Feral cats


Dec 21, 2016
Recently, I took in 2 feral cats from behind a restaurant I used to work at. They are adorable but they hate me. I would like to get them fixed soon but they wont let me anywhere near them. Occasionally the 1 cat will take a treat from my hand if I am lying flat on the floor but otherwise they wont come out from under the bed unless im asleep or at work. I know that they are born not to trust humans but its been almost 2 months now and I really would really like to get this whole surgery taken care of. Anyone have any ideas on how to get them to come out? or at least the best way to catch them to get them to the vet?
Feral cats are tough to get through to but it can be done. Food is your best bet and I agree with you laying on the floor so you seem less threatening to them. You might try putting their food in carriers in order to trap them but they'll be terrified and you could end up setting back your progress with them.

You didn't say how old they are and I understand you can't know for sure. In case this is helpful, kittens get their adult teeth at five months. Depending on where you are, some vets will alter at 2 pounds or 2 months. For example, a large dog would be 2 pounds much sooner than your cats. Hope that makes sense.

I've had semi-feral cats and currently have a rescue I found on a bridge where, apparently scum had tried to throw her off the bridge but hit the concrete wall instead. Her face was badly lacerated, she was malnourished. She was less than 6-8 wks old when I found her 6 years ago but she is still skittish. We let her be what she is and little by little she has come to trust us enough to come sit in a lap or cuddle in bed. But, she happened to be where one of us going to walk, she's just certain we are chasing her and will do her harm.

Good for you for giving your cats warmth and security.
Your best bet? Stone them out. :)
You can get a great guaranteed to make your cat want to jump thru hoops for you, do the dishes and even take the dog for a walk product that is liquid catnip that comes in a spritzer bottle.

My cats adore Cosmic Catnip. I spray it on their cat scratching post or their tree house and kabaam they love me to death.

What I would do though is just use the catnip and let the cats get used to your movements around the house at first.

Then it's the bribe with treat time. Whiskas temptations seafood medley. I just shake the bag and wherever they are they come a running.

Congrats to you for being brave enough to take in a couple of ferals! Any idea how old they are?
My husband and I were just talking about your situation mattyp and what worries us is the trip to the eeeeevil vet to be fixed.

We're debating whether or not you should just snooker them into the pet carrier. Get them fixed (let your vet know in advance that they are feral) and THEN bring them home and be their hero after the ordeal of the operation. Rather then going to all the effort to get them to trust you only to see all your hard work flush down the drain with the vet visit.

Mmmmmm. Hopefully others on the board can chime in and address this concern.
Thank you everyone for the advice and tips. I really do appreciate it. My best educated guess is that both kittens are the same age and I would say they are about 7 months old
Recently, I took in 2 feral cats from behind a restaurant I used to work at. They are adorable but they hate me. I would like to get them fixed soon but they wont let me anywhere near them. Occasionally the 1 cat will take a treat from my hand if I am lying flat on the floor but otherwise they wont come out from under the bed unless im asleep or at work. I know that they are born not to trust humans but its been almost 2 months now and I really would really like to get this whole surgery taken care of. Anyone have any ideas on how to get them to come out? or at least the best way to catch them to get them to the vet?

How'd you get them home if they won't let you touch them?

Don't feed them unless you're there nearby. Put their food down and sit nearby. If they won't come out while you're near, leave the room for a minute. Once they start eating, come back in, not too close. If they run off as soon as you appear, pick up their food and put it away till the next day. Keep doing the same thing every day until they'll eat while you're nearby. Keep putting yourself closer to the food until you can sit the food down right next to you and they'll come and eat. At some point they'll decide you're a friend and not a threat and then they'll become regular cats. Or not. lol

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