Female Feticide is real Santorum isn't crazy It's an issue

With all due respect, female feticide is becoming a world wide issue and should have nothing to do with left wing or right wing politics.

Let's keep American public policy about what America needs, and let the rest of the world hang itself for all I care. KTHANXBYE.
Once again, Republicans want to step in between a woman and her doctor.

With all due respect, female feticide is becoming a world wide issue and should have nothing to do with left wing or right wing politics.

The United Nations is really flipping about this. And these women are being forced to abort after the discover of the female fetus. This isn't "choice" at all.

Here's Eastern Europe.

The trend could cause demographic problems for the small ex-Soviet state, UN Population Fund official Garik Hayrapetyan told a news conference in Yerevan.

"In ten to 20 years, we will face a deficit of women -- that means, of potential mothers," Hayrapetyan said.

Selective abortion is a problem in countries like China and India.

But it has also reached "worrying proportions" in Caucasus states Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia, the Council of Europe's Parliamentary Assembly said in a resolution on gender selection in October.

The resolution said that pressure on women to have selective abortions should be seen as "a form of psychological violence".

Selective abortion of girls increases in Armenia: UN - FRANCE 24

Do you want to outlaw the procedure? How would you deal with this, specifically?
We are NOT talking about China are we?

we are talking about the US.

We have many Asian people in America. And if it is part of their culture to discriminate against females and female fetuses, then it is probably going on right here in the good ol' USA, too.

It's not "part of their culture", you idiot. It's Chinese Law. A law designed to control the population problem. It's a "one child" policy.... many people in China need males to help provide for the family...so that puts males at more of a premium than females. Before that law was instituted, they procreated freely. Let me ask you something... If you were Chinese, had a few acres of rice paddies to maintain, and were only allowed to have one child... which one would YOU choose to abort... remember... you have no choice in the matter.

Once again... the misinformation displayed, the ignorance shown from the right is utterly ridiculous. This is what happens when you choose rhetoric and opinion over facts and logic.

You didn't read my OP at all did you? And most of the references I have brought up are Indian not Chinese whatsoever.

Read and learn. Female feticide is becoming a world wide issue.
Once again, Republicans want to step in between a woman and her doctor.

With all due respect, female feticide is becoming a world wide issue and should have nothing to do with left wing or right wing politics.

The United Nations is really flipping about this. And these women are being forced to abort after the discover of the female fetus. This isn't "choice" at all.

Here's Eastern Europe.

The trend could cause demographic problems for the small ex-Soviet state, UN Population Fund official Garik Hayrapetyan told a news conference in Yerevan.

"In ten to 20 years, we will face a deficit of women -- that means, of potential mothers," Hayrapetyan said.

Selective abortion is a problem in countries like China and India.

But it has also reached "worrying proportions" in Caucasus states Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia, the Council of Europe's Parliamentary Assembly said in a resolution on gender selection in October.

The resolution said that pressure on women to have selective abortions should be seen as "a form of psychological violence".

Selective abortion of girls increases in Armenia: UN - FRANCE 24

Do you want to outlaw the procedure? How would you deal with this, specifically?

Just to delay the revelation of the sex of the fetus. Nothing will remove abortion rights in Canada and the Doctor who is recommending this has no ulterior motives other than to prevent the rise of female feticide.

Many women who are forced to abort the female fetus are under great pressure by husbands, parents, or in laws who want male offspring.
With all due respect, female feticide is becoming a world wide issue and should have nothing to do with left wing or right wing politics.

Let's keep American public policy about what America needs, and let the rest of the world hang itself for all I care. KTHANXBYE.

I already put up the American and Canadian studies. It is happening here.
We are NOT talking about China are we?

we are talking about the US.

We have many Asian people in America. And if it is part of their culture to discriminate against females and female fetuses, then it is probably going on right here in the good ol' USA, too.

It's not "part of their culture", you idiot. It's Chinese Law. A law designed to control the population problem. It's a "one child" policy.... many people in China need males to help provide for the family...so that puts males at more of a premium than females. Before that law was instituted, they procreated freely. Let me ask you something... If you were Chinese, had a few acres of rice paddies to maintain, and were only allowed to have one child... which one would YOU choose to abort... remember... you have no choice in the matter.

Once again... the misinformation displayed, the ignorance shown from the right is utterly ridiculous. This is what happens when you choose rhetoric and opinion over facts and logic.

You have been soundly trounced by evidence already presented, idiot. You should have read the whole topic before spouting off your stupidity. They have brought the practice with them here. So much for your mistaken belief it happens because of foreign laws. The facts contradict you.
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Do you want to outlaw the procedure? How would you deal with this, specifically?

86 percent of Americans want sex-selective abortions outlawed. That means even the great majority of pro-choicers want it outlawed.
Misdirection is a form of deception in which the attention of an audience is focused on one thing in order to distract its attention from another.


Pro-choicers use a lot of smoke and mirrors (rape and incest) and misdirection (it's about the woman and her doctor) to achieve the murder of the unborn. They are prestidigitators whose signature trick is to make babies disappear in the palms of their bloodstained hands.

Anti-abortioners use alot of smoke and mirrors (sexual "immorality," murder) and misdirection (it's all about religious freedom and valuing "life," eugenics, infanticide, and lots of unsubstantiated claims) to achiever their goals of government intrusion into what women will do with their own bodies, decided upon between her and her doctor.

Sorry, that trick doesn't work any more. We already know you hid the dead babies in your hands.
We have many Asian people in America. And if it is part of their culture to discriminate against females and female fetuses, then it is probably going on right here in the good ol' USA, too.

It's not "part of their culture", you idiot. It's Chinese Law. A law designed to control the population problem. It's a "one child" policy.... many people in China need males to help provide for the family...so that puts males at more of a premium than females. Before that law was instituted, they procreated freely. Let me ask you something... If you were Chinese, had a few acres of rice paddies to maintain, and were only allowed to have one child... which one would YOU choose to abort... remember... you have no choice in the matter.

Once again... the misinformation displayed, the ignorance shown from the right is utterly ridiculous. This is what happens when you choose rhetoric and opinion over facts and logic.

You have been soundly trounced by evidence already presented, idiot. You should have read the whole topic before spouting off your stupidity. They have brought the practice with them here. So much for your mistaken belief it happens because of foreign laws.
Really? take a look at the post I quoted, numbnuts... that being YOURS. I don't need to read 11 pages of bullshit rhetoric to know what each side is going to say, do I?

I have no skin in this. I oppose abortion on a personal level. At the legislative level, I don't think it's government's job to get involved in reproduction. That's up to the couple that produced the fetus.... notice I said COUPLE.... not just the woman, not just the man.

Yes, I know... feminists will disagree with me because I, as a male, do not have to carry a literal parasite in my body for nine months and deliver it through extremely painful childbirth... however, If the father is willing to raise that child and provide for it on his own... I don't think that 9 months of hell is too much to ask a woman to go through.

If the COUPLE decide to abort, that's their decision and one that they will have to live with. Trying to legislate people's individual morals is a dumb practice.
For those who need catching up, we have over the past 13 pages presented studies by doctors, economists, and human rights groups which prove that sex-selective abortions are occuring in America in Korean, Chinese, and Asian Indian communities. Many of these women are being forced to abort their female fetuses by the male members of their community.

These studies have been published in well established peer-reviewed scientific journals.

All the links to the evidence have been provided, in spades.

So there is no question this is actually occuring in the United States.

Sorry to make your butt hurt.
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We have many Asian people in America. And if it is part of their culture to discriminate against females and female fetuses, then it is probably going on right here in the good ol' USA, too.

It's not "part of their culture", you idiot. It's Chinese Law. A law designed to control the population problem. It's a "one child" policy.... many people in China need males to help provide for the family...so that puts males at more of a premium than females. Before that law was instituted, they procreated freely. Let me ask you something... If you were Chinese, had a few acres of rice paddies to maintain, and were only allowed to have one child... which one would YOU choose to abort... remember... you have no choice in the matter.

Once again... the misinformation displayed, the ignorance shown from the right is utterly ridiculous. This is what happens when you choose rhetoric and opinion over facts and logic.

You didn't read my OP at all did you? And most of the references I have brought up are Indian not Chinese whatsoever.

Read and learn. Female feticide is becoming a world wide issue.
Was I responding to you? No? STFU.
Many women who are forced to abort the female fetus are under great pressure by husbands, parents, or in laws who want male offspring.

Since some women don't have the courage to make their own decisions on what to do with their body, the government should step in and tell all women what to do with their body. Yeah, that's the ticket. :cuckoo:

Maybe those women should have thought about that before they married assholes.
It's not "part of their culture", you idiot. It's Chinese Law. A law designed to control the population problem. It's a "one child" policy.... many people in China need males to help provide for the family...so that puts males at more of a premium than females. Before that law was instituted, they procreated freely. Let me ask you something... If you were Chinese, had a few acres of rice paddies to maintain, and were only allowed to have one child... which one would YOU choose to abort... remember... you have no choice in the matter.

Once again... the misinformation displayed, the ignorance shown from the right is utterly ridiculous. This is what happens when you choose rhetoric and opinion over facts and logic.

You didn't read my OP at all did you? And most of the references I have brought up are Indian not Chinese whatsoever.

Read and learn. Female feticide is becoming a world wide issue.
Was I responding to you? No? STFU.

The facts to you are like daylight is to vampires, aren't they.

You're smoking pretty badly right about now and it is obvious it hurts like hell.
Many women who are forced to abort the female fetus are under great pressure by husbands, parents, or in laws who want male offspring.

Since some women don't have the courage to make their own decisions on what to do with their body, the government should step in and tell all women what to do with their body. Yeah, that's the ticket. :cuckoo:

Maybe those women should have thought about that before they married assholes.

Indian women, yes even second generation American and Canadian women are still subject to arranged marriages. So are those of other Asian cultures.

Don't insult them with your flippancy. That's disgusting.

A 10 year old case of arranged murder of a Canadian Sikh young woman has just been solved. It was an honor killing by her mother and her uncle because she dared to marry out of her caste.

Now if you wish to condone abortions due to gender discrimination or due to disability that is fine by me.

But it means you believe in and support eugenics. Let's just call this for what it is.
For those who need catching up, we have over the past 13 pages presented studies by doctors, economists, and human rights groups which prove that sex-selective abortions are occuring in America in Korean, Chinese, and Asian Indian communities.

For those who REALLY need catching up, the above is a complete fabrication.

Many of these women are being forced to abort their female fetuses by the male members of their community.

So the only logically acceptable solution is to get the government to step in and force all women to do as the government says with their own medical care and bodies.

These studies have been published in well established peer-reviewed scientific journals.

Which is another complete fabrication.

All the links to the evidence have been provided, in spades.

Translation: One link to one story was provided, which offered a single piece of anecdotal evidence of one doctor's experiences. In Canada. Which is exactly why we need to make American public policies about it.

So there is no question this is actually occuring in the United States.

There is no question that if we want to grow the economy, create jobs, make health care affordable and accessible, and stop the flow of illegal immigrants across our borders, the first thing we must do is forbid doctors from informing patients on the conditions of their pregnancies. Forget about the fact that it would violate free speech rights, and any enforcement would violate privacy rights.

Sorry to make your butt hurt.

As an alternative, those who don't wish to be subject to these new government regulations can apply for a special permit that will grant them permission to engage exclusively in anal sex, so as to prevent pregnancy altogether.
For those who need catching up, we have over the past 13 pages presented studies by doctors, economists, and human rights groups which prove that sex-selective abortions are occuring in America in Korean, Chinese, and Asian Indian communities. Many of these women are being forced to abort their female fetuses by the male members of their community.

These studies have been published in well established peer-reviewed scientific journals.

All the links to the evidence have been provided, in spades.

So there is no question this is actually occuring in the United States.

Sorry to make your butt hurt.

OK... so? My butt's feeling fine. Why are you so worried about my butt? You gay or something? I had a feeling that your sigline wasn't so much a spit in the face of gays, but a rallying call for gays to unite and demand their rights. Sorry dude, I'm hetero and married to a wonderful woman.

Ok... now that we've gotten the whole strange fascination of other people's asses taken care of....

What do we do about this? I already know what your answer will be... but I want to see it with my own eyes.
You didn't read my OP at all did you? And most of the references I have brought up are Indian not Chinese whatsoever.

Read and learn. Female feticide is becoming a world wide issue.
Was I responding to you? No? STFU.

The facts to you are like daylight is to vampires, aren't they.

You're smoking pretty badly right about now and it is obvious it hurts like hell.


I laughed out loud. The board won't let me give you any more rep today, but that was an awesome post.
It's not "part of their culture", you idiot. It's Chinese Law. A law designed to control the population problem. It's a "one child" policy.... many people in China need males to help provide for the family...so that puts males at more of a premium than females. Before that law was instituted, they procreated freely. Let me ask you something... If you were Chinese, had a few acres of rice paddies to maintain, and were only allowed to have one child... which one would YOU choose to abort... remember... you have no choice in the matter.

Once again... the misinformation displayed, the ignorance shown from the right is utterly ridiculous. This is what happens when you choose rhetoric and opinion over facts and logic.

You have been soundly trounced by evidence already presented, idiot. You should have read the whole topic before spouting off your stupidity. They have brought the practice with them here. So much for your mistaken belief it happens because of foreign laws.
Really? take a look at the post I quoted, numbnuts... that being YOURS. I don't need to read 11 pages of bullshit rhetoric to know what each side is going to say, do I?

I have no skin in this. I oppose abortion on a personal level. At the legislative level, I don't think it's government's job to get involved in reproduction. That's up to the couple that produced the fetus.... notice I said COUPLE.... not just the woman, not just the man.

Yes, I know... feminists will disagree with me because I, as a male, do not have to carry a literal parasite in my body for nine months and deliver it through extremely painful childbirth... however, If the father is willing to raise that child and provide for it on his own... I don't think that 9 months of hell is too much to ask a woman to go through.

If the COUPLE decide to abort, that's their decision and one that they will have to live with. Trying to legislate people's individual morals is a dumb practice.

You are reasonable in your feelings on this. I wanted to mention though. You say that you don't think it is the government's job to get involved in reproduction. This is a point that in most cases regarding other laws I might find myself in agreement with you on. However, in this case we are in disagreement because we are talking about a human life. The fetus is human and it is alive. If the defense of human life is not the job of the government, then who's job is it?

My belief is that one of the foremost jobs of the government is to protect innocent life. That is why we have our defense forces and police/fire etc and have county hospitals etc.

Why on earth is it not the job of the government to protect both the lives of the mother and the baby within her womb?

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The government exists only to protect our rights...first and foremost, the right to LIFE.

That is the primary function of the government.

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