Cuba's Fidel Castro, former president, dies aged 90 - BBC News

Fidel Castro, Cuba's former president and leader of the Communist revolution, has died aged 90, state TV has announced.

It provided no further details.

Fidel Castro ruled Cuba as a one-party state for almost half a century before handing over the powers to his brother Raul in 2008.

His supporters praised him as a man who had given Cuba back to the people. But his opponents accused him of brutally suppressing opposition.

In April, Fidel Castro gave a rare speech on the final day of the country's Communist Party congress.

He acknowledged his advanced age but said Cuban communist concepts were still valid and the Cuban people "will be victorious".

Damn. Now we need to find a new world leader to hate for some reason. Who's running things in Canada right now?

He won't be missed, other than the fact he was the favorite dictator of some leftists here in the US.

Is he the one that Obama was envious of because of the way he had total control of the press? I know that some dream of having that kind of control over everything. Now I wonder if Obama will attend his funeral. In the past, some people were mostly ignored or some lowly staff member sent. I will absolutely gag if the administration makes a big deal of this and acts like it was a great loss.

Maybe some older left wingers in this country who helped harvest his sugar cane back the late 60's and 70's will go.
Its been obvious for 8 years now that we have traitors at the highest levels of government. That's about to change forever when President Trump is sworn in. We are going to enforce the law, undo the leftist policies and regulations, swing the SCOTUS conservative for the next 40 years, and utterly destroy these traitors once and for all.
Castro Dies.Now We Wait To Hear From Reid,Pelosi,DeBlasio And Debbie Wasserman.

Don't hold your breath. They're still in deep mourning. It's only been a few weeks when that other socialist bit the dust, in the US national election. Now this socialist kicking the bucket on top of it, is very hard for them to bear.

It's the changing of the guard.

The good news is: It no longer matters what is hard for them. They're out of power, unable to impose their socialistic government on normal Americans any more, and there's no reason to pay attention to them any more.
Its been obvious for 8 years now that we have traitors at the highest levels of government. That's about to change forever when President Trump is sworn in. We are going to enforce the law, undo the leftist policies and regulations, swing the SCOTUS conservative for the next 40 years, and utterly destroy these traitors once and for all.
>>> still waiting for Obama to say what an {fill in the blank} Castro was.
Its been obvious for 8 years now that we have traitors at the highest levels of government. That's about to change forever when President Trump is sworn in. We are going to enforce the law, undo the leftist policies and regulations, swing the SCOTUS conservative for the next 40 years, and utterly destroy these traitors once and for all.
>>> still waiting for Obama to say what an {fill in the blank} Castro was.

Obama has been and always will be an America hater. One thing I won't miss is Obama constantly telling us some communist shit hole is better than the USA.
HAHAHA! This is like shooting fish in a barrel.

The GOP has learned so much from least Castro was humanitarian enough to provide his people healthcare

.at least Castro was humanitarian enough to provide his people healthcare

yeah stuff to be really proud of commie


Cubas healthcare is rated higher than ours the assclowns led on government tours by the castro thugs....moron....

actually Cuba does have an outstanding medical center

one of the best in the world

however it is not available to the Citizens of cuba

it is reserved for the filthy rich across the globe

In a similar vein, ObamaCare is designed to lower the quality and availability of care for the masses, while the Elites have access to private clinics.
Hate him or love him, Castro was an intrinsic part of the 20th century and one of its most iconic personalities. RIP.
Hate him or love him, Castro was an intrinsic part of the 20th century and one of its most iconic personalities. RIP.

Sure, being in third grade in the fall of 1962 I have fond memories of Castro......not. He won't be missed.
Hate him or love him, Castro was an intrinsic part of the 20th century and one of its most iconic personalities. RIP.

Sure, being in third grade in the fall of 1962 I have fond memories of Castro......not. He won't be missed.

I know.

what I mean is he was an important part of last century's political scenario.

that's all. :)
Isn't it cute the way they think any of the facts of the tyranny and atrocities perpetrated by Castro are "funny?"

I think they also adore the devil.
Cuba was better off than much of Latin America for most, and was perhaps forced into USSR communism.. Yeah, human rights not great. But not that many killed....obviously his weak point.
They weren't "forced into USSR communism." Castro did that by choice. What is it about you that is incapable of admitting the guy was a commie turd and treated Cuba and the people of Cuba like shit?
I have a Masters in History for one thing.
I have a rather impressive list of academic accolades also, but what's the point in rattling them off? I'm not going to post anything on here with my name on it, and neither are you.
Anybody with a degree today left college dumber than when they first went in.
What an idiotic statement
Hate him or love him, Castro was an intrinsic part of the 20th century and one of its most iconic personalities. RIP.

Sure, being in third grade in the fall of 1962 I have fond memories of Castro......not. He won't be missed.

I know.

what I mean is he was an important part of last century's political scenario.

that's all. :)
Castro changed the course of US relations in that area yes, I would say he was an important part of last century's political scenario
Time to let it go

The U.S. Fucked up Cuba big time in the 40s and 50s
We set up Castro........our outrage that our criminal support of Batista fell apart was not grounds for 60 years of retribution
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And what positive did Carter gain from his talks? Absolutely nothing, just as Obama has, other than to help line the tyrants pockets again, through his friends "investing" there and a few good cigars they can all impress their other friends with, and smoke with them here. If the Castro's could blow us to smitherings they would. It was only through threats to Russia did they remove their missiles pointed at us.
Democrats constantly tip their hand when they show us who they respect.
Yes they do. Case in point, Jimmy Carter:

Jimmy Carter remembers Fidel Castro ‘fondly’ | Political Insider

Once again McRacist is too dense to read beyond his own bullshit headline:

"Rosalynn and I share our sympathies with the Castro family and the Cuban people on the death of Fidel Castro. We remember fondly our visits with him in Cuba and his love of his country. We wish the Cuban citizens peace and prosperity in the years ahead."​

--- "remember fondly our visits"

OMFG, NO! He did something Positive?! He must be denounced!

You remember Carter? The preacher guy who reached out to establish dialogue instead of creating divisions? The one who got himself onto Cuban TV to address that country's populace and scolded the Castro human rights record --- in Spanish? The only POTUS since Hoover who never got into a war, never dropped a bomb, never fired a shot? Oh sleepin Jeebus what a fuckin' nightmare!
:banghead: And when will we hear from any of the most hated Democrats in the country over the unexpected death of their beloved and honorable Democrat?
:cow: Will Harry Reid come out on national television and speak of how he was inspired in his teens over Fidele Castro and how someday he wanted to be like him?
:cow: Will Nancy Pelosi speak of the time when she was 35 and at that time Fidele Castro came into power and she looked up to him so much more than her father?
:cow:What about Vilhem DiBlasio? We already know how he has worshipped Castro every since he knew of him in the early 70's as a child.
:eek:Well, now, we just wait to hear from all of these losers and how they are so so saddened by the sudden death of thier life long hero.:crybaby:

No, you stupid little pissant, un plug from RW hate radio and internet and come join the real world.
Anyone want a fairly good synopsis of the Castro's read this Miami Herald article. People tend to forget that Fidel may have been behind JFK's assassination.

Fidel Castro is dead
Does the fact Fidel possibly ordered JFK's assassination and threatened such 10 weeks prior, and the guy that did the assassination had been visiting with Cuba before that?
Time to let it go

The U.S. Fucked but Cuba big time in the 40s and 50s
We set up Castro........our outrage that our criminal support of Batista fell apart was not grounds for 60 years of retribution

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