FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

No, the judge rejected his duty and made it ours. Note the conformed face page is "CM", criminal miscellaneous filed with the federal criminal court clerk.


The judge directed the criminal clerk to remove it from the file and refile it as a civil suit against those named for misprision of treason.


We objected formally to being forced into taking the role of civil plaintiffs when all we were doing was complying with U.S. code.

TITLE 18, PART I , CHAPTER 115, §2382 U.S. Code as of: 01/19/04
Section 2382. Misprision of treason

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States and having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State, is guilty of misprision of treason and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both.
No, the judge rejected his duty and made it ours. Note the conformed face page is "CM", criminal miscellaneous filed with the federal criminal court clerk.

The judge directed the criminal clerk to remove it from the file and refile it as a civil suit against those named for misprision of treason.

We objected formally to being forced into taking the role of civil plaintiffs when all we were doing was complying with U.S. code.

TITLE 18, PART I , CHAPTER 115, §2382 U.S. Code as of: 01/19/04
Section 2382. Misprision of treason

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States and having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State, is guilty of misprision of treason and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both.
the judge rejected your BULLSHIT
just like any other person with a functioning brain does
How come this story never made it to the headlines ..

WTC Towers were Built to be Demolished !!

Proof = Non existent PBS video detailing a plan to demolish the Towers .. plus numerous other LIES based on Kleenex TP's ..

I think he's actually winning you know .. I think the next vaccuous quarter of his brain believes the first empty quarter..

0+0 = 0/4 = 0 anyway !!

Here is your quote from another forum Chris. Has Anyone Seen A Realistice Explanation For Free Fall Of The Towers? - Page 68 - JREF Forum

Chrisophera said:
...points to the pad arm brackets that hold the guide rails to the inside of the cast concrete core wall.

"Holds the guide rails to the inside of the cast concrete core wall". So you seem to be talking out of both sides of your mouth.

First it was the guide rails were attached to the inside of the concrete core wall, now it's that there is a 6' gap between the rails and the wall now.

Which is it Chris?


Answer Chris?
Another quote Chris where you say the elevator guide rail support steel was fastened directly to the inner core wall face. Has Anyone Seen A Realistice Explanation For Free Fall Of The Towers? - Page 267 - JREF Forum

Christophera said:
The main reason the elevators were so fast in the towers was becaues of the perfect alignment of the guide rail supports which were fastened to the inside of the concrete core walls.

So yet again, you have majorly screwed up. You now are claiming that the concrete core was 12' from the perimeter core columns. The column spacing, specified by you, was 20'. Given the fact that the 20' spacing was from center to center of the columns, that leaves about 6' of space between the inner concrete wall face and the elevator guide rail support steel.

Care to explain?


Answer Chris? You said this just recently:
There are 12 feet from the inside or right side of the interior box column. The interior box columns is encased in another 5 feet.

What gives? The quote directly above has you stating that that concrete was 12' from the right side of the interior box column. The columns were spaced at 20' that puts your "elevator guide rail support steel about 6' away from the concrete core wall. You said before in other forums, as I have quoted you saying, that the "guide rail support steel was fastened directly to the core wall".

Car to explain why you contradict yourself?
btw, ChristoFEARa, you wanted me to look this up for you

Websters online said:
Main Entry: id·i·ot
Pronunciation: \ˈi-dē-ət\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French ydiote, from Latin idiota ignorant person, from Greek idiōtēs one in a private station, layman, ignorant person, from idios one's own, private; akin to Latin suus one's own — more at suicide
Date: 14th century
1usually offensive : a person affected with extreme mental retardation
2 : a foolish or stupid person
— idiot adjective

seem either definition would fit you
Another quote from you Chris:

Christophera said:
WTC 2 had 2 hallways in each direction and they were quite which could create the "lobby feel" and give the impressson that elevators were accessed from outside core walls when in fact the elevators were accessed from inside the core only.

This one was way back when you claimed that BOTH cores did not have elevator access from outside the core at the lobby level. You wrote the above like you knew what you were talking about.

My question is, why did you make this up about the both towers? Only to later admit you were wrong and then make up the story about the core of WTC2 begin redesigned.
gumjob said:
The quote directly above has you stating that that concrete was 12' from the right side of the interior box column. The columns were spaced at 20' that puts your "elevator guide rail support steel about 6' away from the concrete core wall. You said before in other forums, as I have quoted you saying, that the "guide rail support steel was fastened directly to the core wall".

The 20' spacing is along the core wall face, and the 12 foot thickness is perpendicular to that. Apples and oranges agent.
gumjob said:
The quote directly above has you stating that that concrete was 12' from the right side of the interior box column. The columns were spaced at 20' that puts your "elevator guide rail support steel about 6' away from the concrete core wall. You said before in other forums, as I have quoted you saying, that the "guide rail support steel was fastened directly to the core wall".

The 20' spacing is along the core wall face, and the 12 foot thickness is perpendicular to that. Apples and oranges agent.
you have no clue
divot said:
Quote: Originally Posted by Websters online
Main Entry: id·i·ot
Pronunciation: \ˈi-dē-ət\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French ydiote, from Latin idiota ignorant person, from Greek idiōtēs one in a private station, layman, ignorant person, from idios one's own, private; akin to Latin suus one's own — more at suicide
Date: 14th century
1usually offensive : a person affected with extreme mental retardation
2 : a foolish or stupid person
— idiot adjective

No, the dictionary does NOT have the full original meaning of idiot. Your masters removed it nearly a century ago in the the dumbing down of America

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YUYCBfmIcHM]YouTube - Norman Dodd On Tax Exempt Foundations[/ame]

And they did it so they could use the idiots and the idiots would not know they were being used. In fact they made idiots just for that purpose.

Accordingly, you wouldn't know an idiot even if you were one.

If you ask nicely I'll tell you the meaning agent.
DiveCon said:
Quote: Originally Posted by Websters online
Main Entry: id·i·ot
Pronunciation: \ˈi-dē-ət\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French ydiote, from Latin idiota ignorant person, from Greek idiōtēs one in a private station, layman, ignorant person, from idios one's own, private; akin to Latin suus one's own — more at suicide
Date: 14th century
1usually offensive : a person affected with extreme mental retardation
2 : a foolish or stupid person
— idiot adjective

No, the dictionary does NOT have the full original meaning of idiot. Your masters removed it nearly a century ago in the

And they did it so they could use the idiots and the idiots would not know they were being used. In fact they made idiots just for that purpose.

Accordingly, you wouldn't know an idiot even if you were one.

If you ask nicely I'll tell you the meaning agent.
you are the epitome of an idiot
you prove it over and over

and why would ANYONE trust your definition of ANYTHING
you are shown STEEL, you POST STEEL you call it concrete
you have the lowest of the low of respect
Last edited:
Failing businesses always act in that same desperate way don't they.

agent chri$$y's business must be real bad for this kind of desperate behavior.

Soon, he will be getting so few hits they will kick him out of the webring.

maybe agent chri$$y will move on and cash in on the newest conspiracy.

waddiya say agent chri$$y, did the "perps" blow up that oil rig?

If you act fast you can get in the ground floor of a conspiracy money machine that is projected to last years and generate millions.......
Failing businesses always act in that same desperate way don't they.

agent chri$$y's business must be real bad for this kind of desperate behavior.

Soon, he will be getting so few hits they will kick him out of the webring.

maybe agent chri$$y will move on and cash in on the newest conspiracy.

waddiya say agent chri$$y, did the "perps" blow up that oil rig?

If you act fast you can get in the ground floor of a conspiracy money machine that is projected to last years and generate millions.......
hey, maybe they can use some of his "invisicrete" to fix that thing
Failing businesses always act in that same desperate way don't they.

agent chri$$y's business must be real bad for this kind of desperate behavior.

Soon, he will be getting so few hits they will kick him out of the webring.

maybe agent chri$$y will move on and cash in on the newest conspiracy.

waddiya say agent chri$$y, did the "perps" blow up that oil rig?

If you act fast you can get in the ground floor of a conspiracy money machine that is projected to last years and generate millions.......
hey, maybe they can use some of his "invisicrete" to fix that thing

If we ask agent chri$$y for help, the best we could hope for is that he would refer us to that guy who 'winked' at him and damaged his car to go and fix it by magic........
gumjob said:
The quote directly above has you stating that that concrete was 12' from the right side of the interior box column. The columns were spaced at 20' that puts your "elevator guide rail support steel about 6' away from the concrete core wall. You said before in other forums, as I have quoted you saying, that the "guide rail support steel was fastened directly to the core wall".

The 20' spacing is along the core wall face, and the 12 foot thickness is perpendicular to that. Apples and oranges agent.


That 20' spacing is not true then? What is the approximate spacing between those columns Chris?
gumjob said:
The quote directly above has you stating that that concrete was 12' from the right side of the interior box column. The columns were spaced at 20' that puts your "elevator guide rail support steel about 6' away from the concrete core wall. You said before in other forums, as I have quoted you saying, that the "guide rail support steel was fastened directly to the core wall".

The 20' spacing is along the core wall face, and the 12 foot thickness is perpendicular to that. Apples and oranges agent.

Nothing like being caught in your own web of lies eh Chris. Remember this photo you annotated?

That photo above with your annotations PROVES you thought the columns were at 20' centers. Look at what you claim is a "15' wide" footer for the 17' wide wall. There is a big space between the dark grillages and the "lighter band" which you deem the wall footer. Also, you say the "interior box column bases" are 20' centers. the distance between the dark grillages and the box column bases is much greater than the spaces between the white column bases you reference.

Keep fucking up and I'll keep pointing it out dumbass.
gumjob, you are out of it. Still got dimensions along the core wall face confused with the thickness.

This image shows the core base wall thickness of 12 foot and the 5 foot deep interior box column. Note the 3x7 hallway running the length of the wall segment.

The 12 foot thick concrete core base wall above did not exist with WTC 2 concrete core because it had elevators at the lobby level.


The fact is that this one photo completely proves there were no steel core columns. The light shining through shows they could not exist because they would obviously not be continuous full length elements as FEMA shows they were.


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