FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

No steel inside the core there. It all surrounds the core.


The spire is outside the core and it can be used to show your video DOES not show steel inside the core.


The spire is outside the core.


This superimposition shows the spire is OUTSIDE the core area.

We do see rebar from the core wall.
its fairly simple, dipshit
you post photos showing steel core columns but you label them something else
you are totally fucking delusional
Lying is easy for agents. You post nothing and misrepresent everything posted.
It's amazing how many of you idiots have links or tag lines to links that have HTML that looks like it was worked by a 15 year old. Fucking moron.:lol::lol:

Please don't click on that link. It goes to his pay-per-hit website, where he collects money based on the pain, sorrow and heartbreak of the 9/11 families. Anything he links that goes to an algoxy page means he is profiting from their loss.
Gee, lying about the web site that costs about $400 per year to maintain. If you are not lying you will substantiate your assertion.

Oh, that's evidence and agents don't use evidence. There is good evidence you are an agent conducting a cognitive infiltration.

Arthur Goldwag: Cass Sunstein's Thought Police

Sunstein's proposal was not issued under the auspices of the government, but in an academic paper. Co-authored with Harvard Law School Professor Adrian Vermeule and published in The Journal of Political Philosophy in 2008 (it can be downloaded as a PDF file here), "Conspiracy Theory" surveys the existing scholarship on the origins and characteristics of conspiracy theories and contemplates whether or not governments should try to neutralize them. In general, it takes a social sciences approach, arguing that conspiracy theories are neither legitimate political ideas nor symptoms of a psychological disorder, but are rather the inevitable distortions of closed-off, self-reinforcing belief systems. Using government agents to inject "cognitive diversity" into those communities, it suggests, just might provide the body politic with an antidote to the thought contagions they inspire.
the FACT that you do attempt to gain money from the site is proven, that fact you dont get enough to cover your costs only shows how fucking moronic you are
Just because you pay more than you take in does not mean you are not getting income for your unproven theory.

It just means;
A) No one believes your theory after clicking on your site the first time.
B) They never visit again because there's no promise of anything new.
C) You're a lousy business man. A smart person, realizing they are taking in less than they are paying, would find a cheaper host and freshen up his presentation with new material.
No income whatsoever from that site, none of my sites. All expense. Google adsense showed a few buck income for a year of display of their ads, but never sent any $.

agents are liars supporting the secret methods of mass murder. Done deal.

The FEMA deception misrepresents the elevator guide rail support steel as core columns. Butt plates prove it. They are too weak to join sections of core columns.


The core was a concrete tube filled with elevators and stairs.

No income whatsoever from that site, none of my sites. All expense. Google adsense showed a few buck income for a year of display of their ads, but never sent any $.

agents are liars supporting the secret methods of mass murder. Done deal.

The FEMA deception misrepresents the elevator guide rail support steel as core columns. Butt plates prove it. They are too weak to join sections of core columns.


The core was a concrete tube filled with elevators and stairs.


what a pathetic moron
you show photos of steel core columns but falsely claim they are not

In order to be qualified as rational and sincere you need to indicate by some description where the supposed steel core columns are.

If you expect people to accept you empty statement counter to evidence and claim things exist in photos that do not, you must point them out.

Your expecting people accept that on your text assertion has far less weight than my stating in text that you are acting to support secret methods of mass murder used to conduct treason because your behavior evidences the accusation.
dipshit, its already been done for you
several people have done so
you choose to remain in your delusional state and deny it
CrunchySphincter said:
In order to be qualified as rational and sincere you need to indicate by some description where the supposed steel core columns are.

If you expect people to accept you empty statement counter to evidence and claim things exist in photos that do not, you must point them out.

Your expecting people accept that on your text assertion has far less weight than my stating in text that you are acting to support secret methods of mass murder used to conduct treason because your behavior evidences the accusation.


Your Core .. Deal with it.

Jump ship ChriSSy


A life on the ocean waves... sing a long every one .. la la la la !!


Sleep tight Chri$$y

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