Cuban troops never went into Cuban streets to kill Cuban citizens like US troops did to students at both Kent State and Jackson State Mississippi
Time for the U.S. To get over its butthurt over Cuba
As usual you are delusional. The American people got over Cuba decades ago. Where the Hell have you been?

Doesn't seem that way.......we banned travel, banned trade

We acted like a child throwing a temper tantrum

He murdered thousands.

China murdered millions
Vietnam killed 60,000 Americans

We normalized relations with them 20 years ago
<----US troops after gunning down unarmed Students at Kent State Ohio
Time for the U.S. To get over its butthurt over Cuba
As usual you are delusional. The American people got over Cuba decades ago. Where the Hell have you been?

Doesn't seem that way.......we banned travel, banned trade

We acted like a child throwing a temper tantrum

He murdered thousands.

China murdered millions
Vietnam killed 60,000 Americans

We normalized relations with them 20 years ago
Another dead communist government hack…:dance:
It's funny how fucked up progressives stand up for an evil fuck like Castro...
Crooked Andrea Mitchell was crying over Castro's death. That's just sick. Those people are so warped
For me I loved Castro being alive and the face of failed communism. Pity the rest of the Americas have not learned the lesson of Cuba.


Unfortunately over the years countries such as Canada have propped Cuba up to be the beacon of "successful communism".

That's why el Blockhead ( have you ever seen a person with this square of a head?) Chavez was able to get away with his bullshit in Venezuela as well.

Us. For the longest time. We all propped up Hugo. We have propped up Cuba as well.

Back to Cuba.

Oh you of the media telling me with all of your birthdays how long you outlived X amount of Presidents, despite the fact you were a dictator but you showed me all the failing of any media outlet that lauded your being, I hope you were saved at the end.

RIP Fidel.

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