristoFEARa is far too stupid to realize it, but he just confessed to doing this rabid crap he does for MONEY.

What a lowlife depraved treasonous unmanly piece of shit he is.

How the fuck could ANY person who thinks he's a man spend $200.00 on this bullshit when he OWES more than $30,000.00 back child support for his own children?

Scumbag is far too kind a word for DOD Agent CristoFEARa.
Traitors can prove nothing. I can prove that I've made no profit from my site.


The site costs me $200+ a year.

Your support of secret methods of mass murder and treason is proven.

The Twin Towers has a concrete core just like Robertsons info to Newsweek said.

This corroborates it.


Scumbag Troofer Department of Disinformation Agent CristoFEARa is far too stupid to realize it, but he just confessed to doing this rabid crap he does for MONEY.

What a lowlife depraved treasonous unmanly piece of shit he is.

How the fuck could ANY person who thinks he's a man spend $200.00 on this bullshit when he OWES more than $30,000.00 back child support for his own children?

Scumbag is far too kind a word for DOD Agent CristoFEARa.


I been telling everyone he is a twoofer for profit and I meant it.

I should print up business cards that say S.L. Ackjawed, investigative reporter
Traitors can prove nothing. I can prove that I've made no profit from my site.


The site costs me $200+ a year.

*previously debunked crap removed*

if that site costs you $200 a year then it proves you are a complete fucking moron!! :lol:

too bad you didnt put the money wasted on overpaying for the site to better use.....

by the way, the fact that you are too stupid to make money doesnt mean you arent trying to make money of the death of 3000 innocent civilians.:cuckoo:
Last edited:
Traitors can prove nothing. I can prove that I've made no profit from my site.


The site costs me $200+ a year.

*previously debunked crap removed*

if that site costs you $200 a year then it proves you are a complete fucking moron!! :lol:

too bad you didnt put the money wasted on overpaying for the site to better use.....

by the way, the fact that you are too stupid to make money doesnt mean you arent trying to make money of the death of 3000 innocent civilians.:cuckoo:
i've telling you he is a moron for a long time

btw, i control 3 domains and all are hosted on one host, that host does not charge me $200 per year
i dont think its even that much for TWO years

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