Castro apologists will be busy rewriting history over the next week.

It will be truly wince-worthy:

Years ago, my former National Review colleague
Jay Nordlinger shared this memory of being in Valladares’ presence:

The year was 1986 (or thereabouts), and the place was Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government. The speaker, at a student forum, was Armando Valladares, the great Cuban dissident. He wrote a memoir called Against All Hope. Everything that is important to know — vital to know — about Castro’s rule on Cuba is in that book. Not for nothing is the author known as “the Cuban Solzhenitsyn.”

After Valladares’s speech, the students came after him: Hadn’t Castro “done some good things for his people”? Hadn’t he delivered universal health care? Hadn’t he brought about universal literacy? They echoed the standard propaganda line, learned from their teachers, the New York Times, and so on. Valladares gave an answer I will never forget. He said it gently, earnestly, yearning for the students to understand. I will paraphrase it: Say all those things are true. They’re not, but just say they are. Can’t you have those things without torturing people? Can’t you have them without wrongly imprisoning them? Can’t you have them without killing them? Without denying them rights? Without forbidding them to speak freely, without forbidding them to worship, without forbidding them to vote and have a normal political life and pursue their own destinies, and so on? Why is material well-being — not that Cuba has it, or anything remotely like it — but why is material well-being incompatible with freedom? Or not even with freedom: with the absence of a stifling, horrid dictatorship? Why?

I doubt that Valladares moved very many of those people. But every time I hear the phrase “Castro has done some good things for his people,” I wince.

Fidel Castro Is Dead

Now Castro gets to face God and Lucifer about all the people he murdered and they will go eenie, meenie, mynie, mo ... .
Sure wouldn't want to be a US Soldier or US president or official of any kind then....The US has ZERO room to talk about murdering people. But let me guess it was all good because it was for Dumbocracy and Freedumb!
Cuba BEFORE Castro was one of the most prosperous nations of the world. Europeans prefered it over the USA. Then communism destroyed it.
"Cuba, under the rule of Batista, was a “hedonistic playground for the world’s elite.” Marijuana, Cocaine, and other drugs were as easy to purchase as alcohol, and prostitution flourished. Corrupt law enforcement basically permitted organized crime, which was the result of the close relationship between Batista and American Mobsters (one of which, Meyer Lansky, was granted full control of Cuban Casinos by Batista)." Cuba under the rule of Fulgencio Batista | Ethnomusicology in Cuba
I smoke weed I speak read and write in two languages ... I am educated with graduate degrees I am economically successful and I am extremely good looking so "what is there to complain about" ....other than those weed cops getting "jiggly with it" on me ....sure Castro is dead ...sure I consider him a Hero ...surely you all know all that lives dies .....The Sun Sets but the Sun Also rises ...its in all you all's Bible , Ecclesiastes, not my Bible though because I am a "dope smoking heathen"
Ya... it's such a beautiful and modern country, Castro was such a great leader for his nation... :lol:

Forgets or perhaps its the GOP education system that the US has enforced economic sanctions on Cuba for many many decades....ignorance must be bliss.
I smoke weed I speak read and write in two languages ... I am educated with graduate degrees I am economically successful and I am extremely good looking so "what is there to complain about" ....other than those weed cops getting "jiggly with it" on me ....sure Castro is dead ...sure I consider him a Hero ...surely you all know all that lives dies .....The Sun Sets but the Sun Also rises ...its in all you all's Bible , Ecclesiastes, not my Bible though because I am a "dope smoking heathen"

The fact remains there's another dead communist dictator… The Cuban people are rejoicing the world over. Fact
'Although Batista’s reign condoned all sorts of illicit activities, there were rebel groups who did not like what was happening to Cuba. To find out about these groups, Batista used his secret police to violently question his citizens and he tortured them publicly to suppress any rebellions against the government. However, Batista’s violence caused more people to join rebel groups, specifically the one led by Fidel Castro and Che Guevara. Batista’s government was weakening rapidly: Castro, who was once only supported by the poor, won the support of the majority of the middle class, and in 1958, the US decided to stop selling arms to Batista."

So, according to revisionist far right history, DDE was a secret commie. :lol:
Now Castro gets to face God and Lucifer about all the people he murdered and they will go eenie, meenie, mynie, mo ... .
Dude God and Castro are high fiving ....

Nope. He's roasting with Hitler, pol pot, Stalin, and all the other communists.
I had no idea God was a "Capitalist Bastard and a Running Dog of Imperialism"

He's not and he doesn't allow unrepentant murders in.

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