FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

Remember this little gem Chris? The one where you tried to claim that the beams were "hand drawn" onto the plans and used that as further proof that they were faked?

Turns out you have no clue about drafting and how things are represented on drawings. That "hand drawn" beam is nothing more than the drafter showing insulation around the beam.

What a putz.


Notice also the 2" planking thickness shown above and below the concrete on the right of the above picture.
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The rebar of the core had plates welded to it with threaded shafts protruding through the forms on the outside.

This shows a freehanded diagonal added.


The title block is freehanded. Can we imagine the plans for the tallest buildings in the world having a freehanded title block on the final drawings used in construction?

gumjob is an agent promoting secret methods of mass murder.
The rebar of the core had plates welded to it with threaded shafts protruding through the forms on the outside.

This shows a freehanded diagonal added.


The title block is freehanded. Can we imagine the plans for the tallest buildings in the world having a freehanded title block on the final drawings used in construction?

gumjob is an agent promoting secret methods of mass murder.

Dude have you ever worked construction? I defy you to show me a single blueprint that after completion had no handwritten corrections, notations or changes..... Seriously, nothing ever goes 100% as the architect plans, and thats still true even in todays world of CNC and CAD computers and design. Its just the simple difference between the hypothetical and possible and real world application. Some things no matter how well planned or thought out in concept or design do not work in the real world application.

And as far as this blueprint, look closely at the writing all over it.... A great deal of it is hand written.... The reason for that during conceptualization the name of the building, the area of the building referenced, and the particulars of who it was for and what it was, did not change. Therefore they were placed at set points in the drawing with a letterhead, title, and various other particulars. The rest, the things that could change as the drawing played out, were done by hand.....

Jesus man get a life........:lol:
The rebar of the core had plates welded to it with threaded shafts protruding through the forms on the outside.

This shows a freehanded diagonal added.

What a dumbass. It's because the drafter wanted to represent fireproofing on the beams so he/she had drawn it freehand to give it a "wavy", non-linear look. They didn't use a straightedge. I would have down the same thing as a drafter in that section view.


The title block is freehanded. Can we imagine the plans for the tallest buildings in the world having a freehanded title block on the final drawings used in construction?

gumjob is an agent promoting secret methods of mass murder.

No, the title block is NOT freehand. The fields filled in are (scale, date, checked, revision dates and initials, etc.) but not the actual title block. In my years as a designer, I've seen both templates AND freehand used to fill out title blocks. Take your bullshit elsewhere.
Here is your quote from another forum Chris. Has Anyone Seen A Realistice Explanation For Free Fall Of The Towers? - Page 68 - JREF Forum

Chrisophera said:
...points to the pad arm brackets that hold the guide rails to the inside of the cast concrete core wall.

"Holds the guide rails to the inside of the cast concrete core wall". So you seem to be talking out of both sides of your mouth.

First it was the guide rails were attached to the inside of the concrete core wall, now it's that there is a 6' gap between the rails and the wall now.

Which is it Chris?

Another quote Chris where you say the elevator guide rail support steel was fastened directly to the inner core wall face. Has Anyone Seen A Realistice Explanation For Free Fall Of The Towers? - Page 267 - JREF Forum

Christophera said:
The main reason the elevators were so fast in the towers was becaues of the perfect alignment of the guide rail supports which were fastened to the inside of the concrete core walls.

So yet again, you have majorly screwed up. You now are claiming that the concrete core was 12' from the perimeter core columns. The column spacing, specified by you, was 20'. Given the fact that the 20' spacing was from center to center of the columns, that leaves about 6' of space between the inner concrete wall face and the elevator guide rail support steel.

Care to explain?

The agenst prove they are agents by asking, "source please" when their operation is enabled by a theft of public documents that obstructed justice.

The deceptive false society of agents atempt to pretend that the critical documents were returned, bu their references DO NOT say that.

Proof of support the perpetrators secret methods of mass murder.
The agenst prove they are agents by asking, "source please" when their operation is enabled by a theft of public documents that obstructed justice.

The deceptive false society of agents atempt to pretend that the critical documents were returned, bu their references DO NOT say that.

Proof of support the perpetrators secret methods of mass murder.

Dude if I were an agent your ass would be in a chair with a light in your eyes. With the patriot act I wouldn't even have to acknowledge you were in my custody..... LOL, never thought I would be happy for that piece of crap legislation..... oh well every cloud has one silver lining.......:lol::lol:

In all seriousness, I think you are a deliberate huckster, and you should be ashamed of yourself.....
The agenst prove they are agents by asking, "source please" when their operation is enabled by a theft of public documents that obstructed justice.

The deceptive false society of agents atempt to pretend that the critical documents were returned, bu their references DO NOT say that.

Proof of support the perpetrators secret methods of mass murder.

so you admit you have no source and are just spewing crap to try to change the subject.

thanks for admitting you are a lying sack of shit by not providing the source!! :lol:
I don't need a source because I already have what is needed to prevail in this discussion.


A protion of the east wall of the WTC 1 concrete core toppling into the empty core area.

Your behavior proves you have no sources.

These are independently verified.

Robertson is verified by Oxford, verifying Domel who describes a concrete core verified by the image of WTC 2 core, verifying the top of WTC 2 core falling onto WTC 3, the WTC 1 rebar, just after the WTC 1 west core wall is seen in an end view, then, the WTC 1 east shear wall toppling, consistent with interior box columns silhouetted on WTC 1 north core wall, consistent with ground zero showing the WTC 1 north concrete core base wall, 12 foot thick, all supported as clarification of the many confused statements that do mention concrete in the core including the latest revised NIST contracted analysis of free fall by Bazant et. al 6/21/2007, which actually provides an equivalent amount of high explosives needed to create the rate of fall they are attempting to justify with physics. It doesn't work, but at least they won't go down in history as totally supporting the deceptions.
I don't need a source because I already have what is needed to prevail in this discussion.

are you fucking serious? you dont need a source? you just make shit up and dont need to verify it because you look at steel and see invisicrete? :lol:
rat said:
You really need some new material Brown. Repeating the same old, same old is getting really stale.

It is logical that your service to the perpetrators of mass murder would try and pretend that new evidence was needed when you have none of your own.

Your attempted disinformation by default with your false peer group rejecting the independently verified evidence is Sooooooooo obvious traitor.

The fact is that the concrete core has been proven for years and anyone serious about the truth knows it.

FEMA lied, the Twins had a concrete tubular core. Here is the concrete base wall of WTC 1 north side. Note the 3x7 utility hallways running the length of the concrete wall segment.

The wall segments were short because the volume of concrete was so great.
rat said:
You really need some new material Brown. Repeating the same old, same old is getting really stale.

It is logical that your service to the perpetrators of mass murder would try and pretend that new evidence was needed when you have none of your own.

Your attempted disinformation by default with your false peer group rejecting the independently verified evidence is Sooooooooo obvious traitor.

The fact is that the concrete core has been proven for years and anyone serious about the truth knows it.

FEMA lied, the Twins had a concrete tubular core. Here is the concrete base wall of WTC 1 north side. Note the 3x7 utility hallways running the length of the concrete wall segment.

The wall segments were short because the volume of concrete was so great.

Huckster, is trying to get hukstermania going on in all his husckstermanics..... OOOH YEAH!:lol::lol::lol:
Christopharter said:
The wall segments were short because the volume of concrete was so great.

So making them short made the volume greater, or is it that making them short would cause the volume to be greater or is it that you are short changed in the logic department

Christopharter said:
The fact is that the concrete core has been proven for years and anyone serious about the truth knows it.

This isn't a fact. A fact is something different. A fact is something which can be shown to be true by a number of interacting validations. You have failed now for 8 years to produce one single fact other than you are a twit.

The concrete core is simply your platform to get attention and diffuse (not defuse) any real comment on why the towers collapsed.

I guess the Chri$$y agents bo$$ must be paying you peanuts, because what they got was a neanderthal who likes posing in a cave.. :lol:

We love you Chris ... :eusa_whistle:


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