Ferguson looter - "I'm proud of us. We deserve this"

LMAO...obama received 96% of the negro vote...Those people vote..believe that.
christ, they set up a voter registration booth down the street from where saint michael of brown was shot.

They vote.
LMAO...obama received 96% of the negro vote...Those people vote..believe that.
christ, they set up a voter registration booth down the street from where saint michael of brown was shot.

They vote.

96% is not a true representation..It only represents those that vote...You could say it in a numerical value of the total populace versus those that actually vote..
I doubt that they have very little political affiliation and do not even vote..These people tend to apply their ideology to themselves and not the population at large. They most likely hate all sides of the political spectrum...
The colored folk that have a need to protest every shooting by whites or cops need to relise that their violent actions on their own community only intensifies the already depleted opportunities they could achieve through hard work and civility..

And yet, they overwhelmingly vote democrat. Why? Cause they want free stuff.


Want proof that they want free stuff?

Let me know, if you want me to upload anymore footage of THOSE PEOPLE looting whenever and WHERE EVER the opportunity presents itself.


What a disaster the democrats have been to the black race. From forming the KKK, to then convincing them they are always and will always be victims.

96% is not a true representation..It only represents those that vote...You could say it in a numerical value of the total populace versus those that actually vote..
What did I just say?
"obama received 96% of the negro vote"..so obviously I'm referring to "those that vote"..
Read it again slowly and think about it until you grasp the point.

your typical, tired attempt to be evasive and try to"correct" people doesn't fool anyone.
I doubt that they have very little political affiliation and do not even vote..These people tend to apply their ideology to themselves and not the population at large. They most likely hate all sides of the political spectrum...
The colored folk that have a need to protest every shooting by whites or cops need to relise that their violent actions on their own community only intensifies the already depleted opportunities they could achieve through hard work and civility..
I don't doubt it, they know full well who panders to giving them their benefits and who would rather see them off the govt teet

Um, not these colored folk, they like their ghetto life ... its what they are fighting for.
It's party time now. Saw em on the News last night Chillin and Twerkin in the Micky D's parking lot. WTF? These people clearly don't have jobs. If that community had any common sense, they would realize those chilling & twerkin, are the real problem in their community. They're not productive Citizens and will cause endless problems. They need to stop making excuses, stop being Entitlement savages, and get to work. That'll solve a lot of that community's problems.
It's party time now. Saw em on the News last night Chillin and Twerkin in the Micky D's parking lot. WTF? These people clearly don't have jobs. If that community had any common sense, they would realize those chilling & twerkin, are the real problem in their community. They're not productive Citizens and will cause endless problems. They need to stop making excuses, stop being Entitlement savages, and get to work. That'll solve a lot of that community's problems.

It hasn't worked for the last 50 years. In fact negro dysfunction has gotten worse.
It's not going to change. Time to separate.
It hasn't worked for the last 50 years. In fact negro dysfunction has gotten worse.
It's not going to change. Time to separate.

Yeah, the twerkin in the Micky D's parking lot thing cracked me up. It's funny, but also not so funny. These people clearly don't have jobs. They're just milking this thing now. They're partying it up. It's time for them to behave and go back to their homes. The party's over.
Yeah, the twerkin in the Micky D's parking lot thing cracked me up. It's funny, but also not so funny. These people clearly don't have jobs. They're just milking this thing now. They're partying it up. It's time for them to behave and go back to their homes. The party's over.

..and here's the thing..their indolent, criminal lifestyles are funded by US...the taxpayers...and since more white people pay taxes, any tax increase for ANY reason is anti white.
That's the whole point of their "income redistribution" scam....essentially we are funding the people who want to destroy us...
This country is finished.
The black law abiding community is under endless assault from their elected POTUS, to their thug neighbors on Elm Street. What is happening in the streets of Mizzou are setting the black community back 50 years. Maybe Biden is right, but attacked the wrong party, its Obama and his own people who continue to bind themselves in chains.

We give them the key to unlock the chains, yet at every opportunity, they put them back on.

A real puzzling culture is the black race


It's not puzzling. Blacks just don't have the intelligence of whites and asians and they know it. They can never get good jobs so welfare and stealing is their only hope to get stuff. Unless we go to even more massive affirmative action and that is no doubt being considered by the pathological racist in the WH.
Time to go home and be productive Citizens. Get a job and contribute. The party's over.
Will do. It was a statement to the absurdity of having that huge block of nothingness.
Thanks, I agree, it's absurd. If I had access to the js code for the site that would be the first thing I'd fix.

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