Ferguson looter - "I'm proud of us. We deserve this"

""And the earth became corrupt before G-d, and the land was filled with robbery" (Genesis 6:11). Our sages (Sanhedrin 108a) observe that the sin which earned the punishment of the flood was robbery. Just as it states: "And G-d said to Noach 'the end of all flesh has come before me, for the earth is filled with robbery'..." (Genesis 6:13)."
Dvar Torah - Noach, 5760 - Torah.org

Irking to say the least this guy has a memorial service inside a church.
There are good people, and bad people.

White trash, and black trash.
"ONE".., what the fuck do you mean "ONE" ?? did you forget to put "THOUSAND" behind the "ONE" ??

why are you liberfucks defending those Chimp looters, are you insane ?
do not answer, you will only confirm my suspicions. :ahole-1:

I defend the innocent, not the guilty, but you go ahead and put all under your banner..I expect no less...
The black law abiding community is under endless assault from their elected POTUS, to their thug neighbors on Elm Street. What is happening in the streets of Mizzou are setting the black community back 50 years. Maybe Biden is right, but attacked the wrong party, its Obama and his own people who continue to bind themselves in chains.

We give them the key to unlock the chains, yet at every opportunity, they put them back on.

A real puzzling culture is the black race


only some of the black race, there are the "jungle bunnies" like Al , Jesse and Obozo, plus too many, many more, then there are the Dr. Ben Carson's, Tom Sowell's, Walter Williams's and not nearly enough.
You could cut off there welfare payments and stop selling Old English 40 oz'ers,it would end tomorrow :afro:

He's making a distinction between looters and protesters. You should try it.
There is a difference btwn robbing and shoplifting......uh oh, the new talking point is he paid for them

Just dayum, the lies are coming so fast you guys can't properly coordinate
After liberating the stores in Ferguson, looters went to Dellwood to liberate those stores too. It's all about the looting. They deserve everything, free.
Dear Lord help me. I hate fucking liberals.

I've dealt with that one before. Pseudo intellectual with an inflated ego playing word games. No point even engaging. You'll never get an honest reply. It's all snark and one liners.
Then why are they doing it? Again and again and agian...
By they you mean??there are certain people that live to riot and loot..Not everyone does it, but there is a hardcore criminal element that likes to initiate anarchy and chaos..
The Gov. should have declared marshal law and only allowed protest during the day....The NG should shoot on site any looters, pillagers, those firing weapons and throwing Molotov cocktails at law enforcement and the NG..
By they you mean??there are certain people that live to riot and loot..Not everyone does it, but there is a hardcore criminal element that likes to initiate anarchy and chaos..
I doubt anyone disagrees with you. But you will try to run from thefact those hard cores are not conservatives, '"they" are liberals. At leasts since 2008 when and if they decided to vote
The Gov. should have declared marshal law and only allowed protest during the day....The NG should shoot on site any looters, pillagers, those firing weapons and throwing Molotov cocktails at law enforcement and the NG..
Maybe. Then again, shooting those who wish to to harm is what got this mess started.

(my keyboard went nuts, :lol::))
I doubt anyone disagrees with you. But you will try to run from thefact those hard cores are not conservatives, '"they" are liberals. At leasts since 2008 when and if they decided to vote

Maybe. Then again, shooting those who wish to to harm is what got this mess started.

(my keyboard went nuts, :lol::))

I doubt that they have very little political affiliation and do not even vote..These people tend to apply their ideology to themselves and not the population at large. They most likely hate all sides of the political spectrum...
The colored folk that have a need to protest every shooting by whites or cops need to relise that their violent actions on their own community only intensifies the already depleted opportunities they could achieve through hard work and civility..

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