Final Blow To America? Biden Just Announced A Vaccine Mandate For All Truckers!

I'll give you an example of how stupid these mandates are. My grandson was diagnosed with leukemia three years ago. He has been on chemo ever since. A component of that chemo causes an allergic reaction to the COVID vaccine and he would almost certainly die if that happened. Otherwise, he is a healthy 15 year old now.

No mention of this anywhere, along with the fact that there are at least three different formulations of vaccines available and the other fact that chemo drugs don't stay in your body long term all make this highly unlikely to be accurate.
No mention of this anywhere, along with the fact that there are at least three different formulations of vaccines available and the other fact that chemo drugs don't stay in your body long term all make this highly unlikely to be accurate.
What does that have to do with mandates
For Crepitus who wants to tell me what my own thread is about, this is what its abut:

In the middle of a supply chain problem, empty shelves in stores, Biden Just Announced A Vaccine Mandate For All Truckers!

This man is the enemy. Everyone who voted for him is a complete idiot and you should all chop a toe off for penance. This POS is out to destroy this nation.

This man doesn’t even deserve that seat in the Oval Office. He supported Fauci’s pro-vaccine rant. He announced his plans to vaccinate toddlers. Now he goes after truckers. Biden’s latest vaxx mandate targets truckers.

We have a few good reasons to believe that truckers won’t really show any interest in getting the jab. These people have a huge role in our nation. Without them, we are doomed!

Let’s not forget that Biden said that he would never ever create another mandate. Liar!

About 47 unvaccinated Americans have something to say about this. The vaxx mandate is horrible.

Earlier today, our so-called President encouraged a US Court of Appeals to reinstate OSHA’s vaccine rule.

The Biden administration announced a vaxx mandate for essential travelers crossing our border. The new mandate targets federal workers, emergency response officials, and truck drivers. Essential workers have to get their jab until January 22.
No mention of this anywhere, along with the fact that there are at least three different formulations of vaccines available and the other fact that chemo drugs don't stay in your body long term all make this highly unlikely to be accurate.
Excuse me, but where did you go to medical school and specialize in oncology. STFU until you do!

You have got to be one of the stupidest libtards posting on this forum. I can't recall the last time you ever got a fact right. You suckle at the teat of big government and the cocks of Democrats that make your life miserable. Why is that?
Excuse me, but where did you go to medical school and specialize in oncology. STFU until you do!

You have got to be one of the stupidest libtards posting on this forum. I can't recall the last time you ever got a fact right. You suckle at the teat of big government and the cocks of Democrats that make your life miserable. Why is that?
Wow, you get really upset when someone calls you on your bullshit.
So get the damned shot. The only two countries you can drive to are Mexico and Canada. From what I hear, those invaders coming across the southern border are lousy with Covid. Amirite? They're not supposed to threaten us within our borders but it should be okay to go to their country, get exposed and come back here to spread it? Just because its an American? Makes no sense.

Your post makes no sense.
Biden doesn't have the authority to do this. Pound sand up your ass Biden go 'Stalin' in some other country that lacks a Constitution.
President Potatohead fucks up every time he opens his mouth, doesn't he?

The asshole has never got anything right in his life.

When we have supply chain shortages the dimwit puts a worthless mandate on truck drivers. What could possibly go wrong? Stupidity like that is unbelievable.

These Moon Bats that voted for him and then ignored the fact he stole the election are the dumbest assholes on the face of the earth.
Your post makes no sense.
its vaccine mandate for border crosses. I thought you trumpsters got your panties all in a bunch from immigrants bringing covid into the USA. Now they're mandating vaccinations for border crossers to address the problem of covid being carried into our country. If you're a trucker who cant be vaccinated, then get routes that stay within the US. sheesh, idiots.
President Potatohead fucks up every time he opens his mouth, doesn't he?

The asshole has never got anything right in his life.

When we have supply chain shortages the dimwit puts a worthless mandate on truck drivers. What could possibly go wrong? Stupidity like that is unbelievable.

These Moon Bats that voted for him and then ignored the fact he stole the election are the dumbest assholes on the face of the earth.

I like your posts. :)

Correct, and with a flare. LOL
No mention of this anywhere, along with the fact that there are at least three different formulations of vaccines available and the other fact that chemo drugs don't stay in your body long term all make this highly unlikely to be accurate.
That decision is not yours to make.
Mandates are forced Russian roulette with one’s genome. Americans are given the choice of only a fragment of the communist virus (mRNA) or else a different virus, not even a coronavirus. They are not given the actual SARS-CoV-2 virus, a blatant and violent Dem-Nazi disregard.

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