Wow, guy, you have to go back 45 years to find something that was kind of bad, that everyone admits was a mistake now?

UN officials denounce 'inhuman' treatment of Native American ...
Washington Post-Nov 15, 2016
The protests against the pipeline have brought Native Americans

"Kind of bad" ...4 dead many wounded LOL
Uncovering the Kent State Cover-Up
When Ohio National Guardsmen fired sixty-seven gun shots in thirteen seconds at Kent State University (KSU) on May 4, 1970, they murdered four unarmed, protesting college students and wounded nine others. For forty-two years, the United States government has held the position that Kent State was a tragic and unfortunate incident occurring at a noontime antiwar rally on an American college campus. In 2010, compelling forensic evidence emerged showing that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Counter Intelligence Program (COINTELPRO) were the lead agencies in managing Kent State government operations, including the cover-up. At Kent State, lawful protest was pushed into the realm of massacre as the US federal government, the state of Ohio, and the Ohio National Guard (ONG) executed their plans to silence antiwar protest in America.
Too bad you don't understand the issues facing Indians in America… LOL
Celebrating the death of a 90 year old man in Miami Pathetic ....ROFLMAO ...what did they think he was going to live forever LOL
Jacob @jacob_gooch

Castro's achievements:
1. Raised Cuban literacy to ~99%
2. Eliminated mother-child HIV
3. Outlived his enemieshttp://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-38114953 …

1:29 AM - 26 Nov 2016

Fidel Castro, Cuba's leader of revolution, dies at 90 - BBC News
Fidel Castro, Cuba's former president and leader of the Communist revolution, dies aged 90, prompting both condolences and cheers.


You do know communism control the media in their country? no one can believe those so-called accomplishments by evil fucking dictatorship. You believe anything being the progressive that you are…
The only thing that government can say they accomplished is the death and absolute misery of their citizens. fact
Forget the media. 2 million tourists visit Cuba every year and they`re free to speak when they come back home. Evil fucking dictatorship is what they got rid of several decades ago.

Who would seriously listen to anyone who has visited Cuba? Anyone?
Those tourists would know a hell of a lot more about Cuba than you do. You think? Ever?

The fact that they went to Cuba in the first place shows that they are biased. How often do you actually know your ear is being pulled by someone so biased. It could not be clearer. If tourism is opened up to Cuba, in time that will change, but until then I regard them as zealots.


Uh, you DID read post #448, right?
Tyrone needs to be DEPORTED to Cuba and forced to live in a shack like 99% of Cubans do.

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