●He condoned and encouraged torture and extrajudicial killings.

●He persecuted gay people and tried to eradicate religion....

Farewell to Cuba’s brutal Big Brother

Since you people are FOR torture and persecuting gays, what's the problem?

You are a LAIR.

I'll note how all of a sudden the Left is all copacetic with Refusing Service to people who hold views with which they disagree:

CEO Mathew Blanchfield tells pro-Trump, Republican clients to take a hike: ‘You are not welcome’

Spice company owner flames Trump voters: You committed an act of racism

●He condoned and encouraged torture and extrajudicial killings.

●He persecuted gay people and tried to eradicate religion....

Farewell to Cuba’s brutal Big Brother

Since you people are FOR torture and persecuting gays, what's the problem?

You are a LAIR.

I'll note how all of a sudden the Left is all copacetic with Refusing Service to people who hold views with which they disagree:

CEO Mathew Blanchfield tells pro-Trump, Republican clients to take a hike: ‘You are not welcome’

Spice company owner flames Trump voters: You committed an act of racism

Gee I thought you might claim that you oppose torture and support gay rights.

lol, fat chance, eh fatty?

●He condoned and encouraged torture and extrajudicial killings.

●He persecuted gay people and tried to eradicate religion....

Farewell to Cuba’s brutal Big Brother

Since you people are FOR torture and persecuting gays, what's the problem?

You are a LAIR.

I'll note how all of a sudden the Left is all copacetic with Refusing Service to people who hold views with which they disagree:

CEO Mathew Blanchfield tells pro-Trump, Republican clients to take a hike: ‘You are not welcome’

Spice company owner flames Trump voters: You committed an act of racism

Gee I thought you might claim that you oppose torture and support gay rights.

lol, fat chance, eh fatty?

I don't need to claim that as I've never supported either, Mr.Micro-Penis.

Have you quite beating your dog?

●He condoned and encouraged torture and extrajudicial killings.

●He persecuted gay people and tried to eradicate religion....

Farewell to Cuba’s brutal Big Brother

Since you people are FOR torture and persecuting gays, what's the problem?

You are a LAIR.

I'll note how all of a sudden the Left is all copacetic with Refusing Service to people who hold views with which they disagree:

CEO Mathew Blanchfield tells pro-Trump, Republican clients to take a hike: ‘You are not welcome’

Spice company owner flames Trump voters: You committed an act of racism

Gee I thought you might claim that you oppose torture and support gay rights.

lol, fat chance, eh fatty?

I didn't know "Refusing Service" was actually a service. Did you, Lair?
Debbie Wasserman: On the day of Thanxgiving, we lost one of the great leaders of our time, the honorable Feedelle Castro, a man who cared for the middle class for decades and more decades, he cared so much for the poor that he went to the extreme of shutting down small businesses at gun point and took all of their money and gave it to those in need. Thats what we need more of here in the united states. a leader that will burst his way into a struggling mom and pop shop, have his soldiers point guns to their heads and take the money out of their cash registers!!!

●He condoned and encouraged torture and extrajudicial killings.

●He persecuted gay people and tried to eradicate religion....

Farewell to Cuba’s brutal Big Brother

Since you people are FOR torture and persecuting gays, what's the problem?

You are a LAIR.

I'll note how all of a sudden the Left is all copacetic with Refusing Service to people who hold views with which they disagree:

CEO Mathew Blanchfield tells pro-Trump, Republican clients to take a hike: ‘You are not welcome’

Spice company owner flames Trump voters: You committed an act of racism
Not only that, but your supreme leader, the one above Trump, supports torture and is anti-gay:

Grisly death fuels tales of Russian police torture

Russia’s Anti-Gay Crackdown
Hopefully the people of Cuba rise up and tell whoever thinks they're going to take over, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH of this shit. We want capitalism.
Oh yes! Trade the ILLUSION of equality for all members of society for a literal society where the rich get richer off the backs of the workers busting their ass to make,transport and sell the product but only get paid shit wages with no benefits....YEE HAW that's capitalism for ya!
There's still Putin.

So dictators are now ANY democratically elected leader that the US disagrees with politically USUALLY because said leader is strong and won't bend to US corrupt dealings. You clowns wonder why the US is so fucking hated.

fleeing from socialism… no one flees from capitalism.
Lot easier to flee Cuba...Countries that don't suck at the tit of crapalism make it hard as fuck to move there...The crapitalist system will only stay afloat as long as the propaganda machine keeps spewing its shit about how WONDERFUL it is. The lowly worker knows how much crapalism sucks and does NOTHING to help them but we have no voice. Just wait. The time is coming where the workers flee and the rich cocksuckers are sitting in their mansions with cash that's worthless because there ain't no workers left to make this cheap crap for them and no one left to buy their crap to make them richer. Capitalism is a bigger fucking illusion than communism because its quite fucking obvious communism doesn't work,capitalism has the illusion of working for everyone when in fact it does the same thing communism does just in a different way. It makes the rich richer.
Well, put your money where your mouth is and flee to Cuba...
Guess you missed the part where I said I don't believe in communism derp. Communism and Capitalism are brothers that do the same thing to the same people just in different ways wrapped in different illusions.
Na, capitalism while no perfect is the best system out there. The most flawed is socialism...

●He condoned and encouraged torture and extrajudicial killings.

●He persecuted gay people and tried to eradicate religion....

Farewell to Cuba’s brutal Big Brother

Since you people are FOR torture and persecuting gays, what's the problem?

You are a LAIR.

I'll note how all of a sudden the Left is all copacetic with Refusing Service to people who hold views with which they disagree:

CEO Mathew Blanchfield tells pro-Trump, Republican clients to take a hike: ‘You are not welcome’

Spice company owner flames Trump voters: You committed an act of racism
Not only that, but your supreme leader, the one above Trump, supports torture and is anti-gay:

Grisly death fuels tales of Russian police torture

Russia’s Anti-Gay Crackdown

Sorry to disappoint, but Putin is hardly my supreme leader. You loons on the Left have been trying to turn the U.S. into a Soviet Gulag for decades...but fortunately, you are a fringe extremist faction that has declined precipitously during the Obabble era.
Oh yes! Trade the ILLUSION of equality for all members of society for a literal society where the rich get richer off the backs of the workers busting their ass to make,transport and sell the product but only get paid shit wages with no benefits....YEE HAW that's capitalism for ya!
So dictators are now ANY democratically elected leader that the US disagrees with politically USUALLY because said leader is strong and won't bend to US corrupt dealings. You clowns wonder why the US is so fucking hated.

fleeing from socialism… no one flees from capitalism.
Lot easier to flee Cuba...Countries that don't suck at the tit of crapalism make it hard as fuck to move there...The crapitalist system will only stay afloat as long as the propaganda machine keeps spewing its shit about how WONDERFUL it is. The lowly worker knows how much crapalism sucks and does NOTHING to help them but we have no voice. Just wait. The time is coming where the workers flee and the rich cocksuckers are sitting in their mansions with cash that's worthless because there ain't no workers left to make this cheap crap for them and no one left to buy their crap to make them richer. Capitalism is a bigger fucking illusion than communism because its quite fucking obvious communism doesn't work,capitalism has the illusion of working for everyone when in fact it does the same thing communism does just in a different way. It makes the rich richer.
Well, put your money where your mouth is and flee to Cuba...
Guess you missed the part where I said I don't believe in communism derp. Communism and Capitalism are brothers that do the same thing to the same people just in different ways wrapped in different illusions.
Na, capitalism while no perfect is the best system out there. The most flawed is socialism...

We don't have either right now. We're upgrading our current plutocracy to a monarchy.

●He condoned and encouraged torture and extrajudicial killings.

●He persecuted gay people and tried to eradicate religion....

Farewell to Cuba’s brutal Big Brother

Since you people are FOR torture and persecuting gays, what's the problem?

You are a LAIR.

I'll note how all of a sudden the Left is all copacetic with Refusing Service to people who hold views with which they disagree:

CEO Mathew Blanchfield tells pro-Trump, Republican clients to take a hike: ‘You are not welcome’

Spice company owner flames Trump voters: You committed an act of racism
Not only that, but your supreme leader, the one above Trump, supports torture and is anti-gay:

Grisly death fuels tales of Russian police torture

Russia’s Anti-Gay Crackdown

Sorry to disappoint, but Putin is hardly my supreme leader. You loons on the Left have been trying to turn the U.S. into a Soviet Gulag for decades...but fortunately, you are a fringe extremist faction that has declined precipitously during the Obabble era.

Putin is Trump's go-to guy. Forgot that already?

●He condoned and encouraged torture and extrajudicial killings.

●He persecuted gay people and tried to eradicate religion....

Farewell to Cuba’s brutal Big Brother

Since you people are FOR torture and persecuting gays, what's the problem?

You are a LAIR.

I'll note how all of a sudden the Left is all copacetic with Refusing Service to people who hold views with which they disagree:

CEO Mathew Blanchfield tells pro-Trump, Republican clients to take a hike: ‘You are not welcome’

Spice company owner flames Trump voters: You committed an act of racism
Not only that, but your supreme leader, the one above Trump, supports torture and is anti-gay:

Grisly death fuels tales of Russian police torture

Russia’s Anti-Gay Crackdown

Sorry to disappoint, but Putin is hardly my supreme leader. You loons on the Left have been trying to turn the U.S. into a Soviet Gulag for decades...but fortunately, you are a fringe extremist faction that has declined precipitously during the Obabble era.
Who is "you loons on the left", you piece of shit KGB apologist?

Because of you the US will be turned into a gulag.

●He condoned and encouraged torture and extrajudicial killings.

●He persecuted gay people and tried to eradicate religion....

Farewell to Cuba’s brutal Big Brother

Since you people are FOR torture and persecuting gays, what's the problem?

You are a LAIR.

I'll note how all of a sudden the Left is all copacetic with Refusing Service to people who hold views with which they disagree:

CEO Mathew Blanchfield tells pro-Trump, Republican clients to take a hike: ‘You are not welcome’

Spice company owner flames Trump voters: You committed an act of racism
Not only that, but your supreme leader, the one above Trump, supports torture and is anti-gay:

Grisly death fuels tales of Russian police torture

Russia’s Anti-Gay Crackdown

Sorry to disappoint, but Putin is hardly my supreme leader. You loons on the Left have been trying to turn the U.S. into a Soviet Gulag for decades...but fortunately, you are a fringe extremist faction that has declined precipitously during the Obabble era.

Putin is Trump's go-to guy. Forgot that already?

Hardly. That is one of your Fake News Memes that you loons have been spreading.

Obabble is the one who had "more flexibility" after the 2012 election to allow Putin to rebuild the Soviet Union.
Hmm, o.k., I can't say I completely disagree with Trump's statement, but someone who is going to be president should have a bit of diplomacy.
This is diplomacy. Cow towing and bowing to shit leaders gains you nothing. It's going to be a big change to watch a strong leader work after eight years of the limp wristed candy ass.

Yet more testosterone poisoning.

Hey, some guys just can't handle it. :gay:

●He condoned and encouraged torture and extrajudicial killings.

●He persecuted gay people and tried to eradicate religion....

Farewell to Cuba’s brutal Big Brother

Since you people are FOR torture and persecuting gays, what's the problem?

You are a LAIR.

I'll note how all of a sudden the Left is all copacetic with Refusing Service to people who hold views with which they disagree:

CEO Mathew Blanchfield tells pro-Trump, Republican clients to take a hike: ‘You are not welcome’

Spice company owner flames Trump voters: You committed an act of racism

Gee I thought you might claim that you oppose torture and support gay rights.

lol, fat chance, eh fatty?

I don't need to claim that as I've never supported either, Mr.Micro-Penis.

Have you quite beating your dog?

Here you support waterboarding:

Rove "Proud" US Tortured Detainees

and here you support discriminating against gays:

The dreaded gay-wedding-cake saga ends: bakers must pay 135 K
Good riddance to the communist dictator. I'm sure Democrats would like to honor their political soul mate.

●He condoned and encouraged torture and extrajudicial killings.

●He persecuted gay people and tried to eradicate religion....

Farewell to Cuba’s brutal Big Brother

Since you people are FOR torture and persecuting gays, what's the problem?

You are a LAIR.

I'll note how all of a sudden the Left is all copacetic with Refusing Service to people who hold views with which they disagree:

CEO Mathew Blanchfield tells pro-Trump, Republican clients to take a hike: ‘You are not welcome’

Spice company owner flames Trump voters: You committed an act of racism
Not only that, but your supreme leader, the one above Trump, supports torture and is anti-gay:

Grisly death fuels tales of Russian police torture

Russia’s Anti-Gay Crackdown

Sorry to disappoint, but Putin is hardly my supreme leader. You loons on the Left have been trying to turn the U.S. into a Soviet Gulag for decades...but fortunately, you are a fringe extremist faction that has declined precipitously during the Obabble era.
Who is "you loons on the left", you piece of shit KGB apologist?

Because of you the US will be turned into a gulag.

Oh blah blah blah so sleepy ZZZZZZZZ

There must be a Godwin's Law equivalent for accusing Conservatives of supporting STALIN.

Aha! There is one: The Alberta Corollary.

Godwin's Law 2.0 – The Alberta Advantage
Hmm, o.k., I can't say I completely disagree with Trump's statement, but someone who is going to be president should have a bit of diplomacy.
This is diplomacy. Cow towing and bowing to shit leaders gains you nothing. It's going to be a big change to watch a strong leader work after eight years of the limp wristed candy ass.
So if the Chinese leader dies, Drumpf will launch a salute with nuclear weapons? No thanks.
So unless we celebrate Mao as anything but the brutal mass murdering pile of crap he was that's somehow launching nukes. Your safe spaces and play-doh therapy are failing you.

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