Ferguson PD releases more information

well it looks like Brown stole the cigars, eventually ran from the cops, had his hands in the air and was shot.

thats the short version of this. If so we have two people in the wrong and sadly another case of a cop who perhaps panicked.....We see cops shooting unarmed people all the time.


It has not been determined that Brown had his hands in the air.

In fact, the buzz is Brown turned on Officer Wilson and came back at him while Wilson was in pursuit...the exact same way he did with the store owner.

But that is not confirmed either.

The short version is we don't know the officer was in the wrong and so much of what was presented as truth has been such utter bullshit, making any conclusion based soley on what we think we know is the epitome of foolhardiness.

And the pussified policeman Wilson, who was probably peeing his pants by then, could have done the right thing and shot him in the leg. He had a fucking gun. Get that through your head.

Source saying that Brown wasn't [or was] shot in the legs please.
I believe it is rare for an unarmed individual, with no criminal record, and posing no present danger, to be shot dead by LE. The officer could have disabled him by shooting him in the leg; 4-6 shots, only Brown hit. Also, for such a "short, simple" tragedy, there are conflicting statements...........and, Michael Brown, within a matter of minutes got rid of the hat worn in the video.

Exactly. What do cops do when a bank robber takes off in a getaway car? They shoot the tires.

Sorry, but this so-called officer of the peace is anything but. He had a gun and Brown did not. Brown had a box of cigars.

The officer may have heard what he believed was gun shots, the 'friend' might have been making the situation worse by interfering, many reasons why this death occurred. None of which involve a sudden flash of demonic possession of a human being others say was kind, generous and caring.

Gun shots from where? These two had nothing on them besides cigars and maybe a bag of Skittles.

Doesn't matter. The one with a gun has control.

An altercation occurred and from the video that is on YouTube now, the shooting took place from at least 30-50 feet away when you see where Wilson's police vehicle is and where Brown's body lay. That's not self defense. Not even close.

That's a cop who snapped. Sort of like the one who shot the texting guy in the movie theater awhile back.

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It has not been determined that Brown had his hands in the air.

In fact, the buzz is Brown turned on Officer Wilson and came back at him while Wilson was in pursuit...the exact same way he did with the store owner.

But that is not confirmed either.

The short version is we don't know the officer was in the wrong and so much of what was presented as truth has been such utter bullshit, making any conclusion based soley on what we think we know is the epitome of foolhardiness.

And the pussified policeman Wilson, who was probably peeing his pants by then, could have done the right thing and shot him in the leg. He had a fucking gun. Get that through your head.

Source saying that Brown wasn't [or was] shot in the legs please.

Then why was his brain splattered on the asphalt?

The video of several bystanders is on YouTube now...before the cops draped his body (in shame).
well it looks like Brown stole the cigars, eventually ran from the cops, had his hands in the air and was shot.

thats the short version of this. If so we have two people in the wrong and sadly another case of a cop who perhaps panicked.....We see cops shooting unarmed people all the time.


It has not been determined that Brown had his hands in the air.

In fact, the buzz is Brown turned on Officer Wilson and came back at him while Wilson was in pursuit...the exact same way he did with the store owner.

But that is not confirmed either.

The short version is we don't know the officer was in the wrong and so much of what was presented as truth has been such utter bullshit, making any conclusion based soley on what we think we know is the epitome of foolhardiness.

And the pussified policeman Wilson, who was probably peeing his pants by then, could have done the right thing and shot him in the leg. He had a fucking gun. Get that through your head.

I'm not a police officer nor am I a fire-arms instructor, but in my own experience and from everything I've read, you always shoot center of mass. When you decide to shoot you've already reached the point where you believe that your life is at risk, so trying to wing someone is ludicrous. A shot to center of mass DOES NOT EQUAL an automatic death.
This is exactly what I mean about reading critically and putting out accurate information.

You said the police's story had changed, and that they didn't know who did it...but that's is not what this like says at all!

It says one of the men assaulted officer Wilson.

Did they say they didn't know which of the men assaulted the officer?

Is Brown "one of the men"?

Give that, in point of fact, the police's story NEVER changed, and you are spreading false information.

No, I read the stories saying "one of the two" differently. Now for "he was responding to a call about the robbery" and "he knew nothing about the robbery". How you gonna slide around that contradiction?

County Police Chief Jon Belmar said the shooting occurred after an officer encountered two people -- one of whom was Brown -- on the street near an apartment complex in Ferguson.

Belmar said one of the men pushed the officer back into his squad car and a struggle began. Belmar said at least one shot was fired from the officer's gun inside the police car. Ferguson Police Chief Tom Jackson said authorities were still sorting out what happened inside the police car. It was not clear if Brown was the man who struggled with the officer.

Protest over black Missouri teenager's shooting by police turns to looting, vandalism | Fox News

So stories changed over five days, and it is thus proven, sure....................I want lab tests & FBI reports; the events leading up to the death are clouded. And I do not believe the officer suddenly became a rabid animal either, as Johnson described him. The officer was known for his decency, and devestated, though for one hour he decided to just gun down a certain teenager; not.buying.that.line.either.

AGAIN where did anyone say "he knew nothing about the robbery".

Show me.

Copy it and paste it right here.

So and so said "The officer knew nothing about the robbery".

Not a link to an article...not a bunch of bloviation...just a quote and a link.

I'll wait.

For the LAST time:

Jackson told reporters Friday afternoon that Wilson didn't stop the young man because he was suspected in the recent robbery, but because he was "walking down the middle of the street blocking traffic."

Jackson said the reported "robbery does not relate to the initial contact between the officer and Michael Brown."

What do we know about police officer Wilson? | National News - KCCI Home

The call in was posted by another poster, just 5-10 minutes before the officer had contact with Michael Brown, who died of gunshot wounds. I'll amend but that is it, I am sorry you read selectively. The officer was NOT responding to a call about the robbery, earlier Ferguson PD said he was(.) Contradiction after contradiction from Ferguson PD, swearing they would not release the name of the officer, then doing so*. Releasing the video of the alleged robbery, even after being INFORMED** it would incite more violence. Thank God the Governor brought in an actual LE unit.

*Ignore the screams of the media, do not pander to them as the Ferguson PD has done.

**The Ferguson PD should have known the video and officer's name was putting a match to a powder keg.
Robbery claim overshadows officer ID - CNN.com

Four to six shots fired. the officer may have heard a report about a robbery, this time. Why is Ferguson PD so anxious to release information that makes the officer involved look bad? He too is described by friends as gentle, kind, and generous to a fault. Said to be devestated by Michael Brown's death.

This could be a tragedy of errors; maybe the officer was hit by Brown's 'friend'; never been in the situation before, heard sounds that to him seemed like gunfire, he shoots BACK. Did he see Brown's hands in the air, if they were?

Brown's 'friend' quickly told a story of Brown stealing, and wild police abuse............neither of which fit the history of either man.

And FPD keeps releasing information, nothing about training however.

Stop nitpicking about the police officers actions. Why did this kid grow up to be a piece of shit strong armed Robber?Guess that would require the Black community to look within itself.
well it looks like Brown stole the cigars, eventually ran from the cops, had his hands in the air and was shot.

thats the short version of this. If so we have two people in the wrong and sadly another case of a cop who perhaps panicked.....We see cops shooting unarmed people all the time.


It has not been determined that Brown had his hands in the air.

In fact, the buzz is Brown turned on Officer Wilson and came back at him while Wilson was in pursuit...the exact same way he did with the store owner.

But that is not confirmed either.

The short version is we don't know the officer was in the wrong and so much of what was presented as truth has been such utter bullshit, making any conclusion based soley on what we think we know is the epitome of foolhardiness.
Do we know anything about any instances of criminality in Brown's past?
Robbery claim overshadows officer ID - CNN.com

Four to six shots fired. the officer may have heard a report about a robbery, this time. Why is Ferguson PD so anxious to release information that makes the officer involved look bad? He too is described by friends as gentle, kind, and generous to a fault. Said to be devestated by Michael Brown's death.

This could be a tragedy of errors; maybe the officer was hit by Brown's 'friend'; never been in the situation before, heard sounds that to him seemed like gunfire, he shoots BACK. Did he see Brown's hands in the air, if they were?

Brown's 'friend' quickly told a story of Brown stealing, and wild police abuse............neither of which fit the history of either man.

And FPD keeps releasing information, nothing about training however.

Stop nitpicking about the police officers actions. Why did this kid grow up to be a piece of shit strong armed Robber?Guess that would require the Black community to look within itself.

The officer is alive, and Michael Brown had no criminal record, was to start college this last Monday. More selective reading I see, the facts do not fit the narrative you are peddling, nor that of those that want to paint a picture of murderous police officer who went on a rampage. This is a quandry, those who insist on simple answers to every event in life .........have simple minds.
No, I read the stories saying "one of the two" differently. Now for "he was responding to a call about the robbery" and "he knew nothing about the robbery". How you gonna slide around that contradiction?

County Police Chief Jon Belmar said the shooting occurred after an officer encountered two people -- one of whom was Brown -- on the street near an apartment complex in Ferguson.

Belmar said one of the men pushed the officer back into his squad car and a struggle began. Belmar said at least one shot was fired from the officer's gun inside the police car. Ferguson Police Chief Tom Jackson said authorities were still sorting out what happened inside the police car. It was not clear if Brown was the man who struggled with the officer.

Protest over black Missouri teenager's shooting by police turns to looting, vandalism | Fox News

So stories changed over five days, and it is thus proven, sure....................I want lab tests & FBI reports; the events leading up to the death are clouded. And I do not believe the officer suddenly became a rabid animal either, as Johnson described him. The officer was known for his decency, and devestated, though for one hour he decided to just gun down a certain teenager; not.buying.that.line.either.

AGAIN where did anyone say "he knew nothing about the robbery".

Show me.

Copy it and paste it right here.

So and so said "The officer knew nothing about the robbery".

Not a link to an article...not a bunch of bloviation...just a quote and a link.

I'll wait.

For the LAST time:

Jackson told reporters Friday afternoon that Wilson didn't stop the young man because he was suspected in the recent robbery, but because he was "walking down the middle of the street blocking traffic."

Jackson said the reported "robbery does not relate to the initial contact between the officer and Michael Brown."

What do we know about police officer Wilson? | National News - KCCI Home

The call in was posted by another poster, just 5-10 minutes before the officer had contact with Michael Brown, who died of gunshot wounds. I'll amend but that is it, I am sorry you read selectively. The officer was NOT responding to a call about the robbery, earlier Ferguson PD said he was(.) Contradiction after contradiction from Ferguson PD, swearing they would not release the name of the officer, then doing so*. Releasing the video of the alleged robbery, even after being INFORMED** it would incite more violence. Thank God the Governor brought in an actual LE unit.

*Ignore the screams of the media, do not pander to them as the Ferguson PD has done.

**The Ferguson PD should have known the video and officer's name was putting a match to a powder keg.

And for the last time...no where does that say he didn't know about the robbery.


Which is true.

Now, can you comprehend how different that is from what you quoted?

YOU: "The officer knew nothing about the robbery"

WHAT WAS ACTUAL SAID: " "robbery does not relate to the initial contact between the officer and Michael Brown."

You are typing, so I can only assume you are not illiterate.

So how can you fuck up a simple sentence so completely?

Please learn to read for comprehension and stop spreading misinformation.

The officer made initial contact with Brown because he was blocking traffic in the middle of the street.

See how THE INITIAL CONTACT WITH BROWN had nothing to do with the robbery?

But he KNEW about the robbery, because when he saw the cigars in BROWN HAND he made the connection that this was probably the guy.

There is no contradiction.

But still people with an agenda post outright lies.

Are you a liar?

I don't think you are.

But you do need to posting bullshit that has never been said by anyone but you.

Everything I've called you on so far you have been completely and totally wrong on.
Thomas Jackson, the police chief of Ferguson, Missouri, said later that the officer did not know Brown was a suspect in the robbery when he stopped Brown. Asked why Brown and a friend were stopped, the chief said: “Because they were walking down the middle of the street blocking traffic.”

Jackson later said that "at some point" during the encounter, the officer saw the cigars in Brown's hands and thought he might be a suspect.

Ferguson Chief Names Darren Wilson as Cop Who Shot Michael Brown - NBC News

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AGAIN where did anyone say "he knew nothing about the robbery".

Show me.

Copy it and paste it right here.

So and so said "The officer knew nothing about the robbery".

Not a link to an article...not a bunch of bloviation...just a quote and a link.

I'll wait.

For the LAST time:

Jackson told reporters Friday afternoon that Wilson didn't stop the young man because he was suspected in the recent robbery, but because he was "walking down the middle of the street blocking traffic."

Jackson said the reported "robbery does not relate to the initial contact between the officer and Michael Brown."

What do we know about police officer Wilson? | National News - KCCI Home

The call in was posted by another poster, just 5-10 minutes before the officer had contact with Michael Brown, who died of gunshot wounds. I'll amend but that is it, I am sorry you read selectively. The officer was NOT responding to a call about the robbery, earlier Ferguson PD said he was(.) Contradiction after contradiction from Ferguson PD, swearing they would not release the name of the officer, then doing so*. Releasing the video of the alleged robbery, even after being INFORMED** it would incite more violence. Thank God the Governor brought in an actual LE unit.

*Ignore the screams of the media, do not pander to them as the Ferguson PD has done.

**The Ferguson PD should have known the video and officer's name was putting a match to a powder keg.

And for the last time...no where does that say he didn't know about the robbery.


Which is true.

Now, can you comprehend how different that is from what you quoted?

YOU: "The officer knew nothing about the robbery"

WHAT WAS ACTUAL SAID: " "robbery does not relate to the initial contact between the officer and Michael Brown."

You are typing, so I can only assume you are not illiterate.

So how can you fuck up a simple sentence so completely?

Please learn to read for comprehension and stop spreading misinformation.

The officer made initial contact with Brown because he was blocking traffic in the middle of the street.

See how THE INITIAL CONTACT WITH BROWN had nothing to do with the robbery?

But he KNEW about the robbery, because when he saw the cigars in BROWN HAND he made the connection that this was probably the guy.

There is no contradiction.

But still people with an agenda post outright lies.

Are you a liar?

I don't thing you are.

But you do need to posting bullshit that has never been said by anyone but you.

Everything I've called you on so far you have been completely and totally wrong on.

Thomas Jackson, the police chief of Ferguson, Missouri, said later that the officer did not know Brown was a suspect in the robbery when he stopped Brown. Asked why Brown and a friend were stopped, the chief said: “Because they were walking down the middle of the street blocking traffic.”

Jackson later said that "at some point" during the encounter, the officer saw the cigars in Brown's hands and thought he might be a suspect.

Ferguson Chief Names Darren Wilson as Cop Who Shot Michael Brown - NBC News


Please read over and over
AGAIN where did anyone say "he knew nothing about the robbery".

Show me.

Copy it and paste it right here.

So and so said "The officer knew nothing about the robbery".

Not a link to an article...not a bunch of bloviation...just a quote and a link.

I'll wait.

For the LAST time:

Jackson told reporters Friday afternoon that Wilson didn't stop the young man because he was suspected in the recent robbery, but because he was "walking down the middle of the street blocking traffic."

Jackson said the reported "robbery does not relate to the initial contact between the officer and Michael Brown."

What do we know about police officer Wilson? | National News - KCCI Home

The call in was posted by another poster, just 5-10 minutes before the officer had contact with Michael Brown, who died of gunshot wounds. I'll amend but that is it, I am sorry you read selectively. The officer was NOT responding to a call about the robbery, earlier Ferguson PD said he was(.) Contradiction after contradiction from Ferguson PD, swearing they would not release the name of the officer, then doing so*. Releasing the video of the alleged robbery, even after being INFORMED** it would incite more violence. Thank God the Governor brought in an actual LE unit.

*Ignore the screams of the media, do not pander to them as the Ferguson PD has done.

**The Ferguson PD should have known the video and officer's name was putting a match to a powder keg.

And for the last time...no where does that say he didn't know about the robbery.


Which is true.

Now, can you comprehend how different that is from what you quoted?

YOU: "The officer knew nothing about the robbery"

WHAT WAS ACTUAL SAID: " "robbery does not relate to the initial contact between the officer and Michael Brown."

You are typing, so I can only assume you are not illiterate.

So how can you fuck up a simple sentence so completely?

Please learn to read for comprehension and stop spreading misinformation.

The officer made initial contact with Brown because he was blocking traffic in the middle of the street.

See how THE INITIAL CONTACT WITH BROWN had nothing to do with the robbery?

But he KNEW about the robbery, because when he saw the cigars in BROWN HAND he made the connection that this was probably the guy.

There is no contradiction.

But still people with an agenda post outright lies.

Are you a liar?

I don't thing you are.

But you do need to posting bullshit that has never been said by anyone but you.

Everything I've called you on so far you have been completely and totally wrong on.

Thomas Jackson, the police chief of Ferguson, Missouri, said later that the officer did not know Brown was a suspect in the robbery when he stopped Brown. Asked why Brown and a friend were stopped, the chief said: “Because they were walking down the middle of the street blocking traffic.”

Jackson later said that "at some point" during the encounter, the officer saw the cigars in Brown's hands and thought he might be a suspect.

Ferguson Chief Names Darren Wilson as Cop Who Shot Michael Brown - NBC News

You read what fits your already set conclusion, with none of the autopsy, nor investigation reports; then try to pick apart questions that do not fit the tiny box:

A police report made public Friday also revealed that the teen, Michael Brown, was suspected of stealing a box of cigars from a convenience store and assaulting a clerk minutes before the officer shot him to death.

Read the police report

Thomas Jackson, the police chief of Ferguson, Missouri, said later that the officer did not know Brown was a suspect in the robbery when he stopped Brown.

Ten minutes later, and no source indicates the Officer knew, he just left a call from another house. Media reports may be incorrect. I do not take any one source. So the officer, after leaving his last call, somehow knew it was Brown? I have seen nothing to indicate a photo was even in police headquarters in 10 minutes, Brown's likeness was unknown, he had no prior criminal record.

Face it, he did not know anything, the video hadn't been turned over, just a quick phone call, and a different officer assigned to to the store to investigate. Officer ESP was not in the area to respond, the FPD lied earlier.
And the pussified policeman Wilson, who was probably peeing his pants by then, could have done the right thing and shot him in the leg. He had a fucking gun. Get that through your head.

Source saying that Brown wasn't [or was] shot in the legs please.

Then why was his brain splattered on the asphalt?

The video of several bystanders is on YouTube now...before the cops draped his body (in shame).

Oh my mistake, I had heard there were from 4-10 shots fired, clearly they were all in the head... /scarcasm
Robbery claim overshadows officer ID - CNN.com

Four to six shots fired. the officer may have heard a report about a robbery, this time. Why is Ferguson PD so anxious to release information that makes the officer involved look bad? He too is described by friends as gentle, kind, and generous to a fault. Said to be devestated by Michael Brown's death.

This could be a tragedy of errors; maybe the officer was hit by Brown's 'friend'; never been in the situation before, heard sounds that to him seemed like gunfire, he shoots BACK. Did he see Brown's hands in the air, if they were?

Brown's 'friend' quickly told a story of Brown stealing, and wild police abuse............neither of which fit the history of either man.

And FPD keeps releasing information, nothing about training however.

Yea the department responsible is investigating themselves :lol:
Robbery claim overshadows officer ID - CNN.com

Four to six shots fired. the officer may have heard a report about a robbery, this time. Why is Ferguson PD so anxious to release information that makes the officer involved look bad? He too is described by friends as gentle, kind, and generous to a fault. Said to be devestated by Michael Brown's death.

This could be a tragedy of errors; maybe the officer was hit by Brown's 'friend'; never been in the situation before, heard sounds that to him seemed like gunfire, he shoots BACK. Did he see Brown's hands in the air, if they were?

Brown's 'friend' quickly told a story of Brown stealing, and wild police abuse............neither of which fit the history of either man.

And FPD keeps releasing information, nothing about training however.

Yea the department responsible is investigating themselves :lol:

This is exactly what I mean about reading critically and putting out accurate information.

You said the police's story had changed, and that they didn't know who did it...but that's is not what this like says at all!

It says one of the men assaulted officer Wilson.

Did they say they didn't know which of the men assaulted the officer?

Is Brown "one of the men"?

Give that, in point of fact, the police's story NEVER changed, and you are spreading false information.

No, I read the stories saying "one of the two" differently. Now for "he was responding to a call about the robbery" and "he knew nothing about the robbery". How you gonna slide around that contradiction?

County Police Chief Jon Belmar said the shooting occurred after an officer encountered two people -- one of whom was Brown -- on the street near an apartment complex in Ferguson.

Belmar said one of the men pushed the officer back into his squad car and a struggle began. Belmar said at least one shot was fired from the officer's gun inside the police car. Ferguson Police Chief Tom Jackson said authorities were still sorting out what happened inside the police car. It was not clear if Brown was the man who struggled with the officer.

Protest over black Missouri teenager's shooting by police turns to looting, vandalism | Fox News

So stories changed over five days, and it is thus proven, sure....................I want lab tests & FBI reports; the events leading up to the death are clouded. And I do not believe the officer suddenly became a rabid animal either, as Johnson described him. The officer was known for his decency, and devestated, though for one hour he decided to just gun down a certain teenager; not.buying.that.line.either.

AGAIN where did anyone say "he knew nothing about the robbery".

Show me.

Copy it and paste it right here.

So and so said "The officer knew nothing about the robbery".

Not a link to an article...not a bunch of bloviation...just a quote and a link.

I'll wait.

I went back, you misread, I wrote THIS:

'the officer may have heard a report about a robbery, this time.'

Quotation marks mean it is a quote from other sources. It did not occur to me you got mixed up, thought my quoting other sources meant I wrote words. He may have heard a few words, thus my point, conflicting information from the FPD, he was responding to a call about the robbery, then he was NOT responding to the call about the robbery.

All contradictions remain such.
well it looks like Brown stole the cigars, eventually ran from the cops, had his hands in the air and was shot.

thats the short version of this. If so we have two people in the wrong and sadly another case of a cop who perhaps panicked.....We see cops shooting unarmed people all the time.


It has not been determined that Brown had his hands in the air.

In fact, the buzz is Brown turned on Officer Wilson and came back at him while Wilson was in pursuit...the exact same way he did with the store owner.

But that is not confirmed either.

The short version is we don't know the officer was in the wrong and so much of what was presented as truth has been such utter bullshit, making any conclusion based soley on what we think we know is the epitome of foolhardiness.
the buzz.......the buzz
For the LAST time:

Jackson told reporters Friday afternoon that Wilson didn't stop the young man because he was suspected in the recent robbery, but because he was "walking down the middle of the street blocking traffic."

Jackson said the reported "robbery does not relate to the initial contact between the officer and Michael Brown."

What do we know about police officer Wilson? | National News - KCCI Home

The call in was posted by another poster, just 5-10 minutes before the officer had contact with Michael Brown, who died of gunshot wounds. I'll amend but that is it, I am sorry you read selectively. The officer was NOT responding to a call about the robbery, earlier Ferguson PD said he was(.) Contradiction after contradiction from Ferguson PD, swearing they would not release the name of the officer, then doing so*. Releasing the video of the alleged robbery, even after being INFORMED** it would incite more violence. Thank God the Governor brought in an actual LE unit.

*Ignore the screams of the media, do not pander to them as the Ferguson PD has done.

**The Ferguson PD should have known the video and officer's name was putting a match to a powder keg.
And for the last time...no where does that say he didn't know about the robbery.


Which is true.

Now, can you comprehend how different that is from what you quoted?

YOU: "The officer knew nothing about the robbery"

WHAT WAS ACTUAL SAID: " "robbery does not relate to the initial contact between the officer and Michael Brown."

You are typing, so I can only assume you are not illiterate.

So how can you fuck up a simple sentence so completely?

Please learn to read for comprehension and stop spreading misinformation.

The officer made initial contact with Brown because he was blocking traffic in the middle of the street.

See how THE INITIAL CONTACT WITH BROWN had nothing to do with the robbery?

But he KNEW about the robbery, because when he saw the cigars in BROWN HAND he made the connection that this was probably the guy.

There is no contradiction.

But still people with an agenda post outright lies.

Are you a liar?

I don't thing you are.

But you do need to posting bullshit that has never been said by anyone but you.

Everything I've called you on so far you have been completely and totally wrong on.
Thomas Jackson, the police chief of Ferguson, Missouri, said later that the officer did not know Brown was a suspect in the robbery when he stopped Brown. Asked why Brown and a friend were stopped, the chief said: “Because they were walking down the middle of the street blocking traffic.”

Jackson later said that "at some point" during the encounter, the officer saw the cigars in Brown's hands and thought he might be a suspect.

Ferguson Chief Names Darren Wilson as Cop Who Shot Michael Brown - NBC News

You read what fits your already set conclusion, with none of the autopsy, nor investigation reports; then try to pick apart questions that do not fit the tiny box:

A police report made public Friday also revealed that the teen, Michael Brown, was suspected of stealing a box of cigars from a convenience store and assaulting a clerk minutes before the officer shot him to death.

Read the police report

Thomas Jackson, the police chief of Ferguson, Missouri, said later that the officer did not know Brown was a suspect in the robbery when he stopped Brown.

Ten minutes later, and no source indicates the Officer knew, he just left a call from another house. Media reports may be incorrect. I do not take any one source. So the officer, after leaving his last call, somehow knew it was Brown? I have seen nothing to indicate a photo was even in police headquarters in 10 minutes, Brown's likeness was unknown, he had no prior criminal record.

Face it, he did not know anything, the video hadn't been turned over, just a quick phone call, and a different officer assigned to to the store to investigate. Officer ESP was not in the area to respond, the FPD lied earlier.

And 'you' are ignoring hard evidence from the police dispatch records, as well as Chief Jackson, noting that a physical description of Brown went out over the radio starting at 11:52 and ending at 11:58. That Wilson signed off the sick call at 12:00 and at 12:01 encountered Brown and Johnson.

Amazing how you claim the words of Chief Jackson as proof from one video then ignore his words from another video.

Just as bad as the media, cherry picking statements and leaving information off to suit your agenda. The irony of your "claimed" agenda being waiting for all the facts to come out while you cherry pick the facts that ARE out is not lost on me.
And as an opinion: Officer Wilson's sick call was about a 9 month old baby who wasn't able to breath while coughing.

I'm sure that really put him in the mood to assault someone :cuckoo:
Missourian wrote the officer saw the cigars, no link. Another poster that isn't waiting on evidence to reach conclusions wrote this:

Jackson also states that Wilson maybe saw the cigars from the robbery. More evodence conflicting reports leaves this shooting an unexplained occurance, and Ferguson police altered their stories on critical events.

I await autopsy results, FBI & state results; once again, no evidence the officer was likely to go on a rampage. (this sentence has been redacted in the minds of those who do not accept complex occurrences and want quick simple answers.)
For the LAST time:

Jackson told reporters Friday afternoon that Wilson didn't stop the young man because he was suspected in the recent robbery, but because he was "walking down the middle of the street blocking traffic."

Jackson said the reported "robbery does not relate to the initial contact between the officer and Michael Brown."

What do we know about police officer Wilson? | National News - KCCI Home

The call in was posted by another poster, just 5-10 minutes before the officer had contact with Michael Brown, who died of gunshot wounds. I'll amend but that is it, I am sorry you read selectively. The officer was NOT responding to a call about the robbery, earlier Ferguson PD said he was(.) Contradiction after contradiction from Ferguson PD, swearing they would not release the name of the officer, then doing so*. Releasing the video of the alleged robbery, even after being INFORMED** it would incite more violence. Thank God the Governor brought in an actual LE unit.

*Ignore the screams of the media, do not pander to them as the Ferguson PD has done.

**The Ferguson PD should have known the video and officer's name was putting a match to a powder keg.

And for the last time...no where does that say he didn't know about the robbery.


Which is true.

Now, can you comprehend how different that is from what you quoted?

YOU: "The officer knew nothing about the robbery"

WHAT WAS ACTUAL SAID: " "robbery does not relate to the initial contact between the officer and Michael Brown."

You are typing, so I can only assume you are not illiterate.

So how can you fuck up a simple sentence so completely?

Please learn to read for comprehension and stop spreading misinformation.

The officer made initial contact with Brown because he was blocking traffic in the middle of the street.

See how THE INITIAL CONTACT WITH BROWN had nothing to do with the robbery?

But he KNEW about the robbery, because when he saw the cigars in BROWN HAND he made the connection that this was probably the guy.

There is no contradiction.

But still people with an agenda post outright lies.

Are you a liar?

I don't thing you are.

But you do need to posting bullshit that has never been said by anyone but you.

Everything I've called you on so far you have been completely and totally wrong on.
Thomas Jackson, the police chief of Ferguson, Missouri, said later that the officer did not know Brown was a suspect in the robbery when he stopped Brown. Asked why Brown and a friend were stopped, the chief said: “Because they were walking down the middle of the street blocking traffic.”

Jackson later said that "at some point" during the encounter, the officer saw the cigars in Brown's hands and thought he might be a suspect.

Ferguson Chief Names Darren Wilson as Cop Who Shot Michael Brown - NBC News

You read what fits your already set conclusion, with none of the autopsy, nor investigation reports; then try to pick apart questions that do not fit the tiny box:

A police report made public Friday also revealed that the teen, Michael Brown, was suspected of stealing a box of cigars from a convenience store and assaulting a clerk minutes before the officer shot him to death.

Read the police report

Thomas Jackson, the police chief of Ferguson, Missouri, said later that the officer did not know Brown was a suspect in the robbery when he stopped Brown.

Ten minutes later, and no source indicates the Officer knew, he just left a call from another house. Media reports may be incorrect. I do not take any one source. So the officer, after leaving his last call, somehow knew it was Brown? I have seen nothing to indicate a photo was even in police headquarters in 10 minutes, Brown's likeness was unknown, he had no prior criminal record.

Face it, he did not know anything, the video hadn't been turned over, just a quick phone call, and a different officer assigned to to the store to investigate. Officer ESP was not in the area to respond, the FPD lied earlier.

Again, that is absolutely FALSE.

The police dispatcher made the radio call about the robbery AND the descriptions of the suspects at 11:52...Wilson makes contact with brown at 12:02. He had left the sick call @ 12:01.

Timeline of events in Ferguson : stltoday.com

Where does anyone say that Brown was responding and why would they lie about it?

So far you haven't gotten one thing right.

Are you sure you want to continue?

Maybe get organized and reread some things.

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