I guess the best thing is the idol of the fucked up "Che" progressives in this country is dead… That can only be a good thing.

Che has been dead for decades and he's still popular, I guess Castro will go the same way


Celebrating the death of a 90 year old man in Miami Pathetic ....ROFLMAO ...what did they think he was going to live forever LOL

Jacob @jacob_gooch

Castro's achievements:
1. Raised Cuban literacy to ~99%
2. Eliminated mother-child HIV
3. Outlived his enemieshttp://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-38114953 …

1:29 AM - 26 Nov 2016

Fidel Castro, Cuba's leader of revolution, dies at 90 - BBC News
Fidel Castro, Cuba's former president and leader of the Communist revolution, dies aged 90, prompting both condolences and cheers.


I guess the best thing is the idol of the fucked up "Che" progressives in this country is dead… That can only be a good thing.

Che has been dead for decades and he's still popular, I guess Castro will go the same way


Celebrating the death of a 90 year old man in Miami Pathetic ....ROFLMAO ...what did they think he was going to live forever LOL

Jacob @jacob_gooch

Castro's achievements:
1. Raised Cuban literacy to ~99%
2. Eliminated mother-child HIV
3. Outlived his enemieshttp://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-38114953 …

1:29 AM - 26 Nov 2016

Fidel Castro, Cuba's leader of revolution, dies at 90 - BBC News
Fidel Castro, Cuba's former president and leader of the Communist revolution, dies aged 90, prompting both condolences and cheers.


You do know communism control the media in their country? no one can believe those so-called accomplishments by evil fucking dictatorship. You believe anything being the progressive that you are…
The only thing that government can say they accomplished is the death and absolute misery of their citizens. fact
I happened to be a libertarian, I think the war on drugs, marijuana especially is a joke. People are gonna do what they're going to do. They don't need permission from the federal government... what are you fucking helpless or what?
He could be admired for his big brass balls, to thumb his nose at the U.S. of A for 50 years, survive all our assassination attempts and economic sanctions that probably didn't help the country achieve prosperity.
He could be reviled for taking away the freedom of his people and murdering his detractors. All dictators of a communist bent seem to need to travel that road. Which makes one wonder, what's wrong with communism if you can't get the majority to willingly go along?
Anyway, hopefully this is one more country that will shed the repressiveness of a totalitarian dictatorship and come toward the center where a blend of capitalism and communism meld into what is best for everyone. Like EUROPE has already done.
Like your typical socialist/communist the fuck up was proud of all the death and despair he forced on his own people… Fact
Poor Cuba. Hope things will turn out as they wish.

Celebrating the death of a 90 year old man in Miami Pathetic ....ROFLMAO ...what did they think he was going to live forever LOL

Jacob @jacob_gooch

Castro's achievements:
1. Raised Cuban literacy to ~99%
2. Eliminated mother-child HIV
3. Outlived his enemieshttp://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-38114953 …

1:29 AM - 26 Nov 2016

Castro was a terrible dictator who oppressed his people causing them to flee the country. He tortured and murdered his political opponents. He spent sixty years suppressing their freedom of speech, assembly, and religion. Full stop. Really don't need to see any revisionism about it. Oh and after sixty years of the "workers" in charge the average wage in Cuba is $300. Communism failed as always.

Think of the millions who were oppressed under his regime living in a police state with no real freedoms. The church was suppressed for half a century. People literally preferred a small chance of surviving an ocean crossing in a raft rather than stay living in Cuba. He's not a hero to anyone. Jeremy Corbin, The Indian PM, the Irish president, the Canadian PM all should be ashamed to praise him, so before you call him an icon for the political left from your capitalist cell phone on your capitalist internet wearing your capitalist produced Che t-shirt, remember the workers who suffered under his reign where after 50 years of revolution they still take home about 300 per year. Remember all the people he killed to stay in power. He didn't outlast US presidents by winning elections. He did it by killing, so don't praise him as a beacon of hope or any other of the BS the main stream press and world leaders are saying.
"Castro is a legendary icon of fighting oppression and a historic leader for freedom" - Nancy Pelosi aide Walid Joumblatt

Think of the millions who were oppressed under his regime living in a police state with no real freedoms. The church was suppressed for half a century. People literally preferred a small chance of surviving an ocean crossing in a raft rather than stay living in Cuba. He's not a hero to anyone. Jeremy Corbin, The Indian PM, the Irish president, the Canadian PM all should be ashamed to praise him, so before you call him an icon for the political left from your capitalist cell phone on your capitalist internet wearing your capitalist produced Che t-shirt, remember the workers who suffered under his reign where after 50 years of revolution they still take home about 300 per year. Remember all the people he killed to stay in power. He didn't outlast US presidents by winning elections. He did it by killing, so don't praise him as a beacon of hope or any other of the BS the main stream press and world leaders are saying.
Cuba to mourn National Hero

Castro died in Havana late Friday and will be cremated on Saturday. The government announced plans for public events starting Monday, with a rally a day later at Plaza de la Revolucion in Havana and then a three-day procession to carry his ashes to Santiago de Cuba for a funeral on Dec. 4.
Apartheid Opponent
In South Africa, President Jacob Zuma said Castro inspired Cubans to support the fight against apartheid. “The Cuban people, under the leadership and command of President Castro, joined us in our struggle.”
Trump illegally sent reps there years ago to see if they could do business.
Castro's achievements:
1. Raised Cuban literacy to ~99%

When you are illiterate in the first place, there is no where to go but up. A 100% improvement means nothing and how literate they became under Castro was only natural progression that would have occurred even if the devil himself had ruled Cuba.

99% literacy? Does that mean they can now read at the 3rd grade level? :laugh:
Think of the millions who were oppressed under his regime living in a police state with no real freedoms. The church was suppressed for half a century. People literally preferred a small chance of surviving an ocean crossing in a raft rather than stay living in Cuba. He's not a hero to anyone. Jeremy Corbin, The Indian PM, the Irish president, the Canadian PM all should be ashamed to praise him, so before you call him an icon for the political left from your capitalist cell phone on your capitalist internet wearing your capitalist produced Che t-shirt, remember the workers who suffered under his reign where after 50 years of revolution they still take home about 300 per year. Remember all the people he killed to stay in power. He didn't outlast US presidents by winning elections. He did it by killing, so don't praise him as a beacon of hope or any other of the BS the main stream press and world leaders are saying.
Cuba to mourn National Hero

Castro died in Havana late Friday and will be cremated on Saturday. The government announced plans for public events starting Monday, with a rally a day later at Plaza de la Revolucion in Havana and then a three-day procession to carry his ashes to Santiago de Cuba for a funeral on Dec. 4.
They are dancing on his grave you silly bastard… Or at least they wish they could the communist government will not let them. Get your head out of your ass… LOL
Trump illegally sent reps there years ago to see if they could do business.
No one hates the Cuban people but their own government, there's no doubt the people of Cuba hate the communist dictators and the communist government they live under. The communist government and the people of Cuba or not one in the same. The communist government kills and makes life fucking miserable for the people of Cuba... Fact

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