Fencing in the Monuments


Romantic Cynic
Sep 28, 2013
Is the worker essential? Is the fence???


I want to ride to the ridge where the west commences
Gaze at the moon until I loose my senses
I can't look at hobbles and I can't stand fences
Don't fence me in
God forbid someone touch a monument without a fat overpaid NPS Nazi and a pig with a gun standing there waiting to blast on fence jumpers.
Is the worker essential? Is the fence???


I want to ride to the ridge where the west commences
Gaze at the moon until I loose my senses
I can't look at hobbles and I can't stand fences
Don't fence me in

Someone threw green paint at the Lincoln statue eight weeks ago

Do you propose we open the monument and pull all the security?
They should be fenced off so some A-rab asshole doesn't start throwing hand grenades at them. You know there's plenty of them here thanks to Big Jan abandoning the border fence. This would be a perfect time for them to start attacking our monuments.....imagine our shame if they blew the head off the Statue of Liberty?
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The fence on the border would not stop terrorist defacing our monuments. Canada has no fence, no fences on the East or West coasts.
The fence on the border would not stop terrorist defacing our monuments. Canada has no fence, no fences on the East or West coasts.

Hey asshole.....there have been numerous reports of "arab speaking" groups being coyoted in through mehico....Hezbollah has bragged several times of having sleeper-cells throughout the country. They can't get into Canada so they can't come down from there.....go back to your boilermakers ya lush.
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The fence on the border would not stop terrorist defacing our monuments. Canada has no fence, no fences on the East or West coasts.
Canada does not have fences because they don't need them. Canada does not go around sticking its nose into the business of other countries, unlike the US.
However, prior to entering Canada you must go through an immigration check. I once tried to take my motorhome into Canada but was turned back because I had more than the legal amount of liquor allowed on board.

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