I know you're hurting.
I know you are dearly wishing it had been a real "huge backlash" but it was a white lash"

Can't win a fight, you move to racism, you are so predictable.

No wonder the left lost the House, the Senate, the Governorships, the Presidency and the Supreme Court. You nuts think you are winning. I think you are to, keep up the great work!
It's who they are.

What they don't see is that they're slowly becoming dinosaurs.
I know you're hurting.
I know you are dearly wishing it had been a real "huge backlash" but it was a white lash"

Can't win a fight, you move to racism, you are so predictable.

No wonder the left lost the House, the Senate, the Governorships, the Presidency and the Supreme Court. You nuts think you are winning. I think you are to, keep up the great work!
It's who they are.

What they don't see is that they're slowly becoming dinosaurs.
Hate is the default position of the progressive....
Fidel Castro is a Hero in the African Continent in Latin America in the Caribbean in India China and in Russia .....

Who cares what tin pot dictators think. Neo nazi's still love hitler so I guess that makes him OK in your book. It's amazing the fucking scumbags you moronic fools think are great. Move to Venezuela you fucking twerp. Experience it up close and personal.
Fidel Castro is a Hero in the African Continent in Latin America in the Caribbean in India China and in Russia .....

Who cares what tin pot dictators think. Neo nazi's still love hitler so I guess that makes him OK in your book. It's amazing the fucking scumbags you moronic fools think are great. Move to Venezuela you fucking twerp. Experience it up close and personal.
I am afraid you are in a distinct minority Right wing "Fucked Fool" ...the rest of the world and the People ofr Cuba mourn the passing of a giant figure

Cubans throng Revolution Square in mourning for Fidel Castro

HAVANA, Nov 28 (Reuters) - Cubans began lining up five hours in advance of a mass gathering in Havana's Revolution Square on Monday to commemorate Fidel Castro, the guerrilla leader who led a leftist revolution in 1959 and ruled the Caribbean island for half a century.

Castro died on Friday at the age of 90, a decade after stepping down due to poor health and ceding power to his brother Raul Castro.

Castro was admired by leftists and people of the developing world who saw him as a revolutionary who stood up to the powerful United States, but vilified by those who viewed him as a dictator who oppressed Cubans and ruined the economy through socialism.

"For me, he continues living in the hearts of the Cubans," said Misleidys Rivero, 47, a service station employee with a small Cuban flag in her hand.

Castro was cremated on Saturday and the government has declared a nine-day period of mourning. His ashes will be carried in a cortege to a final resting place in Santiago de Cuba, the city in eastern Cuba where he launched the revolution.

The government has invited people to Havana's Revolution Square for a two-day ceremony that started at 9 a.m. EST (1400 GMT) with a thunderous cannon salute that could be heard throughout much of the capital.

People began queuing up as early as 4 a.m. to be at the head of one of three lines of mourners entering a square that has been central to Cuba's recent history, and where Castro gave many of his rousing, lengthy speeches.
Last edited:
Only available to the elite.
More propaganda. Go back and read some actual history.

This is from 2004.

There are 35 coordinating centers, serving 169 municipalities, and ambulances are activated and deployed by the designated community healthcare provider when a medical condition requires transport and further stabilization. The SIUM operates 600 basic ambulances, as well as 38 intermediate and 38 intensive care units, most of which are located in the capital city of Havana. That's 12 years ago.
Prehospital Cardiac Care Cuban Style | EMSWorld.com

Keep up the propaganda.

why did you not respond to the rest of the posts

like this one post 633

dated April 2016

Cuba's Thriving Black Market in Medicine
Valeria Cruz has been selling black market medicines on the streets of Havana for three years. Friendships carefully maintained with several doctors means that she has no problems obtaining enough prescriptions to support her business.

She sells these medications at vastly inflated prices, but shortages in state-run pharmacies mean that many people have no choice but to turn to black market entrepreneurs like her.

“It’s true that the price of medicines is a little high but I have to pay two pesos for the prescriptions then buy the medicine at the pharmacy,” Cruz said. “I have to make money. If not, what will I live from? It works. The profits are obvious.”

Massive corruption throughout the Cuban health system means that this double-tier system is common across the country.

IWPR: Cuba's Thriving Black Market in Medicine | ecoi.net - European Country of Origin Information Network

or post 639

much more recent then 2004



Havana Ambulance Service Crisis

HAVANA TIMES — With only ten or so of its 118 ambulances currently in circulation, Havana’s ambulance service is in extremely critical condition.

A recent meeting between Cuba’s Public Health Vice-Minister Marcia Cobas and several top officials of the Comprehensive Medical Emergency System (SIUM) analyzed complaints from the population, arising from delays in the arrival of ambulances around the city, and addressed the alarming drop in functional vehicles.

“Only 15 percent of the vehicles that make up the city’s ambulance fleet for the seven zones that SIUM services in Havana (North, South, East, West, Center, Boyeros and Cotorro) are operational. Many of the ambulances are in the auto-body shop or awaiting overhauls at the warehouse, because they have a lot of mileage but very little maintenance,” a Ministry of Public Health (MINSAP) official told Cafe Fuerte.

Another serious problem faced by SIUM is the lack of qualified personnel.

Lack of Personnel

“In some of the zones, there are as little as five teams of ambulance workers. They don’t have personnel willing to work for such low wages and under such poor working conditions. You could have 20 operational vehicles for one zone, but, if you don’t have professionals willing to work, this me

Havana Ambulance Service Crisis

there is more a lot more on the topic
What does the black market service have to do with the lies you posted. You stated that Castro's ambulance service was a donkey led cart and when I provided evidence of actual ambulances you stated they were for the rich of other nations. You then provided a number of ambulances that are in only 7 zones for one city, not the entire population.

i have posted no lies idiot

why would anyone need a black market for medical supplies in Cuba

when they have such a freaking wonderful health care system as you pretend they have
Only available to the elite.
More propaganda. Go back and read some actual history.

This is from 2004.

There are 35 coordinating centers, serving 169 municipalities, and ambulances are activated and deployed by the designated community healthcare provider when a medical condition requires transport and further stabilization. The SIUM operates 600 basic ambulances, as well as 38 intermediate and 38 intensive care units, most of which are located in the capital city of Havana. That's 12 years ago.
Prehospital Cardiac Care Cuban Style | EMSWorld.com

Keep up the propaganda.

why did you not respond to the rest of the posts

like this one post 633

dated April 2016

Cuba's Thriving Black Market in Medicine
Valeria Cruz has been selling black market medicines on the streets of Havana for three years. Friendships carefully maintained with several doctors means that she has no problems obtaining enough prescriptions to support her business.

She sells these medications at vastly inflated prices, but shortages in state-run pharmacies mean that many people have no choice but to turn to black market entrepreneurs like her.

“It’s true that the price of medicines is a little high but I have to pay two pesos for the prescriptions then buy the medicine at the pharmacy,” Cruz said. “I have to make money. If not, what will I live from? It works. The profits are obvious.”

Massive corruption throughout the Cuban health system means that this double-tier system is common across the country.

IWPR: Cuba's Thriving Black Market in Medicine | ecoi.net - European Country of Origin Information Network

or post 639

much more recent then 2004



Havana Ambulance Service Crisis

HAVANA TIMES — With only ten or so of its 118 ambulances currently in circulation, Havana’s ambulance service is in extremely critical condition.

A recent meeting between Cuba’s Public Health Vice-Minister Marcia Cobas and several top officials of the Comprehensive Medical Emergency System (SIUM) analyzed complaints from the population, arising from delays in the arrival of ambulances around the city, and addressed the alarming drop in functional vehicles.

“Only 15 percent of the vehicles that make up the city’s ambulance fleet for the seven zones that SIUM services in Havana (North, South, East, West, Center, Boyeros and Cotorro) are operational. Many of the ambulances are in the auto-body shop or awaiting overhauls at the warehouse, because they have a lot of mileage but very little maintenance,” a Ministry of Public Health (MINSAP) official told Cafe Fuerte.

Another serious problem faced by SIUM is the lack of qualified personnel.

Lack of Personnel

“In some of the zones, there are as little as five teams of ambulance workers. They don’t have personnel willing to work for such low wages and under such poor working conditions. You could have 20 operational vehicles for one zone, but, if you don’t have professionals willing to work, this me

Havana Ambulance Service Crisis

there is more a lot more on the topic
What does the black market service have to do with the lies you posted. You stated that Castro's ambulance service was a donkey led cart and when I provided evidence of actual ambulances you stated they were for the rich of other nations. You then provided a number of ambulances that are in only 7 zones for one city, not the entire population.

You stated that Castro's ambulance service was a donkey led cart and when I provided evidence of actual ambulances

yet you ignore that only a handful of ambulances actually operate

a little more then a dozen for 2 million people

the average person prefers any transportation

rather then waiting hours upon hours for an ambulance

Up To 12 Hours to Attend Medical Emergencies / Lilianne Ruiz

HAVANA, Cuba, July 2013, www.cubanet.org.- When a Cuban family is afflicted by disease there are many who depend on the favor of some neighbor with a car to take them to the hospital. Moreover, the paramedics and nurses of the Comprehensive Emergency Medical System (SIUM) depend on the “thanks” for their patients to “resolve” a chance to eat a better lunch or a to get a few pesos above their salary.

Juan López (he has asked me use a pseudonym), in order to take his father to the hospital, called SIUM and waited three and a half hours for the ambulance to come. The Center Coordinator told him onthe phone: “Your case is the first on the list be we can’t resolve it.”

“After that long wait I was at my limit. I went to look for a neighbor with car, some way to get him there,” said Lopez. “Time passed and the disease was evolving.”

Once a medical emergency is reported the time stipulated to a rescue is 10 minutes. A young SIUM worker asked not to be named to provide testimony. We will call him Nurse X.

He has a license in nursing and counts on their being a key system, in communication with the Provincial Coordinating Center at 44th and 17th, in Playa. Key 1 means there’s an emergency call. Key 2 indicates they’re on their way and should be there in 10 minutes. From 2 to 3 is working with the patient. And 4 is on the way to the hospital. Key 5 means that the case has been admitted and they’re ready to take on another.

“In reality, we spend up to 12 hours to pick up a patient, but there are seven bases all over Havana and on occasions there are seven or eight cars (ambulances), no more. Other times there are 11 or 12 for the whole province. For example, the based in Plaza also covers the demand for Cerro, Centro Habana and Habana Vieja. There are days, like today, when we are working with just one ambulance.”

Up To 12 Hours to Attend Medical Emergencies / Lilianne Ruiz
Fidel Castro is a Hero in the African Continent in Latin America in the Caribbean in India China and in Russia .....

Who cares what tin pot dictators think. Neo nazi's still love hitler so I guess that makes him OK in your book. It's amazing the fucking scumbags you moronic fools think are great. Move to Venezuela you fucking twerp. Experience it up close and personal.
I am afraid you are in a distinct minority Right wing "Fucked Fool" ...the rest of the world and the People ofr Cuba mourn the passing of a giant figure

Cubans throng Revolution Square in mourning for Fidel Castro

HAVANA, Nov 28 (Reuters) - Cubans began lining up five hours in advance of a mass gathering in Havana's Revolution Square on Monday to commemorate Fidel Castro, the guerrilla leader who led a leftist revolution in 1959 and ruled the Caribbean island for half a century.

Castro died on Friday at the age of 90, a decade after stepping down due to poor health and ceding power to his brother Raul Castro.

Castro was admired by leftists and people of the developing world who saw him as a revolutionary who stood up to the powerful United States, but vilified by those who viewed him as a dictator who oppressed Cubans and ruined the economy through socialism.

"For me, he continues living in the hearts of the Cubans," said Misleidys Rivero, 47, a service station employee with a small Cuban flag in her hand.

Castro was cremated on Saturday and the government has declared a nine-day period of mourning. His ashes will be carried in a cortege to a final resting place in Santiago de Cuba, the city in eastern Cuba where he launched the revolution.

The government has invited people to Havana's Revolution Square for a two-day ceremony that started at 9 a.m. EST (1400 GMT) with a thunderous cannon salute that could be heard throughout much of the capital.

People began queuing up as early as 4 a.m. to be at the head of one of three lines of mourners entering a square that has been central to Cuba's recent history, and where Castro gave many of his rousing, lengthy speeches.

Well sure cup cake. Stalinistas, and totalitarians the world over love nasty murderers. Amazingly enough they love the spectacle of standing children up against a wall and shooting them. Reasonable people however, know that when an entire population has lived under nothing but totalitarian rule something happens to them....... Between the terror of not knowing when they might get stood up against the wall, or worrying that their pretty daughters might catch the eye of some powerful politico who will then steal them and rape them for their entertainment, those sorts of people simply shut down.

They have no will, they are merely cogs in a wheel and idiots, like you, who are incapable of thinking for themselves are attracted to that believing that you will either get to be the shooter or the rapist.
Fidel Castro is a Hero in the African Continent in Latin America in the Caribbean in India China and in Russia .....

Who cares what tin pot dictators think. Neo nazi's still love hitler so I guess that makes him OK in your book. It's amazing the fucking scumbags you moronic fools think are great. Move to Venezuela you fucking twerp. Experience it up close and personal.
Castro has to be one of the greatest criminals in the past 100 years. He is up there with Mao, Lenin, Stalin, Pol Pot, etc.....but the American Left loves him.

How f**ked up is that?
Fidel Castro, African hero

Cuban President Fidel Castro speaks to South African President Nelson Mandela at the World Trade Organization in Geneva in 1998. (Patrick Aviolat/European Pressphoto Agency)

Following his release after 27 years in prison, Nelson Mandela made sure one of his first trips abroad was to Havana. There, in the Cuban capital in 1991, Mandela lavished his host, Fidel Castro, with appreciation. Castro, said Mandela, was a “source of inspiration to all freedom-loving people.”

The scene might seem paradoxical in some corners of the West. How could the global symbol of African liberation and democracy say such a thing about a man whose death last Friday provoked exiles who fled repressive Cuban rule to dance in Miami's streets? How could Mandela — imprisoned by South Africa's apartheid rulers — find common ground with Castro, who cleared his way to absolute power in Cuba by jailing untold numbers of dissidents?

The answer lies in Cuba's robust, and sometimes pivotal, support for many African groups as they fought to bring the era of colonialism to an end. And now, upon Castro's death, many of the loudest and most unequivocal tributes to him have been voiced by African leaders who inherited the political movements stemming from the independence struggles spanning the 1960s to the 1980s.
Fidel Castro, African hero

Cuban President Fidel Castro speaks to South African President Nelson Mandela at the World Trade Organization in Geneva in 1998. (Patrick Aviolat/European Pressphoto Agency)

Following his release after 27 years in prison, Nelson Mandela made sure one of his first trips abroad was to Havana. There, in the Cuban capital in 1991, Mandela lavished his host, Fidel Castro, with appreciation. Castro, said Mandela, was a “source of inspiration to all freedom-loving people.”

The scene might seem paradoxical in some corners of the West. How could the global symbol of African liberation and democracy say such a thing about a man whose death last Friday provoked exiles who fled repressive Cuban rule to dance in Miami's streets? How could Mandela — imprisoned by South Africa's apartheid rulers — find common ground with Castro, who cleared his way to absolute power in Cuba by jailing untold numbers of dissidents?

The answer lies in Cuba's robust, and sometimes pivotal, support for many African groups as they fought to bring the era of colonialism to an end. And now, upon Castro's death, many of the loudest and most unequivocal tributes to him have been voiced by African leaders who inherited the political movements stemming from the independence struggles spanning the 1960s to the 1980s.
Many leaders across the world are ignorantly naïve… Fact
Only available to the elite.
This is from 2004.

There are 35 coordinating centers, serving 169 municipalities, and ambulances are activated and deployed by the designated community healthcare provider when a medical condition requires transport and further stabilization. The SIUM operates 600 basic ambulances, as well as 38 intermediate and 38 intensive care units, most of which are located in the capital city of Havana. That's 12 years ago.
Prehospital Cardiac Care Cuban Style | EMSWorld.com

Keep up the propaganda.

why did you not respond to the rest of the posts

like this one post 633

dated April 2016

Cuba's Thriving Black Market in Medicine
Valeria Cruz has been selling black market medicines on the streets of Havana for three years. Friendships carefully maintained with several doctors means that she has no problems obtaining enough prescriptions to support her business.

She sells these medications at vastly inflated prices, but shortages in state-run pharmacies mean that many people have no choice but to turn to black market entrepreneurs like her.

“It’s true that the price of medicines is a little high but I have to pay two pesos for the prescriptions then buy the medicine at the pharmacy,” Cruz said. “I have to make money. If not, what will I live from? It works. The profits are obvious.”

Massive corruption throughout the Cuban health system means that this double-tier system is common across the country.

IWPR: Cuba's Thriving Black Market in Medicine | ecoi.net - European Country of Origin Information Network

or post 639

much more recent then 2004



Havana Ambulance Service Crisis

HAVANA TIMES — With only ten or so of its 118 ambulances currently in circulation, Havana’s ambulance service is in extremely critical condition.

A recent meeting between Cuba’s Public Health Vice-Minister Marcia Cobas and several top officials of the Comprehensive Medical Emergency System (SIUM) analyzed complaints from the population, arising from delays in the arrival of ambulances around the city, and addressed the alarming drop in functional vehicles.

“Only 15 percent of the vehicles that make up the city’s ambulance fleet for the seven zones that SIUM services in Havana (North, South, East, West, Center, Boyeros and Cotorro) are operational. Many of the ambulances are in the auto-body shop or awaiting overhauls at the warehouse, because they have a lot of mileage but very little maintenance,” a Ministry of Public Health (MINSAP) official told Cafe Fuerte.

Another serious problem faced by SIUM is the lack of qualified personnel.

Lack of Personnel

“In some of the zones, there are as little as five teams of ambulance workers. They don’t have personnel willing to work for such low wages and under such poor working conditions. You could have 20 operational vehicles for one zone, but, if you don’t have professionals willing to work, this me

Havana Ambulance Service Crisis

there is more a lot more on the topic
What does the black market service have to do with the lies you posted. You stated that Castro's ambulance service was a donkey led cart and when I provided evidence of actual ambulances you stated they were for the rich of other nations. You then provided a number of ambulances that are in only 7 zones for one city, not the entire population.

i have posted no lies idiot

why would anyone need a black market for medical supplies in Cuba

when they have such a freaking wonderful health care system as you pretend they have

They don't have a wonderful healthcare system. They have a piss poor one, but it is free! Don't believe the Moore he is a propagandist.

I remember seeing Bowling for Columbine and he tried to say the NRA was created because racist white men were scared of the newly freed slave. No sir the NRA was created to preserve the Republican's (and Black's) right to defend themselves against the racist KKK Democrats!

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
This is from 2004.

There are 35 coordinating centers, serving 169 municipalities, and ambulances are activated and deployed by the designated community healthcare provider when a medical condition requires transport and further stabilization. The SIUM operates 600 basic ambulances, as well as 38 intermediate and 38 intensive care units, most of which are located in the capital city of Havana. That's 12 years ago.
Prehospital Cardiac Care Cuban Style | EMSWorld.com

Keep up the propaganda.

why did you not respond to the rest of the posts

like this one post 633

dated April 2016

Cuba's Thriving Black Market in Medicine
Valeria Cruz has been selling black market medicines on the streets of Havana for three years. Friendships carefully maintained with several doctors means that she has no problems obtaining enough prescriptions to support her business.

She sells these medications at vastly inflated prices, but shortages in state-run pharmacies mean that many people have no choice but to turn to black market entrepreneurs like her.

“It’s true that the price of medicines is a little high but I have to pay two pesos for the prescriptions then buy the medicine at the pharmacy,” Cruz said. “I have to make money. If not, what will I live from? It works. The profits are obvious.”

Massive corruption throughout the Cuban health system means that this double-tier system is common across the country.

IWPR: Cuba's Thriving Black Market in Medicine | ecoi.net - European Country of Origin Information Network

or post 639

much more recent then 2004



Havana Ambulance Service Crisis

HAVANA TIMES — With only ten or so of its 118 ambulances currently in circulation, Havana’s ambulance service is in extremely critical condition.

A recent meeting between Cuba’s Public Health Vice-Minister Marcia Cobas and several top officials of the Comprehensive Medical Emergency System (SIUM) analyzed complaints from the population, arising from delays in the arrival of ambulances around the city, and addressed the alarming drop in functional vehicles.

“Only 15 percent of the vehicles that make up the city’s ambulance fleet for the seven zones that SIUM services in Havana (North, South, East, West, Center, Boyeros and Cotorro) are operational. Many of the ambulances are in the auto-body shop or awaiting overhauls at the warehouse, because they have a lot of mileage but very little maintenance,” a Ministry of Public Health (MINSAP) official told Cafe Fuerte.

Another serious problem faced by SIUM is the lack of qualified personnel.

Lack of Personnel

“In some of the zones, there are as little as five teams of ambulance workers. They don’t have personnel willing to work for such low wages and under such poor working conditions. You could have 20 operational vehicles for one zone, but, if you don’t have professionals willing to work, this me

Havana Ambulance Service Crisis

there is more a lot more on the topic
What does the black market service have to do with the lies you posted. You stated that Castro's ambulance service was a donkey led cart and when I provided evidence of actual ambulances you stated they were for the rich of other nations. You then provided a number of ambulances that are in only 7 zones for one city, not the entire population.

i have posted no lies idiot

why would anyone need a black market for medical supplies in Cuba

when they have such a freaking wonderful health care system as you pretend they have

They don't have a wonderful healthcare system. They have a piss poor one, but it is free! Don't believe the Moore he is a propagandist.

I remember seeing Bowling for Columbine and he tried to say the NRA was created because racist white men were scared of the newly freed slave. No sir the NRA was created to preserve the Republican's (and Black's) right to defend themselves against the racist KKK Democrats!

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Just like Venezuela they are a fucked up country because their ideals are fucked in the head… Fact
Fidel Castro is a Hero in the African Continent in Latin America in the Caribbean in India China and in Russia .....

Who cares what tin pot dictators think. Neo nazi's still love hitler so I guess that makes him OK in your book. It's amazing the fucking scumbags you moronic fools think are great. Move to Venezuela you fucking twerp. Experience it up close and personal.
Castro has to be one of the greatest criminals in the past 100 years. He is up there with Mao, Lenin, Stalin, Pol Pot, etc.....but the American Left loves him.

How f**ked up is that?

pretty fcked up
This is from 2004.

There are 35 coordinating centers, serving 169 municipalities, and ambulances are activated and deployed by the designated community healthcare provider when a medical condition requires transport and further stabilization. The SIUM operates 600 basic ambulances, as well as 38 intermediate and 38 intensive care units, most of which are located in the capital city of Havana. That's 12 years ago.
Prehospital Cardiac Care Cuban Style | EMSWorld.com

Keep up the propaganda.

why did you not respond to the rest of the posts

like this one post 633

dated April 2016

Cuba's Thriving Black Market in Medicine
Valeria Cruz has been selling black market medicines on the streets of Havana for three years. Friendships carefully maintained with several doctors means that she has no problems obtaining enough prescriptions to support her business.

She sells these medications at vastly inflated prices, but shortages in state-run pharmacies mean that many people have no choice but to turn to black market entrepreneurs like her.

“It’s true that the price of medicines is a little high but I have to pay two pesos for the prescriptions then buy the medicine at the pharmacy,” Cruz said. “I have to make money. If not, what will I live from? It works. The profits are obvious.”

Massive corruption throughout the Cuban health system means that this double-tier system is common across the country.

IWPR: Cuba's Thriving Black Market in Medicine | ecoi.net - European Country of Origin Information Network

or post 639

much more recent then 2004



Havana Ambulance Service Crisis

HAVANA TIMES — With only ten or so of its 118 ambulances currently in circulation, Havana’s ambulance service is in extremely critical condition.

A recent meeting between Cuba’s Public Health Vice-Minister Marcia Cobas and several top officials of the Comprehensive Medical Emergency System (SIUM) analyzed complaints from the population, arising from delays in the arrival of ambulances around the city, and addressed the alarming drop in functional vehicles.

“Only 15 percent of the vehicles that make up the city’s ambulance fleet for the seven zones that SIUM services in Havana (North, South, East, West, Center, Boyeros and Cotorro) are operational. Many of the ambulances are in the auto-body shop or awaiting overhauls at the warehouse, because they have a lot of mileage but very little maintenance,” a Ministry of Public Health (MINSAP) official told Cafe Fuerte.

Another serious problem faced by SIUM is the lack of qualified personnel.

Lack of Personnel

“In some of the zones, there are as little as five teams of ambulance workers. They don’t have personnel willing to work for such low wages and under such poor working conditions. You could have 20 operational vehicles for one zone, but, if you don’t have professionals willing to work, this me

Havana Ambulance Service Crisis

there is more a lot more on the topic
What does the black market service have to do with the lies you posted. You stated that Castro's ambulance service was a donkey led cart and when I provided evidence of actual ambulances you stated they were for the rich of other nations. You then provided a number of ambulances that are in only 7 zones for one city, not the entire population.

i have posted no lies idiot

why would anyone need a black market for medical supplies in Cuba

when they have such a freaking wonderful health care system as you pretend they have

They don't have a wonderful healthcare system. They have a piss poor one, but it is free! Don't believe the Moore he is a propagandist.

I remember seeing Bowling for Columbine and he tried to say the NRA was created because racist white men were scared of the newly freed slave. No sir the NRA was created to preserve the Republican's (and Black's) right to defend themselves against the racist KKK Democrats!

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

yeah moore is a fat ass liar

and some dupes on this board take him as gospel

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