Hmm, o.k., I can't say I completely disagree with Trump's statement, but someone who is going to be president should have a bit of diplomacy.
This is diplomacy. Cow towing and bowing to shit leaders gains you nothing. It's going to be a big change to watch a strong leader work after eight years of the limp wristed candy ass.
So if the Chinese leader dies, Drumpf will launch a salute with nuclear weapons? No thanks.
So unless we celebrate Mao as anything but the brutal mass murdering pile of crap he was that's somehow launching nukes. Your safe spaces and play-doh therapy are failing you.
Mao was scum, and he was even condemned by the Chinese themselves, although they kept his stupid portrait in Tiananmen Square.

I don't see what this has to do with what I posted, except for you being dumb enough to believe I like Mao, and also you being dumb enough to believe Mao still leads China.
Trump is not even the president yet and already he is making other nations great... can't wait.

Some losers would not have admitted that Cuba is in a terrible shape, largely because of this single man.
Oddly enough, Fidel Castro's major accomplishments are exactly what his Fanbois and Fangrrrls think Trump will do:

●He turned Cuba into a colony of the Soviet Union and nearly caused a nuclear holocaust.

●He sponsored terrorism wherever he could and allied himself with many of the worst dictators on earth.

●He was responsible for so many thousands of executions and disappearances in Cuba that a precise number is hard to reckon.

●He brooked no dissent and built concentration camps and prisons at an unprecedented rate, filling them to capacity, incarcerating a higher percentage of his own people than most other modern dictators, including Stalin.

●He condoned and encouraged torture and extrajudicial killings.

●He forced nearly 20 percent of his people into exile, and prompted thousands to meet their deaths at sea, unseen and uncounted, while fleeing from him in crude vessels.

●He claimed all property for himself and his henchmen, strangled food production and impoverished the vast majority of his people.

●He outlawed private enterprise and labor unions, wiped out Cuba’s large middle class and turned Cubans into slaves of the state.

●He persecuted gay people and tried to eradicate religion....

Farewell to Cuba’s brutal Big Brother
If I didn't know better it resembles much of the Republican agenda

Supporting capital punishment, creating Gitmo, engaging in torture, impoverishing vast amounts of people, suppressing labor unions, wiping out the middle class, persecuting gays, eradicating religion

HAHAHA! This is like shooting fish in a barrel.

The GOP has learned so much from least Castro was humanitarian enough to provide his people healthcare

.at least Castro was humanitarian enough to provide his people healthcare

yeah stuff to be really proud of commie


Cubas healthcare is rated higher than ours the assclowns led on government tours by the castro thugs....moron....
HAHAHA! This is like shooting fish in a barrel.

The GOP has learned so much from least Castro was humanitarian enough to provide his people healthcare

.at least Castro was humanitarian enough to provide his people healthcare

yeah stuff to be really proud of commie


Cubas healthcare is rated higher than ours

it is not propaganda idiot

Eight Reasons US Healthcare Costs 96% More Than Cuba's--With the Same Results

well it is because we actually have health care

you know things like motorized ambulances unlike what an average Cuban gets

pictured here

Cuba's Fidel Castro, former president, dies aged 90 - BBC News

Fidel Castro, Cuba's former president and leader of the Communist revolution, has died aged 90, state TV has announced.

It provided no further details.

Fidel Castro ruled Cuba as a one-party state for almost half a century before handing over the powers to his brother Raul in 2008.

His supporters praised him as a man who had given Cuba back to the people. But his opponents accused him of brutally suppressing opposition.

In April, Fidel Castro gave a rare speech on the final day of the country's Communist Party congress.

He acknowledged his advanced age but said Cuban communist concepts were still valid and the Cuban people "will be victorious".

Damn. Now we need to find a new world leader to hate for some reason. Who's running things in Canada right now?

One less dictator in the world. Good. The left is mourning and you'd think a really great guy died to hear the media.

We don't need dictators to hate. Would rather read about them in history books than the newspapers.
The GOP has learned so much from least Castro was humanitarian enough to provide his people healthcare

.at least Castro was humanitarian enough to provide his people healthcare

yeah stuff to be really proud of commie


Cubas healthcare is rated higher than ours

it is not propaganda idiot

Eight Reasons US Healthcare Costs 96% More Than Cuba's--With the Same Results

well it is because we actually have health care

you know things like motorized ambulances unlike what an average Cuban gets

pictured here

More propaganda. Go back and read some actual history.

If I didn't know better it resembles much of the Republican agenda

Supporting capital punishment, creating Gitmo, engaging in torture, impoverishing vast amounts of people, suppressing labor unions, wiping out the middle class, persecuting gays, eradicating religion

HAHAHA! This is like shooting fish in a barrel.

The GOP has learned so much from least Castro was humanitarian enough to provide his people healthcare

.at least Castro was humanitarian enough to provide his people healthcare

yeah stuff to be really proud of commie


Cubas healthcare is rated higher than ours the assclowns led on government tours by the castro thugs....moron....

actually Cuba does have an outstanding medical center

one of the best in the world

however it is not available to the Citizens of cuba

it is reserved for the filthy rich across the globe
Holy crap, this is amazing, read the comments section:

Cuban-Americans Celebrate Fidel Castro's Death In Miami's Little Havana | The Huffington Post

Cuban families are celebrating and dancing in the streets, American Regressive Lefties are in mourning and honoring him.


I'm not seeing the problem here. Castro was a patriot who liberated his country from foreign exploitation. He's probably no worse or better than the slave-owning, Indian genociding people who founded this country.
Holy crap, this is amazing, read the comments section: Cuban-Americans Celebrate Fidel Castro's Death In Miami's Little Havana | The Huffington Post - Cuban families are celebrating and dancing in the streets, American Regressive Lefties are in mourning and honoring him. Incredible.
I'm not seeing the problem here. Castro was a patriot who liberated his country from foreign exploitation. He's probably no worse or better than the slave-owning, Indian genociding people who founded this country.
Right on cue!
.at least Castro was humanitarian enough to provide his people healthcare

yeah stuff to be really proud of commie


Cubas healthcare is rated higher than ours

it is not propaganda idiot

Eight Reasons US Healthcare Costs 96% More Than Cuba's--With the Same Results

well it is because we actually have health care

you know things like motorized ambulances unlike what an average Cuban gets

pictured here

More propaganda. Go back and read some actual history.


yes like i said if you can afford it

which is not really available to the average joe

however keep it up

it is blast watching folks like you defend communist dictators

and how great their systems are

with such a good and free healthcare system

why do they have such a huge black market for medicine

IWPR: Cuba's Thriving Black Market in Medicine | - European Country of Origin Information Network

Valeria Cruz has been selling black market medicines on the streets of Havana for three years. Friendships carefully maintained with several doctors means that she has no problems obtaining enough prescriptions to support her business.

She sells these medications at vastly inflated prices, but shortages in state-run pharmacies mean that many people have no choice but to turn to black market entrepreneurs like her.

“It’s true that the price of medicines is a little high but I have to pay two pesos for the prescriptions then buy the medicine at the pharmacy,” Cruz said. “I have to make money. If not, what will I live from? It works. The profits are obvious.”

Massive corruption throughout the Cuban health system means that this double-tier system is common across the country.

Although medicines are officially sold only through government pharmacies, prescriptions are routinely siphoned off to obtain remedies that are then resold on the streets for far higher prices.

As doctors are only paid up to 1,600 Cuban pesos (65 US dollars) each month - barely a living wage - most need to find some way to subsidise their income.

well it is because we actually have health care

you know things like motorized ambulances unlike what an average Cuban gets

pictured here

More propaganda. Go back and read some actual history.


yes like i said if you can afford it

which is not really available to the average joe

however keep it up

it is blast watching folks like you defend communist dictators

and how great their systems are

Yes, the thousands of ambulances Cuba has are for the rich in other countries. Stop pretending that you have any real knowledge of Cuba. You are embarrassing yourself.
wow what a sweet system

one where you have to bribe your doctor with a chicken

to make sure you get an appointment

sweet --LOL

By the time I moved to Cuba in 1997, there were serious shortages of medicine - from simple aspirin to more badly needed drugs.

Ironically, many medicines that cannot be found at a pharmacy are easily bought on the black market. Some doctors, nurses and cleaning staff smuggle the medicine out of the hospitals in a bid to make extra cash.

Although medical attention remains free, many patients did and still do bring their doctors food, money or other gifts to get to the front of the queue or to guarantee an appointment for an X-ray, blood test or operation.

If you do not have a contact or money to pay under the table, the waiting time for all but emergency procedures can be ridiculously long.

Many Cubans complain that top-level government and Communist Party officials have access to VIP health treatment, while ordinary people must queue from dawn for a routine test, with no guarantee that the allotted numbers will not run out before it is their turn.

And while the preventative healthcare system works well for children, women over the age of 40 are being shortchanged because yearly mammograms are not offered to the population at large.

I saw many hospitals where there was often no running water, the toilets did not flush, and the risk of infections - by the hospital's own admission - was extremely high.

The truths and tales of Cuban healthcare

well it is because we actually have health care

you know things like motorized ambulances unlike what an average Cuban gets

pictured here

More propaganda. Go back and read some actual history.


yes like i said if you can afford it

which is not really available to the average joe

however keep it up

it is blast watching folks like you defend communist dictators

and how great their systems are

Yes, the thousands of ambulances Cuba has are for the rich in other countries. Stop pretending that you have any real knowledge of Cuba. You are embarrassing yourself.

there isnt thousands of ambulances in Cuba dummy

you think the building in the back ground in a gated community are average Cubans

why the huge black market health care in cuba buddy

if it so damn good
btw did you happen to notice the ambulance in the photo was rather shitty

as ambulances go

if not go back and take a second look


an ambulance crisis in Havana

say it aint so

HAVANA TIMES — With only ten or so of its 118 ambulances currently in circulation, Havana’s ambulance service is in extremely critical condition.

A recent meeting between Cuba’s Public Health Vice-Minister Marcia Cobas and several top officials of the Comprehensive Medical Emergency System (SIUM) analyzed complaints from the population, arising from delays in the arrival of ambulances around the city, and addressed the alarming drop in functional vehicles.

“Only 15 percent of the vehicles that make up the city’s ambulance fleet for the seven zones that SIUM services in Havana (North, South, East, West, Center, Boyeros and Cotorro) are operational. Many of the ambulances are in the auto-body shop or awaiting overhauls at the warehouse, because they have a lot of mileage but very little maintenance,” a Ministry of Public Health (MINSAP) official told Cafe Fuerte.

Another serious problem faced by SIUM is the lack of qualified personnel.

Havana Ambulance Service Crisis

10 ambulances to serve over 2 million people

even if all 118 ran would be pretty shitty service

Hmm, o.k., I can't say I completely disagree with Trump's statement, but someone who is going to be president should have a bit of diplomacy.
This is diplomacy. Cow towing and bowing to shit leaders gains you nothing. It's going to be a big change to watch a strong leader work after eight years of the limp wristed candy ass.
So if the Chinese leader dies, Drumpf will launch a salute with nuclear weapons? No thanks.
So unless we celebrate Mao as anything but the brutal mass murdering pile of crap he was that's somehow launching nukes. Your safe spaces and play-doh therapy are failing you.
Mao was scum, and he was even condemned by the Chinese themselves, although they kept his stupid portrait in Tiananmen Square.

I don't see what this has to do with what I posted, except for you being dumb enough to believe I like Mao, and also you being dumb enough to believe Mao still leads China.
You asked for a dead Chinese leader as an example and I gave you one. If you confused yourself it's not my problem. So you agree Mao was a pile of shit. Do you not agree Castro is as bad? Is that your reasoning for not calling a spade a spade?

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