Fentanyl Killed One of My Best Friends Sons

1. Yes, I believe his decision was irrational. I stand by that call. As you say, he was likely to fail and only be badly hurt. Does that sound rational?

2. It was not about his danger to the drivers. As a member of our society he has the right to the protection of society.

And what if he doesn't want that protection?
You just force him to accept it?

Damn straight.
Thank you for affirming my assertion that you have a pathological need to control other people

Thank you for demonstrating that you are incapable of reasonable debate.
You just said people should be forced to accept your protection

So what is that exactly if not control?

You just equated wanting society having ANY level of control over itself, with having a personal, pathological need to control other people.

That is utterly absurd.

I'm not trying to tell you what gender pro nouns to use when discussing cross dressers.

I'm supporting the idea of not just watching as people kill themselves, while doing vast harm to the society we live in.
And what if he doesn't want that protection?
You just force him to accept it?

Damn straight.
Thank you for affirming my assertion that you have a pathological need to control other people

Thank you for demonstrating that you are incapable of reasonable debate.
You just said people should be forced to accept your protection

So what is that exactly if not control?

You just equated wanting society having ANY level of control over itself, with having a personal, pathological need to control other people.

That is utterly absurd.

I'm not trying to tell you what gender pro nouns to use when discussing cross dressers.

I'm supporting the idea of not just watching as people kill themselves, while doing vast harm to the society we live in.

Where did I ever mention "society"

I an talking about YOU wanting to force YOUR ideas about morality on others

YOU took as as far to say that people should be forced to accept YOUR protection

YOU have no right to force YOUR ideas onto others

If s person chooses to do drugs it is none of YOUR business

If a person decides to kill himself it is none of YOUR business.

The only time it becomes your business is if the choices another makes endangers the safety of the public or the rights of another
Damn straight.
Thank you for affirming my assertion that you have a pathological need to control other people

Thank you for demonstrating that you are incapable of reasonable debate.
You just said people should be forced to accept your protection

So what is that exactly if not control?

You just equated wanting society having ANY level of control over itself, with having a personal, pathological need to control other people.

That is utterly absurd.

I'm not trying to tell you what gender pro nouns to use when discussing cross dressers.

I'm supporting the idea of not just watching as people kill themselves, while doing vast harm to the society we live in.

Where did I ever mention "society"

I an talking about YOU wanting to force YOUR ideas about morality on others

YOU took as as far to say that people should be forced to accept YOUR protection

YOU have no right to force YOUR ideas onto others

If s person chooses to do drugs it is none of YOUR business

If a person decides to kill himself it is none of YOUR business.

The only time it becomes your business is if the choices another makes endangers the safety of the public or the rights of another

I mentioned society. That's what this is about.

Today we have a problem with Lefties, who want to turn society into a terrible and oppressive force of tyranny.

That's a huge problem. THE huge problem of our civilization.

BUT, their abuse of the concept of society does not define, nor refute the concept of society.

Being a member of a society entails rights and responsibilities.

Protection, such as care during a period of mental illness, ie a suicide attempt, is a benefit of being a member of a society, or at least of a healthy society.

By trying to frame this as about ME personally, you are attempting to dodge the real point, ie the proper role of society and the proper balance between rights and responsibilities and personal freedoms.
Thank you for affirming my assertion that you have a pathological need to control other people

Thank you for demonstrating that you are incapable of reasonable debate.
You just said people should be forced to accept your protection

So what is that exactly if not control?

You just equated wanting society having ANY level of control over itself, with having a personal, pathological need to control other people.

That is utterly absurd.

I'm not trying to tell you what gender pro nouns to use when discussing cross dressers.

I'm supporting the idea of not just watching as people kill themselves, while doing vast harm to the society we live in.

Where did I ever mention "society"

I an talking about YOU wanting to force YOUR ideas about morality on others

YOU took as as far to say that people should be forced to accept YOUR protection

YOU have no right to force YOUR ideas onto others

If s person chooses to do drugs it is none of YOUR business

If a person decides to kill himself it is none of YOUR business.

The only time it becomes your business is if the choices another makes endangers the safety of the public or the rights of another

I mentioned society. That's what this is about.

Today we have a problem with Lefties, who want to turn society into a terrible and oppressive force of tyranny.

That's a huge problem. THE huge problem of our civilization.

BUT, their abuse of the concept of society does not define, nor refute the concept of society.

Being a member of a society entails rights and responsibilities.

Protection, such as care during a period of mental illness, ie a suicide attempt, is a benefit of being a member of a society, or at least of a healthy society.

By trying to frame this as about ME personally, you are attempting to dodge the real point, ie the proper role of society and the proper balance between rights and responsibilities and personal freedoms.

You are ASSUMING the decision to commit suicide is irrational and caused by mental illness and you are willing to force everyone to agree with you.

I don't agree with you. Whatever a person chooses to do in regards to his own body is none or your or "society's" business

You tell people they can't do drugs because YOU don't want to live in a "society" that allows it. News flash you do live in a society that allows it and drugs have been a part of every society since the dawn of time. So what you want is a fantasy and you want to force other people to believe in your fantasy world
The fenatnyl didn't kill him he killed himself by using it.

YOu create an environment of despair, and easy access to drugs, you share in the responsibility of the results.

I have absolutely no responsibility for other people choosing to use drugs

Do you support having an Open Border and massive exporting of jobs?

The majority of illegal drugs are shipped into the United States through ports, not snuck across any open borders, which has ZERO to do with political affiliation.

70% of illegal drugs come through ports — Lapeña | Philstar.com
Is a tariff on drugs political? Which came first, borders or smuggling?

28 Mar 2018 Sputnik News Afghan Women Fight Drugs with Computer Games
Afghan Women Fight Drugs With Computer Games (PHOTOS)

1 Jan 2018 Sputnik News Russian Deputy FM: Western Coalition Not Doing Much to Curb Drugs in Afghanistan
Russian Deputy FM: Western Coalition Not Doing Much to Curb Drugs in Afghanistan
'We know this money from narcotics and drugs are important means of financing terrorism....poppies worth over $60 billion....goes to big banks which are not in Afghanistan....'
The fenatnyl didn't kill him he killed himself by using it.
During the alcohol Prohibition era, in much the same way as there are unscrupulous drug-dealers today, there were unscrupulous bootleggers who put out a home-made product called "bathtub gin," some of which was a mixture of genuine gin, water, and ethyl alcohol (anti-freeze), which was poisonous. In New York City alone, a morgue wagon swept the Bowery every morning to pick up the corpses of destitute drunks who died from drinking this cheap concoction.
The fenatnyl didn't kill him he killed himself by using it.
During the alcohol Prohibition era, in much the same way as there are unscrupulous drug-dealers today, there were unscrupulous bootleggers who put out a home-made product called "bathtub gin," some of which was a mixture of genuine gin, water, and ethyl alcohol (anti-freeze), which was poisonous. In New York City alone, a morgue wagon swept the Bowery every morning to pick up the corpses of destitute drunks who died from drinking this cheap concoction.
Exactly and even after all the deaths from from bad booze people were still choosing to drink it.
Thank you for affirming my assertion that you have a pathological need to control other people

Thank you for demonstrating that you are incapable of reasonable debate.
You just said people should be forced to accept your protection

So what is that exactly if not control?

You just equated wanting society having ANY level of control over itself, with having a personal, pathological need to control other people.

That is utterly absurd.

I'm not trying to tell you what gender pro nouns to use when discussing cross dressers.

I'm supporting the idea of not just watching as people kill themselves, while doing vast harm to the society we live in.

Where did I ever mention "society"

I an talking about YOU wanting to force YOUR ideas about morality on others

YOU took as as far to say that people should be forced to accept YOUR protection

YOU have no right to force YOUR ideas onto others

If s person chooses to do drugs it is none of YOUR business

If a person decides to kill himself it is none of YOUR business.

The only time it becomes your business is if the choices another makes endangers the safety of the public or the rights of another

I mentioned society. That's what this is about.

Today we have a problem with Lefties, who want to turn society into a terrible and oppressive force of tyranny.

That's a huge problem. THE huge problem of our civilization.

BUT, their abuse of the concept of society does not define, nor refute the concept of society.

Being a member of a society entails rights and responsibilities.

Protection, such as care during a period of mental illness, ie a suicide attempt, is a benefit of being a member of a society, or at least of a healthy society.

By trying to frame this as about ME personally, you are attempting to dodge the real point, ie the proper role of society and the proper balance between rights and responsibilities and personal freedoms.
Drug Distributors Shipped 20.8 Million Painkillers To West Virginia ...
Jan 30, 2018 - But despite its small size, drug wholesalers sent more than 20.8 million prescription painkillers to the town from 2008 and 2015, according to an investigation by the House Committee on Energy and Commerce. The opioids — hydrocodone and oxycodone pills — were provided to two pharmacies just four ...
Opioid epidemic: Tiny West Virginia was town flooded with millions of ...
Jan 31, 2018 - Over the past decade, nearly 21 million prescription painkillers have been shipped to a tiny town in West Virginia, a state where more people have overdosed on ... shipped large quantities of hydrocodone and oxycodone to two pharmacies in Williamson, which is in Mingo County, on the Kentucky border.
Welcome to Williamson, W.Va., where there are 6,500 opioid pills per ...
Feb 1, 2018 - For over a decade, two pharmacies just four blocks apart dispensed some 20.8 million prescription painkillers in a town of just 3191 residents. ... That's more than 6,500 prescription painkillers per person in this coal-mining town that sits just across the Tug Fork River from Kentucky. Those jarring figures ...
The Pharmacies Thriving in Kentucky's Opioid-Stricken Towns - The ...
The Pharmacies Thriving in Kentucky's Opioid-Stricken Towns
Feb 7, 2017 - A Family Drug Center pharmacy in Manchester, Ky., one of 11 pharmacies in the city of 1,500 people that fill prescriptions for opioid drugs. Phil Galewitz ... Clay's residents filled prescriptions for 2.2 million doses of hydrocodone and about 617,000 doses of oxycodone in the 12-month period ending last ...
Drug Distributors Shipped 20.8 Million Painkillers To West Virginia ...
Jan 30, 2018 - But despite its small size, drug wholesalers sent more than 20.8 million prescription painkillers to the town from 2008 and 2015, according to an investigation by the House Committee on Energy and Commerce. The opioids — hydrocodone and oxycodone pills — were provided to two pharmacies just four ...
Opioid epidemic: Tiny West Virginia was town flooded with millions of ...
Jan 31, 2018 - Over the past decade, nearly 21 million prescription painkillers have been shipped to a tiny town in West Virginia, a state where more people have overdosed on ... shipped large quantities of hydrocodone and oxycodone to two pharmacies in Williamson, which is in Mingo County, on the Kentucky border.
Welcome to Williamson, W.Va., where there are 6,500 opioid pills per ...
Feb 1, 2018 - For over a decade, two pharmacies just four blocks apart dispensed some 20.8 million prescription painkillers in a town of just 3191 residents. ... That's more than 6,500 prescription painkillers per person in this coal-mining town that sits just across the Tug Fork River from Kentucky. Those jarring figures ...
The Pharmacies Thriving in Kentucky's Opioid-Stricken Towns - The ...
The Pharmacies Thriving in Kentucky's Opioid-Stricken Towns
Feb 7, 2017 - A Family Drug Center pharmacy in Manchester, Ky., one of 11 pharmacies in the city of 1,500 people that fill prescriptions for opioid drugs. Phil Galewitz ... Clay's residents filled prescriptions for 2.2 million doses of hydrocodone and about 617,000 doses of oxycodone in the 12-month period ending last ...

Who the hell dropped the ball on that one ... :dunno:
Oh yeah, the DEA is in charge of monitoring pharmaceuticals and their supply chain ... The government fails again.

It's pretty clear in the CSA (Controlled Substance Act ~ 1970) ... That the responsibility for monitoring the distribution of all schedule drugs resides with the DOJ and DEA.
In fact ... The DEA has an entire division (to include ARCOS ) whose responsibility is to ...

"The Controlled Substances Act of 1970 (§ 827) created the requirement for Manufacturers and Distributors to report their controlled substances transactions to the Attorney General. The Attorney General delegates this authority to the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).

ARCOS is an automated, comprehensive drug reporting system which monitors the flow of DEA controlled substances from their point of manufacture through commercial distribution channels to point of sale or distribution at the dispensing/retail level - hospitals, retail pharmacies, practitioners, mid-level practitioners, and teaching institutions. Included in the list of controlled substance transactions tracked by ARCOS are the following: All Schedules I and II materials (manufacturers and distributors); Schedule III narcotic and gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB) materials (manufacturers and distributors); and selected Schedule III and IV psychotropic drugs (manufacturers only)."

The fenatnyl didn't kill him he killed himself by using it.

YOu create an environment of despair, and easy access to drugs, you share in the responsibility of the results.

I have absolutely no responsibility for other people choosing to use drugs

Do you support having an Open Border and massive exporting of jobs?

The majority of illegal drugs are shipped into the United States through ports, not snuck across any open borders, which has ZERO to do with political affiliation.

70% of illegal drugs come through ports — Lapeña | Philstar.com

Well it's time to train a pack of drug dogs to sniff every shipping container. I'd start in Seattle & work my way from there to Portland SF & LA.

Every ship & every container or they don't offload.
The fenatnyl didn't kill him he killed himself by using it.
During the alcohol Prohibition era, in much the same way as there are unscrupulous drug-dealers today, there were unscrupulous bootleggers who put out a home-made product called "bathtub gin," some of which was a mixture of genuine gin, water, and ethyl alcohol (anti-freeze), which was poisonous. In New York City alone, a morgue wagon swept the Bowery every morning to pick up the corpses of destitute drunks who died from drinking this cheap concoction.
It's weird. Addicts don't fear death. What they fear is life without drugs. This is why the threat of jail works nicely. Properly monitored (drug dogs) a nice stint in jail looming would be better than letting them die. More humane.
It's weird. Addicts don't fear death. What they fear is life without drugs. This is why the threat of jail works nicely. Properly monitored (drug dogs) a nice stint in jail looming would be better than letting them die. More humane.
If the threat of jail worked there would be no drug problem.

Very few drug addicts are effectively rehabilitated by a prison sentence. In fact, prison clearly has the opposite effect. The real problem where drug abuse is concerned is the law-enforcement approach, which aggravates the situation, which is worse today than it was when Reagan escalated Nixon's already counterproductive War On Drugs in 1982.

The fact is the law-enforcement approach operates to maintain the profit available from trafficking in dangerous and addictive recreational drugs. This enormous profitability feeds the political corruption which ensures continuation of the utterly counterproductive drug war.

There is no more addictive substance than nicotine and the compulsive use of cigarettes has been reduced by more than 80% without arresting anyone. This was achieved via intensive public education and I can say that with absolute certainty because I smoked for thirty-five years but was encouraged to quit by an aggressive public education effort.
The fenatnyl didn't kill him he killed himself by using it.

YOu create an environment of despair, and easy access to drugs, you share in the responsibility of the results.

I have absolutely no responsibility for other people choosing to use drugs

Do you support having an Open Border and massive exporting of jobs?

The majority of illegal drugs are shipped into the United States through ports, not snuck across any open borders, which has ZERO to do with political affiliation.

70% of illegal drugs come through ports — Lapeña | Philstar.com

Well it's time to train a pack of drug dogs to sniff every shipping container. I'd start in Seattle & work my way from there to Portland SF & LA.

Every ship & every container or they don't offload.

Well going to need a few more million drug dogs then. And maybe a million more customs officers.

20.5 million containers imported a year.

Oh and be prepared for a big increase in the retail price of everything.
The fenatnyl didn't kill him he killed himself by using it.
During the alcohol Prohibition era, in much the same way as there are unscrupulous drug-dealers today, there were unscrupulous bootleggers who put out a home-made product called "bathtub gin," some of which was a mixture of genuine gin, water, and ethyl alcohol (anti-freeze), which was poisonous. In New York City alone, a morgue wagon swept the Bowery every morning to pick up the corpses of destitute drunks who died from drinking this cheap concoction.

Yep- the Prohibition (alcohol) demonstrated the folly of such drug wars.

Those who don't learn from the lessons of history.......
$1M in fentanyl seized from Texas trio plotting to mail drugs back from Ohio, authorities say
He overdosed and was in a coma. They had to make the decision to pull the plug. This was at a time when both mother and father had lost their jobs due to NAFTA. Great fucking life huh? Thanks liberals for screwing up our country. Let drugs and illegals in...ship working class folks jobs out. Pricks.
Why is fentanyl a polical issue? Besides Trump not supporting public funding for more treatment. And I'm not sure I do, either, for that matter.
Thank you for demonstrating that you are incapable of reasonable debate.
You just said people should be forced to accept your protection

So what is that exactly if not control?

You just equated wanting society having ANY level of control over itself, with having a personal, pathological need to control other people.

That is utterly absurd.

I'm not trying to tell you what gender pro nouns to use when discussing cross dressers.

I'm supporting the idea of not just watching as people kill themselves, while doing vast harm to the society we live in.

Where did I ever mention "society"

I an talking about YOU wanting to force YOUR ideas about morality on others

YOU took as as far to say that people should be forced to accept YOUR protection

YOU have no right to force YOUR ideas onto others

If s person chooses to do drugs it is none of YOUR business

If a person decides to kill himself it is none of YOUR business.

The only time it becomes your business is if the choices another makes endangers the safety of the public or the rights of another

I mentioned society. That's what this is about.

Today we have a problem with Lefties, who want to turn society into a terrible and oppressive force of tyranny.

That's a huge problem. THE huge problem of our civilization.

BUT, their abuse of the concept of society does not define, nor refute the concept of society.

Being a member of a society entails rights and responsibilities.

Protection, such as care during a period of mental illness, ie a suicide attempt, is a benefit of being a member of a society, or at least of a healthy society.

By trying to frame this as about ME personally, you are attempting to dodge the real point, ie the proper role of society and the proper balance between rights and responsibilities and personal freedoms.
Drug Distributors Shipped 20.8 Million Painkillers To West Virginia ...
Jan 30, 2018 - But despite its small size, drug wholesalers sent more than 20.8 million prescription painkillers to the town from 2008 and 2015, according to an investigation by the House Committee on Energy and Commerce. The opioids — hydrocodone and oxycodone pills — were provided to two pharmacies just four ...
Opioid epidemic: Tiny West Virginia was town flooded with millions of ...
Jan 31, 2018 - Over the past decade, nearly 21 million prescription painkillers have been shipped to a tiny town in West Virginia, a state where more people have overdosed on ... shipped large quantities of hydrocodone and oxycodone to two pharmacies in Williamson, which is in Mingo County, on the Kentucky border.
Welcome to Williamson, W.Va., where there are 6,500 opioid pills per ...
Feb 1, 2018 - For over a decade, two pharmacies just four blocks apart dispensed some 20.8 million prescription painkillers in a town of just 3191 residents. ... That's more than 6,500 prescription painkillers per person in this coal-mining town that sits just across the Tug Fork River from Kentucky. Those jarring figures ...
The Pharmacies Thriving in Kentucky's Opioid-Stricken Towns - The ...
The Pharmacies Thriving in Kentucky's Opioid-Stricken Towns
Feb 7, 2017 - A Family Drug Center pharmacy in Manchester, Ky., one of 11 pharmacies in the city of 1,500 people that fill prescriptions for opioid drugs. Phil Galewitz ... Clay's residents filled prescriptions for 2.2 million doses of hydrocodone and about 617,000 doses of oxycodone in the 12-month period ending last ...

I don't see any connection between my post and your response.

You seem to just be raving, in a cut and paste style.

Are you high?
The fenatnyl didn't kill him he killed himself by using it.

YOu create an environment of despair, and easy access to drugs, you share in the responsibility of the results.

I have absolutely no responsibility for other people choosing to use drugs

Do you support having an Open Border and massive exporting of jobs?

The majority of illegal drugs are shipped into the United States through ports, not snuck across any open borders, which has ZERO to do with political affiliation.

70% of illegal drugs come through ports — Lapeña | Philstar.com

That report is talking about the Philippines.

A nation of ISLANDS.

IN this country, the majority of the drugs come over our southern border, which is effectively open, as per the desires of our political class.
Well he came from a broken home...parents were influenced by 1960’s and 1970’s liberalism. Destroying the family unit has always been a goal of a totalitarian state. Make them worship the party...not family. Break the family.

Coming from a conservative republican family didn't stop bush from being a drunk and a drug addict. Not bush 1, but the other criminal scumbag bush2

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