Fifteen Things Amazon Won't Tell You


Senior Member
Feb 8, 2015
Because of its massive advertizing budget and other ties to the company the media often seems to be in bed with Amazon. This means you seldom hear anything bad about the retail behemoth and stories are always being put before us as free advertising. While the people who love and support Amazon might claim the points above show Amazon and its CEO to be clever, cunning, and masters of the game, an argument can be make that an aura of evil hangs over much of what it has created.

Amazon is a major job killer and should be recognized as such. While politicians tout how they helped Amazon create a few hundred or thousand jobs in a certain area or state they often fail to comprehend the number of jobs they destroyed or the damage they do to the communities devastated by the unfair competition they have endorsed. Amazon abuses and exploits the brick and mortar stores that line streets throughout America. These are the stores that employ our family members, support little league teams in the community, and add value to our lives.

The low prices many consumers buying from the company claim to enjoy have a hidden price often paid for by others. In playing "hardball" it is difficult to overlook how the company has exploited and targeted concerns working within the established rules that positively affect and add to our society. People should consider what kind of community and society they want in coming years before jumping on the Amazon bandwagon. The article below explores fifteen things Amazon is in no hurry to tell you.
Because of its massive advertizing budget and other ties to the company the media often seems to be in bed with Amazon. This means you seldom hear anything bad about the retail behemoth and stories are always being put before us as free advertising. While the people who love and support Amazon might claim the points above show Amazon and its CEO to be clever, cunning, and masters of the game, an argument can be make that an aura of evil hangs over much of what it has created.

Amazon is a major job killer and should be recognized as such. While politicians tout how they helped Amazon create a few hundred or thousand jobs in a certain area or state they often fail to comprehend the number of jobs they destroyed or the damage they do to the communities devastated by the unfair competition they have endorsed. Amazon abuses and exploits the brick and mortar stores that line streets throughout America. These are the stores that employ our family members, support little league teams in the community, and add value to our lives.

The low prices many consumers buying from the company claim to enjoy have a hidden price often paid for by others. In playing "hardball" it is difficult to overlook how the company has exploited and targeted concerns working within the established rules that positively affect and add to our society. People should consider what kind of community and society they want in coming years before jumping on the Amazon bandwagon. The article below explores fifteen things Amazon is in no hurry to tell you.

If you want capitalism, this is what happens and how it works. Amazon found a niche and built a business within that niche. I don't shop all the time at Amazon. But every transaction I have had with them has been satisfying. Their customer service is excellent. As a Prime member, I don't pay shipping, and if I have a problem they bend over backwards to fix it.

I understand that brick & mortar stores have trouble competing. But should I be forced to tolerate second-rate service, pay much higher prices, and deal with more hassles to protect the livelihood of someone else? The automobile put blacksmiths out of business. It is the nature of the world.
Because of its massive advertizing budget and other ties to the company the media often seems to be in bed with Amazon. This means you seldom hear anything bad about the retail behemoth and stories are always being put before us as free advertising. While the people who love and support Amazon might claim the points above show Amazon and its CEO to be clever, cunning, and masters of the game, an argument can be make that an aura of evil hangs over much of what it has created.

Amazon is a major job killer and should be recognized as such. While politicians tout how they helped Amazon create a few hundred or thousand jobs in a certain area or state they often fail to comprehend the number of jobs they destroyed or the damage they do to the communities devastated by the unfair competition they have endorsed. Amazon abuses and exploits the brick and mortar stores that line streets throughout America. These are the stores that employ our family members, support little league teams in the community, and add value to our lives.

The low prices many consumers buying from the company claim to enjoy have a hidden price often paid for by others. In playing "hardball" it is difficult to overlook how the company has exploited and targeted concerns working within the established rules that positively affect and add to our society. People should consider what kind of community and society they want in coming years before jumping on the Amazon bandwagon. The article below explores fifteen things Amazon is in no hurry to tell you.

Several of the brick and mortar stores are offering the same deals as Amazon with free shipping. They do that to compete and that helps the consumer.
I love Amazon. I am a tabletop RPG player, and many of the materials I use are unavailable any other way! (Offhand, I will be using three Dungeon Adventures modules at a con next spring.)
I can order almost anything from Amazon and have it the next day from their huge distribution warehouse here in Phoenix. They let you test computer software and send it back if it doesn't work for you. Their customer service is extraordinary. Their user ratings let me know what other customers think of a product. The "they put small business out of business" argument was used and failed to stop Walmart convenience is paramount in this day and age. And now that local sales tax is paid on purchases, they have no unfair advantage over local niche business.

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