Fentanyl Killed One of My Best Friends Sons

Well he came from a broken home...parents were influenced by 1960’s and 1970’s liberalism. Destroying the family unit has always been a goal of a totalitarian state. Make them worship the party...not family. Break the family.

Coming from a conservative republican family didn't stop bush from being a drunk and a drug addict. Not bush 1, but the other criminal scumbag bush2


I'll not comment on the hate dripping from your post,

but I will point out that you just revealed that you don't understand the concept of Cause and Effect.

Broken homes cause problems for the children of those homes.

That does not mean that all problems are caused by broken homes, nor that only people from broken homes have problems, nor that no people from UNbroken homes have problems.

I hope that they lesson will help you be less confused. By everything involving cause and effect.
You just said people should be forced to accept your protection

So what is that exactly if not control?

You just equated wanting society having ANY level of control over itself, with having a personal, pathological need to control other people.

That is utterly absurd.

I'm not trying to tell you what gender pro nouns to use when discussing cross dressers.

I'm supporting the idea of not just watching as people kill themselves, while doing vast harm to the society we live in.

Where did I ever mention "society"

I an talking about YOU wanting to force YOUR ideas about morality on others

YOU took as as far to say that people should be forced to accept YOUR protection

YOU have no right to force YOUR ideas onto others

If s person chooses to do drugs it is none of YOUR business

If a person decides to kill himself it is none of YOUR business.

The only time it becomes your business is if the choices another makes endangers the safety of the public or the rights of another

I mentioned society. That's what this is about.

Today we have a problem with Lefties, who want to turn society into a terrible and oppressive force of tyranny.

That's a huge problem. THE huge problem of our civilization.

BUT, their abuse of the concept of society does not define, nor refute the concept of society.

Being a member of a society entails rights and responsibilities.

Protection, such as care during a period of mental illness, ie a suicide attempt, is a benefit of being a member of a society, or at least of a healthy society.

By trying to frame this as about ME personally, you are attempting to dodge the real point, ie the proper role of society and the proper balance between rights and responsibilities and personal freedoms.
Drug Distributors Shipped 20.8 Million Painkillers To West Virginia ...
Jan 30, 2018 - But despite its small size, drug wholesalers sent more than 20.8 million prescription painkillers to the town from 2008 and 2015, according to an investigation by the House Committee on Energy and Commerce. The opioids — hydrocodone and oxycodone pills — were provided to two pharmacies just four ...
Opioid epidemic: Tiny West Virginia was town flooded with millions of ...
Jan 31, 2018 - Over the past decade, nearly 21 million prescription painkillers have been shipped to a tiny town in West Virginia, a state where more people have overdosed on ... shipped large quantities of hydrocodone and oxycodone to two pharmacies in Williamson, which is in Mingo County, on the Kentucky border.
Welcome to Williamson, W.Va., where there are 6,500 opioid pills per ...
Feb 1, 2018 - For over a decade, two pharmacies just four blocks apart dispensed some 20.8 million prescription painkillers in a town of just 3191 residents. ... That's more than 6,500 prescription painkillers per person in this coal-mining town that sits just across the Tug Fork River from Kentucky. Those jarring figures ...
The Pharmacies Thriving in Kentucky's Opioid-Stricken Towns - The ...
The Pharmacies Thriving in Kentucky's Opioid-Stricken Towns
Feb 7, 2017 - A Family Drug Center pharmacy in Manchester, Ky., one of 11 pharmacies in the city of 1,500 people that fill prescriptions for opioid drugs. Phil Galewitz ... Clay's residents filled prescriptions for 2.2 million doses of hydrocodone and about 617,000 doses of oxycodone in the 12-month period ending last ...

I don't see any connection between my post and your response.

You seem to just be raving, in a cut and paste style.

Are you high?
You could have stopped at "I don't see"...you don't see because you do not want to see ...
You just equated wanting society having ANY level of control over itself, with having a personal, pathological need to control other people.

That is utterly absurd.

I'm not trying to tell you what gender pro nouns to use when discussing cross dressers.

I'm supporting the idea of not just watching as people kill themselves, while doing vast harm to the society we live in.

Where did I ever mention "society"

I an talking about YOU wanting to force YOUR ideas about morality on others

YOU took as as far to say that people should be forced to accept YOUR protection

YOU have no right to force YOUR ideas onto others

If s person chooses to do drugs it is none of YOUR business

If a person decides to kill himself it is none of YOUR business.

The only time it becomes your business is if the choices another makes endangers the safety of the public or the rights of another

I mentioned society. That's what this is about.

Today we have a problem with Lefties, who want to turn society into a terrible and oppressive force of tyranny.

That's a huge problem. THE huge problem of our civilization.

BUT, their abuse of the concept of society does not define, nor refute the concept of society.

Being a member of a society entails rights and responsibilities.

Protection, such as care during a period of mental illness, ie a suicide attempt, is a benefit of being a member of a society, or at least of a healthy society.

By trying to frame this as about ME personally, you are attempting to dodge the real point, ie the proper role of society and the proper balance between rights and responsibilities and personal freedoms.
Drug Distributors Shipped 20.8 Million Painkillers To West Virginia ...
Jan 30, 2018 - But despite its small size, drug wholesalers sent more than 20.8 million prescription painkillers to the town from 2008 and 2015, according to an investigation by the House Committee on Energy and Commerce. The opioids — hydrocodone and oxycodone pills — were provided to two pharmacies just four ...
Opioid epidemic: Tiny West Virginia was town flooded with millions of ...
Jan 31, 2018 - Over the past decade, nearly 21 million prescription painkillers have been shipped to a tiny town in West Virginia, a state where more people have overdosed on ... shipped large quantities of hydrocodone and oxycodone to two pharmacies in Williamson, which is in Mingo County, on the Kentucky border.
Welcome to Williamson, W.Va., where there are 6,500 opioid pills per ...
Feb 1, 2018 - For over a decade, two pharmacies just four blocks apart dispensed some 20.8 million prescription painkillers in a town of just 3191 residents. ... That's more than 6,500 prescription painkillers per person in this coal-mining town that sits just across the Tug Fork River from Kentucky. Those jarring figures ...
The Pharmacies Thriving in Kentucky's Opioid-Stricken Towns - The ...
The Pharmacies Thriving in Kentucky's Opioid-Stricken Towns
Feb 7, 2017 - A Family Drug Center pharmacy in Manchester, Ky., one of 11 pharmacies in the city of 1,500 people that fill prescriptions for opioid drugs. Phil Galewitz ... Clay's residents filled prescriptions for 2.2 million doses of hydrocodone and about 617,000 doses of oxycodone in the 12-month period ending last ...

I don't see any connection between my post and your response.

You seem to just be raving, in a cut and paste style.

Are you high?
You could have stopped at "I don't see"...you don't see because you do not want to see ...

If the connection is so obvious, then pointing it out would have been an effective way of supporting your claim, ie that I didn't see it only because I did not want to see it.

Instead, by making a statement with no effort to even TRY to support it,

you inadvertently support my point, ie that there is no connection between what I said, and what you posted,

THus my point stands.

I mentioned society. That's what this is about.

Today we have a problem with Lefties, who want to turn society into a terrible and oppressive force of tyranny.

That's a huge problem. THE huge problem of our civilization.

BUT, their abuse of the concept of society does not define, nor refute the concept of society.

Being a member of a society entails rights and responsibilities.

Protection, such as care during a period of mental illness, ie a suicide attempt, is a benefit of being a member of a society, or at least of a healthy society.

By trying to frame this as about ME personally, you are attempting to dodge the real point, ie the proper role of society and the proper balance between rights and responsibilities and personal freedoms.
Where did I ever mention "society"

I an talking about YOU wanting to force YOUR ideas about morality on others

YOU took as as far to say that people should be forced to accept YOUR protection

YOU have no right to force YOUR ideas onto others

If s person chooses to do drugs it is none of YOUR business

If a person decides to kill himself it is none of YOUR business.

The only time it becomes your business is if the choices another makes endangers the safety of the public or the rights of another

I mentioned society. That's what this is about.

Today we have a problem with Lefties, who want to turn society into a terrible and oppressive force of tyranny.

That's a huge problem. THE huge problem of our civilization.

BUT, their abuse of the concept of society does not define, nor refute the concept of society.

Being a member of a society entails rights and responsibilities.

Protection, such as care during a period of mental illness, ie a suicide attempt, is a benefit of being a member of a society, or at least of a healthy society.

By trying to frame this as about ME personally, you are attempting to dodge the real point, ie the proper role of society and the proper balance between rights and responsibilities and personal freedoms.
Drug Distributors Shipped 20.8 Million Painkillers To West Virginia ...
Jan 30, 2018 - But despite its small size, drug wholesalers sent more than 20.8 million prescription painkillers to the town from 2008 and 2015, according to an investigation by the House Committee on Energy and Commerce. The opioids — hydrocodone and oxycodone pills — were provided to two pharmacies just four ...
Opioid epidemic: Tiny West Virginia was town flooded with millions of ...
Jan 31, 2018 - Over the past decade, nearly 21 million prescription painkillers have been shipped to a tiny town in West Virginia, a state where more people have overdosed on ... shipped large quantities of hydrocodone and oxycodone to two pharmacies in Williamson, which is in Mingo County, on the Kentucky border.
Welcome to Williamson, W.Va., where there are 6,500 opioid pills per ...
Feb 1, 2018 - For over a decade, two pharmacies just four blocks apart dispensed some 20.8 million prescription painkillers in a town of just 3191 residents. ... That's more than 6,500 prescription painkillers per person in this coal-mining town that sits just across the Tug Fork River from Kentucky. Those jarring figures ...
The Pharmacies Thriving in Kentucky's Opioid-Stricken Towns - The ...
The Pharmacies Thriving in Kentucky's Opioid-Stricken Towns
Feb 7, 2017 - A Family Drug Center pharmacy in Manchester, Ky., one of 11 pharmacies in the city of 1,500 people that fill prescriptions for opioid drugs. Phil Galewitz ... Clay's residents filled prescriptions for 2.2 million doses of hydrocodone and about 617,000 doses of oxycodone in the 12-month period ending last ...

I don't see any connection between my post and your response.

You seem to just be raving, in a cut and paste style.

Are you high?
You could have stopped at "I don't see"...you don't see because you do not want to see ...

If the connection is so obvious, then pointing it out would have been an effective way of supporting your claim, ie that I didn't see it only because I did not want to see it.

Instead, by making a statement with no effort to even TRY to support it,

you inadvertently support my point, ie that there is no connection between what I said, and what you posted,

THus my point stands.

I mentioned society. That's what this is about.

Today we have a problem with Lefties, who want to turn society into a terrible and oppressive force of tyranny.

That's a huge problem. THE huge problem of our civilization.

BUT, their abuse of the concept of society does not define, nor refute the concept of society.

Being a member of a society entails rights and responsibilities.

Protection, such as care during a period of mental illness, ie a suicide attempt, is a benefit of being a member of a society, or at least of a healthy society.

By trying to frame this as about ME personally, you are attempting to dodge the real point, ie the proper role of society and the proper balance between rights and responsibilities and personal freedoms.
No I am not if you cannot see the connection is because you do not want to see it...therefore were I to "point it out" you still would not see it ...why ? because you refuse to see ...
I mentioned society. That's what this is about.

Today we have a problem with Lefties, who want to turn society into a terrible and oppressive force of tyranny.

That's a huge problem. THE huge problem of our civilization.

BUT, their abuse of the concept of society does not define, nor refute the concept of society.

Being a member of a society entails rights and responsibilities.

Protection, such as care during a period of mental illness, ie a suicide attempt, is a benefit of being a member of a society, or at least of a healthy society.

By trying to frame this as about ME personally, you are attempting to dodge the real point, ie the proper role of society and the proper balance between rights and responsibilities and personal freedoms.
Drug Distributors Shipped 20.8 Million Painkillers To West Virginia ...
Jan 30, 2018 - But despite its small size, drug wholesalers sent more than 20.8 million prescription painkillers to the town from 2008 and 2015, according to an investigation by the House Committee on Energy and Commerce. The opioids — hydrocodone and oxycodone pills — were provided to two pharmacies just four ...
Opioid epidemic: Tiny West Virginia was town flooded with millions of ...
Jan 31, 2018 - Over the past decade, nearly 21 million prescription painkillers have been shipped to a tiny town in West Virginia, a state where more people have overdosed on ... shipped large quantities of hydrocodone and oxycodone to two pharmacies in Williamson, which is in Mingo County, on the Kentucky border.
Welcome to Williamson, W.Va., where there are 6,500 opioid pills per ...
Feb 1, 2018 - For over a decade, two pharmacies just four blocks apart dispensed some 20.8 million prescription painkillers in a town of just 3191 residents. ... That's more than 6,500 prescription painkillers per person in this coal-mining town that sits just across the Tug Fork River from Kentucky. Those jarring figures ...
The Pharmacies Thriving in Kentucky's Opioid-Stricken Towns - The ...
The Pharmacies Thriving in Kentucky's Opioid-Stricken Towns
Feb 7, 2017 - A Family Drug Center pharmacy in Manchester, Ky., one of 11 pharmacies in the city of 1,500 people that fill prescriptions for opioid drugs. Phil Galewitz ... Clay's residents filled prescriptions for 2.2 million doses of hydrocodone and about 617,000 doses of oxycodone in the 12-month period ending last ...

I don't see any connection between my post and your response.

You seem to just be raving, in a cut and paste style.

Are you high?
You could have stopped at "I don't see"...you don't see because you do not want to see ...

If the connection is so obvious, then pointing it out would have been an effective way of supporting your claim, ie that I didn't see it only because I did not want to see it.

Instead, by making a statement with no effort to even TRY to support it,

you inadvertently support my point, ie that there is no connection between what I said, and what you posted,

THus my point stands.

I mentioned society. That's what this is about.

Today we have a problem with Lefties, who want to turn society into a terrible and oppressive force of tyranny.

That's a huge problem. THE huge problem of our civilization.

BUT, their abuse of the concept of society does not define, nor refute the concept of society.

Being a member of a society entails rights and responsibilities.

Protection, such as care during a period of mental illness, ie a suicide attempt, is a benefit of being a member of a society, or at least of a healthy society.

By trying to frame this as about ME personally, you are attempting to dodge the real point, ie the proper role of society and the proper balance between rights and responsibilities and personal freedoms.
No I am not if you cannot see the connection is because you do not want to see it...therefore were I to "point it out" you still would not see it ...why ? because you refuse to see ...

Says the man that can't explain why he posted what he posted.

My post stands. NO one has addressed it in any real way.

I mentioned society. That's what this is about.

Today we have a problem with Lefties, who want to turn society into a terrible and oppressive force of tyranny.

That's a huge problem. THE huge problem of our civilization.

BUT, their abuse of the concept of society does not define, nor refute the concept of society.

Being a member of a society entails rights and responsibilities.

Protection, such as care during a period of mental illness, ie a suicide attempt, is a benefit of being a member of a society, or at least of a healthy society.

By trying to frame this as about ME personally, you are attempting to dodge the real point, ie the proper role of society and the proper balance between rights and responsibilities and personal freedoms.
$1M in fentanyl seized from Texas trio plotting to mail drugs back from Ohio, authorities say
He overdosed and was in a coma. They had to make the decision to pull the plug. This was at a time when both mother and father had lost their jobs due to NAFTA. Great fucking life huh? Thanks liberals for screwing up our country. Let drugs and illegals in...ship working class folks jobs out. Pricks.
NAFTA was mainly a republican sponsered bill. 34 republicans and only 27 democrats voted for it. It was actually originally conceived by Ronald Reagan. Sorry to let actual history get in the way of ideology but this is what happened. Here is a link to a heritage foundation website that is notoriously conservative.
The North American Free Trade Agreement: Ronald Reagan's Vision Realized
Do you support having an Open Border and massive exporting of jobs?


Then I agree, you do not share responsibility.

Gee I feel so much better


What part of this is bothering you, other than the massive death and suffering, of course?

You don't seem to understand

It doesn't bother me if people choose to do drugs.
Fentanyl is so powerfull it is killing people that do not do drugs! You could pick up a wraper in a parking lot that had this drug on it and it could kill you. Several cops have almost died do to accidental contact. The war on drugs has done nothing but make it ultra profitable to be in the buisness. If it were legal and regulated, shit would not be hitting the streets that you can just accidentally tough and die. Further more if it were legal and tract we would know exactly where it is going and be best able to spend our treatment dollars. Many of these people with this problem did not make a decision to do drugs. It started at the dentists or doctors office where they felt safe, They were given a prescription for a real issue and the next thing they know they are hooked. I lived through the opium scurge of the early 1970's and I still had no idea of the dangers of this drug. They are worse than what was appearant to me at that time. I have been given precriptions for it over the years and luckily only ever needed it for a day or two and then I tossed them. It makes me wonder what could have happened had I finished one of those jars. I do not realy have an addictive personality but from what I read about this shit, it is bad news.

Then I agree, you do not share responsibility.

Gee I feel so much better


What part of this is bothering you, other than the massive death and suffering, of course?

You don't seem to understand

It doesn't bother me if people choose to do drugs.
Fentanyl is so powerfull it is killing people that do not do drugs! You could pick up a wraper in a parking lot that had this drug on it and it could kill you. Several cops have almost died do to accidental contact. The war on drugs has done nothing but make it ultra profitable to be in the buisness. If it were legal and regulated, shit would not be hitting the streets that you can just accidentally tough and die. Further more if it were legal and tract we would know exactly where it is going and be best able to spend our treatment dollars. Many of these people with this problem did not make a decision to do drugs. It started at the dentists or doctors office where they felt safe, They were given a prescription for a real issue and the next thing they know they are hooked. I lived through the opium scurge of the early 1970's and I still had no idea of the dangers of this drug. They are worse than what was appearant to me at that time. I have been given precriptions for it over the years and luckily only ever needed it for a day or two and then I tossed them. It makes me wonder what could have happened had I finished one of those jars. I do not realy have an addictive personality but from what I read about this shit, it is bad news.

I know what fentanyl is. In fat I've actually had it given to me after surgery.
But people who buy illicit drugs on the streets know they are not getting any type of quality control yet they choose to buy drugs and take them anyway.

ALL drug use is a choice.

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