Female deputy completely destroys criminal alien in gunfight

Ohhhhhhh wait until the crats show up with their entourage (she shot to many bullets into his car, thus doing an overkill of the poor little ole/ minding his own business/not hurting a flea/ illegal alien).

We're supposed to be tolerant of this sort of stuff (i.e. taking note of his record or criminal history).

When will this nation ever learn ??????????
Bless her!!!!! :thup:

hopefully ALL criminal illegals are beginning to understand this is not a game!

She will now be a Target. You can't teach these assholes anything. They'll just be looking for revenge now.

The dead asshole’s better off. Now he can fire up his blunts with Travon, Mikey Brown and lots of others who’ve committed death by stupidly.
Balls of steel: She has them.

"Napa Valley County, CA – The Napa Valley County Sheriff’s Office (NVCSO) has released dramatic bodycam footage that captured the moment a driver opened fire on a deputy...

The incident began at 10:59 p.m. on Sunday, when Napa Valley County Sheriff’s Deputy Riley Jarecki noticed a parked red Honda facing the wrong direction along a rural section of Henry Road.

The lone deputy approached the car and spoke with the driver – 43-year-old Javier Hernandez Morales – for several moments, Undersheriff Crawford explained...

“What’s up?” he asked her in Spanish.

Before she could reply, Hernandez Morales drew a .22-caliber revolver and immediately fired at least one round directly at the deputy....

Hernandez Morales started the vehicle's engine as Deputy Jarecki made her way to the passenger side and returned fire.

She steadily unloaded at least 15 rounds into the vehicle, and the suspect yelled out just before the clip ended.

Hernandez Morales was pronounced dead at the scene, the San Francisco Chronicle reported....

Undersheriff Crawford said that there were “a few warrants” for Hernandez Morales’ arrest at the time of the encounter, and that he was known to use “several aliases.”

The former farmworker has been arrested on at least five occasions in the past, for offenses including assault on a peace officer, driving under the influence, and possession of a concealed and loaded firearm..."

VIDEO: Gunman Opens Fire On Deputy, Then She Destroys Him In Gunfight - Blue Lives Matter

Wow, good riddance to that piece of shit.
Great job by the Deputy. Exactly how she should have reacted. Good shoot and great job in ensuring the shooter never gets another chance to make the same mistake.

Yup. The bad guy is dead and the Deputy is alive.

Good ending all around.
Tough job. Glad this piece of shit Democrat import is dead!

He worked as farm labor for Republican backed corporate America.

Corporate America in utterly non-partisan. They pay off both sides, equally, depending on who has more seats at the time.


Corporate America is giving more money to Republicans than Democrats in the midterms

The first sentence from YOUR LINK.

"A slim majority of the midterm congressional campaign contributions from America's biggest companies have gone to Republican candidates, an Axios analysis of federal election data shows."

Like I said, they pay off both sides equally, depending on who has more seats at the time.

The GOP had more incumbents, so the big money went very slightly to them, THIS PARTICULAR TIME.

Your pretense that corporate America is an ally of the GOP is simply not true.

You stated; "Corporate America in utterly non-partisan. They pay off both sides, equally, depending on who has more seats at the time." Then you quote my article which proves you wrong and that somehow is my fault?
Balls of steel: She has them.

"Napa Valley County, CA – The Napa Valley County Sheriff’s Office (NVCSO) has released dramatic bodycam footage that captured the moment a driver opened fire on a deputy...

The incident began at 10:59 p.m. on Sunday, when Napa Valley County Sheriff’s Deputy Riley Jarecki noticed a parked red Honda facing the wrong direction along a rural section of Henry Road.

The lone deputy approached the car and spoke with the driver – 43-year-old Javier Hernandez Morales – for several moments, Undersheriff Crawford explained...

“What’s up?” he asked her in Spanish.

Before she could reply, Hernandez Morales drew a .22-caliber revolver and immediately fired at least one round directly at the deputy....

Hernandez Morales started the vehicle's engine as Deputy Jarecki made her way to the passenger side and returned fire.

She steadily unloaded at least 15 rounds into the vehicle, and the suspect yelled out just before the clip ended.

Hernandez Morales was pronounced dead at the scene, the San Francisco Chronicle reported....

Undersheriff Crawford said that there were “a few warrants” for Hernandez Morales’ arrest at the time of the encounter, and that he was known to use “several aliases.”

The former farmworker has been arrested on at least five occasions in the past, for offenses including assault on a peace officer, driving under the influence, and possession of a concealed and loaded firearm..."

VIDEO: Gunman Opens Fire On Deputy, Then She Destroys Him In Gunfight - Blue Lives Matter

15 rounds is overkill as I see it. Why not just one it would do at that distance. But she is a woman so I will cut her some slack.
Balls of steel: She has them.

"Napa Valley County, CA – The Napa Valley County Sheriff’s Office (NVCSO) has released dramatic bodycam footage that captured the moment a driver opened fire on a deputy...

The incident began at 10:59 p.m. on Sunday, when Napa Valley County Sheriff’s Deputy Riley Jarecki noticed a parked red Honda facing the wrong direction along a rural section of Henry Road.

The lone deputy approached the car and spoke with the driver – 43-year-old Javier Hernandez Morales – for several moments, Undersheriff Crawford explained...

“What’s up?” he asked her in Spanish.

Before she could reply, Hernandez Morales drew a .22-caliber revolver and immediately fired at least one round directly at the deputy....

Hernandez Morales started the vehicle's engine as Deputy Jarecki made her way to the passenger side and returned fire.

She steadily unloaded at least 15 rounds into the vehicle, and the suspect yelled out just before the clip ended.

Hernandez Morales was pronounced dead at the scene, the San Francisco Chronicle reported....

Undersheriff Crawford said that there were “a few warrants” for Hernandez Morales’ arrest at the time of the encounter, and that he was known to use “several aliases.”

The former farmworker has been arrested on at least five occasions in the past, for offenses including assault on a peace officer, driving under the influence, and possession of a concealed and loaded firearm..."

VIDEO: Gunman Opens Fire On Deputy, Then She Destroys Him In Gunfight - Blue Lives Matter

Too bad she couldn’t have shot 6 of the fuckers.
Balls of steel: She has them.

"Napa Valley County, CA – The Napa Valley County Sheriff’s Office (NVCSO) has released dramatic bodycam footage that captured the moment a driver opened fire on a deputy...

The incident began at 10:59 p.m. on Sunday, when Napa Valley County Sheriff’s Deputy Riley Jarecki noticed a parked red Honda facing the wrong direction along a rural section of Henry Road.

The lone deputy approached the car and spoke with the driver – 43-year-old Javier Hernandez Morales – for several moments, Undersheriff Crawford explained...

“What’s up?” he asked her in Spanish.

Before she could reply, Hernandez Morales drew a .22-caliber revolver and immediately fired at least one round directly at the deputy....

Hernandez Morales started the vehicle's engine as Deputy Jarecki made her way to the passenger side and returned fire.

She steadily unloaded at least 15 rounds into the vehicle, and the suspect yelled out just before the clip ended.

Hernandez Morales was pronounced dead at the scene, the San Francisco Chronicle reported....

Undersheriff Crawford said that there were “a few warrants” for Hernandez Morales’ arrest at the time of the encounter, and that he was known to use “several aliases.”

The former farmworker has been arrested on at least five occasions in the past, for offenses including assault on a peace officer, driving under the influence, and possession of a concealed and loaded firearm..."

VIDEO: Gunman Opens Fire On Deputy, Then She Destroys Him In Gunfight - Blue Lives Matter

15 rounds is overkill as I see it. Why not just one it would do at that distance. But she is a woman so I will cut her some slack.

15 rounds seems appropriate.
Balls of steel: She has them.

"Napa Valley County, CA – The Napa Valley County Sheriff’s Office (NVCSO) has released dramatic bodycam footage that captured the moment a driver opened fire on a deputy...

The incident began at 10:59 p.m. on Sunday, when Napa Valley County Sheriff’s Deputy Riley Jarecki noticed a parked red Honda facing the wrong direction along a rural section of Henry Road.

The lone deputy approached the car and spoke with the driver – 43-year-old Javier Hernandez Morales – for several moments, Undersheriff Crawford explained...

“What’s up?” he asked her in Spanish.

Before she could reply, Hernandez Morales drew a .22-caliber revolver and immediately fired at least one round directly at the deputy....

Hernandez Morales started the vehicle's engine as Deputy Jarecki made her way to the passenger side and returned fire.

She steadily unloaded at least 15 rounds into the vehicle, and the suspect yelled out just before the clip ended.

Hernandez Morales was pronounced dead at the scene, the San Francisco Chronicle reported....

Undersheriff Crawford said that there were “a few warrants” for Hernandez Morales’ arrest at the time of the encounter, and that he was known to use “several aliases.”

The former farmworker has been arrested on at least five occasions in the past, for offenses including assault on a peace officer, driving under the influence, and possession of a concealed and loaded firearm..."

VIDEO: Gunman Opens Fire On Deputy, Then She Destroys Him In Gunfight - Blue Lives Matter

15 rounds is overkill as I see it. Why not just one it would do at that distance. But she is a woman so I will cut her some slack.

Police officers don't shoot that way. They are trained to aim center mass and keep shooting until the threat is neutralized. That could be anywhere from three rounds if they have a clear view of the subject, to an entire magazine in low-light conditions.

The officer was most likely armed with a Glock variant in 9mm.That holds one in the chamber and 15 in the magazine. If you notice, it sounded like she managed to pop off one round from near the back of the car. She radioed "shots fired" three times as she ran around to the other side, then did a 15-round mag dump into the general location where the subject was.

One thing I noticed that she did wrong: Failing to leave the last round in the chamber while pausing to drop the magazine and insert a full one. Her pistol was probably empty at that point empty and she paused for a brief moment. That could have worked out badly if all 16 of her rounds missed the subject.
Tough job. Glad this piece of shit Democrat import is dead!

He worked as farm labor for Republican backed corporate America.

Corporate America in utterly non-partisan. They pay off both sides, equally, depending on who has more seats at the time.


Corporate America is giving more money to Republicans than Democrats in the midterms

The first sentence from YOUR LINK.

"A slim majority of the midterm congressional campaign contributions from America's biggest companies have gone to Republican candidates, an Axios analysis of federal election data shows."

Like I said, they pay off both sides equally, depending on who has more seats at the time.

The GOP had more incumbents, so the big money went very slightly to them, THIS PARTICULAR TIME.

Your pretense that corporate America is an ally of the GOP is simply not true.

You stated; "Corporate America in utterly non-partisan. They pay off both sides, equally, depending on who has more seats at the time." Then you quote my article which proves you wrong and that somehow is my fault?

The "who has more seats" varies, so the exact amount varies, but there is not political alliance.

The republican has more incumbents, so THIS election they got a slight edge.

THe next when Dems will have more seats, they will get more money.

To support your premise of a corporations being close allies of the Republicans, there would have to be a large majority of funding ALWAYS going to the republicans.

That is, as demonstrated by your link, not the case.
The beehive


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