Fight racism

" Omnivorous Apes "

* Street Cred *

I've seen black thugs terrorizing a Pearl Harbor survivor and he told me so. He told me so! They beat his cute little dog to death, those black kids...this is what diversity brings.
Barkley fired back:
"We as black people are never going to be successful, not because of you white people, but because of other black people. When you are black, you have to deal with so much crap in your life from other black people," Barkley said.
Barkley, a native of Leeds, said African Americans are too concerned with street cred than true success and that's holding the community back.
"For some reason we are brainwashed to think, if you're not a thug or an idiot, you're not black enough. If you go to school, make good grades, speak intelligent, and don't break the law, you're not a good black person. It's a dirty, dark secret in the black community.

"There are a lot of black people who are unintelligent, who don't have success. It's best to knock a successful black person down because they're intelligent, they speak well, they do well in school, and they're successful. It's just typical BS that goes on when you're black, man."
Why are you repeating the opinion of a man handed a free education and did not graduate? Is it because his ignorant comments validate your racism.

Here is what another Hall of Fame black athlete had to say about people like Barkley:

“And to my black brothers, if you do not have anything positive to say about our social challenges, please keep your mouth shut.”

Champ Bailey, 2019 NFL Hall of Fame Induction

Too bad you don't get to decide who gets to air an opinion, much less who gets to be considered 'black', eh? You now have to get a certification letter from Jow Un Biden, your new plantation owner.
It is a racist and self-defeating kind of social-pressure censorship to shout "agree with the group think or you're not one of us!"
" A World Of Vampires In Need Of A Reflection "

* And Now A Word From Black Brothers Who Call Others Racists *

Why are you repeating the opinion of a man handed a free education and did not graduate? Is it because his ignorant comments validate your racism. Here is what another Hall of Fame black athlete had to say about people like Barkley:
“And to my black brothers, if you do not have anything positive to say about our social challenges, please keep your mouth shut.” Champ Bailey, 2019 NFL Hall of Fame Induction
Such accusations of racism are false , as i have not committed violence against any person based upon their race , nor has it ever been my intent or included in my principles to do so ; such accusations are a ruse to get over on others .

The reason the quote was provided is much as the reason it was spoken by barkley , which is to call attention to the dirty little secrets people hide from others and keep to themselves that usually includes an effort to exonerate themselves by shifting blame as a distraction .
someone has gone off the deep end, the so called conservative has a complexion. issue.
View attachment 429674
they're not alone.
Why you showing a picture of a Democrat convention?

That's a Klan rally in Chicago on August 16, 1921. And if you're interested in this sort of trivia, the Mayor of Chicago at the time was Big Bill Thompson, a best buddy of Al Capone, and a Republican. Oh and a bigot too.
I know who Big Bill was the last republican [sic] mayor of chicago [sic] and so it was a Democrat rally

Ummmm nnnnnno. It was a Klan rally. About the same time the Klan was working to oust the Democratic governor of Oklahoma for trying to drive them out after Tulsa. Three years before they endorsed Calvin Coolidge because he was the only major POTUS candidate who refused to denounce them. Three years before they got Republicans elected all over the country from literally Maine to California. Seven years before they ran a national smear campaign against Al Smith in the next POTUS election because he was Catholic.

You are correct that Thompson was the last Republican Mayor of Chicago. He lost that position to Anton Czernak after running his own ethnic slur campaign. That, and his cozying up to Capone, left him a loser.
BS, of course. It was a DEMOCRAT President who praised the KKK, segregated the military services and claimed that "Birth of a Nation", a sympathetic movie about the birth and rise of the KKK, was the "Greatest movie ever made." DEMOCRAT Woodrow Wilson! Calvin Coolidge was NEVER endorsed by the KKK. And, the KKK dominated the 1924 DEMOCRAT national convention, even staging a march in full Klan regalia in support of Democrats. Democrats FORMED the KKK and POPULATED it throughout its history.
BS, of course. It was a DEMOCRAT President who praised the KKK, segregated the military services and claimed that "Birth of a Nation", a sympathetic movie about the birth and rise of the KKK, was the "Greatest movie ever made." DEMOCRAT Woodrow Wilson!
go away hater ...

Mr. Wilson was one of the most devout of our Presidents. His religion was marked by constant and regular prayer, not a formality but a sincere outpouring of his spirit and supplication for divine guidance. He read his Bible consistently every day, meditated on what he read, and sought to put into action the teachings of the Scripture.
you can lie about politics all you want - the kkk is the bible belt. period. christians. they are crucifiers.
LOL. Are you REALLY this stupid, or is it an act of some sort? Christians didn't "crucify" anyone. They WERE the crucified, you boob. There have been many who PROFESS to be Christians but who are in fact anything but. The KKK and their supporters are good examples of this. Go watch the movie "The Cardinal" sometime, starring Tom Tryon.
There have been many who PROFESS to be Christians but who are in fact anything but.
- you ignore the response to your post only to give the standard christian reply when found guilty of dishonesty.

the kkk is a christian organization - another of your escape routs > god 1st country 2nd. and on and on ...

the christian bible is a 4th century political document disguised as a religion, ergo there is no such thing as a christian religion. boob.

written by the crucifiers 300 years past the event when no one from that period was still living.
I don't know where you learned your "history", but someone BADLY misinformed you and you should sue to get your (or your parents') money refunded plus interest. There's nothing "Christian" about the KKK and never was.
someone has gone off the deep end, the so called conservative has a complexion. issue.
View attachment 429674
they're not alone.
Why you showing a picture of a Democrat convention?

That's a Klan rally in Chicago on August 16, 1921. And if you're interested in this sort of trivia, the Mayor of Chicago at the time was Big Bill Thompson, a best buddy of Al Capone, and a Republican. Oh and a bigot too.
I know who Big Bill was the last republican [sic] mayor of chicago [sic] and so it was a Democrat rally

Ummmm nnnnnno. It was a Klan rally. About the same time the Klan was working to oust the Democratic governor of Oklahoma for trying to drive them out after Tulsa. Three years before they endorsed Calvin Coolidge because he was the only major POTUS candidate who refused to denounce them. Three years before they got Republicans elected all over the country from literally Maine to California. Seven years before they ran a national smear campaign against Al Smith in the next POTUS election because he was Catholic.

You are correct that Thompson was the last Republican Mayor of Chicago. He lost that position to Anton Czernak after running his own ethnic slur campaign. That, and his cozying up to Capone, left him a loser.
BS, of course. It was a DEMOCRAT President who praised the KKK, segregated the military services and claimed that "Birth of a Nation", a sympathetic movie about the birth and rise of the KKK, was the "Greatest movie ever made." DEMOCRAT Woodrow Wilson! Calvin Coolidge was NEVER endorsed by the KKK. And, the KKK dominated the 1924 DEMOCRAT national convention, even staging a march in full Klan regalia in support of Democrats. Democrats FORMED the KKK and POPULATED it throughout its history.
BS, of course. It was a DEMOCRAT President who praised the KKK, segregated the military services and claimed that "Birth of a Nation", a sympathetic movie about the birth and rise of the KKK, was the "Greatest movie ever made." DEMOCRAT Woodrow Wilson!
go away hater ...

Mr. Wilson was one of the most devout of our Presidents. His religion was marked by constant and regular prayer, not a formality but a sincere outpouring of his spirit and supplication for divine guidance. He read his Bible consistently every day, meditated on what he read, and sought to put into action the teachings of the Scripture.
you can lie about politics all you want - the kkk is the bible belt. period. christians. they are crucifiers.
LOL. Are you REALLY this stupid, or is it an act of some sort? Christians didn't "crucify" anyone. They WERE the crucified, you boob. There have been many who PROFESS to be Christians but who are in fact anything but. The KKK and their supporters are good examples of this. Go watch the movie "The Cardinal" sometime, starring Tom Tryon.
There have been many who PROFESS to be Christians but who are in fact anything but.
- you ignore the response to your post only to give the standard christian reply when found guilty of dishonesty.

the kkk is a christian organization - another of your escape routs > god 1st country 2nd. and on and on ...

the christian bible is a 4th century political document disguised as a religion, ergo there is no such thing as a christian religion. boob.

written by the crucifiers 300 years past the event when no one from that period was still living.
I don't know where you learned your "history", but someone BADLY misinformed you and you should sue to get your (or your parents') money refunded plus interest. There's nothing "Christian" about the KKK and never was.

Considering the mythological diarrhea you posted here yesterday you're the last wag that should be using the phrase "I don't know where you learned your "history'". In order to join the Klan you had to be a white, native-born,, Christian, specifically Protestant Christian. The opposition to Catholic Christians was dropped decades later when that particular bigotry lost its steam. The Klan often visited churches, in full regalia, with offerings, and was heavily pumped by certain pastors especially Methodists. You might want to look up one Alma Birdwell White for an example.


KKK was what I call the American Taliban. Aside from Catholics, Blacks, Jews, immigrants and labor it went after drinkers (strongly pro-Prohibition), gamblers, philanderers and notably "people who didn't go to church". The church, and the idea of church as mandatory, was in fact a major Klan TOOL.


So where the fuck do you get YOUR "history" Gummo?
" Omnivorous Apes "

* Street Cred *

I've seen black thugs terrorizing a Pearl Harbor survivor and he told me so. He told me so! They beat his cute little dog to death, those black kids...this is what diversity brings.
Barkley fired back:
"We as black people are never going to be successful, not because of you white people, but because of other black people. When you are black, you have to deal with so much crap in your life from other black people," Barkley said.
Barkley, a native of Leeds, said African Americans are too concerned with street cred than true success and that's holding the community back.
"For some reason we are brainwashed to think, if you're not a thug or an idiot, you're not black enough. If you go to school, make good grades, speak intelligent, and don't break the law, you're not a good black person. It's a dirty, dark secret in the black community.

"There are a lot of black people who are unintelligent, who don't have success. It's best to knock a successful black person down because they're intelligent, they speak well, they do well in school, and they're successful. It's just typical BS that goes on when you're black, man."
Why are you repeating the opinion of a man handed a free education and did not graduate? Is it because his ignorant comments validate your racism.

Here is what another Hall of Fame black athlete had to say about people like Barkley:

“And to my black brothers, if you do not have anything positive to say about our social challenges, please keep your mouth shut.”

Champ Bailey, 2019 NFL Hall of Fame Induction

Too bad you don't get to decide who gets to air an opinion, much less who gets to be considered 'black', eh? You now have to get a certification letter from Jow Un Biden, your new plantation owner.

I do get to do that and did so.
I don't know where you learned your "history", but someone BADLY misinformed you and you should sue to get your (or your parents') money refunded plus interest. There's nothing "Christian" about the KKK and never was.

Considering the mythological diarrhea you posted here yesterday you're the last wag that should be using the phrase "I don't know where you learned your "history'". In order to join the Klan you had to be a white, native-born,, Christian, specifically Protestant Christian. The opposition to Catholic Christians was dropped decades later when that particular bigotry lost its steam. The Klan often visited churches, in full regalia, with offerings, and was heavily pumped by certain pastors especially Methodists. You might want to look up one Alma Birdwell White for an example.


KKK was what I call the American Taliban. Aside from Catholics, Blacks, Jews, immigrants and labor it went after drinkers (strongly pro-Prohibition), gamblers, philanderers and notably "people who didn't go to church". The church, and the idea of church as mandatory, was in fact a major Klan TOOL.


So where the fuck do you get YOUR "history" Gummo?

I left you some edumacational tools in the other thread where you're buzzing around biting ankles but here's a supplement for your sorry ass.

>> October 6 [1951] A group of Klansmen seize a white couple, Ben Grainger and Dorothy Dillard Martin, from her grandmother’s home in Fair Bluff, N.C. The Klansmen then transport the couple into South Carolina and flog them there for alleged moral infractions, such as making and drinking moonshine, not going to church, and living together out of wedlock.

... December 1 Lee and Louise Tyson, white tenant farmers in Hallsboro, N.C., are riding in a truck with Norman Sasser, a drinking companion, when Sasser stops his truck near the Tyson’s home and gets out. Robed and hooded men seize the Tysons from the truck and proceed to flog Lee Tyson, telling him he is being whipped for not going to church and for failing to provide for his 8 children. << --- Carter-Klan Documentary Project
" A World Of Vampires In Need Of A Reflection "

* And Now A Word From Black Brothers Who Call Others Racists *

Why are you repeating the opinion of a man handed a free education and did not graduate? Is it because his ignorant comments validate your racism. Here is what another Hall of Fame black athlete had to say about people like Barkley:
“And to my black brothers, if you do not have anything positive to say about our social challenges, please keep your mouth shut.” Champ Bailey, 2019 NFL Hall of Fame Induction
Such accusations of racism are false , as i have not committed violence against any person based upon their race , nor has it ever been my intent or included in my principles to do so ; such accusations are a ruse to get over on others .

The reason the quote was provided is much as the reason it was spoken by barkley , which is to call attention to the dirty little secrets people hide from others and keep to themselves that usually includes an effort to exonerate themselves by shifting blame as a distraction .
Such accusations of racism are false , as i have not committed violence against any person based upon their race , nor has it ever been my intent or included in my principles to do so ; such accusations are a ruse to get over on others .
who sees themselves in the mirror ...
violence is in the eye of the beholder when they are the perpetrator what's in their thoughts being the same as their victims blood on their hands. monkeye.

Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, 347 U.S. 483, was a landmark decision of the U.S. Supreme Court in which the Court ruled that U.S. state laws establishing racial segregation in public schools are unconstitutional, even if the segregated schools are otherwise equal in quality.

the invisible made visible for all to see how they loath the truth.
someone has gone off the deep end, the so called conservative has a complexion. issue.
View attachment 429674
they're not alone.
Why you showing a picture of a Democrat convention?

From over a HUNDRED years ago. Someone is living in the past.
From over a HUNDRED years ago. Someone is living in the past.
Burn down cities , huge rape/murder rates? Blacks do it, so its Ok. Noticing it? Racism! Says who?
the op equates criminal activity - to blacky - someway associated w/ their advisory - bleeding heart liberals - when simply, they hate blacky - scapegoating a perceived enemy, a side show ... they have lost their senses and have plunged overboard.
not criminal activity - - racism ...

that's a whole different story -

grow up coral - those are not the love child's from the 60's.
someone has gone off the deep end, the so called conservative has a complexion. issue.
View attachment 429674
they're not alone.
Why you showing a picture of a Democrat convention?

From over a HUNDRED years ago. Someone is living in the past.
From over a HUNDRED years ago. Someone is living in the past.
Burn down cities , huge rape/murder rates? Blacks do it, so its Ok. Noticing it? Racism! Says who?
the op equates criminal activity - to blacky - someway associated w/ their advisory - bleeding heart liberals - when simply, they hate blacky - scapegoating a perceived enemy, a side show ... they have lost their senses and have plunged overboard.
not criminal activity - - racism ...
View attachment 431307
that's a whole different story -

grow up coral - those are not the love child's from the 60's.

The op's point was that acting in a manner that supports racists stereotypes, and/or accepting that behavior as normal, supports the racism.

How does your statement even address that, and if it does, what is your point(s)?

NOTHING in it, implies that black people are the enemy. Or scapegoats them.
someone has gone off the deep end, the so called conservative has a complexion. issue.
View attachment 429674
they're not alone.
Why you showing a picture of a Democrat convention?

From over a HUNDRED years ago. Someone is living in the past.
From over a HUNDRED years ago. Someone is living in the past.
Burn down cities , huge rape/murder rates? Blacks do it, so its Ok. Noticing it? Racism! Says who?
the op equates criminal activity - to blacky - someway associated w/ their advisory - bleeding heart liberals - when simply, they hate blacky - scapegoating a perceived enemy, a side show ... they have lost their senses and have plunged overboard.
not criminal activity - - racism ...
View attachment 431307
that's a whole different story -

grow up coral - those are not the love child's from the 60's.

The op's point was that acting in a manner that supports racists stereotypes, and/or accepting that behavior as normal, supports the racism.

How does your statement even address that, and if it does, what is your point(s)?

NOTHING in it, implies that black people are the enemy. Or scapegoats them.
you are a broken record, coral
Burn down cities , huge rape/murder rates? Blacks do it, so its Ok. Noticing it? Racism! Says who?
The op's point was that acting in a manner that supports racists stereotypes, and/or accepting that behavior as normal, supports the racism.
NOTHING in it, implies that black people are the enemy. Or scapegoats them.
who's saying "its" ok ... what's ok - their little voice.

being submerged in the bible is your problem not the o p's they're just racist, political hack job your both racist, political and a christian fanatic - bases on persecution and victimization ... of the innocent.

birds of a feather flock together. pug's.
someone has gone off the deep end, the so called conservative has a complexion. issue.
View attachment 429674
they're not alone.
Why you showing a picture of a Democrat convention?

From over a HUNDRED years ago. Someone is living in the past.
From over a HUNDRED years ago. Someone is living in the past.
Burn down cities , huge rape/murder rates? Blacks do it, so its Ok. Noticing it? Racism! Says who?
the op equates criminal activity - to blacky - someway associated w/ their advisory - bleeding heart liberals - when simply, they hate blacky - scapegoating a perceived enemy, a side show ... they have lost their senses and have plunged overboard.
not criminal activity - - racism ...
View attachment 431307
that's a whole different story -

grow up coral - those are not the love child's from the 60's.

The op's point was that acting in a manner that supports racists stereotypes, and/or accepting that behavior as normal, supports the racism.

How does your statement even address that, and if it does, what is your point(s)?

NOTHING in it, implies that black people are the enemy. Or scapegoats them.
you are a broken record, coral
Burn down cities , huge rape/murder rates? Blacks do it, so its Ok. Noticing it? Racism! Says who?
The op's point was that acting in a manner that supports racists stereotypes, and/or accepting that behavior as normal, supports the racism.
NOTHING in it, implies that black people are the enemy. Or scapegoats them.
who's saying "its" ok ... what's ok - their little voice.


The liberals who report on it. That is who is saying it.

Your anti-Christian bigotry is noted. It is worth mentioning that since you support the concept of hate based on being a member of a group, that your "opposition" to racism, is not based on any principle.
Um...stop acting like a racial stereotype violet thug or accepting that as normal.

It turns out religious people are more racist

Protestants held more unfavorable attitudes toward Black-White marriage than non-Protestant Whites. Such findings suggest that religion has an impact on Black-White relations, with important differences across racial groups.

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