Castro gave NYTimes a medal "Without your help, and without the help of the New York Times, the Revolution in Cuba would never have been."
Castro was resilient. No question. For all you elite liberals set to wag your finger at US on Castro's accomplishments and philosophies, ask and answer the following:

- Would the so-called oppressed in the US living off welfare prefer to be poor in the US driving a 2002 model automobile in Detroit, or living among the "equal" driving around a 1958 auto in Havana?

- If Castro's programs and philosophies are so great, how come they require people to be held in country against their will?

- For all of you Liberals concerned about free speech and loving Castro, how would you like Trump to adopt Castro's practice of arresting, imprisoning, beating, and/or murdering dissidents? Look at all of the rhetoric being hurled at Trump. Think Castro would put up with that?

- On Healthcare, how come more of US are not flocking to Havana for surgery?
Wonder how many Cubans will be celebrating this evening? We know Obama will be devastated that one of his idols has passed...

Most Cubans consider Castro a hero.

Here's what an American President said about Castro.

"I believe that there is no country in the world including any and all the countries under colonial domination, where economic colonization, humiliation and exploitation were worse than in Cuba, in part owing to my country's policies during the Batista regime. I approved the proclamation which Fidel Castro made in the Sierra Maestra, when he justifiably called for justice and especially yearned to rid Cuba of corruption. I will even go further: to some extent it is as though Batista was the incarnation of a number of sins on the part of the United States. Now we shall have to pay for those sins. In the matter of the Batista regime, I am in agreement with the first Cuban revolutionaries. That is perfectly clear."—U.S. President John F. Kennedy, interview with Jean Daniel, 24 October 1963[27]
Castro was resilient. No question. For all you elite liberals set to wag your finger at US on Castro's accomplishments and philosophies, ask and answer the following:

- Would the so-called oppressed in the US living off welfare prefer to be poor in the US driving a 2002 model automobile in Detroit, or living among the "equal" driving around a 1958 auto in Havana?

- If Castro's programs and philosophies are so great, how come they require people to be held in country against their will?

- For all of you Liberals concerned about free speech and loving Castro, how would you like Trump to adopt Castro's practice of arresting, imprisoning, beating, and/or murdering dissidents? Look at all of the rhetoric being hurled at Trump. Think Castro would put up with that?

- On Healthcare, how come more of US are not flocking to Havana for surgery?
Because life in Cuba is a living hell because of the government and its leaders… Fact
Castro was resilient. No question. For all you elite liberals set to wag your finger at US on Castro's accomplishments and philosophies, ask and answer the following:

- Would the so-called oppressed in the US living off welfare prefer to be poor in the US driving a 2002 model automobile in Detroit, or living among the "equal" driving around a 1958 auto in Havana?

- If Castro's programs and philosophies are so great, how come they require people to be held in country against their will?

- For all of you Liberals concerned about free speech and loving Castro, how would you like Trump to adopt Castro's practice of arresting, imprisoning, beating, and/or murdering dissidents? Look at all of the rhetoric being hurled at Trump. Think Castro would put up with that?

- On Healthcare, how come more of US are not flocking to Havana for surgery?

So let me get this straight. We've been punishing Cuba for what, 60 years now with economic sanctions, and your complaint is that it wasn't a nice place to live?

Is this your argument?

Castro is something we created (See JFK Quote above), and probably made worse by our policies. If we had opened normal relations with Cuba in the 1990's, Castro would be out of power by now. Instead, we have a noisy group in South Florida dictating bad policies because they can't admit they were wrong.

Ha. You had to go back 45+ years for a single data point, not a justification for the result, but show us where and how US troops were ordered to go and fire on dissidents......UNPROVOKED.

you are a wing nut you got grievances like Ruby Ridge and WACO Lol get real ...
Hopefully the people of Cuba rise up and tell whoever thinks they're going to take over, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH of this shit. We want capitalism.
Oh yes! Trade the ILLUSION of equality for all members of society for a literal society where the rich get richer off the backs of the workers busting their ass to make,transport and sell the product but only get paid shit wages with no benefits....YEE HAW that's capitalism for ya!
So is Obama and Assad the last of the Dictators now?

There's still Putin.

So dictators are now ANY democratically elected leader that the US disagrees with politically USUALLY because said leader is strong and won't bend to US corrupt dealings. You clowns wonder why the US is so fucking hated.

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