Female Feticide is real Santorum isn't crazy It's an issue

If it's happening in Canada it's happening in the US.

Did you not see my posts about this where a very well known and respected physician here has called for a delay in the notification of gender to prevent female fetacide?

That article that I linked to also points out that many young wives who already have one or two daughters are now being forced to abort based on gender by husbands who want a son or parents or in laws who want a grandson.

Do you really believe we are isolated from this?

So you want to deny parentss the right to know the sex of their kid so you can control the outcome.
Um who the fuck do you think you or this doctor. I was just at an ultrasound yesterday and had you pulled this sbit, i would have decked you.

All the Doctor is recommending is a delay in the revelation of the sex of the child.

Nothing else.

Now if you left wingers want to abort based on disabilities or gender just call it eugenics and vacuum suck away.

But let's call it for what it is. Eugenics. Plain and simple.

So again.......

We are going to withhold information from a patient based on what they might do with it?

Why don't we with hold cancer diagnosis from patients? After all, they might committ suicide after hearing the news.

Sorry, that's not the way medicine is practiced anymore.

I doubt this doctor will have much luck with this.
Stop denying it is happening here.

Female foeticide: Haryana in California, Punjab in Canada?

Not just in Punjab or Haryana and not just about boy versus girl economics — female foeticide seems to travel with some Indian parents. A recent editorial in the Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ) has sparked off a debate about the prevalence of this practice among Indians in North America, showing female foeticide via selective abortion in Canada’s Asian immigrant communities.

The CMAJ editorial, by the journal’s outgoing interim editor-in-chief Rajendra Kale, cited studies to show that female foeticide in Canada and the US occurs in large enough numbers to distort male-female ratios in some immigrant groups, including ethnic Indians and Chinese.

Kale, a physician, recommended that “health care professionals should not reveal the sex of the foetus to any woman before, say, 30 weeks of pregnancy because such information is medically irrelevant and in some instances harmful”. After about 30 weeks, an unquestioned abortion would be “all but impossible”, he pointed out.

A working paper for the US National Bureau of Economic Research in 2009 showed that the sex ratio for first births among Indians in the US was close to the norm of 105 boys for every 100 girls. But the ratio got increasingly skewed for subsequent births if the previous children were girls. In cases where the first two children were girls, the sex ratio for third births among Indians was found to be nearly 190 boys for 100 girls.

And this is actually from an Indian web link.

Female foeticide: Haryana in California, Punjab in Canada? - Indian Express
Many on the left fail to see this is about the human being that resides there.

You refuse to accept that a Human being has control over their own body in this country.

Its the LAWS of this nation

I assume you have nothing against late-term abortion. After all isn't it her body her decision?

a minute percentage of pregnancies end in dilation and extraction. they are between a woman and her doctor.
I call bullshit on that.

It's actually not that terribly difficult if you know some basic facts. Eye color is genetically determined mainly through dominant/recessive relationships. It does get a little more complicated, because there are several genes that are involved in creating the final product of mixed coloration. But knowing the history of the parents and grandparents, you can extrapolate the dominant and recessive characteristics that the parents possess and can possibly pass on to the child, and how they are likely to blend into your child's eye color.

I have blue eyes my wife had green eyes.

So tell me what color eyes do my children have?

I said I needed to have a conversation with you and your partner. Not two sentences via the web. ;) I'd need to actually see your eye color and hers, and would need info about your parents and ancestries to be able to give a more accurate prediction. But just going on that alone, I'm going to say most likely blue, possibly hazel. Green and even grey are possible, but less likely. Like I said, it's not as simple as two sentences.

Basically what your saying is after your little 5 minute conversation you would make an educated guess.

Which anyone with half a brain could do.

Not very scientific and not hardly accurate.
So you want to deny parentss the right to know the sex of their kid so you can control the outcome.
Um who the fuck do you think you or this doctor. I was just at an ultrasound yesterday and had you pulled this sbit, i would have decked you.

All the Doctor is recommending is a delay in the revelation of the sex of the child.

Nothing else.

Now if you left wingers want to abort based on disabilities or gender just call it eugenics and vacuum suck away.

But let's call it for what it is. Eugenics. Plain and simple.

So again.......

We are going to withhold information from a patient based on what they might do with it?

Why don't we with hold cancer diagnosis from patients? After all, they might committ suicide after hearing the news.

Sorry, that's not the way medicine is practiced anymore.

I doubt this doctor will have much luck with this.

How does the gender of the child affect the health of the mother during the pregnancy?

And to equate a diagnosis of a female fetus in the womb with a cancer patient committing suicide is an interesting leap.

Female baby potentially born = cancer diagnosis

We've come a long way baby.
Once again, Republicans want to step in between a woman and her doctor.
If the GOP actually wanted th change things, they would have done so in the years when they had the house, senate, presidency, and 7/9 SCOUTUS appointees.

Exactly, and that was what I was attempting to say. They talk the talk, but won't walk the walk.

See? You go from "opinion" to stating it as fact in a handful of posts.

That's how the making-shit-up tactic works.

The evidence, once again, contradicts: Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

States Enact Record Number of Abortion Restrictions in First Half of 2011

No, never once have I expressed a single "fact" in this regard. I have given my opinion. My opinion is that they talk the talk but don't walk the walk.

Maybe they have you believing they want to eliminate abortion, but, I have felt they really don't give a shit.

In your opinion Republicans may be working for your cause. I see all of it as being fluff with little substance.

As for the Partial Birth Abortion Act... what did it accomplish? Did it really prevent a single abortion? Not likely, it made one particular gruesome procedure illegal, but it did not stop late term abortions and it did nothing to reduce the number of abortions at all. Please, feel free to dig up any "facts" you want that will prove the act reduced the number of aboritons. I would love to see them.

Not only that, the procedure that was banned was a disgusting act. It was not at all difficult to get even some of the more moderately pro-choice individuals in America behind the banning of such barbaric practices. Banning D and X abortions was not a politically risky endeavour.

When I see Republicans start making efforts to actually reduce abortions, I will reconsider my stance on this but not before.

Women have the right to know whats happening in their own bodies.

You dont get to deside to keep them in the dark so you feel better
Exactly, and that was what I was attempting to say. They talk the talk, but won't walk the walk.

See? You go from "opinion" to stating it as fact in a handful of posts.

That's how the making-shit-up tactic works.

The evidence, once again, contradicts: Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

States Enact Record Number of Abortion Restrictions in First Half of 2011

No, never once have I expressed a single "fact" in this regard. I have given my opinion. My opinion is that they talk the talk but don't walk the walk.

Maybe they have you believing they want to eliminate abortion, but, I have felt they really don't give a shit.

In your opinion Republicans may be working for your cause. I see all of it as being fluff with little substance.

As for the Partial Birth Abortion Act... what did it accomplish? Did it really prevent a single abortion? Not likely, it made one particular gruesome procedure illegal, but it did not stop late term abortions and it did nothing to reduce the number of abortions at all. Please, feel free to dig up any "facts" you want that will prove the act reduced the number of aboritons. I would love to see them.

Not only that, the procedure that was banned was a disgusting act. It was not at all difficult to get even some of the more moderately pro-choice individuals in America behind the banning of such barbaric practices. Banning D and X abortions was not a politically risky endeavour.

When I see Republicans start making efforts to actually reduce abortions, I will reconsider my stance on this but not before.


A Texas law which required that all abortions which take place at or after 16 weeks of gestation be performed in either a hospital or an ambulatory surgical center. When the Texas law took effect, none of Texas’s non-hospital-based abortion providers met the requirements for an ambulatory surgical center. As such, the average distance to the non-hospital-based abortion provider which performed abortions after 16 weeks increased from 33 miles to 252 miles. Not surprisingly, the number of abortions performed in Texas at or after 16 weeks of gestation fell by 88 percent.

Following the enactment of an Arizona pro-life law in 2009, Planned Parenthood announced they would stop providing abortions at seven of their ten clinics. The end result has been a 30-percent decline in the number of abortions performed in Arizona.

There exists peer reviewed research showing that declines in abortion providers reduce abortion rates. As such, considering that courts have been willing to uphold clinic regulations in many states, these supply side strategies represent a new opportunity for grassroots pro-lifers.

Michael J. New is an assistant professor of political science at the University of Michigan–Dearborn and a fellow at the Witherspoon Institute in Princeton, N.J. This article originally appeared on the National Review. It is reprinted here with permission of the author.
Misdirection is a form of deception in which the attention of an audience is focused on one thing in order to distract its attention from another.


Pro-choicers use a lot of smoke and mirrors (rape and incest) and misdirection (it's about the woman and her doctor) to achieve the murder of the unborn. They are prestidigitators whose signature trick is to make babies disappear in the palms of their bloodstained hands.
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Misdirection is a form of deception in which the attention of an audience is focused on one thing in order to distract its attention from another.


Pro-choicers use a lot of smoke and mirrors (rape and incest) and misdirection (it's about the woman and her doctor) to achieve the murder of the unborn. They are prestidigitators whose signature trick is to make babies disappear.

US law already decided you are wrong

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