Ferguson: Decision thread; Chaos is about to set loose

The question, now is, with the fucking lawless Regime that caters to the THUGERY, why in the world would anyone want to be a cop in this society?

Police families in Ferguson fear for their safety and many have gone into hiding or left town ...

(UK) Daily Mail ^

Complete Headline: Police families in Ferguson fear for their safety and many have gone into hiding or left town after receiving assault and death threats The families of many police officers in Ferguson, Missouri, are in hiding or running from town amid death and assault threats. One police wife told KTVI that she's received threats over the phone and she's been paranoid for her and her young daughter's safety ever since. 'Did they follow me here?' she told the station. 'Did I do a good enough job after work today of taking different routes, on my way home? ....
Wilson's previous job at the Jennings Police Dept was so riddled with racism that they got rid of everyone, including Wilson.

From the beginning, the Ferguson police Dept has opted to handle this case with obscurity rather than transparency.

The Ferguson police Dept beat a man in handcuffs, then fined him for bleeding on their uniforms

In St. Louis Lt. Patrick “Rick” Hayes was fired for ordering police officers to target black people.

Then there is the now famous "go f yourself" officer that got fired

I don't know what the heck they've got in their water, but they need to gut this entire department as well. And after they gut this department, they need to make them all wear body cams, and have cameras in every police car.
Except the entire operation was shut down and reopened: many simply reapplied. Wilson went to a different city and he was personally never accused of exhibiting any racism.
Wilson's previous job at the Jennings Police Dept was so riddled with racism that they got rid of everyone, including Wilson.

From the beginning, the Ferguson police Dept has opted to handle this case with obscurity rather than transparency.

The Ferguson police Dept beat a man in handcuffs, then fined him for bleeding on their uniforms

In St. Louis Lt. Patrick “Rick” Hayes was fired for ordering police officers to target black people.

Then there is the now famous "go f yourself" officer that got fired

I don't know what the heck they've got in their water, but they need to gut this entire department as well. And after they gut this department, they need to make them all wear body cams, and have cameras in every police car.

Yeah. The entire police department ought to be shut down.
The entire city council should be fired.
Then start over.
Let the city council and the police department be run 100% by negroes.
100% negro cops and politicians.
I'm sure then things will be a lot better for the negro population.
There are a lot of negro politicians who are looking for work once they got out of prison.
Oh, and Carla?

This: An exclusive video captures their reactions during the moments just after the shooting.

was hysterical.

Yes, it's always funny when an unarmed teen gets killed...just hysterical.
Detach yourself from the sentence.

An exclusive video captures their reactions during the moments just after the car was stolen.

An exclusive video captures their reactions during the moments just after the man jumped out of the plane.

An exclusive video captures their reactions during the moments just after the guy jumped out of the birthday cake.

Did you see the guy jump out of the birthday cake, the car being stolen, or the man jump out of the plane? No. What did you see? You saw their (others) reactions during the moments just after. Many of us scrutinize those articles that are emotionally charged from Fox or the Tea Party. It is simply applying the exact same scrutiny to all other articles/opinions from any other news outlet.
Except the entire operation was shut down and reopened: many simply reapplied. Wilson went to a different city and he was personally never accused of exhibiting any racism.

So, they're all racist.

Surely you don't deny that racism is rampant in those parts.

Because you say so? Surely you can develop a better criteria or any criteria for evaluation.
Wilson's previous job at the Jennings Police Dept was so riddled with racism that they got rid of everyone, including Wilson.

From the beginning, the Ferguson police Dept has opted to handle this case with obscurity rather than transparency.

The Ferguson police Dept beat a man in handcuffs, then fined him for bleeding on their uniforms

In St. Louis Lt. Patrick “Rick” Hayes was fired for ordering police officers to target black people.

Then there is the now famous "go f yourself" officer that got fired

I don't know what the heck they've got in their water, but they need to gut this entire department as well. And after they gut this department, they need to make them all wear body cams, and have cameras in every police car.

Yeah. The entire police department ought to be shut down.
The entire city council should be fired.
Then start over.
Let the city council and the police department be run 100% by negroes.
100% negro cops and politicians.
I'm sure then things will be a lot better for the negro population.
There are a lot of negro politicians who are looking for work once they got out of prison.

It certainly wouldn't hurt their image to hire some black police officers.
Except the entire operation was shut down and reopened: many simply reapplied. Wilson went to a different city and he was personally never accused of exhibiting any racism.

So, they're all racist.

Surely you don't deny that racism is rampant in those parts.

Because you say so? Surely you can develop a better criteria or any criteria for evaluation.

No, not because I say so. Because of stories that have come out since the Brown shooting, like the black man beaten while in handcuffs, then fined for bleeding on their uniforms. The man was a 52 yr old welder brought in on bogus charges.

After you hear repeated stories, with the same theme, you begin to put the puzzle together...that is, unless you're in denial.
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There's a town in Cal. that requires all their cops to wear chest cameras.
Program was evaluated after one year.
Complaints filed against the cops were down 80% from the year before.
Except the entire operation was shut down and reopened: many simply reapplied. Wilson went to a different city and he was personally never accused of exhibiting any racism.

So, they're all racist.

Surely you don't deny that racism is rampant in those parts.

Because you say so? Surely you can develop a better criteria or any criteria for evaluation.

No, not because I say so. Because of stories that have come out since the Brown shooting, like the black man beaten while in handcuffs, then fined for bleeding on their uniforms. The man was a 52 yr old welder brought in on bogus charges.

After you hear repeated stories, with the same theme, you begin to put the puzzle together...that is, unless you're in denial.

For an incident that happened in 2009. A change of police chiefs brought a change in how complaints are handled in 2010. Or does that not work with your narrative?
Except the entire operation was shut down and reopened: many simply reapplied. Wilson went to a different city and he was personally never accused of exhibiting any racism.

So, they're all racist.

Surely you don't deny that racism is rampant in those parts.

Because you say so? Surely you can develop a better criteria or any criteria for evaluation.

No, not because I say so. Because of stories that have come out since the Brown shooting, like the black man beaten while in handcuffs, then fined for bleeding on their uniforms. The man was a 52 yr old welder brought in on bogus charges.

After you hear repeated stories, with the same theme, you begin to put the puzzle together...that is, unless you're in denial.

For an incident that happened in 2009. A change of police chiefs brought a change in how complaints are handled in 2010. Or does that not work with your narrative?

That's not enough.
Except the entire operation was shut down and reopened: many simply reapplied. Wilson went to a different city and he was personally never accused of exhibiting any racism.

So, they're all racist.

Surely you don't deny that racism is rampant in those parts.

Because you say so? Surely you can develop a better criteria or any criteria for evaluation.

No, not because I say so. Because of stories that have come out since the Brown shooting, like the black man beaten while in handcuffs, then fined for bleeding on their uniforms. The man was a 52 yr old welder brought in on bogus charges.

After you hear repeated stories, with the same theme, you begin to put the puzzle together...that is, unless you're in denial.

For an incident that happened in 2009. A change of police chiefs brought a change in how complaints are handled in 2010. Or does that not work with your narrative?

That's not enough.

That case is being appealed with a hearing in December. So, really, you don't have shit.
And Wilson is thinking of resigning. I think that's tragic.

There are some 70 protests to be held. That's nationwide.

You really think Darren Wilson didn't choose his own fate when he decided to gun down a kid on the run? Poetic justice, toots. He chose his fate and now he's got to live it.

What the polluted grand jury and corrupt Ferguson police department failed to do, the people will make right.

Wrong answer.

The fact that you are unwilling to even wait for details indicates that you had every intention of punishing this man for whatever else. Wilson is your own personal dammit doll.

Fuck that. It makes you look like shit.

Fact: The Ferguson police department contradicted themselves on several occasions after the shooting.
Fact: Darren Wilson has been in hiding since the incident, whereas most police who act in accordance with the law don't have to hide.
Fact: Leaks have been coming out from the grand jury for the last month, when all proceedings are supposed to be in complete secrecy.
Fact: Multiple witnesses immediately after the shooting had corroborating testimony, which was also confirmed by the construction workers who were video-taped without their knowledge, all saying Brown had his hands up.
Fact: Police leaked reports saying Wilson had severe trauma to the side of his head with an eye-socket blow out. Video released of Wilson leaving the police stations shows no such injury.
Fact: You don't know the facts.
This is what a cover-up looks like, keep it in mind for future reference.
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There's a town in Cal. that requires all their cops to wear chest cameras.
Program was evaluated after one year.
Complaints filed against the cops were down 80% from the year before.

It's a win win.

Yup, it sure is. It's a sad statement of sorts, too, when we have to police our policemen.

If they can have military tanks, they can sure afford to wear cheap body cams.

It's pretty obvious that there's a racial problem when the police department, next door to Ferguson, had to disband due to all the scandals.

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