Final Dumb Questions Of The Year.What Is Hacking,& How Did Russians Meddle With 129 Million Votes ??

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:dunno: :eek-52: :desk: It has gotten to the point where we could just wish the dems/liberals would just end it already! Obama knows that Russian spies didn't break into thousands of precincts and tamper with millions of ballots,erasing Hillary votes and penciling in Trump votes. And what exactly is hacking? After weeks and weeks of hearing the term "Hacking", we still don't know what hacking means in regards to creating five/six million votes for Trump. Right?
When many of us think of "Hack", it sounds more like a lawn maintenance term. Guess Obama and the rest will never actually tell us what "Hacking" means. And like I mentioned in a previous thread, how did Putin and "The Russians" know what states to hack into being we had about 15 swing states? :dunno:
All I know is, my ballot was in Russian and Putin's name was on it as a write-in.
whenever I hear the term "Hack", I think of that classic scene from a Hitchcock movie from the 60's when some lunatic/democrat sneaks into a bathroom of a cheap hotel and "Hacks Away" at some hot white 34yr old woman taking a shower"
They told the American public the truth about Hillary and the DNC..

We can't have that in America now for some reason.

so are any of you guys off today? maybe get some lawn work done? maybe go look for that hacking tool and trim some bushes?
:dunno: :eek-52: :desk: It has gotten to the point where we could just wish the dems/liberals would just end it already! Obama knows that Russian spies didn't break into thousands of precincts and tamper with millions of ballots,erasing Hillary votes and penciling in Trump votes. And what exactly is hacking? After weeks and weeks of hearing the term "Hacking", we still don't know what hacking means in regards to creating five/six million votes for Trump. Right?
When many of us think of "Hack", it sounds more like a lawn maintenance term. Guess Obama and the rest will never actually tell us what "Hacking" means. And like I mentioned in a previous thread, how did Putin and "The Russians" know what states to hack into being we had about 15 swing states? :dunno:

You certainly thought the hacked emails were a valuable tool against the Democrats the way you went on and on about it during the campaign.
:dunno: :eek-52: :desk: It has gotten to the point where we could just wish the dems/liberals would just end it already! Obama knows that Russian spies didn't break into thousands of precincts and tamper with millions of ballots,erasing Hillary votes and penciling in Trump votes. And what exactly is hacking? After weeks and weeks of hearing the term "Hacking", we still don't know what hacking means in regards to creating five/six million votes for Trump. Right?
When many of us think of "Hack", it sounds more like a lawn maintenance term. Guess Obama and the rest will never actually tell us what "Hacking" means. And like I mentioned in a previous thread, how did Putin and "The Russians" know what states to hack into being we had about 15 swing states? :dunno:

You certainly thought the hacked emails were a valuable tool against the Democrats the way you went on and on about it during the campaign.
Those hacks were very informative. You should be thankful they were exposed.
You certainly thought the hacked emails were a valuable tool against the Democrats the way you went on and on about it during the campaign.
Even so, Assange has stated numerous times that the Wikileaks emails didn't come from a state actor.
Much to do about nothing… Barry and the Hildabeast are fucking shit bags, that information was already obvious Long before the election. Fact
:dunno: :eek-52: :desk: It has gotten to the point where we could just wish the dems/liberals would just end it already! Obama knows that Russian spies didn't break into thousands of precincts and tamper with millions of ballots,erasing Hillary votes and penciling in Trump votes. And what exactly is hacking? After weeks and weeks of hearing the term "Hacking", we still don't know what hacking means in regards to creating five/six million votes for Trump. Right?
When many of us think of "Hack", it sounds more like a lawn maintenance term. Guess Obama and the rest will never actually tell us what "Hacking" means. And like I mentioned in a previous thread, how did Putin and "The Russians" know what states to hack into being we had about 15 swing states? :dunno:

They didn't. What is happening is the Dem's are complaining about the email hacks/leaks, but doing so in such a vague way as to imply other hacks, i.e. actual hacking of the election.
They told the American public the truth about Hillary and the DNC..

We can't have that in America now for some reason.

That really is the beginning and end of the issue.

The democrooks got exposed as the racists and bigots they are, and how they fucked the Bernie babies..

Did it help defeat a criminally insane totalitarian sociopath hag?

WHO FUCKING CARES? America dodged a bullet!

The issue should be what scumbags the DNC is ruled by, not who blew the whistle.

Of course there hasn't been a shred of evidence presented that it was the Russians anyway.

Trump isn't even in DC yet, and I'm really enjoying the moonbat meltdowns.

Still no suicides yet though....pity....

:dunno: :eek-52: :desk: It has gotten to the point where we could just wish the dems/liberals would just end it already! Obama knows that Russian spies didn't break into thousands of precincts and tamper with millions of ballots,erasing Hillary votes and penciling in Trump votes. And what exactly is hacking? After weeks and weeks of hearing the term "Hacking", we still don't know what hacking means in regards to creating five/six million votes for Trump. Right?
When many of us think of "Hack", it sounds more like a lawn maintenance term. Guess Obama and the rest will never actually tell us what "Hacking" means. And like I mentioned in a previous thread, how did Putin and "The Russians" know what states to hack into being we had about 15 swing states? :dunno:
That is the correct motorcycle. There has been no substantive declaration of what Russia is supposed to have done or how they did it. There's just this absolute certainty in a few of the usual suspects that "they did it", with no clear idea of what "it" is. I think it's the same group that maintains to this day the Bush "stole" the 2000 election when every re-re-recount shows that he won Florida.
:dunno: :eek-52: :desk: It has gotten to the point where we could just wish the dems/liberals would just end it already! Obama knows that Russian spies didn't break into thousands of precincts and tamper with millions of ballots,erasing Hillary votes and penciling in Trump votes. And what exactly is hacking? After weeks and weeks of hearing the term "Hacking", we still don't know what hacking means in regards to creating five/six million votes for Trump. Right?
When many of us think of "Hack", it sounds more like a lawn maintenance term. Guess Obama and the rest will never actually tell us what "Hacking" means. And like I mentioned in a previous thread, how did Putin and "The Russians" know what states to hack into being we had about 15 swing states? :dunno:

You certainly thought the hacked emails were a valuable tool against the Democrats the way you went on and on about it during the campaign.
Those hacks were very informative. You should be thankful they were exposed.

So you agree with those who believe they did influence the election.
They told the American public the truth about Hillary and the DNC..

We can't have that in America now for some reason.

That really is the beginning and end of the issue.

The democrooks got exposed as the racists and bigots they are, and how they fucked the Bernie babies..

Did it help defeat a criminally insane totalitarian sociopath hag?

WHO FUCKING CARES? America dodged a bullet!

The issue should be what scumbags the DNC is ruled by, not who blew the whistle.

Of course there hasn't been a shred of evidence presented that it was the Russians anyway.

Trump isn't even in DC yet, and I'm really enjoying the moonbat meltdowns.

Still no suicides yet though....pity....

So you reject the principle of the right to privacy. Does that include your own privacy?
And Assange is a source of the gospel truth why, exactly?

He was when that faggot Bradley Manning was leaking actual classified information that was embarrassing to the US military you have so much contempt for.

Assange is no friend of the USA either. Just because he exposed how disgusting the democrooks are makes little difference.

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So you reject the principle of the right to privacy. Does that include your own privacy?

Right to privacy?

Hitlery had no right to use a private server for classified material bed wetter.

Secondly, you're "right to privacy" ends when you conspire with criminal intent and you're caught.

And Assange is a source of the gospel truth why, exactly?

We was when that faggot Bradley Manning was leaking actual classified information that was embarrassing to the US military you have so much contempt for.

Assange is no friend of the USA either. Just because he exposed how disgusting the democrooks are makes little difference.

WTF? English please, Mugambo.
WTF? English please, Mugambo.


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