The only thing Fidel Castro contributed to the world... his evil behavior.
In Cuba the prisoners are not boiled alive like in The US


Guards Cooked This Inmate to Death

FL Prison Guards Boil Mentally Ill Inmate Alive, Don't Get Charged

Prisoner: I cleaned up skin of inmate scalded in shower; human-rights .
Cuba BEFORE Castro was one of the most prosperous nations of the world. Europeans prefered it over the USA.

Then communism destroyed it.
Too bad nobody put a bullet in the bastard's head back then
Too bad you are a moron ...
Too bad that.... actually nvm, good for you that you never had to live under Castro's atrocities. Sad that you seem to think those atrocities were a good thing. :321:

Were they worse than Bush's?

Can you name any Bush "atrocities"?


Invading Iraq.
Torturing prisoners.
Causing a political vacuum which led to the deaths of possibly a million or more people and the rise of ISIS which has spread.

There's enough.

So "Invading Iraq" was a war crime? Guess Hillary is guilty then? She was right there with Bush beating the drums of war.

What prisoners were ever tortured? It was the Bush admin that exposed abuses at Abu Gharib, but there was no torture there.

ISIS was created under Obama, so if that is a war crime, it's on the Hussein, not Bush. But even I don't hold Obama responsible for Muslims killing each other, it's in their nature. It's like blaming a President for an earthquake.
Cubans all over America are celebrating the death of this fucking piece of shit… Fact

They're happy now but that won't last long, tomorrow they wake up and realize Batista really isn't coming back, Trump isn't going to repeat the bay of pigs invasion and they just lost their favorite bogeyman.

I guess the best thing is the idol of the fucked up "Che" progressives in this country is dead… That can only be a good thing.
Castro put his political opponents to death via firing squads. Folks who are romanticizing him should stop and think about that
Cuba BEFORE Castro was one of the most prosperous nations of the world. Europeans prefered it over the USA.

Then communism destroyed it.
They destroyed it and are importing a cancer vaccine to the US ?

How come Cuba has the highest ranked Educational and Health system in Latin America per World Health Org ?

why is that
Cuba BEFORE Castro was one of the most prosperous nations of the world. Europeans prefered it over the USA.

Then communism destroyed it.
They destroyed it and are importing a cancer vaccine to the US ?

How come Cuba has the highest ranked Educational and Health system in Latin America per World Health Org ?

why is that
Says who, you have a bad source. Dip shit
Too bad nobody put a bullet in the bastard's head back then
Too bad you are a moron ...
Too bad that.... actually nvm, good for you that you never had to live under Castro's atrocities. Sad that you seem to think those atrocities were a good thing. :321:

Were they worse than Bush's?

Can you name any Bush "atrocities"?
Iraq WAR?
SO DUMB that war.

Yet you voted for Hillary who pushed for the Iraq War.

You may not had agreed with the war, it doesn't make it an atrocity or war crime.

It does however, expose you for the hypocrite you are.
The fact remains, there's no such a thing as freedom and/or any sort of individuality in Cuba…
Individual liberty is very low on the leftist totem pole.
The bar is very low with progressives when it comes to freedom… They can't tolerate anyone thinking differently than them.
"Castro is a legendary icon of fighting oppression and a historic leader for freedom" - Nancy Pelosi aide Walid Joumblatt
Castro put his political opponents to death via firing squads. Folks who are romanticizing him should stop and think about that
Tony Cuesta came to Cuba t murder Fidel Castro and Castro released him
Political Prisoners Released by Castro Are Flown to Miami - The ...

Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis...released...castro.../4396baf3-d4b2-4619-80a7-0209...
Oct 22, 1978 - Cuban President Fidel Castro allowed 46 political prisoners to fly to ... hall grew loudest for Antonio (Tony) Cuesta, the best-known of the group, .
For me I loved Castro being alive and the face of failed communism. Pity the rest of the Americas have not learned the lesson of Cuba.


Unfortunately over the years countries such as Canada have propped Cuba up to be the beacon of "successful communism".

That's why el Blockhead ( have you ever seen a person with this square of a head?) Chavez was able to get away with his bullshit in Venezuela as well.

Us. For the longest time. We all propped up Hugo. We have propped up Cuba as well.

Back to Cuba.

Oh you of the media telling me with all of your birthdays how long you outlived X amount of Presidents, despite the fact you were a dictator but you showed me all the failing of any media outlet that lauded your being, I hope you were saved at the end.

RIP Fidel.
True, any type of collective behavior by any government always fails… Fact

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