Gloria Estefan Pens A Powerful Response To Fidel Castro’s Death

The singer said Cuban exiles weren’t celebrating his death, but the demise of his “destructive ideologies.”

Gloria Estefan’s family fled Cuba after Fidel Castro rose to power over 50 years ago. The singer, who was a toddler when she arrived in the U.S., has frequently spoken out against the Castro regime’s human rights abuses and policies.

When news of the death of Cuba’s former leader broke late Friday, hundreds of Miami residents flooded the streets of Little Havana yelling “freedom!” and “the tyrant has died!” Estefan, who lives in South Florida, joined fellow Cuban-Americans in commemorating the end of an era via Instagram.
Gloria Estefan Pens A Powerful Response To Fidel Castro's Death | The Huffington Post

Yep, and I bet mid 30 and younger kids have never been taught that factoid in schools.
Anyone want a fairly good synopsis of the Castro's read this Miami Herald article. People tend to forget that Fidel may have been behind JFK's assassination.

Fidel Castro is dead
I haven't forgot. Funny how the media on TV is omitting that.
And if they did teach it, they would somehow make it where Castro had justification for doing it giving him a hero status. These schools today aren't public learning centers anymore, they're Indoctrinariums.
You are Truly brainwashed.
Cuba's "Operation Miracle" celebrated throughout Latin America
Under Operation Miracle, Cubans and Venezuelans alike have benefited from surgical eye care. Tens of thousands of foreign nationals have traveled to Cuba for ophthalmology care. And Cuban ophthalmologists serving in Venezuela took the lead in establishing 26 eye care centers there. Staffed by eye surgeons, nurses, technicians, and other physicians, centers cropped up throughout Venezuela. They serve Venezuelans but also vision-impaired people from 17 Latin American countries plus Italy, Portugal, and Puerto Rico. Then Operation Miracle organizers established centers in 14 Latin American and Caribbean nations. Ten years after its start the program operates in 31 countries, some in Africa and Asia.

The program serves people denied eye care because of poverty and/or geographic inaccessibility. By far the most common cause of reduced vision the teams deal with is cataract. They also provide treatment for glaucoma, strabismus, retina problems, and abnormal growths. Corrective lenses are provided. These far-flung ophthalmology services are available for patients at no personal cost. So too are the transportation and accommodations they utilize.

According to one report, Operation Miracle has improved or restored vision for 3.4 million individuals. That measure of the project’s effectiveness takes on additional meaning through World Health Organization data showing that 39 million people in the world are blind. These figures are actually within reach of one another, especially because most visual impairment – 80 percent – is preventable or curable. It seems that two formerly colonized, dependent nations have taken giant steps toward addressing a major cause of human disability.
The GOP has learned so much from least Castro was humanitarian enough to provide his people healthcare

.at least Castro was humanitarian enough to provide his people healthcare

yeah stuff to be really proud of commie


Cubas healthcare is rated higher than ours the assclowns led on government tours by the castro thugs....moron....

actually Cuba does have an outstanding medical center

one of the best in the world

however it is not available to the Citizens of cuba

it is reserved for the filthy rich across the globe

In a similar vein, ObamaCare is designed to lower the quality and availability of care for the masses, while the Elites have access to private clinics.

Nah, his trip is permanent. He will never admit that the Castro's have been tyrants.
We could have ended the Embargo after the fall of the USSR. Wonder why we didn't...
Human rights, DUPE.
"Human rights"? Oh yeah, you must be talking about the murder of one million innocent men, women, and children during illegal invasion of Irak, the illegal torture practices at Abu Graib and Guantanamo, etc. etc. etc.
That's some GOOOOOD acid there aye... :lol:

You'll come down off that trip in about 8 hours and come back to reality.
Only available to the elite.
.at least Castro was humanitarian enough to provide his people healthcare

yeah stuff to be really proud of commie


Cubas healthcare is rated higher than ours

it is not propaganda idiot

Eight Reasons US Healthcare Costs 96% More Than Cuba's--With the Same Results

well it is because we actually have health care

you know things like motorized ambulances unlike what an average Cuban gets

pictured here

More propaganda. Go back and read some actual history.


The Network of Intellectuals, Artists and Social Movements in Defense of Humanity bids farewell with deep pain to one of its founders and main driving force - the historical Commander Fidel Castro Ruz, who departed to eternity on November 25, exactly 60 years after the departure of the Granma from Tuxpan, Mexico.

His name will be immortalized in the struggles that the Latin American people continue against neoliberalism, dispossession, and exploitation. Fidel Castro now enters the great history of Latin America and the Caribbean, along with Marti, Bolivar and Chavez.

Thanks, simply thanks, Commander of the Latin-American and Caribbean people.

Cuba-Network in Defense of Humanity
Too bad you are a moron ...
Too bad that.... actually nvm, good for you that you never had to live under Castro's atrocities. Sad that you seem to think those atrocities were a good thing. :321:

Were they worse than Bush's?

Can you name any Bush "atrocities"?


Invading Iraq.
Torturing prisoners.
Causing a political vacuum which led to the deaths of possibly a million or more people and the rise of ISIS which has spread.

There's enough.

So "Invading Iraq" was a war crime? Guess Hillary is guilty then? She was right there with Bush beating the drums of war.

What prisoners were ever tortured? It was the Bush admin that exposed abuses at Abu Gharib, but there was no torture there.

ISIS was created under Obama, so if that is a war crime, it's on the Hussein, not Bush. But even I don't hold Obama responsible for Muslims killing each other, it's in their nature. It's like blaming a President for an earthquake.

Yes, it's a war crime. But we all know the US wouldn't let a US president go to the Hague, don't we?

You think Hillary did anything anywhere near like Bush? But you can make that case if you want.

The Bush administration exposed abuses, but there was no torture? Huh?

Torture at Abu Ghraib

No torture?







No torture to see here huh? Just the normal thing you do with the guys in the bar on a Friday night, huh?
Too bad you are a moron ...
Too bad that.... actually nvm, good for you that you never had to live under Castro's atrocities. Sad that you seem to think those atrocities were a good thing. :321:

Were they worse than Bush's?

Can you name any Bush "atrocities"?
Iraq WAR?
SO DUMB that war.

Yet you voted for Hillary who pushed for the Iraq War.

You may not had agreed with the war, it doesn't make it an atrocity or war crime.

It does however, expose you for the hypocrite you are.

I don't know about him, but I didn't vote for Hillary, or for the war.
Too bad that.... actually nvm, good for you that you never had to live under Castro's atrocities. Sad that you seem to think those atrocities were a good thing. :321:

Were they worse than Bush's?

Can you name any Bush "atrocities"?
Iraq WAR?
SO DUMB that war.

Yet you voted for Hillary who pushed for the Iraq War.

You may not had agreed with the war, it doesn't make it an atrocity or war crime.

It does however, expose you for the hypocrite you are.

I don't know about him, but I didn't vote for Hillary, or for the war.
She voted to give W leverage, to lie his tail off as it turned out....Killing
hundreds of thousands for no good reason is an atrocity...
Too bad that.... actually nvm, good for you that you never had to live under Castro's atrocities. Sad that you seem to think those atrocities were a good thing. :321:
Get fucking real...its not Castro going all over the world torturing kidnapping and killing people is us
Too bad that.... actually nvm, good for you that you never had to live under Castro's atrocities. Sad that you seem to think those atrocities were a good thing. :321:
Get fucking real...its not Castro going all over the world torturing kidnapping and killing people is us
Yes he preferred to do all that while staying at home
Too bad that.... actually nvm, good for you that you never had to live under Castro's atrocities. Sad that you seem to think those atrocities were a good thing. :321:
Get fucking real...its not Castro going all over the world torturing kidnapping and killing people is us
Yes he preferred to do all that while staying at home
you are full of shit...Castro established strobng security measure because we the US are murderous and war like...we went after Castro and he defended himself against "enemy combatants" recruited and paid for by US Military Intelligence...stop being so whiny ...we kil;l wantonly all over this world bro and we imprison more of our people proportionally than Fidel Castro ever did .... Fidel Castro's Police never guns down unarmed Cuban citizens ...we do that here domestically ...grow the fuck up
Too bad that.... actually nvm, good for you that you never had to live under Castro's atrocities. Sad that you seem to think those atrocities were a good thing. :321:
Get fucking real...its not Castro going all over the world torturing kidnapping and killing people is us
Yes he preferred to do all that while staying at home
you are full of shit...Castro established strobng security measure because we the US are murderous and war like...we went after Castro and he defended himself against "enemy combatants" recruited and paid for by US Military Intelligence...stop being so whiny ...we kil;l wantonly all over this world bro and we imprison more of our people proportionally than Fidel Castro ever did .... Fidel Castro's Police never guns down unarmed Cuban citizens ...we do that here domestically ...grow the fuck up
Did you watch SICKO and think you are an expert on Cuba now? Millions fleeing over decades is just an illusion. Unarmed citizens being killed and dragged from their homes is just capitalist propaganda. People in Cuba love their cars from the 1950's. They love smuggling food in the black market. Nothing to see here.

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