I picture that final scene in the movie "Ghost" where the bastard realizes he is dead and then is screaming as the demons appear and drag his ass to Hell

Is that just me?
Good it was about time the old communist died. CNN Is already doing their tributes to him while FOX is running a Hannity rerun about Trump's Promises. This tells you which TV station is proAmerica and which is proCuba. It always happens to show which TV station was proHillary.

If any liberal here is offende or in mourning over this, all I say is: Tough.
Cubans really hated him. They miss Batista who was known for plucking the eyeballs out of spokesmen for the field workers and mailing them to his widow. Under the commie they have schools, food and good healthcare which they didn`t have before. Now you know something. Why would we mourn the death of any 90 year old?
Then why did so many Cubans flee Cuba if things were so great under Fidel?
They weren`t great under Fidel but they were a lot better than they had been. People flee Cuba for the same reason people flee Mexico.
It's really sad that Casto couldn't have been starved to death in one of his own prisons.
Good it was about time the old communist died. CNN Is already doing their tributes to him while FOX is running a Hannity rerun about Trump's Promises. This tells you which TV station is proAmerica and which is proCuba. It always happens to show which TV station was proHillary.

If any liberal here is offende or in mourning over this, all I say is: Tough.
Why would we mourn the death of any 90 year old?

He was an asshole....good riddance
Time for the U.S. To get over its butthurt over Cuba
Good it was about time the old communist died. CNN Is already doing their tributes to him while FOX is running a Hannity rerun about Trump's Promises. This tells you which TV station is proAmerica and which is proCuba. It always happens to show which TV station was proHillary.

If any liberal here is offende or in mourning over this, all I say is: Tough.
Cubans really hated him. They miss Batista who was known for plucking the eyeballs out of spokesmen for the field workers and mailing them to his widow. Under the commie they have schools, food and good healthcare which they didn`t have before. Now you know something. Why would we mourn the death of any 90 year old?
Then why did so many Cubans flee Cuba if things were so great under Fidel?
They weren`t great under Fidel but they were a lot better than they had been. People flee Cuba for the same reason people flee Mexico.
Ask any Cuban refugee and they will tell you that they left for political reasons not economic ones. This is not the same response you would get from Mexicans.
Good it was about time the old communist died. CNN Is already doing their tributes to him while FOX is running a Hannity rerun about Trump's Promises. This tells you which TV station is proAmerica and which is proCuba. It always happens to show which TV station was proHillary.

If any liberal here is offende or in mourning over this, all I say is: Tough.
Cubans really hated him. They miss Batista who was known for plucking the eyeballs out of spokesmen for the field workers and mailing them to his widow. Under the commie they have schools, food and good healthcare which they didn`t have before. Now you know something. Why would we mourn the death of any 90 year old?
Then why did so many Cubans flee Cuba if things were so great under Fidel?
They weren`t great under Fidel but they were a lot better than they had been. People flee Cuba for the same reason people flee Mexico.
Ask any Cuban refugee and they will tell you that they left for political reasons not economic ones. This is not the same response you would get from Mexicans.
If I ever meet one I`ll ask him what his grandparents or parents told him or her. They probably had their plantations confiscated and their whore houses shut down.
what's the difference between CASTO and Hillary Clinton , Obama and Harry Reid and Nancy pelosi !

NONE! There all the same left wing anarchist satanist that has become the democrat party !
When Castro took over he quickly realized to be a dictator being a communist, makes it much easier. Many American politicians realize it too.
Cuba's Fidel Castro, former president, dies aged 90 - BBC News

Fidel Castro, Cuba's former president and leader of the Communist revolution, has died aged 90, state TV has announced.

It provided no further details.

Fidel Castro ruled Cuba as a one-party state for almost half a century before handing over the powers to his brother Raul in 2008.

His supporters praised him as a man who had given Cuba back to the people. But his opponents accused him of brutally suppressing opposition.

In April, Fidel Castro gave a rare speech on the final day of the country's Communist Party congress.

He acknowledged his advanced age but said Cuban communist concepts were still valid and the Cuban people "will be victorious".

Damn. Now we need to find a new world leader to hate for some reason. Who's running things in Canada right now?

Does this mean the revolution failed?
Fidel Castro, illuminati bomber: MILESTONES: Cuba Caddillacs NOT one of them
Nov 26, 2016 - Castro officially passed away, he's no longer a "living legend". Time to check his real record(s).

Fidel Castro "living legend for an anti-imperialist champion": best seller hoax
Castro's title has now finally been stripped of its first two words.
Fidel Castro has officially pulverized all duration records for the "anti-imperialist/anti-capitalist living legend/head of state" type of hoaxes: it survived SEVEN decades, from the 50s of last century until the 10s of the new millenium.

Castro's real title and duration records
Castro has indeed pulverized real duration record, but as illuminati suicide bomber: the duration of his self-detonation is second to none, not only among those who were pronouced dead before the full detonation but also for ANY subtype but one.
The exeception: Obama, who had already the title for the duration of postponing a full-detonation, at now more than 8 years.

Fidel Castro casted in scripts setting illuminati milestones.
One of these scripts had treasonous agent Castro casted simply as actor.
In other scripts Castro was casted in the specific role of illuminati bomber, from classic to suicide.

Milestones set by scripts where Fidel Castro played the suicide bomber role
All you need is paradoxically to get this:
Fidel turning Cuba into the world's only rolling car museum is NEITHER a milestone for illuminati suicide bombers NOR for those among them dressed as communists.

Fidel Castro's Cuba Caddillacs: Why it's NOT an illuminati milestone
A similar and more impacting milestone had already been set before Castro.
The milestone was originally scripted for german illuminazi agent "Lenin".
At the end of the day it would be only set more than 3 decades later by [_ H _ _ _ _ _ _].

Castro's ONLY milestone NOT in the illuminati bomber role: a paradox
[_ H _ _ _ _ _ _] was the illuminati agent who "coincidentally" shared with Fidel Castro and exceptionally also with a non-actor the leading role in the only illuminati milestone where Castro played a major role NOT in the specific bomber role but rather simply as actor.
It was paradoxically the only Castro related illuminati milestone that had BOMBS as one of the two words in the KEYWORD served to the audience.

Cuba: world's only rolling car museum - for dummies
to be continued

Try to guess who [_ H _ _ _ _ _ _] was (as well as the non-actor who also had a leading role) before checking the answer in this act of illuminati theater from Jul 2014, "coincidentally" a parody of the milestone where [_ H _ _ _ _ _ _] shared a leading role with Castro.
In this remake, 5 decades later, the leading role was assigned to the impersonator of murdered Putin.
Vladimir Putin and family murdered and replaced by impostors: Russia reopens Cuba spy base for dummies - **MORE** than just an illuminati joke: to have NATO officially enter Ukraine

Castro's milestones in the role of suicide bomber:
Ernesto Che Guevara, a martyr who was not aware of the illuminati
End Times Heroes: Ernesto Che Guevara, a martyr who was not aware of the illuminati - revealed worldwide first

For Obama's duration record:
"Osama resurrects in Jerusalem" - why missing Boeing 777 script postponed, modified
Show to end all shows: Introduction: First act was scripted for one year before the last!!
Explanation reads like a chronicle of how illuminati overtime was extended after the original end date, Easter Sunday 2012.
Published days after Easter Sunday 2015
After 1,000 articles in 100 blogs, this was the first and so far only one to include an exclamation mark.
Explanation for Easter Sunday 2016 added together with the second one.
Illuminati Overtime: Jerusalem Osama resurrects 2012 postponed why missing Boeing 777 script reads like chronicle

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