Filmmakers Unearth Legendary Atari 'E.T.' Trove


Gold Member
Jul 3, 2013
Filmmakers Unearth Legendary Atari 'E.T.' Trove

Thousands of copies of the notoriously bad game were buried in a New Mexico landfill

A legendary trove of Atari's E.T. The Extraterrestrial video game has at long last been unearthed. The Associated Press reports that a documentary film production company dug the huge stash of game cartridges out of a landfill in Alamagordo, New Mexico on Saturday, confirming rumors that had circulated for decades regarding the fate of the notoriously terrible game.

Filmmakers Unearth Legendary Atari 'E.T.' Trove | Culture News | Rolling Stone
I wonder what happened to all of those Atari 2600 Pac-Man cartridges thousands of people (myself included) returned? What a crappy adaptation that was, even by 2600 standards.
I use to love Pac Man.

Here is the story. There were companies putting out bad games and if you want to impress customers with a system like the Atari 2600, you don't put out bad games around the Christmas season because that doesn't sell systems.

The rumor was back then that Atari dumped tractor truck loads of this game in a landfill somewhere and a lot of people didn't believe it because they thought it was a story that was made up.

A company got permission to dig and prove if it was true. This news story is proof.
When you dump a ton of expensive shit on the market, that shit tends to become worthless.

Good job, idiots.

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