Fhonnetic speling

I amso IR

"Well Yea, Duh"!
Jul 11, 2015
Aye wondre why no won posted uh Fhonettic spelling game? Wee hav all scene many msspell wurds an the grammer knotziez jumping aal over them'unz. That is a simple sample of what I am aiming for. Truthfully it is not as easy as it seems. You may use any key or symbol on the key board, or combination of the same to form a sentence. Sentence structure is of no significant importance and neither is punctuation. Of importance is that the word(s) should sound as close to the American pronunciation as possible. However, the European alphabet may be used, A= ah, B= bay, C= tSay and so forth. Phonetic spelling is more widely used than we realize and is in some cases, on the money. And it is not necessary to construct an entire scentence with incorrect wording as I have dunn in the opening. It is not my intent to injure any one with this drill, but simply have a bit of kreative phonetic spelling. Who knows how far this will go? Any one agree?
Aw komon, dun'dt try to fool me. In addition to the above instructions, I beg of all, leave profane expressions at the door. If you feel I am stoopid, fine but I may assure you I am not f-----g stupid! I have three grown children, five grandchildren and a great grand child to prove it! Keep if phfunnie, soft and enjoyable. To congratulate someone for the ability shown is fine. Topics may be at the writers discretion. Come g5000, you kan do it, eye know u can.
This is a very inaresting xersiz. Englush is an ambiguwas langwij with to miny xsepshuns to the rul. Y kant it b strat forward an disaplind lik other langwijiz?

I no a lady that is a substitut techur and she hats when she haz to tech the yungar children bekaws she nevar lernd finetiks. She lernd how to sit red words. She is inkaypabul of helping the athur children.

Sum of the words in Englush are finetikale karekt. Most of them r nat. Hav u evr notist that the leder C cud b elemanatid frum the alfabet xsept for its us with the konstanent cluster "ch"? The leder C cud be replast with a leder that maks the "ch" sond.

That wuz tuf but I did it!
Translation from Post #4

This is a very interesting exercise. English is an ambiguous language with too many exceptions to the rule. Why can't it be straight forward and disciplined like other languages?

I know a lady that is a substitute teacher and she hates when she has to teach the younger children because never learned phonetics. She learned to sight read words. She is incapable of helping the other children.

Some of the words in English are phonetically correct. Most of them are not. Have you ever noticed that the letter C could be eliminated from the alphabet except for it's use with the consonant cluster "ch"? The letter C could be replaced with a letter that makes the "ch" sound.

That was tough but I did it.
Pushing ebonics for white folks?
My,My,My, are we not witty? Ebonics, ebony, black. White, well, simply white! Please try to think things through before making a fool of yourself. SCORE: blastoff - 0 , English - 1. Might I suggest that you use this experience to better yourself? As far as Eustace and Preston go, do you honestly care? Everything about your page suggests ZERO! Take an aspirin and call me in the morning, if you do not feel better You may now blastoff, blastoff!
Pushing ebonics for white folks?
My,My,My, are we not witty? Ebonics, ebony, black. White, well, simply white! Please try to think things through before making a fool of yourself. SCORE: blastoff - 0 , English - 1. Might I suggest that you use this experience to better yourself? As far as Eustace and Preston go, do you honestly care? Everything about your page suggests ZERO! Take an aspirin and call me in the morning, if you do not feel better You may now blastoff, blastoff!
Pushing ebonics for white folks?
My,My,My, are we not witty? Ebonics, ebony, black. White, well, simply white! Please try to think things through before making a fool of yourself. SCORE: blastoff - 0 , English - 1. Might I suggest that you use this experience to better yourself? As far as Eustace and Preston go, do you honestly care? Everything about your page suggests ZERO! Take an aspirin and call me in the morning, if you do not feel better You may now blastoff, blastoff!
Ooh, ouch!

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