He could be admired for his big brass balls, to thumb his nose at the U.S. of A for 50 years, survive all our assassination attempts and economic sanctions that probably didn't help the country achieve prosperity.
He could be reviled for taking away the freedom of his people and murdering his detractors. All dictators of a communist bent seem to need to travel that road. Which makes one wonder, what's wrong with communism if you can't get the majority to willingly go along?
Anyway, hopefully this is one more country that will shed the repressiveness of a totalitarian dictatorship and come toward the center where a blend of capitalism and communism meld into what is best for everyone. Like EUROPE has already done.
"Castro is a legendary icon of fighting oppression and a historic leader for freedom" - Nancy Pelosi aide Walid Joumblatt
Some leaders are just naïve
He could be admired for his big brass balls, to thumb his nose at the U.S. of A for 50 years, survive all our assassination attempts and economic sanctions that probably didn't help the country achieve prosperity.
He could be reviled for taking away the freedom of his people and murdering his detractors. All dictators of a communist bent seem to need to travel that road. Which makes one wonder, what's wrong with communism if you can't get the majority to willingly go along?
Anyway, hopefully this is one more country that will shed the repressiveness of a totalitarian dictatorship and come toward the center where a blend of capitalism and communism meld into what is best for everyone. Like EUROPE has already done.
Like your typical socialist/communist the fuck up was proud of all the death and despair he forced on his own people… Fact
Freedom lovers around the globe today are celebrating because a bloodthirsty dictator is dead!
I guess the best thing is the idol of the fucked up "Che" progressives in this country is dead… That can only be a good thing.

Che has been dead for decades and he's still popular, I guess Castro will go the same way

Yeah, he's popular with fucked up college students that have not lived in the real world yet… LOL
Freedom lovers around the globe today are celebrating because a bloodthirsty dictator is dead!
Lets go to our Friends in Saudi Arabia to discuss Individual Freedoms ...they may be celebrating in Saudi Arabia
Ali al-Nimr due to be CRUCIFIED in Saudi Arabia was 'tortured

At UN Human Rights Council, Saudi Arabia Supports Right To Torture ...
MintPress News
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At UN Human Rights Council, Saudi Arabia Supports Right To Torture & Execute LGBT People
Cubans and Cuban-Americans are celebrating all over the world… Fact
I was just talking with my wife about Castro, and she told me that in 1972 at an assembly in Concepcion, Chile, she watched Castro give a lecture at the University of Concepcion. To my dismay, my wife still seems to be impressed by what she saw, as her face lit up a little while she remembered. She said that she clapped enthusiastically when it was over. :puke3:

What a shame that Obama didn't wait to normalize relations with Cuba by EO until after Castro died. We might have got something in return other than the middle finger.
A wealthy country should be asking a poor country for what exactly? Sorry if you lost your casinos and brothels.

The return of US citizens that have warrants for their arrest would be a start. I realize that ears can do nothing wrong in your mind, so anything else would I mention would be wasted on your closed mind.

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