Time for the U.S. To get over its butthurt over Cuba
As usual you are delusional. The American people got over Cuba decades ago. Where the Hell have you been?

Doesn't seem that way.......we banned travel, banned trade

We acted like a child throwing a temper tantrum
So you think the American government represents the wishes of the American people. How immature and naive.
The American People have not given a shit about Cuba in 40 years

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2016 has really turned into a Banner Year for our Prog Comrades.

Freedom lovers around the globe today are celebrating because a bloodthirsty dictator is dead!
He outlived all of his contemporaries

That's an accomplishment on par with hiLIARy's millions of air miles.

The violent thug totalitarian is dead. Good.
Only took 50 years.

Guess you showed him

Your Butthurt has made your postings even more moronic than usual.
Castro was resilient. No question. For all you elite liberals set to wag your finger at US on Castro's accomplishments and philosophies, ask and answer the following:

- Would the so-called oppressed in the US living off welfare prefer to be poor in the US driving a 2002 model automobile in Detroit, or living among the "equal" driving around a 1958 auto in Havana?

- If Castro's programs and philosophies are so great, how come they require people to be held in country against their will?

- For all of you Liberals concerned about free speech and loving Castro, how would you like Trump to adopt Castro's practice of arresting, imprisoning, beating, and/or murdering dissidents? Look at all of the rhetoric being hurled at Trump. Think Castro would put up with that?

- On Healthcare, how come more of US are not flocking to Havana for surgery?
How come we`re not free to visit Cuba? What is our govt. afraid of?
So you think the year of car you drive is what determines whether a country is good or not?
FYI, most people "living off welfare" have jobs that pay nearly nothing.
Whatever Castro did didn`t amount to shit when compared to Batista. One of his specialties was cutting out the eyes of anyone who dared to speak for the sugar cane cutters but he was decent enough to mail the eyeballs to the dead man`s family. But Castro is bad.
Why aren`t we flocking to Havana for surgery? We don`t have that freedom...yet. Hopefully, that will be Obama`s final act in his excellent 8 years.
Way too over due.........another monster goes to hell....
Now I wish Bush,Clinton,Bush and Obama and their entire regimes join them,just as bad or worse than Castro EVER was.

Nope.......castro is a monster...was a monster....
Sure Sure. Because the US Propaganda machine told you so. He was no worse than ANY US President.

That why his people can travel freely to and from Cuba....? That why they have jumped on rubber tires and make shift boats to leave the island? And why our people jump on tires and make shift boats to get to cuba? Oh, right...we don't........Cuba is a shit hole because of the castro brothers...they are monsters.
Way too over due.........another monster goes to hell....
Now I wish Bush,Clinton,Bush and Obama and their entire regimes join them,just as bad or worse than Castro EVER was.

Nope.......castro is a monster...was a monster....
Sure Sure. Because the US Propaganda machine told you so. He was no worse than ANY US President.
Are you serious? Go ask any Cuban American how great he was. And then make me a list of US Presidents that have tortured, imprisoned and killed the American people in order to stay in power. Shut down the free press. Taken away human rights. Go for it.
Way too over due.........another monster goes to hell....
Now I wish Bush,Clinton,Bush and Obama and their entire regimes join them,just as bad or worse than Castro EVER was.

Nope.......castro is a monster...was a monster....
Sure Sure. Because the US Propaganda machine told you so. He was no worse than ANY US President.

That why his people can travel freely to and from Cuba....? That why they have jumped on rubber tires and make shift boats to leave the island? And why our people jump on tires and make shift boats to get to cuba? Oh, right...we don't........Cuba is a shit hole because of the castro brothers...they are monsters.
We couldn't go to Cuba because of the US Government sanctions. Communism was horrible absolutely but US Presidents were just as evil if not more so. Cuba's ideology sucked but US Presidents were literal war criminals.
Freedom lovers around the globe today are celebrating because a bloodthirsty dictator is dead!
He outlived all of his contemporaries

That's an accomplishment on par with hiLIARy's millions of air miles.

The violent thug totalitarian is dead. Good.
Only took 50 years.

Guess you showed him

Your Butthurt has made your postings even more moronic than usual.
Just recognizing the fact....Hey it's OVER!

Why can't conservatives get over it?
My complaint is that he oppressed, tortured, killed people and people like you people blame US for his actions.

The US sponsored no less than 638 attempts to assassinate Castro.

How Fidel Castro survived '638 assassination attempts'

Many of hte people he "oppressed" threw in with them.

We'd do the same thing to people who worked with a foreign government to kill our leaders.

Get real.

You equate dissension with con
Castro was resilient. No question. For all you elite liberals set to wag your finger at US on Castro's accomplishments and philosophies, ask and answer the following:

- Would the so-called oppressed in the US living off welfare prefer to be poor in the US driving a 2002 model automobile in Detroit, or living among the "equal" driving around a 1958 auto in Havana?

- If Castro's programs and philosophies are so great, how come they require people to be held in country against their will?

- For all of you Liberals concerned about free speech and loving Castro, how would you like Trump to adopt Castro's practice of arresting, imprisoning, beating, and/or murdering dissidents? Look at all of the rhetoric being hurled at Trump. Think Castro would put up with that?

- On Healthcare, how come more of US are not flocking to Havana for surgery?
How come we`re not free to visit Cuba? What is our govt. afraid of?
So you think the year of car you drive is what determines whether a country is good or not?
FYI, most people "living off welfare" have jobs that pay nearly nothing.
Whatever Castro did didn`t amount to shit when compared to Batista. One of his specialties was cutting out the eyes of anyone who dared to speak for the sugar cane cutters but he was decent enough to mail the eyeballs to the dead man`s family. But Castro is bad.
Why aren`t we flocking to Havana for surgery? We don`t have that freedom...yet. Hopefully, that will be Obama`s final act in his excellent 8 years.

I am not going to defend Batista and am all for visiting Cuba. I would like to see human rights among the people in Cuba improve significantly. (As you can see, I am no fan of Che.... While you are admonishing Batista, you may want to see what Che said about due process for dissidents and how he felt about Blacks).

I scoff at you wagging your finger at me about the cars. First and foremost, I credit the Cuban people for keeping those cars running. But, I wonder how many of you liberal elites would like it if you were forced to either maintain those cars in order to have a car as your only choice?

You can thank Capitalism for Choices.
Way too over due.........another monster goes to hell....
Now I wish Bush,Clinton,Bush and Obama and their entire regimes join them,just as bad or worse than Castro EVER was.

Nope.......castro is a monster...was a monster....
Sure Sure. Because the US Propaganda machine told you so. He was no worse than ANY US President.
Are you serious? Go ask any Cuban American how great he was. And then make me a list of US Presidents that have tortured, imprisoned and killed the American people in order to stay in power. Shut down the free press. Taken away human rights. Go for it.
Its easier to post this and let you watch it. I don't have blinders on like you obviously do


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