Since you people are FOR torture and persecuting gays, what's the problem?

You are a LAIR.

I'll note how all of a sudden the Left is all copacetic with Refusing Service to people who hold views with which they disagree:

CEO Mathew Blanchfield tells pro-Trump, Republican clients to take a hike: ‘You are not welcome’

Spice company owner flames Trump voters: You committed an act of racism
Not only that, but your supreme leader, the one above Trump, supports torture and is anti-gay:

Grisly death fuels tales of Russian police torture

Russia’s Anti-Gay Crackdown

Sorry to disappoint, but Putin is hardly my supreme leader. You loons on the Left have been trying to turn the U.S. into a Soviet Gulag for decades...but fortunately, you are a fringe extremist faction that has declined precipitously during the Obabble era.
Who is "you loons on the left", you piece of shit KGB apologist?

Because of you the US will be turned into a gulag.

Oh blah blah blah so sleepy ZZZZZZZZ

There must be a Godwin's Law equivalent for accusing Conservatives of supporting STALIN.

Aha! There is one: The Alberta Corollary.

Godwin's Law 2.0 – The Alberta Advantage
Yeah, linking the KGB to Stalin is a bit of a stretch.

●He condoned and encouraged torture and extrajudicial killings.

●He persecuted gay people and tried to eradicate religion....

Farewell to Cuba’s brutal Big Brother

Since you people are FOR torture and persecuting gays, what's the problem?

You are a LAIR.

I'll note how all of a sudden the Left is all copacetic with Refusing Service to people who hold views with which they disagree:

CEO Mathew Blanchfield tells pro-Trump, Republican clients to take a hike: ‘You are not welcome’

Spice company owner flames Trump voters: You committed an act of racism

Gee I thought you might claim that you oppose torture and support gay rights.

lol, fat chance, eh fatty?

I don't need to claim that as I've never supported either, Mr.Micro-Penis.

Have you quite beating your dog?

Here you support waterboarding:

Rove "Proud" US Tortured Detainees

and here you support discriminating against gays:

The dreaded gay-wedding-cake saga ends: bakers must pay 135 K

Absolutely poppycock. Waterboarding is not torture. It scares people, but it is not lopping off limbs, tearing out fingernails, etc.

And the bakery situation is one of supporting religious freedom, a Consitutional Right. I'll bet you support all the businesses telling Trump supporters and Republicans to take their business elsewhere. Freedom of association is core to a free society. But you loons want to Force Acceptance while destroying the rights of others.

The backlash against your Totalitarianism is the Trump election. You caused it, bub.
Oddly enough, Fidel Castro's major accomplishments are exactly what his Fanbois and Fangrrrls think Trump will do:

●He turned Cuba into a colony of the Soviet Union and nearly caused a nuclear holocaust.

●He sponsored terrorism wherever he could and allied himself with many of the worst dictators on earth.

●He was responsible for so many thousands of executions and disappearances in Cuba that a precise number is hard to reckon.

●He brooked no dissent and built concentration camps and prisons at an unprecedented rate, filling them to capacity, incarcerating a higher percentage of his own people than most other modern dictators, including Stalin.

●He condoned and encouraged torture and extrajudicial killings.

●He forced nearly 20 percent of his people into exile, and prompted thousands to meet their deaths at sea, unseen and uncounted, while fleeing from him in crude vessels.

●He claimed all property for himself and his henchmen, strangled food production and impoverished the vast majority of his people.

●He outlawed private enterprise and labor unions, wiped out Cuba’s large middle class and turned Cubans into slaves of the state.

●He persecuted gay people and tried to eradicate religion....

Farewell to Cuba’s brutal Big Brother
If I didn't know better it resembles much of the Republican agenda

Supporting capital punishment, creating Gitmo, engaging in torture, impoverishing vast amounts of people, suppressing labor unions, wiping out the middle class, persecuting gays, eradicating religion
Oddly enough, Fidel Castro's major accomplishments are exactly what his Fanbois and Fangrrrls think Trump will do:

●He turned Cuba into a colony of the Soviet Union and nearly caused a nuclear holocaust.

●He sponsored terrorism wherever he could and allied himself with many of the worst dictators on earth.

●He was responsible for so many thousands of executions and disappearances in Cuba that a precise number is hard to reckon.

●He brooked no dissent and built concentration camps and prisons at an unprecedented rate, filling them to capacity, incarcerating a higher percentage of his own people than most other modern dictators, including Stalin.

●He condoned and encouraged torture and extrajudicial killings.

●He forced nearly 20 percent of his people into exile, and prompted thousands to meet their deaths at sea, unseen and uncounted, while fleeing from him in crude vessels.

●He claimed all property for himself and his henchmen, strangled food production and impoverished the vast majority of his people.

●He outlawed private enterprise and labor unions, wiped out Cuba’s large middle class and turned Cubans into slaves of the state.

●He persecuted gay people and tried to eradicate religion....

Farewell to Cuba’s brutal Big Brother
If I didn't know better it resembles much of the Republican agenda

Supporting capital punishment, creating Gitmo, engaging in torture, impoverishing vast amounts of people, suppressing labor unions, wiping out the middle class, persecuting gays, eradicating religion

HAHAHA! This is like shooting fish in a barrel.
Oddly enough, Fidel Castro's major accomplishments are exactly what his Fanbois and Fangrrrls think Trump will do:

●He turned Cuba into a colony of the Soviet Union and nearly caused a nuclear holocaust.

●He sponsored terrorism wherever he could and allied himself with many of the worst dictators on earth.

●He was responsible for so many thousands of executions and disappearances in Cuba that a precise number is hard to reckon.

●He brooked no dissent and built concentration camps and prisons at an unprecedented rate, filling them to capacity, incarcerating a higher percentage of his own people than most other modern dictators, including Stalin.

●He condoned and encouraged torture and extrajudicial killings.

●He forced nearly 20 percent of his people into exile, and prompted thousands to meet their deaths at sea, unseen and uncounted, while fleeing from him in crude vessels.

●He claimed all property for himself and his henchmen, strangled food production and impoverished the vast majority of his people.

●He outlawed private enterprise and labor unions, wiped out Cuba’s large middle class and turned Cubans into slaves of the state.

●He persecuted gay people and tried to eradicate religion....

Farewell to Cuba’s brutal Big Brother
If I didn't know better it resembles much of the Republican agenda

Supporting capital punishment, creating Gitmo, engaging in torture, impoverishing vast amounts of people, suppressing labor unions, wiping out the middle class, persecuting gays, eradicating religion

HAHAHA! This is like shooting fish in a barrel.

The GOP has learned so much from least Castro was humanitarian enough to provide his people healthcare
Oddly enough, Fidel Castro's major accomplishments are exactly what his Fanbois and Fangrrrls think Trump will do:

●He turned Cuba into a colony of the Soviet Union and nearly caused a nuclear holocaust.

●He sponsored terrorism wherever he could and allied himself with many of the worst dictators on earth.

●He was responsible for so many thousands of executions and disappearances in Cuba that a precise number is hard to reckon.

●He brooked no dissent and built concentration camps and prisons at an unprecedented rate, filling them to capacity, incarcerating a higher percentage of his own people than most other modern dictators, including Stalin.

●He condoned and encouraged torture and extrajudicial killings.

●He forced nearly 20 percent of his people into exile, and prompted thousands to meet their deaths at sea, unseen and uncounted, while fleeing from him in crude vessels.

●He claimed all property for himself and his henchmen, strangled food production and impoverished the vast majority of his people.

●He outlawed private enterprise and labor unions, wiped out Cuba’s large middle class and turned Cubans into slaves of the state.

●He persecuted gay people and tried to eradicate religion....

Farewell to Cuba’s brutal Big Brother
If I didn't know better it resembles much of the Republican agenda

Supporting capital punishment, creating Gitmo, engaging in torture, impoverishing vast amounts of people, suppressing labor unions, wiping out the middle class, persecuting gays, eradicating religion

HAHAHA! This is like shooting fish in a barrel.

The GOP has learned so much from least Castro was humanitarian enough to provide his people healthcare

.at least Castro was humanitarian enough to provide his people healthcare

yeah stuff to be really proud of commie

Oddly enough, Fidel Castro's major accomplishments are exactly what his Fanbois and Fangrrrls think Trump will do:

●He turned Cuba into a colony of the Soviet Union and nearly caused a nuclear holocaust.

●He sponsored terrorism wherever he could and allied himself with many of the worst dictators on earth.

●He was responsible for so many thousands of executions and disappearances in Cuba that a precise number is hard to reckon.

●He brooked no dissent and built concentration camps and prisons at an unprecedented rate, filling them to capacity, incarcerating a higher percentage of his own people than most other modern dictators, including Stalin.

●He condoned and encouraged torture and extrajudicial killings.

●He forced nearly 20 percent of his people into exile, and prompted thousands to meet their deaths at sea, unseen and uncounted, while fleeing from him in crude vessels.

●He claimed all property for himself and his henchmen, strangled food production and impoverished the vast majority of his people.

●He outlawed private enterprise and labor unions, wiped out Cuba’s large middle class and turned Cubans into slaves of the state.

●He persecuted gay people and tried to eradicate religion....

Farewell to Cuba’s brutal Big Brother
If I didn't know better it resembles much of the Republican agenda

Supporting capital punishment, creating Gitmo, engaging in torture, impoverishing vast amounts of people, suppressing labor unions, wiping out the middle class, persecuting gays, eradicating religion

HAHAHA! This is like shooting fish in a barrel.

The GOP has learned so much from least Castro was humanitarian enough to provide his people healthcare

.at least Castro was humanitarian enough to provide his people healthcare

yeah stuff to be really proud of commie


Cubas healthcare is rated higher than ours
Oddly enough, Fidel Castro's major accomplishments are exactly what his Fanbois and Fangrrrls think Trump will do:

●He turned Cuba into a colony of the Soviet Union and nearly caused a nuclear holocaust.

●He sponsored terrorism wherever he could and allied himself with many of the worst dictators on earth.

●He was responsible for so many thousands of executions and disappearances in Cuba that a precise number is hard to reckon.

●He brooked no dissent and built concentration camps and prisons at an unprecedented rate, filling them to capacity, incarcerating a higher percentage of his own people than most other modern dictators, including Stalin.

●He condoned and encouraged torture and extrajudicial killings.

●He forced nearly 20 percent of his people into exile, and prompted thousands to meet their deaths at sea, unseen and uncounted, while fleeing from him in crude vessels.

●He claimed all property for himself and his henchmen, strangled food production and impoverished the vast majority of his people.

●He outlawed private enterprise and labor unions, wiped out Cuba’s large middle class and turned Cubans into slaves of the state.

●He persecuted gay people and tried to eradicate religion....

Farewell to Cuba’s brutal Big Brother
If I didn't know better it resembles much of the Republican agenda

Supporting capital punishment, creating Gitmo, engaging in torture, impoverishing vast amounts of people, suppressing labor unions, wiping out the middle class, persecuting gays, eradicating religion

HAHAHA! This is like shooting fish in a barrel.

The GOP has learned so much from least Castro was humanitarian enough to provide his people healthcare

.at least Castro was humanitarian enough to provide his people healthcare

yeah stuff to be really proud of commie


Cubas healthcare is rated higher than ours

it is not propaganda idiot
Democrats constantly tip their hand when they show us who they respect.
Yes they do. Case in point, Jimmy Carter:

Jimmy Carter remembers Fidel Castro ‘fondly’ | Political Insider

Once again McRacist is too dense to read beyond his own bullshit headline:

"Rosalynn and I share our sympathies with the Castro family and the Cuban people on the death of Fidel Castro. We remember fondly our visits with him in Cuba and his love of his country. We wish the Cuban citizens peace and prosperity in the years ahead."​

--- "remember fondly our visits"

OMFG, NO! He did something Positive?! He must be denounced!

You remember Carter? The preacher guy who reached out to establish dialogue instead of creating divisions? The one who got himself onto Cuban TV to address that country's populace and scolded the Castro human rights record --- in Spanish? The only POTUS since Hoover who never got into a war, never dropped a bomb, never fired a shot? Oh sleepin Jeebus what a fuckin' nightmare!
Obozo said history will judge the enormous impact castro had on the world. He is such an embarrassment to America. I can't wait for him to be gone.
Fidel Castro dies and goes to heaven. When he gets there, St. Peter tells him that he is not on the list and that no way, no how, does he belong in heaven. Fidel must go to hell.

So Fidel goes to hell where Satan gives him a hearty welcome and tells him to make himself at home. Then Fidel notices that he left his luggage in heaven and tells Satan, who says, "No problem, I'll send a couple of little devils to get your stuff."

When the little devils get to heaven they find the gates are locked - St. Peter is having lunch - and they start debating what to do. Finally, one comes up with the idea that they should go over the wall and get the luggage.

As they are climbing the wall, two little angels see them, and one angel says to the other, "My goodness! Fidel has been in hell no more than ten minutes and we're already getting refugees!"
If I didn't know better it resembles much of the Republican agenda

Supporting capital punishment, creating Gitmo, engaging in torture, impoverishing vast amounts of people, suppressing labor unions, wiping out the middle class, persecuting gays, eradicating religion

HAHAHA! This is like shooting fish in a barrel.

The GOP has learned so much from least Castro was humanitarian enough to provide his people healthcare

.at least Castro was humanitarian enough to provide his people healthcare

yeah stuff to be really proud of commie


Cubas healthcare is rated higher than ours

it is not propaganda idiot

Eight Reasons US Healthcare Costs 96% More Than Cuba's--With the Same Results

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